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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Sigh. I really hate how good Soldier 76's ult is.
"I've got you in my sights" or "I couldn't be bothered playing a character that requires aiming, or any kind of skill"

But he requires aiming and skill the entire rest of the time.
A lot of character's ults don't require any particular skill, that's what makes them so powerful.

Anyway I use him if he is a good counter to the other team, or if my team is offensively challenged. Also love taking out turrets with the rockets.


Starting to feel the salt on last point attacks. Playing against seemingly impenetrable teams for two days straight. Not to mention the loot boxes sucked.

Alright time to play some more Overwatch then.

Yeah I really hate attacking hanmuna, two tourbs, and a bastion on the last point can be so damn annoying. Not to mention my team usually refuses to change heroes to bust them up. LIke i know you must really like playing soldier but we really need a phara or junkrat to try and bust up those turrents. I much prefer the capping neutral points gamemode.
Why people get angry when I play with thorbjörn in attack matches ? I like to play engineers in all games and while I am not the best I can manage my own and contribute to the team. In this game however people reported me for playing as thorb in attack matches... I tried most of the attack characters and didn't like the way they played. Is it wrong I don't like a play style and use my own ?

Because he really doesnt help as Attack.


Why people get angry when I play with thorbjörn in attack matches ? I like to play engineers in all games and while I am not the best I can manage my own and contribute to the team. In this game however people reported me for playing as thorb in attack matches... I tried most of the attack characters and didn't like the way they played. Is it wrong I don't like a play style and use my own ?

Because you are not very useful when your team has to push. Torb is only effectively utilised in defense or somewhat KoTH, say you are playing payload where you are constantly moving his effectiveness drops, same for CP mode where you have to go through the defenses to set up a turret to even be effective...yes his shotgun does good damage but Reaper does that better.

It's like playing Symmetra in offense.,,you really aren't contributing while playing Torb as attack since you won't stay on point, you won't push since you don't have the toolset for that, nor would you flank enemies from behind.Your speciality is making armour and building stationary turrets, if you are attacking then you'll have to go behind enemy lines to get scraps and building stationary turrets while your team is constantly moving is useless.

Also just because a character is categorised into attack doesn't mean they are the only attacking characters, Roadhog for instance can be used as attack and defense both, same for McCree, Soldier 76, Pharah, Reinhardt, Reaper, Junkrat. But there are some characters like Torbjorn who are strictly effective in one.


Because he really doesnt help as Attack.
basically. You're trying to keep the payload moving, playing a hero that sets up shop isn't going to contribute too much. you don't need to play attack heroes, just probably not tourb. junkrat, mei, or any tank or support would be better. Although I did see on guy do decent with putting the turrent on the payload. ha
Why people get angry when I play with thorbjörn in attack matches ? I like to play engineers in all games and while I am not the best I can manage my own and contribute to the team. In this game however people reported me for playing as thorb in attack matches... I tried most of the attack characters and didn't like the way they played. Is it wrong I don't like a play style and use my own ?

It's much harder for Torbjorn to effectively use his turret on the attack since either you have to keep moving which means abandoning your turret or you have to run to a point and then put up your turret again which is probably being contested which means you probably don't get it set up before it's destroyed.


Oh and is anyone else just not feeling the loot at all?

I opened like two crates, thanked god almighty they didn't valve it and hide weapons in this bullshit, and never opened one again.
I don't like the loot system either. In general I don't mind a system like that. Worked fine in ME3 (although the game and loot is quite different).
And I know the game is supposed to be played over a long time and everyone will get things they like sooner or later.
But the way it's implement really doesn't add much 'fun' to the game. When you are playing for an hour and then only get a few player icons and duplicate sprays it doesn't get one excited opening a box.
It takes too long to get a box for the amount of boring loot the game has. Random chance to get a box after a match or maybe daily quests could improve the system. Since everything is just cosmetics there's no harm to make the system a bit more relaxed.
At least I'm at a point where levelling up and getting a box is just whatever. It's white, white, blue, white anyway.


Tracer is performing very well as a defender.I keep blinking and poking the enemy team and they always try to chase me but Tracer's speed is just no match for anyone.It really helps my team when at least one attacker is not focusing the objective.

Even Genjie and Roadhog? Dang..
Genji's melee attack should do more damage.Eeven without his dragon powers he is a ninja with a fucking katana.


Tracer is performing very well as a defender.I keep blinking and poking the enemy team and they always try to chase me but Tracer's speed is just no match for anyone.It really helps my team when at least one attacker is not focusing the objective.

Genji's melee attack should do more damage.Eeven without his dragon powers he is a ninja with a fucking katana.

He doesn't use his katana for the melee, he uses his smaller blade.


I play support every game, partially because I want to but mostly because I have to (my laptop can barely run this game and there's considerable input lag). I just played a game as Mercy that about sums up my frustration with this experience:

We're on offence on Anubis and the team composition is not great right off the bat, since we have a Widowmaker, a Bastion, and only one offensive character (Pharah). I've seen worse -- at least we have a tank in Reinhardt -- but it's still not looking good. Alright, I say, as I prepare myself for another frustrating game of healing my team members only to watch them squander the health that I gave them.

Surprisingly, we capture A quite quickly and I'm starting to think this game has a shot at not being total garbage. I should have trusted my initial instincts, however, as the remaining eight minutes consisted almost exclusively of watching my teammates throw themselves at the enemy one at a time. The only way I could get them to co-ordinate was by timing my resurrects so that they'd all throw themselves at the enemy at the same time; it was like playing with bots watching them run one by one into enemy fire. It is especially frustrating to watch the tank do this because he really is the one with the power to make the team come together. Instead, he chose to spend seven minutes of the game trying to destroy a single Bastion by charging at it and then the last minute of the game as Pharah, leaving us with no tank. Predictably, we blew our overtime with our Widowmaker standing next to the point and lost the game.


I get that there's a lot of people playing this game who don't have a lot of experience with competitive FPSes, so in the hopes that some of my future team members are reading this, I'm going to try to give these people some things to think about that can go a long way:

- Your sensitivity is too high. Very few people who play FPSes on the PC put in the time to adjust their sensitivity to an appropriate level, but it makes a big difference and it makes aiming a lot easier. Think about it: It is easier to do things with your hands that don't require small, precise movements, and lowering your sensitivity gives you a larger margin of error for missing in terms of mousepad real estate. With that in mind, you should set your sensitivity at the lowest level you can while maintaining comfortable movement. I mostly play Quake, and in that game, players generally set their sensitivity in the range of one to two 360 degree turns per horizontal run of the mousepad. If you're getting significantly more than that, you're probably handicapping yourself a lot.

- You can't really accomplish much in team games by yourself. With that in mind, even if you think something is urgent, it is almost always more valuable to wait for another player than it is to do something alone. Ironically, acting now because the timer limits the number of opportunities you will get to act will usually only reduce the number of opportunities you get by getting you killed and subsequently force your teammates to wait for you. In line with this is that having a line of sight to your other teammates, especially your healer, is very valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. All of this is true even if you're a ganking character; you should always have a contingency and that contingency should be your team. It does nothing for your team to kill a dude if killing that dude doesn't create an opportunity or advantage for your team, and if you have no team to fall back on and you fail to kill the dude you've just set everyone back. On that note...

- Assume everyone else is better than you at this game. Avoid fair fights. This goes for anyone and everyone: By definition, a fair fight gives you a 50% chance of winning, which is not good enough. You should always strive to put yourself (and your team, when relevant) at an advantage and use that advantage instead of tossing yourself at the enemy and hoping for a favourable coin flip. If you assume that your opponents are stronger than you, it will train you to avoid fair fights because you will always lose fair fights against stronger opponents.

- Take stock of your surroundings when you can. It's a good idea to just periodically look around and see where your team is and what they might be doing. It will inform what you should be doing and what your opponents might also be doing. It's an important thing to note that many good FPS players don't have especially good reaction times; they just habitually provide themselves with the information they need and are therefore hard to surprise.

- The game is more fun when you pick an appropriate hero for the task at hand. If you're repeatedly throwing yourself into shit and dying, change your character. I see people post in this thread that they "play for fun" as a response to people telling them that they are frustrated about team composition, and the only thing that I can conclude is that these people enjoy slamming their heads into brick walls. If you are not one of these people, consider changing your hero when your choice doesn't make sense or the situation seems to suggest that it would be a good idea to do so. This goes double for people who pick snipers: It is very difficult in this game for snipers to be effective on offence as it depends on your enemy's team composition -- teams with good healers are practically impervious to snipers, especially on B objectives -- and requires you to be on point with your aim.

This game requires very little mechanical skill to play well. Most players who fail, I think, do so because their sensitivity makes aiming prohibitive and they're not in the right mentality for the game.


This goes double for people who pick snipers: It is very difficult in this game for snipers to be effective on offence as it depends on your enemy's team composition -- teams with good healers are practically impervious to snipers, especially on B objectives -- and requires you to be on point with your aim.

Holy fuck. Don't be giving this advice out.
A good sniper is needed to counter the snoozefest of Toberlone/Bastion that someone is guaranteed to pick every public game


Why people get angry when I play with thorbjörn in attack matches ? I like to play engineers in all games and while I am not the best I can manage my own and contribute to the team. In this game however people reported me for playing as thorb in attack matches... I tried most of the attack characters and didn't like the way they played. Is it wrong I don't like a play style and use my own ?
You are pretty much playing a character in it's least effective position, making the game pretty close to a 5vs6.
Now I wouldn't report people for it, but I definitely would hit the 'avoid this player button'.

Had to do that yesterday to when a 4 player stack in my team chose they would play 4 tracer in defense, then 4 bastion in attack. I'm ok with trying to setup some fun composition if everyone agree to it, but it was pretty much them throwing the games without a second thought about their random allies.


Holy fuck. Don't be giving this advice out.
A good sniper is needed to counter the snoozefest of Toberlone/Bastion that someone is guaranteed to pick every public game
He is not really wrong...and you are not entirely correct, since you don't "need" a widowmaker as much as you need a Genji, Tracer, D.Va or Reaper for that job..and these guys will also help be on the point unlike Widowmaker. He also said it's difficult to play a widowmaker in attack, not impossible. Very rarely you'll come across a great widowmaker that shuts down enemy support and squishies while attacking making the job easier for people on the point.

Beside if a widowmaker is able to counter a Bastion and Torbjor turret consistently then she has a long line of sight and as such those are inexperienced Torb and Bastion. Most Bastion/Torb players these days set around corners where it's not possible for Widowmaker to get a LoS unless she flanks or gets behind the enemy..which the four flankers can do better.


He is not really wrong...and you are not entirely correct, since you don't "need" a widowmaker as much as you need a Genji, Tracer, D.Va or Reaper for that job..and these guys will also help be on the point unlike Widowmaker. He also said it's difficult, not impossible. Very rarely you'll come across a great widowmaker that shuts down enemy support and squishies.

Beside if a widowmaker is able to counter a Bastion and Torbjor turret then she has a long line of sight and as such those are inexperienced Torb and Bastion. Most Bastion/Torb players these days set around corners where it's not possible for Widowmaker to get a LoS unless she flanks or gets behind the enemy..which the four flankers can do better.

If we're talking a premade game, without a doubt I'd rather have an accomplished Genji or Tracer any day.

Public games however; an average Widowmaker > an average Genji by far.


Holy fuck. Don't be giving this advice out.
A good sniper is needed to counter the snoozefest of Toberlone/Bastion that someone is guaranteed to pick every public game
There are dozens of better ways to counter turrets and Bastion than a sniper.

D.va cant counter snipers anymore, they know now that they can just kill her.
Hanzo's chucking tree's and widows smg, can easily benefit from d.va massive head hitbox.

There are dozens of better ways to counter turrets and Bastion than a sniper.


Widow is still the best way.


This makes no sense.

Of course it does. You play in a premade with a Genji that knows his role, how to play him and what is required of him and he will be on flanking and turret support.

80% of Genji players in public games will go off on their own Rambo mission thinking they are God's gift and end up with 6 kills and 13 deaths, which is further fuelled by the ridiculous weekly brawl meaning now every Overwatch player thinks they're a Hanzo / Genji expert


Yeah I really hate attacking hanmuna, two tourbs, and a bastion on the last point can be so damn annoying. Not to mention my team usually refuses to change heroes to bust them up. LIke i know you must really like playing soldier but we really need a phara or junkrat to try and bust up those turrents. I much prefer the capping neutral points gamemode.

Exactly my point. I'm salty because, usually, my team sticks to whatever unnecessary hero for that last point.


I think a symmetrical objective mode like capture the flag would add a lot to the game. It feels like it needs a really good lengthy defense + offense game mode. The koth game type is good but it is almost exclusively offense driven most of the time.


I think a symmetrical objective mode like capture the flag would add a lot to the game. It feels like it needs a really good lengthy defense + offense game mode. The koth game type is good but it is almost exclusively offense driven most of the time.

I'd like a mode where both objectives are active at the same time, kind of like the one in Splatoon(so one team has to hold both for more time than the other to win). I'd also bump up the player count in said mode to 8 to even things out more.


Of course it does. You play in a premade with a Genji that knows his role, how to play him and what is required of him and he will be on flanking and turret support.

80% of Genji players in public games will go off on their own Rambo mission thinking they are God's gift and end up with 6 kills and 13 deaths, which is further fuelled by the ridiculous weekly brawl meaning now every Overwatch player thinks they're a Hanzo / Genji expert

And 80% of the widowmakers would be useless too, hence the complaints people have here.


D.va cant counter snipers anymore, they know now that they can just kill her.
Hanzo's chucking tree's and widows smg, can easily benefit from d.va massive head hitbox.

Widow is still the best way.
Not even close. The best way is situational but Bastion has many really difficult counters and can be made irrelevant by so many choices that going out of your way to pick Widowmaker specifically to counter him is making him far more powerful than he should be. How to counter turrets depends a lot on the player but snipers can't DPS fast enough to really paralyze a Torb that's babysitting and doesn't have the versatility to consistently shut him down while doing other things.

It accomplishes nothing to almost paralyze one player as one player as that's a less than even trade.


I'd like a mode where both objectives are active at the same time, kind of like the one in Splatoon(so one team has to hold both for more time than the other to win). I'd also bump up the player count in said mode to 8 to even things out more.

I think a symmetrical objective mode like capture the flag would add a lot to the game. It feels like it needs a really good lengthy defense + offense game mode. The koth game type is good but it is almost exclusively offense driven most of the time.

They should / could add that (i was imagining some kind of tug-of-war payload kind of map, as well) to the game, but not the quick play playlist.

One of the upsides of Overwatch is the fact that each game lasts at most(!) 10-13 minutes. Which is why, in the King of the Hill maps, the points still go up, even if there's nobody in the capture zone.

a CTF map and 2 equal teams might just lead to a 30 minute stalemate.


Have probably my best game as roadhog, with like 2 deaths and 13 kills in the middle of a match with nigh perfect chain grab percentage...

And the fucking power goes out ;_;

Perfect spring day too. No rain, light breeze, etc >.<

Ah well, just have to do it again >:•]


Reading conversations about Widowmaker infuriates me. The last game I played everyone, but two people were dead. 1 was our Widowmaker and the other was on the opposing team leaving the spawn area. The point was almost 100% captured and our Widowmaker just stood back zoomed in looking for people to shoot.....THERE WAS NO ONE TO SHOOT...all they had to do was get on the point and game over, but nope. I see similar situations all the time.
Goddamn, I don't know what is up with me but I'm having the worst luck these past couple of days. Taking forever to get into games and when I do I'm doing absolutely shocking.

El Sloth

Man, I had the funniest game with Lucio. I join into a game already in progress and my team is about to lose. We're on one of the Lijiang Tower maps, the one with the control point suspended in the middle of a pit with two bridges on either side as entrances. Garden I think it's called? Anyways, it's already in overtime and I just say fuck it, let me just go be an annoying gnat with Lucio. I spend the next several minutes just wall-riding around the control point alternating between speed boost and healing while shooting mosquito bites at the other team. They all tried their best to kill me, McCree kept missing his flashbangs lol. I kept that overtime going on forever, until my team finally rallied and we took back the control point.

We won that game lol. My finger hurt a bit afterwards from how hard I was holding down the jump button. Being a jerk with Lucio is great.
They should / could add that (i was imagining some kind of tug-of-war payload kind of map, as well) to the game, but not the quick play playlist.

One of the upsides of Overwatch is the fact that each game lasts at most(!) 10-13 minutes. Which is why, in the King of the Hill maps, the points still go up, even if there's nobody in the capture zone.

a CTF map and 2 equal teams might just lead to a 30 minute stalemate.

Maybe instead you could do a variation where instead of returning the flag to a home base, you get points for keeping it in your half of the map instead. I'm not sure I really like either version, though, because they seem to privilege certain characters above others too much (i.e. why wouldn't you always have Tracers carry the flag).


said it before but CTF sounds like a terrible idea. Half the team would be camped up defending the flag as torb or bastion, the other half attacking as tracer or genji. No thanks.

I'd rather they add the 5CP mode they have in TF2, that's more like a tug of war and there were some great games in that mode. It also allows for a more diverse selection of heroes.
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