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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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As I play more I keep running into some seriously toxic players. I've encountered a small handful of people now who just sit there and flame everyone and everything the whole time in the chat. Maybe I'm just having bad luck :(

What platform are you on? I juuuuuuust picked this up on ps4 but if this is gonna be a bunch of assholes, this is going straight back to the store tomorrow.


Got POTG as Symmetra and the clip was just me running back to point A in King's Row after respawning and putting down a teleporter while my turrets killed three enemies somewhere else. Good times.

If you ever get a triple with turrets, make sure to emote in case you get the POTG.


My issue with picking Winston is that I would need to use him as an attacker, and only if someone had the good sense to pick Lucio so I don't have to. I just can't see a situation where Junkrat or Toblerone wouldn't be my first choice on D.

Is Winston helpful on the Attack?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
My buddy got a gold medal for healing as Mei.

That's not a comment on his ability. Our Mercy was just terrible.

The dream/nightmare is the 5 gold medal soldier. But then your stats are actually like...5 elims, 2 objective elims, barely any objective time or damage, and like 500 healing.


Well my Roadhog is ranked #244.

So close yet so far from top 100.


All of my ranks have been dropping like a rock lately! I think the site is just filling in as people use it...

Ah well, still having fun, so I don't care too much. Was fun to be in the top #100 while it lasted...

What platform are you on? I juuuuuuust picked this up on ps4 but if this is gonna be a bunch of assholes, this is going straight back to the store tomorrow.

PS4 has been super chill so far... I imagine we'll get some yelling and screaming once ranked play starts, but you can always mute those guys... There's no gross text chat, thank goodness.
What platform are you on? I juuuuuuust picked this up on ps4 but if this is gonna be a bunch of assholes, this is going straight back to the store tomorrow.

PC. And it's not a "bunch of assholes," just... an asshole every now and then. Though it really puts me off from playing after encountering one.

It's been mostly the text chat, which I guess wouldn't be on PS4. I think people are nicer when they have to actually speak over voice chat, heh.


Lucio is definitely a game changer, especially when attacking. Everytime I join a match that has already started, he just turns the tide of the game if the rest of the team starts sticking together.


I wish there were more Tiers Whore Tryhards in PUGS, because I'm always the one having to pick Lucio when no support available.

One time, a player picked Lucio, so I decided to play another character for once. Mid match, I see we have no support at all, the moron switched. Oh whelp, back to the beat !

Yeah it's pretty lame. I try and switch up support roles among the group I'm playing with and "take turns" if no one is really feeling it.

Otherwise, you can sometimes guilt your matchmaking team into picking one by insta-locking whoever you want early and having them "pick around" you, kinda like what people do in Dota 2. And unlike in Dota 2, If no one bites you are not stuck with that horrible comp for 30 minutes minimum and are free to switch back whenever you want, lol.


How do eliminations and final blows as Mercy work? Do I get a final blow for my statistic every time some I'm buffing kills someone? The red skull pops up inconsistently
Im on PS4 with 20hours and haven't come across anyone like that if it means anything.

It definitely does. Appreciate the input. I'm sure there will be a bad egg every once in a while, but if the community as a whole is bad, I'm not playing this game. Like another poster said, my time is limited and I'm looking for a fun pick up and play game. Are other players easily muted?


Maybe its something wrong with me, but everytime i hear Bastions ultimate, i feel the feels, it makes me smile, even if its not our teams Bastion xD

Love that sound
D.va is straight trash man. We need a tank, everything else is locked in and you pick her? I've gotten to the point if it's a payload map and sombody goes D.va i'm out before the game starts.

D.Va fine, a good player is the difference.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I meant is there a reason game balance wise?

Just hypothetically Lucio's already considered one of the best all around support and Pharah has enough counters (Genji, McCree, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Roadhog) that she doesn't really need another one.

Hyun Sai

Well, seems like Overwatch is holding pretty well on Twitch despite many saying it would fade into HoTS numbers few days after launch.

The salt will keep coming...


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
epic currency >_> oh well, a little closer to another 1k I guess for a skin I want


That's a bit harsh man. I mean, if your D.VA player is sitting on your Payload like a Reinhardt then they're not doing the best they can but still...

However, if your D.VA is playing like I play D.VA, running ahead, flanking the opponent, diving in to kill their Mercy, jumping up to kill their Widowmaker, or using her Meka armor to get close enough to kill a bastion or a Torbjörn turret, you should really be more thankful to have a good disruptor to knock those choke points open for the payload to roll through...
Yeah, I love playing as her when it works out. That's not on every map or against every team though. And not that eliminations mean much in the game, but my top score (30) is with her due to constantly flying around and picking annoying battles for enemies to engage me in while my team pushes.
It definitely does. Appreciate the input. I'm sure there will be a bad egg every once in a while, but if the community as a whole is bad, I'm not playing this game. Like another poster said, my time is limited and I'm looking for a fun pick up and play game. Are other players easily muted?
Havent had to do it but in game you just click
all the players in the game will show up and you can mute there.

I think you can also mute all VC straight from the main menu


It definitely does. Appreciate the input. I'm sure there will be a bad egg every once in a while, but if the community as a whole is bad, I'm not playing this game. Like another poster said, my time is limited and I'm looking for a fun pick up and play game. Are other players easily muted?

Pretty easy, you have to press options, go into the social menu, change the tab over to party members, then mute them...

Not easy to do in the heat of battle, but pretty easy at the start of the match or while waiting to re-spawn.

I've actually done it a fair amount for people with broken / screeching mics.


I'm loving the game, but as I'm leveling up the community seems to be getting more and more obnoxious. Not just to me but in general. My first 50 games or so were generally nice and friendly. The last 20 or so have had more vitriol then I can remember in a game, short of when I played Dota back in the 5.84b WC3 days.

Not just via text but people just losing their shit over the mic, it's even worse if you encounter a team who's having a bad day. I'm not soured on it yet, but if this keeps up I don't think I'll continue to invest time in it, it's just not worth it for a hobby I like to consider stress relieving.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
OMG I finally got legendary commendations!

It was a custom game filled with bots D=
I don't know what it is about this game, but I bought it on PC now as well as PS4 and I HATE FPS on PC for some reason.

Can't get enough. Want to play with all my friends everywhere. Love.


I'm loving the game, but as I'm leveling up the community seems to be getting more and more obnoxious. Not just to me but in general. My first 50 games or so were generally nice and friendly. The last 20 or so have had more vitriol then I can remember in a game, short of when I played Dota back in the 5.84b WC3 days.

Not just via text but people just losing their shit over the mic, it's even worse if you encounter a team who's having a bad day. I'm not soured on it yet, but if this keeps up I don't think I'll continue to invest time in it, it's just not worth it for a hobby I like to consider stress relieving.

Make some GAF friends! I don't even use a headset, but once I do, I plan to be a lot more selective. Toxic nerds are the worst. It's only vidyagames!!


I'm loving the game, but as I'm leveling up the community seems to be getting more and more obnoxious. Not just to me but in general. My first 50 games or so were generally nice and friendly. The last 20 or so have had more vitriol then I can remember in a game, short of when I played Dota back in the 5.84b WC3 days.

Not just via text but people just losing their shit over the mic, it's even worse if you encounter a team who's having a bad day. I'm not soured on it yet, but if this keeps up I don't think I'll continue to invest time in it, it's just not worth it for a hobby I like to consider stress relieving.

Yeah, nothing against PC players, but this is the stuff I don't want to deal with...

It makes me feel old, but I just don't want to spend my day getting yelled at by people because they don't think I played a video game well enough.

Every game I get in I try my best, if I don't meet your standards, you don't get to scream at me.
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