Beginning to wonder if there's a useful one-person strategy for dealing with a turret + Bastion combo, because holy fucking shit no one ever wants to take out turrets anymore so I can't trust anyone else on my team to bother. Like, if you're on my team and you're playing Pharah, it's your goddamned job to take out turrets. So DO IT.
Yeah. No one bothers to take 'em out for them YouTuuuube killz! Sigh. I use Pharah for that but man, no one gives a shit to heal me so it takes a looong while for me to take one out.
Tried Zarya today and holy crap! She's awesome! Provided you have a competent team (which I rarely do), she's a strong pusher/defender due to her shields and grenade spam. Problem is, if I message "My ult is ready" repeatedly, no one gives a flying fuck and just uses theirs willy nilly anyway.
I do find her ally shield kinda baffling though. It lasts for like what? 2-3 seconds? What good is it for? Rushing in and tanking a turret or what? And her laser doesn't seem to do that much damage even if the orb is big and shining. Her ultimate might be the longest charging in the entire game, I think. It's dead powerful so I understand why. Just wish it'd charge a little bit faster.
I think my main problem when I want to play as Zarya is my team mostly consists of asshats who can't kill enemies. Based on my 7-10 games, I managed to find maybe 1-2 games where my teammates were able to take down enemies with me supporting them. Otherwise, I see myself having to eliminate enemies AND pushing.
What is with all the shitty McCrees, Genjis and Hanzos? It's gotten to the point that I groan when I see a teammate pick one of each since they suck more often than not. I'm OK with having them as teammates, but if they're just going to hang back and try to snipe enemies or hunt for heroes, then fuck that.
I played a game today where we were attacking and two teammates picked Widowmaker and one as Torbjorn. Ugh. It was like 3v6!