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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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So GAF, after much pressure from some friends I have decided to give in and get Overwatch later today.

I am a bit scared, given that I am not too good in competitive games. Also, kind of scared that the community might me too rough on me for being a newb.

Any help or suggestion would be highly appreciated.

P.S. Getting it for Pc. Also, enjoy more being a supporter than attacker

No need to be scared. Pay no attention to chat. For support I would start out with Mercy who is a Lucio. They are the 2 healers of the game.

I would then try solder 76 for attack if you get tired of those two and want to play something different. He's very well balanced and a good character to play starting out with. His ult is auto aim so he's pretty friendly to beginners.


I've wondered sometimes why more people don't do this. There are some PC games that don't like it when you use mouse and controller at the same time (and those games should feel bad) but this makes a lot of sense for people that don't like the feel of keyboard movement.

The problem with this from what I've found out is that with a two button mouse you don't have enough buttons to do everything you need to do. You've got LB, LT, M1, M2, clicking the stick in, and the dpad. You've gotta rebind stuff if you want to use your ult, jump, melee, etc. Or you've got to get a mouse with multiple buttons, which isn't too hard but no one likes spending extra money.
I play torbjörn on offense sometimes. People underestimate his armorpacks and his gun.torbjörn can 2 shot most heroes in the game and his ult is good even without his turret. People forget that he can set up lvl 1 turrets really fast and they are great at disrupting flankers. If you have a reinhardt just set the turret close to his shield and move it up when the tank does. Turrets are expendable.

Yeah, definitely. It kind of depends on the map, but Torbjörn on offense can definitely be a beast. You just gotta know when to surrender and switch to a different character if it's not working out in the current scenario. Bastion works on offense too.


I am not the biggest fan of her skins either, but I purchased the goddess one, it looks fancy ~.~ Just feels wrong to not have a legendary for my favorite hero.

Lol... exit my mind will you. Just bought it after 30 hours of playtime. She deserves better but I guess it's fancy enough.

I played against a pretty good player using Symmetra on Offense yesterday . .....maybe it was you? Curse you.

I learned her offense on Nepal - wrecking 90% of the time. That sexy FOB later in the game sure helps a lot. ;)


I'd like some advice. I'm new to this sort of game, as i've said a zillion times.

I was mercy in an attack group. Well balanced but the tank kept switching back a forth between damage and tanking and we were losing. I knew we needed to help rushing (and some team unity) and I figured we just needed a Reinhardt to help absorb attacks so I switched. The tank wasn't really committed anyway and everyone was too spread out for mercy to be too effective. I don't think they like my switch and they certainly didn't stand behind my shield. Did I make a good choice or a bad one? Should I just stick with a healer so the team feel better about having a healer, even though I wasn't very effective with the team set up?

Trying to be a team player here.


Membero Americo
Heard you were talking shit about Reinhardt.



I can't remember the last time someone got hit by D.Va's ultimate.

It's not as good for killing people as it is for denying a whole area from people, say you leave it on top of the payload while pushing at the end, you just denied the team the entire surrounding area unless they want to rush in and die (barring a Zenyatta ultimate or a perfectly timed Zarya barrier I guess).


Played DVA once and think she's stupid powerful, lmao. She's clearly one of the weakest characters, which is why blizzard mentioned she'll be getting a buff most likely.
Her damage is kinda bad, does barely damage at range and strange enough it slows you down significantly when firing. She could use a buff, but damn she's fun to play.


I'd like some advice. I'm new to this sort of game, as i've said a zillion times.

I was mercy in an attack group. Well balanced but the tank kept switching back a forth between damage and tanking and we were losing. I knew we needed to help rushing (and some team unity) and I figured we just needed a Reinhardt to help absorb attacks so I switched. The tank wasn't really committed anyway and everyone was too spread out for mercy to be too effective. I don't think they like my switch and they certainly didn't stand behind my shield. Did I make a good choice or a bad one? Should I just stick with a healer so the team feel better about having a healer, even though I wasn't very effective with the team set up?

Trying to be a team player here.

I know you're trying to be a team player but what if your team isn't effective enough? You alone cannot make that difference if the majority of your team is slacking. So, what your team thinks doesn't matter in the end, you did your best. And, personally, as Reinhardt, you don't have to shield everybody (especially if your team is scattered like they're hunting for easter eggs instead of playing the objective), sometimes a well placed strike at the opposing team's toughest hero could turn your luck in an instant. Or, try playing Lucio.

Her damage is kinda bad, does barely damage at range and strange enough it slows you down significantly when firing. She could use a buff, but damn she's fun to play.

That's why she has plenty good usage outside of mech.


Really Really Exciting Member!
DVa ultimate is best used after Mei, Reinhardt or Zarya used their own.

But they should probably lower the time it takes for her nuke to get off, maybe by 1 or 2 secs, it's too easy to avoid as it is.


Anyone know if there's a tournament today and if Seagall is playing in it? Been watching that dude stream and he's amazing. Would love to watch him in an official tournament.


I'd like some advice. I'm new to this sort of game, as i've said a zillion times.

I was mercy in an attack group. Well balanced but the tank kept switching back a forth between damage and tanking and we were losing. I knew we needed to help rushing (and some team unity) and I figured we just needed a Reinhardt to help absorb attacks so I switched. The tank wasn't really committed anyway and everyone was too spread out for mercy to be too effective. I don't think they like my switch and they certainly didn't stand behind my shield. Did I make a good choice or a bad one? Should I just stick with a healer so the team feel better about having a healer, even though I wasn't very effective with the team set up?

Trying to be a team player here.

It really depends on the other team. If they have Reapers, Soliders, Torbjorns and such the shield can be surprisingly useful to push the payload and cap points even by yourself. If there's a Bastion or two, don't even bother, they'll break the shield like it was never there to begin with.


It's not as good for killing people as it is for denying a whole area from people, say you leave it on top of the payload while pushing at the end, you just denied the team the entire surrounding area unless they want to rush in and die (barring a Zenyatta ultimate or a perfectly timed Zarya barrier I guess).

Don't forget Reinhardt's shield or Mei's Ice Wall/Heal. Also D.Va's ult is the best way to take down multiple turrets.


DVa ultimate is best used after Mei, Reinhardt or Zarya used their own.

But they should probably lower the time it takes for her nuke to get off, maybe by 1 or 2 secs, it's too easy to avoid as it is.

Sure, but combining ults in public games is always a crap shoot. I agree that making the timer slightly faster might be a good idea.


I wish the game would tell me what the Match Type is while the game is loading. I don't feel like I should have to know what mode I'm in solely based on the Map itself. It's going to suck once new maps hit and no one knows what the game type is before they get to choose their class.

I dunno, but I feel like I'm getting worse the more I play. Maybe it's because I'm trying new characters out, but I feel like my veteran character play is getting worse because of it.


I can't remember the last time someone got hit by D.Va's ultimate.

I saw a couple today. One was beautifully lobbed in over a wall so by the time it hit the ground, it just blew.

The other one was me as Lucio being cocky and thinking my ultimate would save me so I didn't have to get off the point. I was incorrect.


Honestly, I use D.Va's Ultimate to block off the enemy team when they're trying to run out of their spawn when we're trying to do a final push on the payload, they either stand behind a tank or rush in to try to contest and get blown up. :p
Overwatch's habit of trying to correct your win percentage by dumping you into heavily lopsided matches is starting to get really fucking frustrating. Facing a team that focuses on you as the lone support is one thing; being unable to heal people because everyone on YOUR team constantly dies before you can even return from spawn is even worse. If you are a Roadhog and you can't even stay alive for two seconds after seeing the enemy, you should reconsider your life choices.


I saw a couple today. One was beautifully lobbed in over a wall so by the time it hit the ground, it just blew.

The other one was me as Lucio being cocky and thinking my ultimate would save me so I didn't have to get off the point. I was incorrect.

Is there ever a time it can blow up in the air or does it always wait till it hits the ground first?

That's to bad. I'll still enjoy watching the tournaments but really want to see Seagull. That guy is a beast.
I haven't really had any fun whatsoever playing solo for the last several days and it is really starting to piss me off. The game seems hell bent on putting me on the worst team of idiots ever assembled and pitting us against the best players in history.


Overwatch's habit of trying to correct your win percentage by dumping you into heavily lopsided matches is starting to get really fucking frustrating. Facing a team that focuses on you as the lone support is one thing; being unable to heal people because everyone on YOUR team constantly dies before you can even return from spawn is even worse. If you are a Roadhog and you can't even stay alive for two seconds after seeing the enemy, you should reconsider your life choices.

It's different if its a E - M2 - Shift - M2 Mcree, you're dead every time regardless of what character you pick if you get hit by that flashbang.


Yes I'm sure it was the team's fault that we lost, random Mercy who healed the Roadhog and only the Roadhog farting around nowhere near the rest of our team while the rest of us were trying to keep the enemy team off the objective. Truly I have been enlightened now and I see that it was us that was a "shit team".

It's different if its a E - M2 - Shift - M2 Mcree, you're dead every time regardless of what character you pick if you get hit by that flashbang.

Roadhog was on a ledge (which is convenient on Route 66 because you have to take the long way around as Mercy if you can't see enough of the player to angel over). I'm pretty sure the rest of the team just focus-fired him. Which, you know, fine, but maybe don't step out alone if you know the other team's pushing the payload? ESPECIALLY when your support isn't at the front lines yet?


Yeah, not big on the matchmaking lately. Hit 50 this morning and getting matched with single digits (not prodigies either)
is matchmaking based on levels? because as a level 13, I keep getting matched with level 50+ constantly. haven't seen anyone on my level since launch more or less.

that is pretty shit, then.
Just lost a match where I had most kills, objective kills, objective time, healing done and damage done as Roadhog. It was like my team wasn't even trying (maybe they weren't) :/

Also yay new legendary!

Roadhog is basically a gold medal generator. I've started using him a lot more after seeing how much my buddies wreck shit with him.
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