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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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What's a good strat for D.Va vs. other characters that do damage at close range? Fly away? I find Roadhog and Reaper can often chew through my mech in like 3 seconds, and even in heated battles with Roadhog he'll heal himself and I'm basically done. I find I can do ok taking him on from a distance, but at that point I might as well play as an actual ranged character.


Looks like Symmetra is becomming a lot more common for teleports now. Last night I even fought a team of two. Slowly getting burned out because of these strategies. So tired of looking for teleporters and our own putting them in dumb places.


lol as D.VA I killed the roadhog enemy all the time. he then switched to D.VA I killed him again...he left the game
I mean it was satisfying.

I don't see how Dva could ever kill Roadhog. She has to stop moving to shoot, so he just hooks her and circle strafes her.

What's a good strat for D.Va vs. other characters that do damage at close range? Fly away? I find Roadhog and Reaper can often chew through my mech in like 3 seconds, and even in heated battles with Roadhog he'll heal himself and I'm basically done. I find I can do ok taking him on from a distance, but at that point I might as well play as an actual ranged character.

Honestly I think bumping into him to knock him away and then flying off is the best plan if you're stuck up close to him.
Guys - I got Overwatch last night, played it for six hours straight, went to bed and got like five hours of sleep, and now I'm at work and all I want to do is go home and play more. Help!

In actual match news - is it normal for defend groups to rush the attack spawn and just try and kill them there instead of, you know, defend the area? Was put in a few groups that kept doing that last night and it really made my attempts at proper defense with Torbjorn and Symmetra worthless.
Having the biggest streak of bad luck in terms of loot crates, maining Zenyatta, i've like 2 unlocks, one spray and one voice line. Funnily, the ones i have the most crap are heroes i've never or rarely played. I call fraud, Blizzard, fraud! ^^

Someone did that last night, I hopped in, it spat me right into the other, was in a loop until it disappeared... lol


Guys - I got Overwatch last night, played it for six hours straight, went to bed and got like five hours of sleep, and now I'm at work and all I want to do is go home and play more. Help!

In actual match news - is it normal for defend groups to rush the attack spawn and just try and kill them there instead of, you know, defend the area? Was put in a few groups that kept doing that last night and it really made my attempts at proper defense with Torbjorn and Symmetra worthless.

Usually they'll try to hold down a point midway between the spawn and the defense point. Then, when that fails, they retreat to the defense point.


Imagine a portal gun in this game. Would be so troll. Just toss everyone off the map including teammates.

A portal gun would be so awesome in this game. They could limit the walls you can place portal on to reduce trolling. Maybe compliment sym's portal by not allowing initial portal near spawn. Quick short cuts and escapes, invulnerable and there until player death.
Usually they'll try to hold down a point midway between the spawn and the defense point. Then, when that fails, they retreat to the defense point.

No I understand that. But these guys were literally running right up to the door and standing in front of it, waiting for it to open. One was Mei, but there were two or three other just regular offensive dudes that were just trying to create a choke point at the very beginning.

It didn't work. At all.


What's a good strat for D.Va vs. other characters that do damage at close range? Fly away? I find Roadhog and Reaper can often chew through my mech in like 3 seconds, and even in heated battles with Roadhog he'll heal himself and I'm basically done. I find I can do ok taking him on from a distance, but at that point I might as well play as an actual ranged character.

those are two of her worse matchups, reaper especially does work against tanks and their big hitboxes. you're not going to do well against them unless they get caught in your ult, avoid them and hunt squishies.


To be fair, the first time I played her I figured you had to manually place each point, not just the end point. Hopefully that's a one time error, haha.

First time playing Lucio I was 100% sure that you have to switch your crossfade to yellow and shoot people with projectiles to heal them. I have no idea where that came from.


No I understand that. But these guys were literally running right up to the door and standing in front of it, waiting for it to open. One was Mei, but there were two or three other just regular offensive dudes that were just trying to create a choke point at the very beginning.

It didn't work. At all.

I've had that work against me. If the team doesn't adjust or just pours out one-by-one, you can hold them there for a bit. It was a popular strategy last weekend. It makes the attack team either scatter or force them to play Reinhardt which can throw people off their original strat. Seems people have moved to the (better) strategy of holding the first choke point.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't see how Dva could ever kill Roadhog. She has to stop moving to shoot, so he just hooks her and circle strafes her.

Honestly I think bumping into him to knock him away and then flying off is the best plan if you're stuck up close to him.

if they hook me I shoot them in the face as soon as they pulled me to them. works pretty well..so far.


I had to stop playing as Lucio. Yes, he is so good and it makes me win consistently but damn, it was getting really, really boring.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Reaper POTGs are the worst by far.

we just had a reaper "die die die" potg last night... and honestly, it WAS the play of the game. Obviously the game just picked it because it was a team kill, but...... it was like a 5 minute overtime in WTG, both teams were trading with like 5 meters left to go on the payload, and the reaper ran ALL THE WAY AROUND THE MAP the long way, back through the attacking teams spawn area up from behind and did his ult getting the team kill. Obviously pressing Q took no skill.. but having the presence of mind to navigate the long way across the map without being spotted and ambushing them from behind... not only did he get potg but also got the Legendary card at the end from 10 out of 12 of the players.


I don't see how Dva could ever kill Roadhog. She has to stop moving to shoot, so he just hooks her and circle strafes her.

Honestly I think bumping into him to knock him away and then flying off is the best plan if you're stuck up close to him.

When you get hooked, hit E and back up. Roadhog's damage falls off way faster than D.Va's, so you just need to get to like half Mei range and you outdamage him.
I was in the zone yesterday with Hanzo for one match.

Took down an ulting Genji close range
Ulted taking out another guy
Reflect killed another genji
Headshotted a Zenyatta long range and finally two shot a mei.

All within about 30-40seconds


Then died to a widow headshot

Need to go rewatch the clip

I dont think ill ever be that good again for a while.


When you get hooked, hit E and back up. Roadhog's damage falls off way faster than D.Va's, so you just need to get to like half Mei range and you outdamage him.

you can get a shot off before she can hit e, and her midrange damage is waaaaay worse than roadhog's right click


People will always complain about ults. I would argue Winston has the hardest ult in the game to use effectively and people still call it "faceroll".
People will always complain about ults. I would argue Winston has the hardest ult in the game to use effectively and people still call it "faceroll".

Most people don't even use his ult right. It does shit for damage and can be ignored a lot of the time unless you are on Nepal or Ilios where you can be knocked off extremely easy.


you can get a shot off before she can hit e, and her midrange damage is waaaaay worse than roadhog's right click

I have definitely blocked Roadhog's first shot but it might've been a bad Roadhog.

You are backing up too far if the canister's exploding. Roadhog has a dead zone.


I have definitely blocked Roadhog's first shot but it might've been a bad Roadhog.

You are backing up too far if the canister's exploding. Roadhog has a dead zone.
That Roadhog must've been slow.
No squishy can his hook shot combo, except maybe Genji but the timing might be very close if he can.
This is my thought. What you see on your screen is the most current thing. If you get "shot behind the wall" it's because you were out in the open long enough to get shot by someone and you were killed in the past. Given a perfect ping and infinite tick rate you'd still be dead, your view of it would just line up more with reality.

That's not quite the issue. The issue is that in reality (on my client) I was never actually that far out from the wall.

(Note that these timings are purely for demonstrative purposes)

On my client, I press the "A" key to peek out, and then the "D" key to return to cover with an interval of 0.2 seconds between them. This means that on my client, my character's model was only ever 50% exposed from cover.

However, due to the rate at which the server sends updates to the other players, the update informing my enemy that I have begun moving back towards cover is not received for an additional 0.3 seconds, meaning that from his perspective I was moving away from the wall for a much longer time (and thus for a farther distance) than I ever actually was on my client.

Now, upping the tick rate would not eliminate this by any stretch of the imagination, but it would help to decrease the discrepancy.

Due to the mechanics of the game (In that, a sniper can kill me instantaneously with 1 hit due to it being a hitscan rather than a projectile), I think Blizzard should be doing everything possible to minimise the discrepancy to make for a better play experience.
When you get hooked, hit E and back up. Roadhog's damage falls off way faster than D.Va's, so you just need to get to like half Mei range and you outdamage him.

I dont think that's right at all. Not in my experience anyway. D.Va's is so much lower to start and it's spread is probably just as bad if not worse than Roadhog's primary fire. Yes she does have altogether further max range... but it does very little damage. If you're within hook distance you're probably losing the DPS battle to Roadhog.... and if you keep firing as D.Va... you can't really move.

And according to this DPS chart http://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20744955084

Roadhog has a primary maximum DPS of 225 secondary maximum DPS of 206.25

Diva has a primary maximum DPS of 168 secondary (Bunny light pistol) maximum DPS of 93.25
Of course I get in matches with mind numbingly bad Syms after going to bat for the character earlier-_-

On Lijiang-_- (blowout)

On Gibraltar defense (win in OT after I went after their Mercy and Lucio solo-with Lucio)

My soul hurts.


I had to stop playing as Lucio. Yes, he is so good and it makes me win consistently but damn, it was getting really, really boring.

I just started loving him. I thought he was boring but now I just Wall ride and use speed 90 percent of the time. Fuck those that need healing. Lol

Edit: also how does the wall riding achievement calculate eliminations. Shots fired from the wall, kills from the wall, or assisted eliminations that were from the wall. I don't know which I'm trying to do.
He's pretty easy to counterpick though.

Yeah I'm noticing that, but I'm still learning all the characters since I just got the game and never played the beta. Gotta find where my sweet spot is and which characters I'm best with, so a lot of my deaths have just been me running around figuring shit out. Which is easy for a Bastion turret to take advantage of.

So far I feel like I do the best with Reinhardt, Mei, and Symmetra. I also like Lucio and Torbjorn. Haven't really gotten a feel for which offensive character suits me best - I've been the most consistent with Reaper but he seems so...boring to play with.
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