Lol he's good on kings row . Hop over the gate..kill mercy hop back over
Yeah he's really really good on kings row. so many windows to hop to so you can escape/kill that pesky sniper.
Lol he's good on kings row . Hop over the gate..kill mercy hop back over
After the first corner of escorting the payload, they were setup with all four turrets and both shielded. We won handily with 3 and a half minutes to spare, but it was just utterly boring. I crouched behind the payload and angled it so they couldn't see me. Then just a case of speedboosting past the turrets if I did get caught and hiding with the payload again.
Yeah the matchmaking can just be dreadful at times.
I'd rather Zayra shield half damage and last longer than what it is now, she's not mobile enough and is not good for pub games. It feels like Blizzard kid of that of each characters moves infividually and got this big mess of trying to balance them for stacking, and coordinated play.
you forgot Tor, the gaf pug killer apparently
nope, her shield as it is is incredibly strong
you haven't played good zaryas, they make you scared of shooting her. She's insanely powerful
I'd rather Zayra shield half damage and last longer than what it is now, she's not mobile enough and is not good for pub games. It feels like Blizzard kid of that of each characters moves infividually and got this big mess of trying to balance them for stacking, and coordinated play.
Lol, this tracer on my team got a card at the end for melee kills. Why is that a thing? Haha
So, uh, am I allowed to leave when the match hasn't started and we're just picking characters? Because if there's 3 Widowmakers and a Hanso on my team for attack, I should be allowed to leave.
When Roadhog gets one for self healing, I just have to laugh.
nope, her shield as it is is incredibly strong
you haven't played good zaryas, they make you scared of shooting her. She's insanely powerful
Random pub game, and we face 6 McCrees.
We kick their asses, handily.
So, to be good sports, somehow all of us randoms agreed to play all Hanzos. We also got destroyed.
But it was fun.
EDIT: ... and upon reviewing that pic... it seems the whole other team swtiched, lol. So they probably had no idea what was going on.
How do I check this screen on PS4?
Touchpad dawg. You should be doing it regularly so you know team composition and who's on fire.How do I check this screen on PS4?
I Leave them alone they are usually the one to leave anyways lolI hate it when people say "We need a ××", but there they sit as Mei/Widowmaker on Attack. Gtfoh.
The touchpad
Learning something everyday.
Touchpad dawg. You should be doing it regularly so you know team composition and who's on fire.
Press P. There, you can see all players, with a little speaker on the side. Press that speaker. Or right click on the face and pick mute player.How can you mute people? I know right clicking on the name in chat to block when someone writes there. But if someone hasn't written anything, where do I click to block them?
I had an idiot in the team who thought he needs an intro theme, at the start of the match and every time he came back after dying blasting through the voice chat.
There's no digital manual?I couldn't figure out what the flaming players were until I finally asked Google. It wasn't in the instruction manual- oh wait there isn't one....
Thank youPress P. There, you can see all players, with a little speaker on the side. Press that speaker. Or right click on the face and pick mute player.
There's no digital manual?
Anyhow, it's not too hard to figure out most of the UI stuff.
His aim is so insanely stupid it makes me feel bad about myself.
I think leaving at the pick character screen doesn't get you a leave penalty.
Also I've lost gold on healing to Roadhog as Mercy because he was always in the thick of it and drinking his healing constantly.
This feels like the best composition for public games right now:
with no more than one each of any of those lower categories. Seems to go into the most balanced sort of team. Without the first four I feel like attack especially never breaks through chokes.
- Mercy or Lucio
- Reinhardt
- Main DPS #1
- Main DPS #2
- Secondary Support, Secondary Tank, Flanker, Sniper, or Other
- Secondary Support, Secondary Tank, Flanker, Sniper, or Other
Reinhardt and Roadhog tag team is pretty awesome. In fact dual tanks, regardless of which heroes you choose can be insane in competent hands. I love being backed up by 'Hog or Winston.
Yet nobody gives him the votes with that insane performance. Hah.