I'd like some advice. I'm new to this sort of game, as i've said a zillion times.
I was mercy in an attack group. Well balanced but the tank kept switching back a forth between damage and tanking and we were losing. I knew we needed to help rushing (and some team unity) and I figured we just needed a Reinhardt to help absorb attacks so I switched. The tank wasn't really committed anyway and everyone was too spread out for mercy to be too effective. I don't think they like my switch and they certainly didn't stand behind my shield. Did I make a good choice or a bad one? Should I just stick with a healer so the team feel better about having a healer, even though I wasn't very effective with the team set up?
Trying to be a team player here.
I know you're trying to be a team player but what if your team isn't effective enough? You alone cannot make that difference if the majority of your team is slacking. So, what your team thinks doesn't matter in the end, you did your best. And, personally, as
Reinhardt, you don't have to shield everybody (especially if your team is scattered like they're hunting for easter eggs instead of playing the objective), sometimes a well placed strike at the opposing team's toughest hero could turn your luck in an instant. Or, try playing
Her damage is kinda bad, does barely damage at range and strange enough it slows you down significantly when firing. She could use a buff, but damn she's fun to play.
That's why she has plenty good usage outside of mech.