But how nice is it if that doesn't get recognized in either the PotG or the post game voting.That feeling when you join a team late and end up saving them from defeat. A very pleasant feeling.
Today I learned that Tracer's ult is blocked by Reinhardt's shield if thrown onto it.
Sad day.
Also I had to choose between Tracer and D.Va for my avatar. I made my choice and I stand by it.
Or you could be one of the many heroes that have a get out of jail free card for sustained damage (like Winston's leap, D.Va's boosters, Zarya's barrier, Tracer's blink...) and just leave unless you're unlucky enough to be somewhere where your mobility is totally neutered.HANZO ULTIMATE:
Pros - Extreme dmg, not bounded by walls, extreme range
Cons - Not insta-kill, enemies can leave dmg zone, extreme visibility, slow moving
Hanzo shouldn't be pushing and his ult shouldn't come from the front - this eliminates the "step left" mentality prevalent a few pages back. His radical agility, recon arrow, and ambush-like ability of his ult means a skilled Hanzo will always be in the PotG. You can unleash it from a distant, elevated vantage point and each map has points where that damn dragon will emerge from the walls 345 miles away from where Hanzo loosed his arrow, killing or disrupting any enemy position unlucky enough to be revealed through the walls.
Today I learned that Tracer's ult is blocked by Reinhardt's shield if thrown onto it.
Sad day.
Also I had to choose between Tracer and D.Va for my avatar. I made my choice and I stand by it.
Yeah, but you can just get past the shield and get sticky with it
Oh I know, can Blink through it easy enough, I was just sad that I missed a really good ult opportunity by doing it too early into the shield.
Do we know what max level is?
Searching for a specific Overwatch fan art while at work is a dangerous mission. Does anyone one have a link to that Soldier 76 and Reaper as dads with all the other heroes as kids? Apparently the 'Dad 76' has taken off.
Unless you are straight up touching the wall the ult is coming from you have plenty of time to react the moment you hear the shout. "Step left" is what you do after you see it coming out.HANZO ULTIMATE:
Pros - Extreme dmg, not bounded by walls, extreme range
Cons - Not insta-kill, enemies can leave dmg zone, extreme visibility, slow moving
Hanzo shouldn't be pushing and his ult shouldn't come from the front - this eliminates the "step left" mentality prevalent a few pages back. His radical agility, recon arrow, and ambush-like ability of his ult means a skilled Hanzo will always be in the PotG. You can unleash it from a distant, elevated vantage point and each map has points where that damn dragon will emerge from the walls 345 miles away from where Hanzo loosed his arrow, killing or disrupting any enemy position unlucky enough to be revealed through the walls.
We would all buy a Santa themed Mercy right? Blizzard pls. Santa Mei too
Searching for a specific Overwatch fan art while at work is a dangerous mission. Does anyone one have a link to that Soldier 76 and Reaper as dads with all the other heroes as kids? Apparently the 'Dad 76' has taken off.
You are weak and you will not survive the winter.She deserves every bit of it.
Searching for a specific Overwatch fan art while at work is a dangerous mission. Does anyone one have a link to that Soldier 76 and Reaper as dads with all the other heroes as kids? Apparently the 'Dad 76' has taken off.
Everyone should get Christmas skins. I want jolly elf Reaper.
Santa's Elf skin for Toblerone is pretty much a must if Blizz goes this route.
Thank you!
Just encountered the first clear aimbotter, hopefully blizzard continue to crack down on it.
But how nice is it if that doesn't get recognized in either the PotG or the post game voting.
Goddamn i gotta admit it, Mei is so much fun to play.
Hope you reported him.
Blizzard is officially trolling me guys. I buy Zarya industrial, I get zarya industrial dupe. Last night I buy Okami Hanzo and now
well at least its not a dupe technically
Blizzard is officially trolling me guys. I buy Zarya industrial, I get zarya industrial dupe. Last night I buy Okami Hanzo and now
well at least its not a dupe technically
Just encountered the first clear aimbotter, hopefully blizzard continue to crack down on it.
We would all buy a Santa themed Mercy right? Blizzard pls. Santa Mei too
You guys buying legendaries and here I am, with 85 coins to my name after 20 boxes.
I still think Zenyatta is the 1 of the best hero's just because of he's a dps/support hybrid. His heal orb might not be great, but he's good for helping pick up the slack dps wise due to discord+the fact he melts people. Also having an emergency heal+an "oh shit" ultimate in his pocket is good too, only times I feel he's bad is if there's a good Widow on the other team.
To those who paid full price on consoles, how do you feel about it?
I still think Zenyatta is the 1 of the best hero's just because of he's a dps/support hybrid. His heal orb might not be great, but he's good for helping pick up the slack dps wise due to discord+the fact he melts people. Also having an emergency heal+an "oh shit" ultimate in his pocket is good too, only times I feel he's bad is if there's a good Widow on the other team.
Here's Overwatch's requirements.So I'm a moron when it comes to computers and what is better than what. I also didn't get to try the Open Beta when it was around. And as there is no demo for this, I think here would be the best place to ask: Would these specs run the game well enough?
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 955 Processor 3.20 GHz
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Operating System
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750
I'm pretty much 99% sure that it would run. But trying to google each spec (aside from OS, anyways) against the minimum requirement didn't do much helping. Can't hurt to get a more informed say on things.
Is it enough to run the game at minimum requirements?
Thanks in advance.