idk. i haven't seen any. but i wish people turn the teleporter the right way.
How do you do that? Does it exit the way she's facing?
idk. i haven't seen any. but i wish people turn the teleporter the right way.
Good choice, I think you can leave like 5 times in 20 games without getting hit with the penalty and you should never need to leave that many times so it's always possible to leave those matches where you just know it'll be depressing.
How do you do that? Does it exit the way she's facing?
How do you do that? Does it exit the way she's facing?
My life is an unending nightmare.
That's when you use one of your get out of jail free cards and leave.
This is the sort of POTG I see Widows pulling more and more often the higher level I get.
Zarya is actually based off of real Blizzard employee, Tamara Bakhlycheva.
Zarya is actually based off of real Blizzard employee, Tamara Bakhlycheva.
The absolute number 1 thing I want them to add is opting out of in-progress games. I Haaaaaaate being put into in progress matches.
Wait, how prevalent is teleport trolling anyway?
I don't think I've ever seem it once. Then again I'm usually the one playing sym.
Never gonna happen. Know what sucks more than getting put into a free xp/no loss game? Being in a game when someone DC's or ragequits and not being able to fill that spot.
Sometimes I wonder if healing people while they're doing stupid stuff or about to do stupid stuff or just finishing doing some stupid stuff is just enabling them to continue banging their heads against the wall.Beginning to feel like my available pool of characters is dropping unless I give up on contributing to my team, which just means blowouts that are even worse than usual. This is especially true if you're the one support, because you don't want to be The Guy Who Stops Playing Healer but fuck, man, sometimes there's no hope and then you're just stuck playing Mercy or Lucio as your only options for the rest of the match while the rest of your team fails to take out turrets or find the teleporter or whatever.
Never gonna happen. Know what sucks more than getting put into a free xp/no loss game? Being in a game when someone DC's or ragequits and not being able to fill that spot.
This 100x, playing 5v6 is horrible. They can just make it so if you join late the loss doesn't count on your record.
Winston: jump in, shield, annoy, jump out.
Zarya: power up and let your life recharge, you have 200 shield so great sustain. You are squishier than tanks but can live longer if play smart.
Symmetra: cutoff an avenue with sentries or help at a choke. Tel port hidden. Lob shots through choke and use your charge gun to take down at close range (hopefully with your sentries there). Spam the shield on everyone!!! Not enough symms do it.
There needs to be some kind time window.
I've been pulled into many games with less than 30 seconds left, you have to take the loss (for 0 XP and have to wait on all of the POTG xp screens) or take a quitter penalty if you cancel out of that match
So apparently you can do a lot more with wallriding than I thought
Any links for quick tips/pointers on how to properly use
Sometimes I wonder if healing people while they're doing stupid stuff or about to do stupid stuff or just finishing doing some stupid stuff is just enabling them to continue banging their heads against the wall.
That is how it works
Zarya is an awesome character. Her two particle barriers when attacked can suck up energry which her weapon can harness. Moreover it makes her weapon more deadly. You can see visual cues for it, when starting off the match the energy ball on the weapon is small. When you use the barriers properly and they are charged you'll see the blue energry ball get bigger additionally under the aiming reticule you can see a number and that dictates how charged up her weapon is.
As Zarya you should always, at all times be deploying particle barriers. On yourself, on your teammates to not only help protect them and yourself but charge you weapon so you can do serious damage. The cool down to the barriers differ. The one you use on teammates cools down faster than the one barrier you use on yourself. Remember to always deploy barriers, preferably when your teammates are in the heat of battle. Your weapon isn't as powerful if you don't deploy them and you or your teammates don't take damage while in them.
Her weapon has two different firing capabilities. The primary one, a laser that while powerful requires you to get near opponents because its range is rather short. The second ability lobs energy grenades which have a pretty good AOE damage.
Ultimately, her ult -while it takes long to charge- is one of the most powerful in the game in terms of uniting a bunch of foes and you or your teammates dealing damage. Her gravity ball is just that, a ball of gravity that sucks up any nearby enemies for a few short seconds -be careful because they can still shoot- usually when using her ult you wanna go in and use the barrier that protects you, have the poor suckers shoot you and charge your weapon and then you just unleash hell.
When playing with teammates it's good to use it in tandem with anyone really, but I've combined it with Hanzo and Reaper the most. Bunch them up and have Hanzo unleash his dragon or Reaper do his death blossom.
Zarya is an amazing character who can be really difficult to kill when in the right hands. I've noticed players keep shooting me when I have my barrier and I'm like thank you very much, now take this.
Conversely when facing off against a Zarya who has her barrier just don't shoot her, get away until it passes and try to get her from behind. Genji is good at this.
Any links for quick tips/pointers on how to properly use
Widowmaker is the only POTG I haven't seen. Ever
Maybe it was a lifesaver play of the game, or stopping someone who just wanted to use their ultimate.I just got a play of the game as Torbjorn.. By popping my ult and shooting one person in the back. What.
Weird, it says that I have 205 wins in the overwatch player stats but on masteroverwatch it says only 196 wins?
I'm talking about the games where the team is making a concerted effort to accomplish nothing. I think it's hard to make it far as Mercy if you're in any kind of habit of over-extending; the most important skill to master as a Mercy player is not dying and over-extending is one of the most reliable ways to end up dead.I feel the same way at times, before I was over extending and actively trying to heal everyone every where. Not so much nowadays.
Mass Effect fandom has found Overwatch.
Mass Effect fandom has found Overwatch.
My life is an unending nightmare.
Have you played any Brawl matches/does it count those?
No brawls are not counted in any statistics. Kind of frustrating because there is literally no incentive to play brawl right now, and because of lack of stats it's actually a detriment.Have you played any Brawl matches/does it count those?
What's the consensus on Winston? I had a blast with him on the beta, but he always struck me as kind of limited.
I get POTG pretty often with Widow. Got a quad kill with her last night for one. She's so fun.
Got a lot of POTGs last night actually. With Grief, JC, and everyone I got three in a row with different characters.
As widow, it's more important to shot to the head or shot at the body with 100% charge? It seems I'm unable to headshot anyone since they move so fast