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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Did they swap chars to counter yours? Also, taking the second point on 2 point maps can be really easy if the defense tries to contest point A when it's obviously lost. Had a match on hanamura where we struggled to get A but when we did, three of us just looped around the left side to B while most of the defense was still over by A. They all tried to rush back to defend but came in at different times rather than as a group and just got picked off and lost. If you can get in on point B before the defense has a time to set up you can usually just roll over them and win.

Also if it switches from defend a point to defend the payload, the strategy changes. I've definitely had a few matches where we rocked the initial defense, but when the other team managed to squeak by and claim the initial objective the tides turned because our team was just not prepared for mobile defense and the other team steamrolled us.
Feeling pretty good about my unlocks now. One step closer to that 50 unlock Trophy.



I'm out of the loop. Did the recent patch nerf mcRee or have I been unlucky with my fan the hammer skills since the update? Someone like Reaper will generally drop every time I hit the flashbang / fan combo, but didn't on 3 occasions now.


So sort of given up on Mercy in pub games, sticking with Lucio but wondering how does one "get good" with Lucio?

Lucio is good just by existing. Keep the number in the center of your screen high (that's how many people are being affected by your heal/speed). Use your blaster to lay down suppression fire. The pulse moves so slow that you can fire on corners where people are going to pop out of and deal some decent damage. Against tanks you can do a ton of dmg since you can land all 3 pretty easily. Look around and check the health of your team constantly. If they're in an active battle hit E and heal them up. If you hear ults activate like rip tire or Dva self-destruct switch to speed to help your team escape if possible.

Whenever you spawn check the status of your team. If your tank or other slow teammates are down or multiple people are down wait for them to respawn so you can speed boost them back into action.

Your ult gives 500 shield that drops 100 every second so timing on it is important but if you have it up and you hear someone use an ult drop the sound barrier. I'll also use it if I see someone really close to death with my amp it up down or if we're pushing but my healing can't keep up. It's great to save this but TBH you earn it so often since Lucio can charge his ult pretty easily that I just use it whenever it may be helpful.

Don't forget to wall run and use your alt fire to push people off the hill or off the map.

Also it's OK to be selfish if it means you can stay alive. Sometimes I'll get into a bad situation and switch to speed and amp it up just so I can escape. Better than having to respawn and blow your amp just to get back to the team.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Guys, B.VA or JUNEBUG?

OG DVA is the best DVA. You're making the character worse by downgrading her skins.

Hope she gets some better skins.

So the tl;dr from that interview is that the McCree nerf, as some suspected, will just be a nerf to fan damage.

I personally preferred the idea of giving fan a cooldown because whenever I play McCree I get 95% of my kills by fanning, but cutting the damage will probably help as well. It sounds like McCree will still be able to flash fan roll fan to fuck up most tanks but probably not kill them.

Apparently they haven't decided what they want to do with D.Va but they do think she's either too squishy or not damaging enough. Either of those would be a fine improvement in my view.

Interesting to read that server tick rate is already 60hz. Also interesting that they think PotG is usually pretty cool even when it's Torbjorn but maybe the game isn't showing it off in the coolest way.

Yeah, those were the two things that I mentioned they should improve in either/or fashion. Honestly, I'd prefer the damage buff, since she is plenty tanky (although melts if just 2 people are shooting at her) and her mobility / shield lets her get out of trouble when needed. If I could just focus down squishies a bit faster without having to burn through 2 boosts to catch up to them, that'd be great.


Anyone else notice this quot in the recent interview with Jeff Kaplan?

Whilst we're talking new heroes, how did you find it when people started speculating that a new hero, called Sombra, was about to be revealed around the time of your last animated short? Was that strange, from your perspective?

Jeff Kaplan: No, it was not strange. We have put a lot of hints, all over the game and out of the game, so I would say it's about time that people are concerned with who Sombra is. I hope they keep researching more and find more hints that are out there.

So they haven't found everything yet?

Jeff Kaplan: No. No sir.

I find it interesting, I wonder if it is BF4 style easter eggs or just more art hinting at future characters.


the holder of the trombone
People have their sense tuned to hit things at a proper distance often have problems tracking things right next to them. It's a good strat to run right next to snipers and dance around them. They could probably kill you just as easily if their sens was higher but if they are used to hitting targets at long range they might struggle.

Lots of people have real basic aiming skills. Jumping is a perfectly viable strat to escape.
Fair enough. Yeah, I thought maybe they just couldn't track that well with the turn speed.

Also I remain convinced that they really need to rework bastion. Feels like he's good for the initial surprise but then everyone just learns to pick him apart after their first death. Plinking him to death with mechless DVa feels... wrong somehow.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
OG DVA is the best DVA. You're making the character worse by downgrading her skins.

Hope she gets some better skins.


lemon-lime is ok and white rabbit is her only other least horrible alternate skin, but yeah.. D.Va alt skins... I just don't know what blizzard was thinking. it's like they blew their whole load on her initial design and now have no idea what else to do with it.


Fair enough. Yeah, I thought maybe they just couldn't track that well with the turn speed.

Also I remain convinced that they really need to rework bastion. Feels like he's good for the initial surprise but then everyone just learns to pick him apart after their first death. Plinking him to death with mechless DVa feels... wrong somehow.

Yeah, a good team with Reinhardt, Genji, and Soldiers/Snipers basically ignores turret focused teams I've found


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
So I have 1,000G

The legendaries I have are:

Falcon Farah
Indian Zenyatta
Bandit/Yellow McCree
Firelady Mei
Both of Reaper's legendaries (guitar and birdmask)
Scuba Winston
Awesome Reinhardt (not Lion)
Imp Mercy

and probably a few more that I can't remember.

I'm thinking about either a Junkrat, the other Mei legendary, shark Roadhog (in the lead), and any other suggestions anyone else may have.


I just noticed the sound effects of the highlight sequences are missing.
When I watch them in the hero gallery they have sound effects, but during a play of the game or under highlights in the menu they are completely silent and only the play of the game music plays instead.
Is this a bug? Intended? Something broken on my end?


the holder of the trombone
So I have 1,000G

The legendaries I have are:

Falcon Farah
Indian Zenyatta
Bandit/Yellow McCree
Firelady Mei
Both of Reaper's legendaries (guitar and birdmask)
Scuba Winston
Awesome Reinhardt (not Lion)

and probably a few more that I can't remember.

I'm thinking about either a Junkrat, the other Mei legendary, shark Roadhog (in the lead), and any other suggestions anyone else may have.

Shark roadhog all day, everyday.

I think road hog has seriously jumped to second place of favorite heroes to play. There are just so many ways to fuck with people as roadhog.


I am so god damn tired of healing shitbirds while they do shitbird activities while letting me die to the shitbirds on the other team.


I love how charcaters react to weapons. They have bzzz scream when they are attacked by a Tesla gun, and cough if Mei try to freeze them.


Eurogamer had a lengthy interview with Jeff Kaplan about Overwatch: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-06-07-overwatch-blizzard-answers-the-big-questions

Quick Summary:
  • There's a big discussion about how the ranked mode works (which is still targeting the end of June). It's now a system where you can rank up and down. The game will try to match you by skill, and at equal party sizes. The seasons will last about 2.5 months.
  • There will be more information about the new maps and heroes coming starting a bit later into the Summer.
  • They're already working on updates all the way through to early next year so they have a steady rate of new content, though they're open to changing the rate based on community feedback.
  • The first few new heroes will be released one at a time since beta players reacted very negatively to three being released at once.
  • Jeff confirms Sombra is real and that we haven't found all the hints in the game about her yet. Apparently I wasn't thorough enough. Presumably she's the first new hero coming.
  • They're open to the idea of Xbox and PlayStation players playing together, but have made no progress on this topic as of yet.
  • Jeff notes that the server runs at a tick rate of 60, though that the client could be updated to run at 60 as well if more people are willing to test it in the custom game mode. Currently it doesn't work for about 20% of their player base and they need more people to test it before it can be rolled out to Quick Play. He does say most of the killed around corner issues are from latency though, and not the tick rate.
  • McCree's Fan The Hammer damage is getting nerfed so that it doesn't kill tanks, definitely kills lightweight heroes, and maybe kills medium health heroes.
  • D.Va is either going to get a damage buff (mostly in terms of lowering the rate at which damage drops off over distance) or survivability buff, but not both. They're testing both options currently. This will be later than the McCree nerf, which sounds like it's soon.

I have a separate thread here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1229575
Fair enough. Yeah, I thought maybe they just couldn't track that well with the turn speed.

Also I remain convinced that they really need to rework bastion. Feels like he's good for the initial surprise but then everyone just learns to pick him apart after their first death. Plinking him to death with mechless DVa feels... wrong somehow.
Turn speed is important too though for sure. That's actually why changing horizontal sensitivity can be a big deal.

I'm a pretty shit Tracer, but just being able to handle my sensitivity being at 80+ means that I can blink in, hit them and get out before a lot of players are even able to turn around.
I give up

tried port forwarding

all this other stuff

still can't connect to PSN. I guess my power went out last night because my PS4 was off and my computer wasn't in sleep mode anymore, that had something to do with it I think? I dunno.



Guys hello!I am interested in buying the game but i got some questions.
1)Are they gonna add new champs in the future?
2)If my team is bad is there any chance i can carry the game myself?I really dislike situations where u cant do anything if ur team is bad.
Also is there any chance in getting it for less than 40 in Europe?

1) Most likely
2) Carry? Not so much, but one person can definitely turn the tide


Had my first full team of Torbjørn match. So funny :p they never got close to getting through. Killed 1 turet at a time at most. 22 kills 0 deaths.

Cant imagen a team of randoms being able to deal with that.

you should definitely notice it regardless

You might notice it to some degree but it's often difficult to reflect back on how you used to play and how you may have improved over time because many of those gameplay adaptations that the higher level of play should have forced you to make will be implicit rather than explicit.

Even then, due to the scoreboard system its difficult to deduce your own individual impact on the game and its outcome. Perhaps you're just progressing because your allies have been performing well, that's often unclear. As for your opponents, even at higher levels, games have their ups and downs, and bad players make their way (somehow) into higher ranked matches, or people do not play their main characters, etc, etc. so it's difficult to deduce the level of play and how it might have changed from say, 20 matches ago, in my opinion.

I usually get gold eliminations, and I get play of the game very often, yet still, we often lose, and even when we win, it's hard for me to know if it's me that has had any real impact. Especially as a Genji player. I kill supports and others, but from one game to the next I will perform just as well, yet one of those games we win, and one we lose. It makes it feel inconsequential.

The asynchronous nature of gameplay across different characters in this game does not help things either as I target characters who are favourable matchups for my character. You could be one of the best bastions or torbjorns in the world but you are unlikely to beat a decent Genji head to head. Again, that's another factor that makes it difficult to detect the variance in oppositions skill level as the fights I pick usually have their outcome determined by the decision making process more so than individual skill and moment to moment gameplay. Not only that, but teams as a whole compose the efficacy of the opposing team, and with my team being variable (different players) it's hard to tell if our collective performance is getting better or worse, and that has obvious cascading effects on individual performance too, which in itself, is to some degree character dependent.

The point is, there are a lot of confounds when trying to make an assessment of your own abilities and how you may have improved relative to your previous performance and your opposition. These blur the lines and make genuinely meaningful progression of your skill both as an individual and team, hard to detect and dissociate. More transparency to the games statistical systems would really help with that.
Other that the thrill of winning, what do you get if you win? I see so much rage about people losing and being on bad teams, but how much of a benefit is it to win? I know you get additional XP, but is there any other benefit? Until there's a ranked, I stopped caring so much about winning or losing. I don't rage as much when I see 2 widows on my team when we are escorting.

You get jack shit besides a little XP boost. This is why I stopped caring about wins and loses myself. Winning is nice and all and I definitely put forward my best effort every game but I'm not going to knock the guy playing Widow on attack or Mei or whatever. Have fun playing the characters you want to play.

I've had to block so many players over the last couple days for extremely toxic behavior acting like this game is life or death or something. Calling people idiots or useless, telling them to play certain classes and just overall denigrating teammates. Over what? It's not that serious at all.
Lucio is good just by existing. Keep the number in the center of your screen high (that's how many people are being affected by your heal/speed). Use your blaster to lay down suppression fire. The pulse moves so slow that you can fire on corners where people are going to pop out of and deal some decent damage. Against tanks you can do a ton of dmg since you can land all 3 pretty easily. Look around and check the health of your team constantly. If they're in an active battle hit E and heal them up. If you hear ults activate like rip tire or Dva self-destruct switch to speed to help your team escape if possible.

Whenever you spawn check the status of your team. If your tank or other slow teammates are down or multiple people are down wait for them to respawn so you can speed boost them back into action.

Your ult gives 500 shield that drops 100 every second so timing on it is important but if you have it up and you hear someone use an ult drop the sound barrier. I'll also use it if I see someone really close to death with my amp it up down or if we're pushing but my healing can't keep up. It's great to save this but TBH you earn it so often since Lucio can charge his ult pretty easily that I just use it whenever it may be helpful.

Don't forget to wall run and use your alt fire to push people off the hill or off the map.

Also it's OK to be selfish if it means you can stay alive. Sometimes I'll get into a bad situation and switch to speed and amp it up just so I can escape. Better than having to respawn and blow your amp just to get back to the team.

Shooting teammates gives them the health right? Or only using ability 2(E key)? Little confused on the number on the center of the screen going from 1 to 4?
Can anyone explain to me how the "Score" stat is tracked and generated?

I like tracking my stats and driving self-improvement and a lot of stats seem nonsensical to me. As far as I can tell, this site tracks score per minute as a measurement of performance: http://masteroverwatch.com/

I'm not sure how the Score stat is generated, but it's an officially tracked stat from Blizzard: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/

Sorry if this is off-topic.


Didn't notice this post. This is basically what I'm trying to sort out with the above post. Looks like for the stat trackers, the slack will be picked up by 3rd parties again. The people looking for leaderboards are going to have to go to unofficial trackers hooked into Blizzard stat APIs.

There is nothing right now. Score is some aribtary attribution of your total score, and score per minute just indexes your accumulation of that score, per minute... but score per minute is most heavily influenced by playstyle and team performance rather than skill. For instance, Roadhog gets free score per minute every time he presses his healing ability because it counts as team heals. Meanwhile, Widow gets low score per minute because she does not assist on eliminations as often as others, but may get some crucial kills on tanks and other significant targets.


Shooting teammates gives them the health right? Or only using ability 2(E key)? Little confused on the number on the center of the screen going from 1 to 4?

Its AoE. Don't shoot them, that does nothing. The number on the screen is the number of teammates that Lucio is healing or boosting at a given moment. They need to be in a certain radius of him and with a line of sight to him.

Pumping up the volume increases the healing speed or movement speed.
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