His aim is so insanely stupid it makes me feel bad about myself.
His tracking in motion and his situational awareness is pretty damn impressive... Makes me want to practice a bunch.
His aim is so insanely stupid it makes me feel bad about myself.
Too salty.Yet nobody gives him the votes with that insane performance. Hah.
Yet nobody gives him the votes with that insane performance. Hah.
Fucking hell. While I overcame 4 Tors fairly handily, we went into this match against 5 Roadhogs... And killed them pretty handily for control point A on Volskaya
Then they had 5 Tors and one Bastion... All setup on those fucking moving platforms. Maybe the weekend is full of boring players or something because jesus christ tonight sucks. Please bring back mystery hero as a permanent game mode if you won't do custom servers...
You get it.When someone is decent, you toss them a vote.
When someone is GOOD, you're too salty to give them the courtesy.
Dude has amazing aim. If he's a pro basketball player, I'm the last kid to get picked in 3rd grade PE by comparison.
THAT SAID, he has his own dedicated healer giving him buffs throughout, and his almost exclusive Reihardt shield. So yes, he's good. But he has two people almost dedicating themselves to his game/skill.When I pocket Mercy for my friend's McCree, we got a solid ~15-20 eliminations in a row multiple times.
Dude has amazing aim. If he's a pro basketball player, I'm the last kid to get picked in 3rd grade PE by comparison.
THAT SAID, he has his own dedicated healer giving him buffs throughout, and his almost exclusive Reihardt shield. So yes, he's good. But he has two people almost dedicating themselves to his game/skill.When I pocket Mercy for my friend's McCree, we got a solid ~15-20 eliminations in a row multiple times.
I said the same thing on the official forums. Got downvoted.A good adjustment for McCree's flash bomb would be to make it just work like a flash bang grenade like Counter Strike. It does noting to impede your movement, but you're blinded for a short moment.
A good adjustment for McCree's flash bomb would be to make it just work like a flash bang grenade like Counter Strike. It does noting to impede your movement, but you're blinded for a short moment.
I said the same thing on the official forums. Got downvoted.
I suppose that messes up the idea that mcree can use his flash to shut down ults.
Can they at least make McCree flash bang have to hit or even get close. The aoe on that thing is crazy.
Turrets only have 200 health, they're stupid easy to kill, just shoot themHow did you overcome all those Tors? Having too many of them seems like the biggest "broken" aspect of the game. I think the turrets have too far of a range and don't take enough damage considering a Tor can run around and keep them healthy after a few hits.
I really do kind of wish Blizzard locked out heroes. I enjoy playing almost all of them so it wouldn't bother me if a hero I wanted at that moment was taken.
Turrets only have 200 health, they're stupid easy to kill, just shoot them
Turrets only have 200 health, they're stupid easy to kill, just shoot them
They require coordination, most groups trickle up to the last minute. So even if you do destroy them, its nullified if your team can't profit. You'll go right back to square one as he builds new ones while they are on respawn.
Many times when a team is aware of turrets, they never wait as a group with some people destroying them, they continue to trickle.
the dupes are real
Hanamura is such a shit map. There needs to be at least one alternate path past that goddamn choke point. The constant use of choke points really highlights Blizzard's limitations on map design.
Hanamura is such a shit map. There needs to be at least one alternate path past that goddamn choke point.
There is, above it. One of the ways I've seen Hanamura lost quickly is when mobile teams just go above the the choke and just run left behind the point. Have a Genji and a Winston draw the attention away from the front so your less mobile members can get in and flank from both side.
There's a tendency for defense to push really hard in front of the point on Hanamura thinking there's only one good way in and that's when they lose.
There is, above it. One of the ways I've seen Hanamura lost quickly is when mobile teams just go above the the choke and just run left behind the point. Have a Genji and a Winston draw the attention away from the front so your less mobile members can get in and flank from both side.
There's a tendency for defense to push really hard in front of the point on Hanamura thinking there's only one good way in and that's when they lose.
i have a problem.
every single time i'm on defense i automatically choose symmetra :|
Is it usually better to stick all 6 Symmetra's turrets in the same spot(more or less) or to spread them? I got a feeling 1 or 2 turrets on top of a door won't be enough to actually matter.
A good adjustment for McCree's flash bomb would be to make it just work like a flash bang grenade like Counter Strike. It does noting to impede your movement, but you're blinded for a short moment.
The only one who torb can maybe out heal the damage of is Winston. If Pharah can get a line of sight on the turret there's literally nothing he can do to stop it, then you can just keep shooting when he tries to put up a new one and you'll destroy it before it ever gets a shot off, and even if it does he can't make it level two if its damaged so as long as you don't let him sit there and hammer it a bunch then he'll never get it built again.It's not that easy when there are 2-3 of them in a place like temple or valskia where the attackers are funneled in at a distance and the Tors are sitting back there healing the Turrets immediately.
Yeah this is a big problem.
You can throw it over Reinhardt's shield, Zarya's bubble only last two seconds and once it's gone he can still fan>roll>fan, and there's not a Genji alive that'll be able to react to you throwing it at the ground instead of at them.I think people do not realize that some people have moves which shorten the effect alot.
Reaper always does this to me. Genji reflecting it is also a pain, and when I throw it at the ground he jumps higher than its range.Zarya and her damned bubble...Reinhart's shield...
I think the main fix is to give his roll a longer cool down, or make his roll faster but it does not reload.
One fan will rarely kill unless you get a perfect headshot.
Taking away the evade/reload would do the job
Is it usually better to stick all 6 Symmetra's turrets in the same spot(more or less) or to spread them? I got a feeling 1 or 2 turrets on top of a door won't be enough to actually matter.
My first success as Genji haha.
Is it usually better to stick all 6 Symmetra's turrets in the same spot(more or less) or to spread them? I got a feeling 1 or 2 turrets on top of a door won't be enough to actually matter.