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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Genji's damage output is pretty neat up close and makes me question his sword ability.

If you get behind someone and use Shuriken (Alterate) + Shuriken (Alternate), cancel the animation into melee which you immediately cancel into Swift Strike, you can deal 268 damage in under one second.

That's pretty insane burst damage up close and by using Swift Strike as a finisher you reset the cooldown on Swift strike so that you can immediately use it again.

The way I play Genji tends to be less aggressive, I usually try to sneak behind my opponent and stay behind the objective area until a team fight begins. Once my allies initiate I will get in quick and focus down their supports and other squishy targets using this combo that makes that super easy, most of the time.

Even if I die in the process (often happens as the dead beckon their allies to kill Genji) downing a support plus another target, plus distracting the rest that alive is usually more than enough to allow my team to win the team fight.

In regards to his sword, it doesn't feel as though his overall efficacy changes significantly when sword is up. It does help, but with the combo above you can actually kill targets outside of ult, faster than you can with ult, and it's not especially hard to do so either. The advantage of his sword really stems from the large hitbox size, but in general unless your opponents are grouped together, it doesn't offer that much that you can't do without it.

Unfortunately, that's what leads me to feel that it isn't an especially interesting Ult. It doesn't offer any drastically distinct strategical options that aren't already available to Genji, and that's a quite contrasting to other supers which typically drastically change the capabilities of a character. I'm also a little disappointed that it doesn't in some way feature his dragon more, because it only spawns at the start and it's unclear in what way the dragon benefits his ultimate. Why can't Genji use his sword without summoning the dragon? I understand it from a balance perspective but it doesn't make much narrative sense.


the holder of the trombone
All the win rate reflects is that the game hasn't yet stabilised your rank. The underlying mmr/elo system should drag everyone towards 50% as the game gets a better understanding of everyone's individual ability.

I think Symmetra is a lot better in pubs than she is in competitive or in higher levels of play. Teams running compositions like double Winston kill Symmetra for free.

I don't think she isn't viable and I agree that she has her niche but I think for the most part there are better picks and see many selectng Symettra often because she doesn't provide good support. Like all supports her teleporter inceases your teams sustain by getting people back in the fight faster, but if you compare that scenario to Mercy who can functionally do the same thing (a revive is effectively a teleport right back into battle) then that's going to have more of an influence due to the effect that heals have on team sustain and the fact that running Symettra means you need another support, often leading to 2-3 squishy supports being present on a team at once, reducing overall damage output significantly.

Just my opinion though. Don't mean to put your Symettra down, it's just I've been watching the competitive Overwatch scene recently and she seems pretty awful. I haven't seen a single team use her effectively and perform well, not one single team.

Yeah but who here seriously plays at a competitive level?

If you get someone to stay with you to counter winston it also get a lot more manageable. I've had people change to winstons to counter but it's not like he shut me out completely. Of course they're maybe bad winstons but it's the level of play now.

Also thinking that the meta in competitive is settled and won't change?


Genji's damage output is pretty neat up close and makes me question his sword ability.

If you get behind someone and use Shuriken (Alterate) + Shuriken (Alternate), cancel the animation into melee which you immediately cancel into Swift Strike, you can deal 268 damage in under one second.

That's pretty insane burst damage up close and by using Swift Strike as a finisher you reset the cooldown on Swift strike so that you can immediately use it again.

The way I play Genji tends to be less aggressive, I usually try to sneak behind my opponent and stay behind the objective area until a team fight begins. Once my allies initiate I will get in quick and focus down their supports and other squishy targets using this combo that makes that super easy, most of the time.

Even if I die in the process (often happens as the dead beckon their allies to kill Genji) downing a support plus another target, plus distracting the rest that alive is usually more than enough to allow my team to win the team fight.
You don't need to finish using swift strike to have it reset, it resets from any elimination...even if it was an assist.

Also if you bring your cursor down slightly right before the swift strike then you'll do it and barely move even a meter ahead instead of going across the room far away from the target (if you haven't finished them),


Zarya is the only character I play well that I feel has a good chance against McCree in close quarters, but I've yet to meet one that didn't waste his flashbang on my shield. It could easily go sideways for me I guess, it just rarely does. He is really easy to burn down with the beam compared to other 200hp characters.

Likewise as Reinhardt I can beat Zarya 1v1 because I know exactly how long she can hold that beam before she has to reload. But outside of getting pinned I don't fear him at all on Zarya.

Mr. Robot

I bought the game on friday going blind on it, and didn't play it until yesterday 11:00pm just to see what the deal is about, big fucking mistake...


Yeah, you are. It eats incoming projectiles. They just disappear.

as a correction I think that rockets don't disappear, they explode. Twice now I had a D-Va nose into me with defense matrix while ulting as Pharah and I died to self damage. So it was either that or some collision fuckery.
The best McCree counters are Soldier 76 (if you can keep your distance and helix isn't on cooldown), the sniper heroes (if you have range on him), the turret heroes (if you have range on him), and maybe Zarya.

Otherwise, you have to get the drop on him to win. Or bait him into wasting his flash.
You don't need to finish using swift strike to have it reset, it resets from any elimination...even if it was an assist.

Also if you bring your cursor down slightly right before the swift strike then you'll do it and barely move even a meter ahead instead of going across the room far away from the target (if you haven't finished them),

Ah yeah, I forget about that. I just tend to finish with Swift Strike so that I can use it twice in a row and as a cancel to the melee animation. It gives Genji some pretty drastic mobility that way.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the info gentlemen. Now i'm fucking tortured until I get home and can pay better attention.

don't worry, when I started playing her, I thought the same. It's because of the green lines projectiles make in the defence matrix. combined with teammates shooting the attackers, it is easy to think that.



Another one. Started using him yesterday when I figured out how to level up the turrent, really enjoying it. Lucky me I guess.
Yeah but who here seriously plays at a competitive level?

If you get someone to stay with you to counter winston it also get a lot more manageable. I've had people change to winstons to counter but it's not like he shut me out completely. Of course they're maybe bad winstons but it's the level of play now.

Also thinking that the meta in competitive is settled and won't change?

Very few right now I imagine but that doesn't mean that the overall character efficacy isn't relevent even at lower levels of play. Getting kills or wins on bad players isn't especially satisfying for me at least, so I always thing about longer term viability. I don't want to be developing a playstyle that gets shutdown whenever I face a half competent team. I imagine a lot of you will be playing in the competitive ladders when that is available, won't you? I always like to get better and better as I play, and facing better and better teams in the process.

Also, no, of course the 'meta' is not settled but while many characters seem to have been in flux during beta, it doesn't seem like Symmetra has ever seen much attention. In either case, it will require a pretty significant reconsideration of her character and her role within a team before she becomes an especially desirable pick.


The best McCree counters are Soldier 76 (if you can keep your distance and helix isn't on cooldown), the sniper heroes (if you have range on him), the turret heroes (if you have range on him), and maybe Zarya.

Otherwise, you have to get the drop on him to win. Or bait him into wasting his flash.

Don't forget Pharah. He's one of the easiest rocket targets and outside of him landing repeated midair headshots it's no problem. But you first have to catch the McCree outside of its natural habitat, meaning doorways and corners.
Only the float though.

Never needed a jump to get around, similar for all the other characters though. Also the rocket jump is simply faster, why would I waste time?
Because just a few seconds from now you'll find yourself in a fight where you'll really wish the jump wasn't on cooldown! The regular jump/hover is really useful by itself, and I can't imagine how hard it is to use Pharah with a controller.
I get really frustrated playing Genji's because I really don't think im good with him. And I feel like I hurt my team. But I love his moveset and want to git gud. Especially with that carbon fiber skin, damn does it look good.

I also deflected a Pharah rocket right back to her face, which made me want to keep playing.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
you know, im never an asshole on general. unless you provoque me. dont poke the bear.

we win first game, some random goes "gg nubs you only won because you played junkrat, you cant aim"

so im like "oooh salty. ima gonna play Zarya just for you next, she doesnt need to aim either" and the dude is like "do it I dare you" lol

we steamroll game 2, never heard from salty again :(


I didn't get to play all weekend and my top 10 Winston on the PS4 leaderboard is no longer in the top 100. Time to get back to monkey business.
You can do the same with Mei's and Hanzo's ult. Genji is like the highest skill cap character to do extremely clutch things but damn do the stars have to align and you cant choke for a second to get it done.

Well yeah, you can use almost any damaging ult in that scenario and the two squishies at the back would have collapsed anyway as soon as the other 4 team members were dead.

If anything Genji's isn't that efficient as it takes more time than most. I tend to use it to initate rather than to sync with other alts, because ults like Hanzo's need to be coordinated with others to land, whereas I can use Genji's to solo kill the supports and whatnot from the back, making for an easy team kill.

Still, it looks cool to down 6 players with anything, and I'm not saying it was a bad option here, just that I would have probably used it before this kind of opportunity even arose.


Seriously, everytime you guys complain about a hero, you should try and play them. It will quickly make their weaknesses clear. Or maybe they are truly OP and you will get countless kills without dying at all.

I've played as McCree and he is ridiculous, but that's anecdotal evidence. Better and more reliable evidence is every single team in these tournaments and scrimming are running two McCree's the vast majority of the time. One team went to three McCree's in the semi-final(I believe) to push the payload to the end and succeeded. That should be enough for Blizzard to take a look at him.
This game is so terrible when you're matched with horrible teammates and so incredible when matched with good players. It's always somewhere at an extreme.
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