I think 90% of my games were in solo queue.
The others with a friend.
So this wasn't the play of the game, but I felt like it should have been.
I hit an airborne Mercy with two direct Pharah rockets. I was pretty excited about it.
Two games in a row, I get dropped midway into games where my team gets steamrolled completely. Like, I am talking about losing objective B on Volskaya half a minute after objective A gets taken out. Thanks a lot.
Aye, I have played a few games that start so horribly they seem like a lost cause, then the other team gets overly confident people realise their mistakes and change heroes and we end up winning. The games are that short there is no real need to give up at any point.
It takes a few seconds to recharge after breaking. If the shield is protecting anything, those things will either be dead or the formation will have to scatter. Either result is a good thing.
To be expected. It is usually the losing team that people abandon mid-match.
Quick queue needs leaver penalties as much as ranked does. I've lost enough matches because someone ragequit and the system took over a minute to replace the leaver, drop in is no excuse.
If you don't have 10 minutes to play then don't queue up. If you want to freely leave don't waste the time of others and play with bots. Simple as that.
So I should never not be Torbjorn or Symmetra.
I'll never understand that. They lose all the EXP they probably earned. It's just a loss, who the eff cares about that?
But, it doesn't really matter if you lose because someone leaves. It's a quick queue you enter to get quick drop in games.
As a Mercy player, you can go right to hell! We're supposed to be (relatively) safe up there!
Just got into Volskaya attack. I picked Genji. Everyone else on my team then picks Genji too. We lost badly. I'm not sure what they were expecting.
As a Mercy player, you can go right to hell! We're supposed to be (relatively) safe up there!
Very few of the games you get in the quickplay queue are "drop in" games. The majority of the time you're in it from beginning to end. Losing because people ragequit isnt fun, most people play the game to have fun so yes, it matters.
Lmfao! I usually die and think "shit someone really sniped me flying across the screen up a tower?!" Oh right it was a fucking Toblerone turret across the map... fml
See, if you were my Mercy you wouldn't have to worry about this.![]()
Two games in a row, I get dropped midway into games where my team gets steamrolled completely. Like, I am talking about losing objective B on Volskaya half a minute after objective A gets taken out. Thanks a lot.
I have sinned.
Unlocked a skin for Mei and played her for a while, I actually enjoyed it.
Forgive me.
That's good to hear, because it sure seems like most players don't give two shits about Mercy and will happily leave them to die!
in rainbow six getting dropped into an ongoing match does not count as a loss. Does overwatch do this?
I pilot really good support/tank characters so I'm actually doing well when I get dropped in as long as there is a few minutes left.
Just got into Volskaya attack. I picked Genji. Everyone else on my team then picks Genji too. We lost badly. I'm not sure what they were expecting.
My Wife plays Mercy sometimes, so if I let her die, not only have I failed my team, I've failed my marriage.
Really, though. she lets me have it if I don't turn around fast enough. Or if we hear a tire and I'm not up in the air for her to jump to.
Yeah, that's a pretty bad one character team. I faced an all Reaper one the other day, and it was terrible. They just had no chance.
I wish this game offered some way in-game to group up with likeminded players. I hear of people using discord and Reddit to form groups but that shouldn't need be the case. There should be a way from the main menu.
Yeah, that's a pretty bad one character team. I faced an all Reaper one the other day, and it was terrible. They just had no chance.
Haha, that's actually really awesome.
I seriously get the impression that most players haven't realized that Mercy has verbal cues when she is being attacked. So many times we've been flanked from the rear and everyone ignores my screams of agony.
Just got into Volskaya attack. I picked Genji. Everyone else on my team then picks Genji too. We lost badly. I'm not sure what they were expecting.
My Wife plays Mercy sometimes, so if I let her die, not only have I failed my team, I've failed my marriage.
The only good one character team is all McCree, and it's just because of all the "It's High Noon" it gives, it's funny lol.
People care about having fun. Being stuck with a group of 5 other people none of which play as a team is not fun.
That's good to hear, because it sure seems like most players don't give two shits about Mercy and will happily leave them to die!
The only good one character team is all McCree, and it's just because of all the "It's High Noon" it gives, it's funny lol.
Yeah, that's a pretty bad one character team. I faced an all Reaper one the other day, and it was terrible. They just had no chance.
I was in a pub game where everyone picked D.va. We won easy, it was quite a surprise.
Played a defensive game where four of my teammates picked Mei.
Never have I lost a game that quick.
It's funny, I haven't really touched Mei since the end of the first week and started slowly drifting over to Pharah. Well, Pharah for Attacking and Control maps. Symmetra for Defensive maps.
Though, when Pharah wont do, I'll go Winston. I'm actually surprised he's my number 5. I just started playing Soldier on Saturday after a bad couple of games, and turns out I'm pretty good as him. He fucks up Toblerone turrets the best.