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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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I think Winston is finally clicking with me. I no longer die within seconds of jumping into the fray thanks to me getting use to his jumping skill.
I think it's because she does basically one thing. The concept of clicking on an ally and healing them is pretty simple, whereas Lucio has things to consider like range and line of sight that isn't verifiable by "is my healing beam connecting to the ally". You're also attacking with him.

One huge mistake many Mercy players do is not remembering to use the blue buff beam. I always keep my beam on buff until the health starts dropping.
There was a guy on voice chat the other night calling everyone mongloids before quitting (and getting stuck with a leaver's penalty). You know it's serious when dudes bring out their weird, outdated racial slurs.

Just FYI, (In the UK at least) that refers to people with mental disabilities, rather than a racial thing.

Similarly, I've seen some people be proper dicks in this game but I just don't get it. It's not worth the effort. Someone insults me, I'll just leave after the game is done and never have to deal with them ever again. I'm certainly not going to remember who they were.

Weirdly enough we did have an entire team rage-quit on us in a 6v6 on Route 66 because we got the cart to the second checkpoint in under 2 minutes. That was a weird game.
I report it at least, it's not needed.

I don't mind so trash talking s'long as it's not super disrespectful. It's part of mp games and some here and some there is not all that bad.

On topic, Overwatch is such a blast to play but I honestly think that not unlike Destiny it truly needs a team of 6 folks who are familiar with one another to get more out of it.

This isn't CoD or TDM but so many people play it this way, at least the randoms I've played alongside with on PSN.

For those folks who I've seen complain or voice irritation over certain characters (Bastion, Mei, Torbjorn are the few I see keep popping up over and over) just switch to their counter on the fly. I've seen some of my own friends keep trying over and over and get outmatched simply because they're to stubborn to change.


I wonder ir Symetra was a little more interesting and useful if her E skill was stronger (maybe 50 shield like in beta) but it used the same pool as her turrets. So you must chose, having all your soldiers with strong shields and only one turret. Or three turrets and three strong shields. Or leaving your friends in the wild but six annoying turrets of doom.


Just had a team try to go all mei while trying to cap the first point, punished the fuck out of them with Bastion. Then for round 2 they tried to go all Hanzo and got fucking murdered.

Seriously, screw that tactic. I honestly hope they limit it like a MOBA and only let one person play as a character. It totally throws off the flow of the game and isn't fun at all.

What is fun is when you work together as a team and steamroll them when it doesn't work :)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
white, white, blue, white

2 dupes for a grand total of 35g

The walls really throw them off too much and I feel that people around here aren't doing that all that much due to "lolmei isn't great in competitive/high skill" or something.

I haven't played with Mei myself yet but people who know her skill set can dominate defence objectives, her main freeze attack used with heal can nullify most attacks. If she has a turret or a bastion supporting her they can clean up. A lot of people I have seen use her seem to stay mid range and stick to the periphery as if she was Hanzo which makes no sense. That seems to be a recurring problem of people just not playing the role. Observing Tracers hang back is so frustrating.
Just had a team try to go all mei while trying to cap the first point, punished the fuck out of them with Bastion. Then for round 2 they tried to go all Hanzo and got fucking murdered.

Seriously, screw that tactic. I honestly hope they limit it like a MOBA and only let one person play as a character. It totally throws off the flow of the game and isn't fun at all.

What is fun is when you work together as a team and steamroll them when it doesn't work :)

Two per class max. Make it happen Blizzard.


Just had a team try to go all mei while trying to cap the first point, punished the fuck out of them with Bastion. Then for round 2 they tried to go all Hanzo and got fucking murdered.

Seriously, screw that tactic. I honestly hope they limit it like a MOBA and only let one person play as a character. It totally throws off the flow of the game and isn't fun at all.

What is fun is when you work together as a team and steamroll them when it doesn't work :)

Good on you for taking them down, unfortunately I had to play against a good all tracer team last night and it was like my soul was snatched right out of me.


I hate when on a game Im good with a character I dont like lol, like I do amazing with Hanzo but I want to use mcree or reaper.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Are you guys really that big on single boxes? I've opened thousands of f2p progress packs in HS in the years I've played it. Same will happen with OW.

dude its just a joke reaction. dont tell me you wouldnt prefer 2 legendaries instead, come on
Just had a team try to go all mei while trying to cap the first point, punished the fuck out of them with Bastion. Then for round 2 they tried to go all Hanzo and got fucking murdered.

Seriously, screw that tactic. I honestly hope they limit it like a MOBA and only let one person play as a character. It totally throws off the flow of the game and isn't fun at all.

What is fun is when you work together as a team and steamroll them when it doesn't work :)


I like that there's a diversity of possible strategiesand fighting as or against a six Mei team is different than anything else in the game. It requires you to mix up your play and come up with counters on the spot. I think of them like gadget plays in American football - you can possiblycatch the other team off guard, or easily counter them if you're thinking on your feet.

Two per class seems the worst of both worlds where you don't allow the gimmicky setups but still have room for a centralized meta of double Winstons or Tracers or what have you.


Aww, hearing Zarya or Torb just rip into a Bastion character, and that Bastion character respond in their Transformers-Bumblebee robot speak is sad, haha.


Lol got gotd last night after a mei walled of her team on the streets of kings row exactly as irip tired and I see them turn to run only to see a giant ice wall blocking then and all of them trying to get to a corner as if they could get through it.

After the team wipe I just typed out "thanks for the wall assist"


Last night we did an all genji team on temple of Anubis attacking and we rolled the other team in a minute or two. And this was all pubs vs pubs lol


I wish Winston had a side dash, too. But I starting to get the feel for him!

That's what was throwing me off when I first played him. I'd always try to jump to the side or backwards. Once I trained myself to stop dong that, everything else started to click.
Has anyone worked out if Overwatch has a pity timer on loot boxes yet? I don't believe Hearthstone had one at launch but would be good if OW did so I can go ahead and pull the trigger on those 50 boxes :D

M.J. Doja

Just encountered a botter in solo Q. Just has forward and spacebar bound and it automatically picks a hero. The opposing team got murdered for two rounds because of him, and then he was on my team so I left.

There is no vote to kick option, you can report and avoid but more players like this will effectively ruin a lot of the fun of going solo.


Junkrat is the baest of baes

Junkrat is awesome. Blowing up the whole following of a shield equipped Reinhardt from behind is so satisfying. Also shooting grenades at the spawn exits when defending without being in the line of sight. So good


So why does people say Genji is counter to Bastion? He only seems to counter him if the bastion is retarded and attacks while genji's reflect ability is active. Bastion destroys genji otherwise


So why does people say Genji is counter to Bastion? He only seems to counter him if the bastion is retarded and attacks while genji's reflect ability is active. Bastion destroys genji otherwise

Get near, RMB, dash, melee. If he dares to shoot, deflect. Otherwise repeat RMB, melee.


Really Really Exciting Member!
So why does people say Genji is counter to Bastion? He only seems to counter him if the bastion is retarded and attacks while genji's reflect ability is active. Bastion destroys genji otherwise

Thing is most Bastions aren't fast enough to realize that Genji is killing them with their own bullets I guess.


Can you get the D3 Mercy wings on PC with the origins edition code from the XBOX version? Or will it only apply to the XBOX version of D3?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Why does McCree not have a cooldown on his fucking right click? seriously wtf, Lucio and others have a cd on their alt fire but this motherfucker not? WTF blizzard.
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