I have sinned.
Unlocked a skin for Mei and played her for a while, I actually enjoyed it.
Forgive me.
I still have maybe 7 champs unplayed at level 39. I started playing Mei recently and she's a ton of fun. Unique playstyle, cute voice, funny ice spikes.I have sinned.
Unlocked a skin for Mei and played her for a while, I actually enjoyed it.
Forgive me.
A half charged headshot will kill low health targets.on the subject of Widowmakers how the fuck are they quickscope headshotting me? Like instant scope in critical, dead. Must be something wrong with the replay because when I try that on the practice bots it does like 10 damage.
on the subject of Widowmakers how the fuck are they quickscope headshotting me? Like instant scope in critical, dead. Must be something wrong with the replay because when I try that on the practice bots it does like 10 damage.
Gonna wait out 10 minutes before i try a match. Just left 3 games before they started where 4 out of the 6 were level 2- 8 and i and another guy were the only ones above 50. I've hear some people say it doesn't match on level but by MMR. Forced 50% fucking sucks, i don't want to carry a team.
How many walls did you build between people and their fun
sometimes life happens. They might have been disconnected, etc
So other than the McCree and D.Va changes, who else do people want to see nerfed/buffed?
Personally, I'm just hoping for a Widowmaker nerf and a Zenyatta buff. Widow is just blatantly overpowered (at least on PC, I hear she's perfectly fine on console) and often forces entire games to revolve around her. Zenyatta is just too squishy. I'm sure it was fine back when he could stick an orb then hide forever, but now that he needs LoS to be relevant, he desperately needs a significant improvement to his health, movement, or both. Honestly, I'd like to see him get 50 armor on top of his current set, though that may be a bit much. He's the only support I enjoy playing, I just wish he was worth the effort.
For the most part, the game feels really well balanced. I think Blizzard did a really impressive job, given how many heroes there are.
So I should never not be Torbjorn or Symmetra.
I'm honestly okay with Zenyatta as-is. His DPS and range are insane. His buffs are good. His ult is amazing for a final push. He just requires being a more cognizant player than most other heroes.
Blizzard games do not have timeout penalties for disconnects that's just how it is.
So other than the McCree and D.Va changes, who else do people want to see nerfed/buffed?
Personally, I'm just hoping for a Widowmaker nerf and a Zenyatta buff. Widow is just blatantly overpowered (at least on PC, I hear she's perfectly fine on console) and often forces entire games to revolve around her. Zenyatta is just too squishy. I'm sure it was fine back when he could stick an orb then hide forever, but now that he needs LoS to be relevant, he desperately needs a significant improvement to his health, movement, or both. Honestly, I'd like to see him get 50 armor on top of his current set, though that may be a bit much. He's the only support I enjoy playing, I just wish he was worth the effort.
For the most part, the game feels really well balanced. I think Blizzard did a really impressive job, given how many heroes there are.
He's awesome, but I'd like to see a bump in health to 200 so he isn't one-shotted by a Widowmaker no matter where she hits him.
Personally, I'm just hoping for a Widowmaker nerf and a Zenyatta buff.
I have sinned.
Unlocked a skin for Mei and played her for a while, I actually enjoyed it.
Forgive me.
Level 30, 52% win rate, all games played with randoms.
A half charged headshot will kill low health targets.
What platform are you on? Also, any charged attack near your head is death.
I am 33 and 55% win rate, also with all randoms.
I don't find much issue with the matchmaking like some people have, sometimes it goes a bit haywire and one side gets steamrollered but generally it's been a great experience.
No way Zenyatta gets any sort of buff without Discord Orb getting a nerf at the same time. You might as well not even play Roadhawg/Winston if the other team has Zenyatta. Discord Orb turns either of them into an obese Tracer without blink/rewind. Roadhawg in particular is hard-countered since he has no shield/escape mechanics.
I feel like they should look at Torb's turret in some way.
I'm on PS4 if that makes a difference, but that thing seems to have no target range drop-off, no damage drop-off, no firing rate cooldown, and instant targeting no matter if you manage to flank it.
It's likely not as much of an issue on PC with so many Widow's but on PS4 it seems to be more effective. Plus, I'm sick of all the Torb turret POTG's.
Yeah, I love when my team does the Tracer/Zen combo. My friend calls out Discord orbs and I take em down as Tracer. 3 secs is enough to melt *most* characters with an orb before it gets returned. Zen doesn't even need to be out in the open too long with auto-target.
sometimes life happens. They might have been disconnected, etc
yeah he's much less of an issue on PC due to the popularity of snipers. I play both PS4/PC although been mainly on PC. So I'm not quite an expert on this.
But yeah but as we discussed earlier in the thread- Widowmaker much less popular on consoles. But then again I 'think' Hanzo still sees play on Console? The turret should be easy to shopot on console still due to them being stationary
Anyway pretty much all conjecture on my point
Do Discord Orbs always return to Zen after 3 seconds or only after 3 seconds once breaking LoS?
I need to play him more it seems.
Something I never understood while watching Competitive Matches is why they feel the need to constantly jump. Doesn't seem to matter what they're doing: Engage in a firefight, Running back to regroup, preparing defensive measures, they're constantly jumping.
Harder to aim. Ever seen a Wiston glue on you and monkey around while holdong LMB? That's whySomething I never understood while watching Competitive Pro Matches is why they feel the need to constantly jump. Doesn't seem to matter what they're doing: Engage in a firefight, Running back to regroup, preparing defensive measures, they're constantly jumping.
Times you get dumped into a bad team you have a few options. Fuck around and just have fun.
They crush in pub games. My E/D with Torbjorn is 5.08 just from griefing KotH games.So I should never not be Torbjorn or Symmetra.
A half charged shot will kill low health targets.
Something I never understood while watching Competitive Pro Matches is why they feel the need to constantly jump. Doesn't seem to matter what they're doing: Engage in a firefight, Running back to regroup, preparing defensive measures, they're constantly jumping.
So I should never not be Torbjorn or Symmetra.
Also the times you get dumped into a bad team you have a few options. Fuck around and just have fun, try different heroes or attempt to pull team together (voice chat + tank/support role). Most of the time I get put on a fairly competent team. It's just best to not give up early if the initial choices seem worrying. Just pick a good hero, play it well and see if others adjust.
I don't really understand what the point of breaking Reinhardt's shield is when the cooldown is practically nothing anyways
Should really have some kind of punishment for losing your shield.
I think the actual fix is to pull down Widow's charged damage to about 125. She'll still kill squishies with two charged body shots or one headshot, but she won't demolish tanks as fast, she won't kill Zenyatta in one hit, and people will actually have to pick their shots a little better instead of spamming.That's awesome! Haha.
My favorite thing while playing D.Va is to come up behind Pudge --- I mean, Roadhog, when they're doing this and bump them off.
He's awesome, but I'd like to see a bump in health to 200 so he isn't one-shotted by a Widowmaker no matter where she hits him.
Only if they have no health lolfixed
I can't imagine they will implement penalties for quitting for unranked but you can bet your Roadhog they will for ranked.