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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Re: Hanzo ult uselessness. I would love to see something like these basketball shot charts, but using Hanzo's position as the origin and showing deaths/escapes based on where people were when the ult got fired. I assume the kill percentage very close to the dragon's origin is extremely high, but I'd love to see the drop-off with distance.

I mean, it's not happening unless Blizzard builds something like this into the game (or has some kind of API you could plug stat tracking scripts into) but it'd be so neat.
I don't really understand how I should play Tracer. I've tried a handful of times and I accomplish pretty much nothing other than being annoying and dying quickly. Anyone have tips of what I should be doing?

The way I assume I need to play her is to blink into the flank and try to take down someone squishy but it never works out. Are there some maps or team comps that she just shouldn't be used on? Is she better on attack or defense?

It's OK if you don't actually kill anyone. The main thing is being a nuisance. Like before I kept pestering (and occasionally killing) the other teams Reinhardt which pretty much ruined their push. She's also great for disrupting Widow and Hanzo. Even if you don't kill them they still need to go for health which means they're not on the lane they were covering which makes life easier for your team.

Another thing is Tracer is markedly more dangerous if you can stay accurate and land headshots. Ideally you'll wanna be able to drop heroes wroth 250 and under health in two clips.


Wall riding is so rare in games to me that I don't remember to keep doing it even though I have remapped some buttons for it.
Re: Hanzo ult uselessness. I would love to see something like these basketball shot charts, but using Hanzo's position as the origin and showing deaths/escapes based on where people were when the ult got fired. I assume the kill percentage very close to the dragon's origin is extremely high, but I'd love to see the drop-off with distance.
The worst in when you're walking down a hallway from your spawn across the map or something and it just slowly coasts through and kills you. It doesn't happen often but god damn it's annoying.
Been playing Reinhardt a lot these past couple days. At first I thought he was boring but now I really enjoy him. He's a hero that instantly makes almost any pub team better, since most pub teams seem to be skewed toward offensive picks/snipers.


The problem with Hanzo's ult is that it relies entirely on the enemy not moving out of the way for whatever reason, so unless the enemy is braindead you will need some help. Same with Mei and D.Va's, but those don't go in a straight line, Mei's is a huge circle that slows people down so they can't leave/become easy pickings and D.Va's is instant death in a massive radius making the enemy flee and panic.

The best ults are ones you can't dodge or negate.

Can't dodge Reinhardt or Zarya, they have complete control over where and when the ult will come out and can change the tide of a match by themselves.

Can't negate Mercy's ult because it happens instantly.

D.Va can boost out of Zarya's ult, and Mercy's ult can be canceled if she's killed fast enough.
Another new person question: what does the "on fire" stat mean at the end of the game? Just got a card as Lucio where I was the MVP because I spent 88% of the match on fire.
I'm unclear on what Genji does if McCree just left-clicks him without flashbang and waits for deflect. I'm pretty sure McCree outDPSes Genji with just left click.

I've been in that situation before and i just bug the fuck out looking for an escape route and quickly hitting my slash while usually looking up... and poof "ninja vanish".

Though on the other side when i play McCree and encounter a decent Genji i MUST hit that flash in close proximity or i'm toast. McCree cannot compete with a skilled Genji in close range (without the flash). Mid range is another story however.
I understand you're using anecdotal evidence believe me I do. This is a poor way to come to a conclusion.

Well, it's not as bad of a way to come to a conclusion, than the way you just did when talking about the "state of pubbing", no? If anything, then, I'm glad we're equally bad at making conclusions.
Another new person question: what does the "on fire" stat mean at the end of the game? Just got a card as Lucio where I was the MVP because I spent 88% of the match on fire.

It's different for the character/role that you're playing, but it basically means that you did good. Being on fire is a way for the enemy team to get an idea on who to counter and who to focus their efforts on, although of course there are scenarios when a person not on fire is a more urgent target. Your player portrait literally turns on fire. There's a blue meter in the bottom left.


Another new person question: what does the "on fire" stat mean at the end of the game? Just got a card as Lucio where I was the MVP because I spent 88% of the match on fire.

Under your life bar there is an on fire meter. It basically is a measure of how well you're doing in the last few minutes. When you reach the threshhold, you will be on fire, and your portrait will burst into flames.


My lootbox luck is finally getting better. Now I just need to get equivalent stuff for characters I use.


Another new person question: what does the "on fire" stat mean at the end of the game? Just got a card as Lucio where I was the MVP because I spent 88% of the match on fire.
There's a meter running under your player icon with a marker towards the end of the line.

When you do enough stuff for points (kills, assists, captures, etc) and get past that marker, you're "on fire." Your portrait will burst into flames and stay on fire until (if) you get below that threshold.

For the person on fire, it's not a huge deal, but I always glance at the list of players to see who's on fire. It's a decent way to get a quick gauge on who's the biggest threat and the best player on the opposing team. And then target that person to cripple them.
It's different for the character/role that you're playing, but it basically means that you did good. Being on fire is a way for the enemy team to get an idea on who to counter and who to focus their efforts on, although of course there are scenarios when a person not on fire is a more urgent target. Your player portrait literally turns on fire. There's a blue meter in the bottom left.

Under your life bar there is an on fire meter. It basically is a measure of how well you're doing in the last few minutes. When you reach the threshhold, you will be on fire, and your portrait will burst into flames.

Ahhhhh gotcha. That makes sense. That's what all the little +10s and +5s for moving the payload and healing people mean when they pop-up I assume. Thanks guys!
You know, shortly after release I would have sworn that the HP bar went from some other colour to white. Pretty sure I was mistaking armour/shields for regular HP, but still it freaked me out.

Overwatch does things to your mind, man.
Do you get anything if you unlock all skins for a hero?

The grim satisfaction of knowing dupe money is in your future.
I love when you say GG and that it was close, and some idiot kid says you suck and are salty. It's like what? lol
Try playing Mei. When you dominate with her, the entire enemy team seems to make it their mission to kill and teabag you.

I've just learned to laugh at it.
D.Va can boost out of Zarya's ult, and Mercy's ult can be canceled if she's killed fast enough.

I haven't tried every interaction with Zarya's ult, there seems to be a lot

Are you SURE you can cancel Mercy's ult? I killed her almost instantly when she used it (fast enough she couldn't say the first letter of quote) and it still happened


You know, shortly after release I would have sworn that the HP bar went from some other colour to white. Pretty sure I was mistaking armour/shields for regular HP, but still it freaked me out.

Overwatch does things to your mind, man.

The grim satisfaction of knowing dupe money is in your future.

Dupe money to start saving for future skins!
Lots of advice and tips on different characters here:


This is actually really solid advice.

Everybody has to learn to play the game - most people understand that. However, new players also have a responsibility to communicate this, and also realize when they should switch to a more comfortable character.

It's amazing how much more understanding someone is to a new player who is actively communicating. Starting out a match with "Hi, I'm a new player with Reinhardt - let me know what I can be doing better" works wonders, as it gives more experienced players a heads up that you might need some guidance or some extra support.

New players also should try to listen to constructive criticism and be willing to cut their losses. If you've been playing a Reinhardt and someone 50 ranks higher than you says "if you see Torb setting up a turret, launch a fire strike at him" - acknowledge that somehow, even if it's a "thanks" emote - and DO IT. Also recognize that you probably suck. If another person on the team says "How about I role RH for a little bit" - move aside! You aren't forced to practice new characters the entire match. If things aren't working this match, it is often best for the team if you switch to a character you are better with - if you're playing a tank or support, let the team know though!

An example of this: I'm trying to learn Zarya. There have been a lot of matches, especially early on, where I've been absolutely horrible with her. I'm pretty sure a Mercy solo killed me once. When I recognize that "Wow, I want to learn Zarya, but these opponents are just too careful around her" - I switch to a character that I can contribute with. Over a dozen matches starting with Zarya and then backing off when I need to, I finally have become competent with her. You can learn characters in bursts.

Always keep in mind that this is a team game. Experienced players should absolutely be understanding of new players, but new players also should realize that if they're having a particularly tough match with a character, switching off for the rest of the match can be the difference between your team losing and winning.

Just because you're learning a new character doesn't mean you need to stubbornly roll with them the whole time. You're not going to learn much if you're just dying all the time without a chance to really experience engaging the enemy.


I'm unclear on what Genji does if McCree just left-clicks him without flashbang and waits for deflect. I'm pretty sure McCree outDPSes Genji with just left click.

Typically if I'm at mid to far range I'll with dash to close the distance, or run away in order to flank to close the distance, just like against a widow. In close range he has to get the flash bang right click or die, If he's just holding onto flash and waiting for deflect while left clicking me at close range and actually hitting those shots then he deserves to win. I don't feel threatened by McCree left clicks in close range, that's why I think it's actually harder to deal with widows or soldiers then mecrees. Like, yea he probably out dpses genji with left clicks, but at close range it's really hard to left click genji with the pistol. Flash bang right click combo determines the fight, but I feel like that's easier to play around as genji then any other hero, attack hero that is.


The first time I played Lucio i thought shooting my paddle gun thing at my teammates is what gave them health. So I did that for a quarter of the hand until a widow asked me what the hell I was doing. The fifth game I played I was on fire from the get go and did a 24/3 with 6.5k healing. So now I'm somewhere in between the two and it's really fun. Him and Soldier 76 are my two go twos and I just started using Reinhardt ( the big shield guy ? ) and I think I'll try him for a bit be a use the ones that are good offensively with him are a menace and I've been playing too cautiously.


I haven't tried every interaction with Zarya's ult, there seems to be a lot

Are you SURE you can cancel Mercy's ult? I killed her almost instantly when she used it (fast enough she couldn't say the first letter of quote) and it still happened

Yeah, I've definitely seen it happen. I think the light effect from her ult comes out before the quote, so that's probably the only moment where it can be canceled.
re: cancelling Mercy's ult

I need to test this some more, but last night I killed a Mercy on King's Row that was just starting her ult animation and the rez didn't go through. I wonder what the timing factor is though. It's gotta be just like a bare second.
Yeah, I've definitely seen it happen. I think the light effect from her ult comes out before the quote, so that's probably the only moment where it can be canceled.

re: cancelling Mercy's ult

I need to test this some more, but last night I killed a Mercy on King's Row that was just starting her ult animation and the rez didn't go through. I wonder what the timing factor is though. It's gotta be just like a bare second.

Yeah if you can do that you must need to have amazing luck and perfect timing. Never seen it, but I don't doubt it.


re: cancelling Mercy's ult

I need to test this some more, but last night I killed a Mercy on King's Row that was just starting her ult animation and the rez didn't go through. I wonder what the timing factor is though. It's gotta be just like a bare second.

You pretty much have to be in the act of killing her before it goes off.

I've tried hooking her so many times as the ult starts and it's never failed to go off.


You know a match went great when you get best healer on the team with S76, 700 in heals...

In another match I finally ran into a, "then play healer" team... I swear sometimes I hate multiplayer games... I picked Roadhog to tank, 3 other players still hadn't decided who to pick. Made my way to the first choke point and realized no one picked healer (someone picked Zarya after me). Pointed it out, was told, "then play healer" by the Zarya. I switched to Mercy and refused to heal the Zarya... sometimes I'm too bitter.


Why don't they allow you to leave the Match text channel? That seems like a pretty big oversight. I don't want to read anything some randoms have to say.
You pretty much have to be in the act of killing her before it goes off.

I've tried hooking her so many times as the ult starts and it's never failed to go off.
Yeah, that makes sense. I think I was playing as 76, already shooting her, and the only way I managed to cancel the ult was by panic firing my rockets.


For the first time, I truly experience the suffering of trying to be a support in a room full of flankers. Trying to heal as a Lucio or Mercy while your team is split up across the entire god damn map is not a great feeling.


I hope there are seasonal skins with a short window to unlock them (only during the season). Halloween and Christmas skins would be amazing.


Played against a bunch of losers who thought they could gain the system by all picking the same hero. They first tried Winston, then Roadhog, followed by Reinhardt, D. Va, Pharah and more D. Va.
Guess they forgot that one Mei can already ruin their day, especially when they have to push the Payload. My team was just randoms but you could feel how everyone wanted them to fail and tried their best to counteract. A Symmetra provided good teleports, a Tracer flanked them. We won. I left the game afterwards anyway.

Also I've earned three throphies within five or six matches today. Huge Success, Supersonic and Ice Blocked, pretty cool, wasn't even aiming for them. Let's see how the weekend will go.
For the first time, I truly experience the suffering of trying to be a support in a room full of flankers. Trying to heal as a Lucio or Mercy while your team is split up across the entire god damn map is not a great feeling.

I usually end up being support because in solo queues rarely does anybody want to be support. If I end up in a group of people who split up and run all over the place, I switch to Symmetra and just shield them whenever I see them, then do my own thing with turrets because fuck it.


Played against a bunch of losers who thought they could gain the system by all picking the same hero. They first tried Winston, then Roadhog, followed by Reinhardt, D. Va, Pharah and more D. Va.
Guess they forgot that one Mei can already ruin their day, especially when they have to push the Payload. My team was just randoms but you could feel how everyone wanted them to fail and tried their best to counteract. A Symmetra provided good teleports, a Tracer flanked them. We won. I left the game afterwards anyway.

Also I've earned three throphies within five or six matches today. Huge Success, Supersonic and Ice Blocked, pretty cool, wasn't even aiming for them. Let's see how the weekend will go.

I had an enemy team go all Roadhog. Our two Bastions pretty much shut them down. This was on that snowy Russian map.

It was fun to wreck them, but stupid all the same.


I caved in and bought the game yesterday. I am already at level ten but the amount of unlockables is insane. Can we really get everything by the time we get to level 100 ? Or do we have to give money to get the legs etc. ?
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