Genji's ult is so bad. Needs boost imo.
Why is it considered good then? I've never seen anyone on Xbox get a play of the game with his ult.
Or any kind of noticable play.
Do you still hit well with the shurikens at that sens? What's your vert/horiz sensitivity?
Had a 5 toblerone 1 symmetra defense match on anubis today and i could just feel the other team raging
I got mine on Dorado Attack.
I shadowstepped onto the bridge near the midway point then dropped down yelling DIE DIE DIE. That's the best way to get that achievement I think. A drop that people don't notice until it's too late.
Genji's ult is so bad. Needs boost imo.
Winston's ultimate is the only character where I feel like I do absolutely nothing with. I smack a few people around they run away. I can never get a kill during the ultimate *unless* I happen to fling someone off a map.
Dunno how I feel about rein and charging into a road hog, only for him to hook me and turn off my booster and bring me in.
The physics of it bother me and dunno if it's good balance anyway
I don't know about anyone else but... I keep failing to get the Die Die Die... Die! trophy. I always manage a triple kill but that 4th? It's a tank who lives through it. :'(
Winston's ultimate is the only character where I feel like I do absolutely nothing with. I smack a few people around they run away. I can never get a kill during the ultimate *unless* I happen to fling someone off a map.
I used to like Mei. And then I started playing WITH Meis. Mei doesn't bother me on the enemy team, honestly. She's not that big of a deal. But every time I'm matched with a Mei I swear to god she gets me killed. The ice wall isn't something to just pop up willy nilly, but every single Mei uses it that way. Not only does it screw up the enemy team, it screws your own team most of the time. It messes up the flow of the game, and gives the enemy( and your team) time to react to situations. If, for example, there's a bastion going into turret form, and I can quickly kill him before he does so, the ice wall is NOT A GOOD IDEA HERE. Because, effectively, Mei is just giving him extra time to spin up.
Once, as Zarya, we were on defense and our point was about to be taken. I had gotten pushed back clearing out some other guys so I was moving back towards the point. My power level was at like 70%. I get there and pop my ult, ready to fuck some shit up. When, of course, MY OWN Mei decides now would be a great time to block me off from the enemy. Needless to say, my Ult fizzles before the ice wall ends, and they easily take the point from us.
Alright, I'm done ranting. I just needed to yell at Mei players. Also, anyone have a link to that "I'm helping!" Mei comic? I need a chuckle after a few rounds.
+1I used to like Mei. And then I started playing WITH Meis. Mei doesn't bother me on the enemy team, honestly. She's not that big of a deal. But every time I'm matched with a Mei I swear to god she gets me killed. The ice wall isn't something to just pop up willy nilly, but every single Mei uses it that way. Not only does it screw up the enemy team, it screws your own team most of the time. It messes up the flow of the game, and gives the enemy( and your team) time to react to situations. If, for example, there's a bastion going into turret form, and I can quickly kill him before he does so, the ice wall is NOT A GOOD IDEA HERE. Because, effectively, Mei is just giving him extra time to spin up.
Once, as Zarya, we were on defense and our point was about to be taken. I had gotten pushed back clearing out some other guys so I was moving back towards the point. My power level was at like 70%. I get there and pop my ult, ready to fuck some shit up. When, of course, MY OWN Mei decides now would be a great time to block me off from the enemy. Needless to say, my Ult fizzles before the ice wall ends, and they easily take the point from us.
Alright, I'm done ranting. I just needed to yell at Mei players. Also, anyone have a link to that "I'm helping!" Mei comic? I need a chuckle after a few rounds.
Had a 5 toblerone 1 symmetra defense match on anubis today and i could just feel the other team raging
Well I just experienced a match destroying bug. I died as D.Va and I became stuck in spectating mode. I couldn't respawn and the timer was stuck on zero. I just had to watch as my team lost.
This is what Genji can do on PC:
In fairness, most Genji players still aren't this good but it should illustrate why analog sticks are just inadequate. It's already hard enough on a mouse.
They could always rebalance Genji on consoles.
one of the pug games I just played, the enemy team Mei saved us twice from dying, from ults or whatever.
Dunno how I feel about rein and charging into a road hog, only for him to hook me and turn off my booster and bring me in.
The physics of it bother me and dunno if it's good balance anyway
Well I just experienced a match destroying bug. I died as D.Va and I became stuck in spectating mode. I couldn't respawn and the timer was stuck on zero. I just had to watch as my team lost.
I lucked out and used my Reaper ult when a Zarya teammate used her ult to get the entire team into a tiny little area.. feelsgoodman.jpg
Lol I've seen that a couple of times, too. The sad thing is, she's a really good hero, but I feel like she seems "easy" to play because, well, her abilities aren't super hard to use but it's so damn easy to screw your own team over you really need to know WHEN to pop your ice wall or your ult. But she can be very useful if played right. Like you said she can block ults like nobody's business. Trouble is, everyone plays her and doesn't realize how "bad" they are being.
I once recalled as Tracer and became one with the payload. I couldn't hurt anyone but I couldn't die either. I recalled again once it was up though, I wasn't about to cheese it that hard.
I felt like I was in one of those "Has science gone too far?" gags.
Winston's ultimate is the only character where I feel like I do absolutely nothing with. I smack a few people around they run away. I can never get a kill during the ultimate *unless* I happen to fling someone off a map.
I feel you have to be selfish sometimes. I already knew we were going to lose the KOTH map because nobody locked in lucio but I have 9 hours on him and 6 on mercy, than more than most people who scream pick a healer.
It was great cause it was just a group randoms where we all decided Toblerone was the chosen oneI didn't even play the match and I hate you.
Meme matches are the best tbh. They switched to tanks after they couldn't get through but it was to much molten cores. Also facing over full team of soldiers constantly having to hide when you hear "i've got you in my sights" is annoying as hell.
one of the pug games I just played, the enemy team Mei saved us twice from dying, from ults or whatever.
Guys/Gals...fuck Mei. Not in a, "she is OP way," but the trolls are becoming ridiculous with her. Just played a game with a Mei that wouldn't let me do anything. She kept putting walls up in front of me for exits/entrances. So trashy. Then they told me to kill myself. I never understood why people say that. Are we that shitty of a species to tell another person to end their life?
When people say Pharah is a high skill character
Are we posting seagull clips because holy shit his genji is broken.
seriously, imagine yourself as the roadhog on the last point.
"What is happening!?"
This is actually scary to watch. Holy shit he is good.
When people say Pharah is a high skill character
I don't know about anyone else but... I keep failing to get the Die Die Die... Die! trophy. I always manage a triple kill but that 4th? It's a tank who lives through it. :'(
Works 100% or the time 50% of the time.Aaand I get it the next game.
Anyone get the safari skin for winston. I didn't look what skins he had and want it now
my genji settings are
and yes i hit shurikens. the thing about genji, tracer, and lucio on consoles is that you get to abuse the fact that most people play on 30 sensitivity, which is the default setting, and most people wont change it. if their sensitivity is that low, they cant turn to attack you, so you have plenty of time to get free hits in.
Are we posting seagull clips because holy shit his genji is broken.
seriously, imagine yourself as the roadhog on the last point.
"What is happening!?"
Someone got pegged by Pharah's rocket one too many times.
I kinda want some small changes to the character select screen. For one, I think Symmetra should be listed as Defense character instead of Support.
Two, I think Flanker should be a category it looks at for team comp. I'd put Tracer, Reaper, Genji, and maybe Dva/Winston/McCree in this category?
Something to help a team realize they have no good way to kill enemy bunkers/healers, or to realize they have way too many flankers, and nobody to push the actual objective.