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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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This is not true at all. Avoiding McCree's ult is almost as easy as avoiding D.Va's

I can see hers coming. I know from which direction. You don't know which direction you need to run with high noon. There are no physical identifiers which direction it will come from unlike all those other abilities. I've side strafed around a corner hiding behind a wall when I've heard it only to be still dead because of flanking or he's behind us. Every other ultimate I can see where death approaches from.

If there is and I've missed it. Let me know.


It's what defines McCree as a character - he is good at 1v1 against anyone in the game. He has super low mobility and a decent gun, but if he gets close to you or catches you off guard alone, you will die.

so you think everyone in the game should have a counter except mccree?

lol ok


a damage nerf and/or rclick cooldown would still let him kill anyone short of tanks in the span of flashbang stun

if you think he should be able to deal 865 damage (flashbang is 25, rclick bodyshots are 70 so that's not even counting rng headshots) in the space of 3 seconds then we are never going to agree in the first place

Fan-fire doesn't headshot crit.


not characteristic of ants at all
so you think everyone in the game should have a counter except mccree?

lol ok


He does have a counter. Genji, D.Va, Winston are all great against him. Winston is a bit trickier because you have to know how to use the shield. In general, though, McCree is countered by distance. Hence he's also really easy to kill with Pharah, Soldier 76, Widowmaker/Hanzo/any other hero at a distance


Sadly, I don't see it every changing. As stupid as it is that teams can have multiples of the same hero, I can just see the shitstorm if people can't pick their main or whatever they want every single round.

I would solve this by not having a hard rule on it but a soft bonus for having a diverse team e.g. an xp boost or 10 second head start in the game, maybe.



He does have a counter. Genji, D.Va, Winston are all great against him. Winston is a bit trickier because you have to know how to use the shield. In general, though, McCree is countered by distance. Hence he's also really easy to kill with Pharah, Soldier 76, Widowmaker/Hanzo/any other hero at a distance

widowmaker is the only one of those i could see because she's kind of op too, everyone else there has worse damage and accuracy than mccree. pharah especially gets wrecked by hitscan guns at any range, hanzo is harder to aim, soldier has less dps at any range, dva/genji/winston all die in one shot up close.

He does have a counter. Genji, D.Va, Winston are all great against him. Winston is a bit trickier because you have to know how to use the shield. In general, though, McCree is countered by distance. Hence he's also really easy to kill with Pharah, Soldier 76, Widowmaker/Hanzo/any other hero at a distance

He counters Winston very well actually.

Genji would be a good counter but McCree can throw the flashbang at his feet or something so he can't get reflected.

His only true counter is a sniper from long distance and well, I'd hope a sniper could kill someone far away.


Comics, serious business!
I also think dup characters should not be allowed, maybe max 2. In theory a team should do whatever it needs to do to win but so far any time I've faced or been a part of a team that has had 3 or more of any character it's just a horrendous experience. It's just not fun. It's not a winning strategy. Just end it for the good of the game. A string of great games comes to a crashing halt when you have to play 6 junkrats.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know if McCree should get a nerf or not but it is definitely odd that sneaky McCrees that hide behind corners then pop out doing stun, alt fire, dodge, alt fire instantly killing one character are better ninjas/assassins than Genjis.

Better damage dealers but no climbing or warping. They gotta slog their ass around at default speed. The only thing I hate is their high noon. It's too fast how it can insta kill a bunch of people. The tire, mech, dragon ults, It seems like you have more time to avoid those and they're physical objects you can see. Hearing "It's high noon" gives you like 2 seconds reaction time before you will be instantly dead from any distance away within LOS.

"It's high noon" = my team doing this(taking cover), regardless of what important thing they were doing at the time.


I also think dup characters should not be allowed, maybe max 2. In theory a team should do whatever it needs to do to win but so far any time I've faced or been a part of a team that has had 3 or more of any character it's just a horrendous experience. It's just not fun. It's not a winning strategy. Just end it for the good of the game. A string of great games comes to a crashing halt when you have to play 6 junkrats.

Agreed. I think a max of 2 may be the only option that can realistically be implemented without kids raging. And like another poster mentioned, maybe an XP bonus if the team is completely diverse.


Unconfirmed Member
Pharah deals with McCree easily...

Paper mache armor Pharah? From close up or far away?

4 Torbs defending on Hanamura

so good

Depends on which side of the conflict you're on. I faced a team like this last night and it was a hair pulling experience. They coordinated their ults back to back so that at least one to two turrets stayed up when one was taken down.


When you hook with Roadhog, is it best to follow up with the regular shotgun blast or the alternate fire for the tighter spread?

left click + melee.

right click only does decent damage at medium range. you can see a point when the scrap bundle comes apart and that's the sweet spot.


Played a handful of VERY successful matches with randoms yesterday. Without chatting, we made selections to remove the "warning tips" during the character selection to create balanced teams, and always worked the objective as a group. Incredibly satisfying time!

I have thoroughly enjoyed every character I've tried in the game so far... I may not have always felt effective (that will come with experience / time), but they have always been fun to use. And I'm definitely more effective than not as long as I work the objective.

The difficult thing to not allow myself to get too attached to a favorite character. I'll likely select a favorite of each type though, at least for starting out. And once I learn the intricacies of how the various characters play against each other, I'll likely learn when to branch out into other characters during a match.

LOVING this game.


I entered a King's Cross attack game midway through, saw a Bastion/Mercy/Reinhardt combo, smirked, destroyed it with D.va and then we managed to carry the payload and win thanks to a pretty on-point Reinhardt.

Feels good man.

When you hook with Roadhog, is it best to follow up with the regular shotgun blast or the alternate fire for the tighter spread?

You need to take the character into account, though. A clever Lúcio can knock you back with his secondary fire, which will almost certainly save him.


I think maybe fanning the hammer should have just enough cooldown that he can't stun, fan, roll, and fan again immediately. Just long enough that the opponent could get out of stun and do something if they had enough health to survive the first fan.

You need to take the character into account, though. A clever Lúcio can knock you back with his secondary fire, which will almost certainly save him.
Really? I feel like Roadhog can fire his gun before the guy he's hooked has control back. Am I wrong on that?


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Paper mache armor Pharah? From close up or far away?

Far away for sure. Up close and you're getting the flashbang fan treatment. But even then Mcree has the benefit of having a hit scan weapon and can still get you from far away. Honestly when dealing with him as Pharah I use her Concussive Blast to knock him out of position and inform my teammates to get him. When he's busy trying to deal with anyone else I come back and blast him from behind.
I can see hers coming. I know from which direction. You don't know which direction you need to run with high noon. There are no physical identifiers which direction it will come from unlike all those other abilities. I've side strafed around a corner hiding behind a wall when I've heard it only to be still dead because of flanking or he's behind us. Every other ultimate I can see where death approaches from.

If there is and I've missed it. Let me know.

If he was able to get behind undetected then you and your team deserve to get hit by that ult. That's a good play by Mcree.
Bleh. I'm pretty awful at this game. I don't play a lot of multiplayer shooters so I have no strategy for this kind of stuff. I've always enjoyed "run and gun" type gameplay but this is clearly not that game. Think I'll probably stick with it for another day or two before returning it.

Characters are neat, though! I like Bastion's design.


One thing I've noticed is the randoms must be getting better. I've noticed that I'm on winning teams about 50%+ of the time now. I think that's about as good as one can really hope for when in PUGs.


I think maybe fanning the hammer should have just enough cooldown that he can't stun, fan, roll, and fan again immediately. Just long enough that the opponent could get out of stun and do something if they had enough health to survive the first fan.

Really? I feel like Roadhog can fire his gun before the guy he's hooked has control back. Am I wrong on that?

I thought so too, but I've pulled it off a good 10/12 times. Maybe it's just people too confident in the stun to react as fast as they can.


I think maybe fanning the hammer should have just enough cooldown that he can't stun, fan, roll, and fan again immediately. Just long enough that the opponent could get out of stun and so something if they had enough health to survive the first fan.

The only people surviving the first fan are full health tanks with armor or if the mccree is so bad that it misses 4 of the 6 shots

The only good change that won't fuck over mccree completely is for flash to only stun if it hits in front of a character. Right now it doesn't matter and getting stunned cause the mccree threw it behind a person as they ran around a corner is the stupid thing. Reward accuracy and punish bad aim


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I feel like I'm the only person who feels like all the characters are almost perfect balanced as they are.

I don't want adjustments this early; especially when pretty much none of us truly understand how the meta game is going to evolve over the next weeks and months.


not characteristic of ants at all
Seriously, everytime you guys complain about a hero, you should try and play them. It will quickly make their weaknesses clear. Or maybe they are truly OP and you will get countless kills without dying at all.


I played a lot of Roadhog last night and while I can consistently one shot most 200hp characters with a hook, Lucio would sometimes survive with a surprising amount of health. I'm assuming he had boosted healing aura active and got a little lucky with the shotgun spread. There was enough hp left over that even a melee after the shot wouldn't be nearly enough.

as Lucio I do mash out RMB when I get hooked and it saves me as often as not.

I think the only Genji I failed to instagib after a hook last night was one I literally pulled through the floor and ramp on Ilios. I was so surprised that it landed I wasn't expecting him to end up in my face.

Seriously, everytime you guys complain about a hero, you should try and play them. It will quickly make their weaknesses clear. Or maybe they are truly OP and you will get countless kills without dying at all.

when the voting comes up I usually have at least a 60% hook rate when playing roadhog. I know the range of the chain. And yet I still get hooked by them from absolutely bullshit bonkers ranges on Zenyatta and Pharah. I know it's lag/tickrate in action but some abilities feel way more ridiculous on the other end.
Seriously, everytime you guys complain about a hero, you should try and play them. It will quickly make their weaknesses clear. Or maybe they are truly OP and you will get countless kills without dying at all.

The fact that when someone complains about a hero being OP, 30 people chime in with different strategies, is a good sign though.


I feel like I'm the only person who feels like all the characters are almost perfect balanced as they are.

I don't want adjustments this early; especially when pretty much none of us truly understand how the meta game is going to evolve over the next weeks and months.

The game HAS been played for months though


Why is it that whenever I do something really cool it's never play of the game but whenever I do have play of the game it's a lame double kill.


Seriously, everytime you guys complain about a hero, you should try and play them. It will quickly make their weaknesses clear. Or maybe they are truly OP and you will get countless kills without dying at all.

I play mostly McCree and agree that he needs a nerf, or a new hero that is a hard counter to him because atm the only hard counter to McCree is Widowmaker. He's just too good both in close range and medium range and with that he makes a bunch of other heroes "pointless" to take if you want to play a more serious match (and we are already seeing this in competitive scene with 1-2 McCrees for every team).
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