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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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People are continuously goofy about comp and map synergy. I think the most irritated I get is when we go on defense and no one wants to play any of the incredible defense cast, just all offense and no one can aim. Often the case we have no tank or support so I have to heal an entire squad of offensive characters on defense. I mean that's at least somewhat rare but it happens and it makes me wanna die when it does.

It's gonna make ranked, where people need to be flexible, real cute. I imagine it working out just like a MOBA. You need X or Y but you wind up with trolls where half the team will only play one thing regardless of queueing for ranked.

For some reason, the worst players in my experience are always a sniper, Genji or lately: Mccree. The amount of really dumb Deadeye's is sad, no flank, no height or cover, just walk right at them and die while acquiring targets.

Zarya is so terribly underused. She's a little difficult to understand out of the gate compared to Reinhardt or Roadhog but she's really good IMO.

This is why you want Zarya.


the holder of the trombone
As somebody who plays a bunch of D.Va, I think people who say D.Va is not meant to jump on the objective and take damage are actually playing D.Va wrong. You have 500 health of which 400 is armor, an ability that neutralizes an infinite amount of damage while it's active (the only ability in the game that does so), and a literal extra life. You're excellent at facetanking and you should definitely be doing it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use your mobility advantage and compensate for your speed disadvantage, because you clearly should, but it is actually your job to, say, jump on a Torb turret and soak it up while killing it. You should be getting on the point and hitting E.

Yeah, but not with leading the charge. You go around and ambush that turret.

Like I've said before, I do ok tanking with her, but at some point I might as well pick reinhart if the team needs someone to sit on the objective and push it.
Played a game with my buddies last night. Defending on Route 66, with two randoms. They both go D.Va, with matching legendary skins (B.Va and Junebug). Cute, but completely ineffective at actually holding any points.

D.Va is my favorite character and the one I have the most time played with, but she's viable in less than half of the situations I find myself in. Even on maps where she's good I end up switching characters at some point (with the exception of attacking on Route 66; it's my favorite scenario to play because D.Va fucks up all the shit).

Exactly, for as much shit as I talk about D.Va I do like playing as her a lot and she is one of my most played, but people gotta understand that she's not suited to most situations. You don't gotta play 100% efficient every moment of every match, but don't go running around calling everything a nail just because you really like your hammer.
D.Vas good at later points on 66 but that first point on defence is just pain for her. She's great zipping around the town and the final point though. hate fighting D.Vas. Never want to hook her before I see her E.

It depends on the team, I guess. I'm usually rolling with a group of friends so they're good at drawing fire while I go clean up the stuff in the back. We've never had a particular problem with the first point.

EDIT: Whoops, you said defense, my bad.

I don't even try using D.Va on defense, so no experience there.


I respect anyone who can play Winston well. I don't get how he plays at all.

Gotta jetpack in throw down your shield and use your gun to harass the front lines of the enemy then jump back to safety as soon as you can heal and repeat. Winston can get kills on lower health heroes but his TTK is a bit higher than a majority of the heroes so if his shield isn't up most attackers can out dps you.

He excels in point control and disruption. If you have a good team they will be cleaning up the distracted enemies while you harass them.


It's so hard to be efficient with Reinhardt when the team doesn't work AS a team...
Being Reinhardt is frustrating if everyone else is dicking around. Often you're trying to push to the objective hoping your allies are coming up behind to support...and then they're no where to be found. Three of them off chasing Tracer who ran off to a corner. The support has your back though surely right? No, the Mercy is somewhere else with her pistol out shooting at god knows what.

What's that coming over the horizon? Is it help? An ally? No it's Pharah and she's here to ruin your day. Also rocket barrage incoming.

That D.Va E use though! MvP right there!


Playing as Mercy in pubs have become a very mixed bag for me recently. I know I'm helping, I'm loving it, but I'm also dying like a little bitch and it's amazingly frustrating at times.


It's seems the general rule about Overwatch is that no character is perfect, everbody's complaining about everybody at some point.

How about it was that particular situation that made you salty and next time counter with different character/tactic? I'm not saying game is perfectly balanced cause no game is, but it's pretty damn close.

You jump at people and left click them to death.

I pick Winston when the attacking team is balanced as fuck. Well, not anymore, roarrr. Works most of the time to a point that I either hold the entire team or don't, depending on the rest of my team.


As somebody who plays a bunch of D.Va, I think people who say D.Va is not meant to jump on the objective and take damage are actually playing D.Va wrong. You have 500 health of which 400 is armor, an ability that neutralizes an infinite amount of damage while it's active (the only ability in the game that does so), and a literal extra life. You're excellent at facetanking and you should definitely be doing it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use your mobility advantage and compensate for your speed disadvantage, because you clearly should, but it is actually your job to, say, jump on a Torb turret and soak it up while killing it. You should be getting on the point and hitting E.
D.Va is ironically sort of bad at face tanking because her headshot hitbox is so large, which sort of evens out the advantage all her armour theoretically gives her. But yes, D.Va has a big HP pool and you need to kill her twice to actually be rid of her, so she's excellent for taking and contesting points and generally being a nuisance. But I think when people are recommending ways of playing D.Va, they aren't suggesting she's fragile but that she's not a frontline tank like Zarya or Reinhardt who have toolkits that rely on allies to take advantage of them.

You should be using your mobility advantage and your stickiness to jump into objectives, cause chaos, and sure, take out some turrets who can't do more than chip at your armour HP (Torbjorn is in all respects a complete bitch against her mech and even her pilot form), but if no one else on your team is budging on roles, D.Va's probably not the only tank you want on your team if you wanna push.


It's seems the general rule about Overwatch is that no character is perfect, everbody's complaining about everybody at some point.

How about it was that particular situation that made you salty and next time counter with different character/tactic? I'm not saying game is perfectly balanced cause no game is, but it's pretty damn close.


My litmus test is 'when i'm killed; do I feel like I have absolutely no way to come back and kill them myself?'

In basically every situation that's a no.
As somebody who plays a bunch of D.Va, I think people who say D.Va is not meant to jump on the objective and take damage are actually playing D.Va wrong. You have 500 health of which 400 is armor, an ability that neutralizes an infinite amount of damage while it's active (the only ability in the game that does so), and a literal extra life. You're excellent at facetanking and you should definitely be doing it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use your mobility advantage and compensate for your speed disadvantage, because you clearly should, but it is actually your job to, say, jump on a Torb turret and soak it up while killing it. You should be getting on the point and hitting E.

Totally. I usually spend a lot of time on the payload, taking care of squishy nuisances as necessary. D.Va can't sustain a full-frontal assault but she can take a fair amount of punishment.


Ehh if someone "mains" a character like Reinhardt then I'm fine with it. He's almost always going to be good for the team unless you're playing on a few of the KOTH maps.

If it's someone more niche like Hanzo then yeah it can throw the composition off a bit.

But switching is in there for a reason!

It's so hard to be efficient with Reinhardt when the team doesn't work AS a team...

Playing him with buddies is the best. With pubs its hit or miss.

While your holding down the fort with that shield your team needs to be taking advantage of it or you are wasting your time. I've been playing him a lot lately and I'm finding people are actually shooting the shield, which makes it drop pretty fast.


Legendary currency! Now to decide what skin to get since im at 1300. It's time that I accept my fate that I'm largely always going to pick support roles. Either no one will pick one or they're just lackluster at it.


You jump at people and left click them to death.

yea the key to winston is abusing the jump. it's a very very short cooldown so you just jump jump jump jump. jump in, jump out, jump to chase, pop your shield to buy yourself some time for jump to come off cooldown and then jump away to health pack. The whole time you hold down the left click on the enemy squishy, like mercy or hanzo or widow.

He's a lot like D.va in play style in that you just need to abuse their mobility.


To me, the most amazing thing with this game is that I never imagined I would ever see a video game character with the same name as me (Torbjörn).

That alone should entice me to give it a try.


Winston and D.Va's playstyles transition so well to each other, to be honest. Winston is way more effective at diving straight into points and just causing everyone to split because of how nasty his lightning gun is against groups and the barrier keeping you from being focused down, but they're both about using sudden bursts of mobility to cause havoc and get out. Winston's way of doing things is, I think, generally better for the team/objective, though. At least for maps like Lijiang.

D.Va punks him every time, tho. I don't think there's a weapon in the game that does worse against her armour pool.


It's fucking sad just how many players have been conditioned by Call of Duty over the years. So many people are shit scared of dying or putting themselves in bad situations for the good of the team.

I mean fucking hell you aren't camping for killstreaks or boasting about your K.D ratio to make up for the fact that you have a small penis. Get on the fucking point!!!

and **breathe**

Yeah it's sad to see a full team never push toward an objective for the whole game and be content with standing at the edge trying to get long range kills. As a Lucio or Mercy why even bother keeping them alive...


To me, the most amazing thing with this game is that I never imagined I would ever see a video game character with the same name as me (Torbjörn).

That alone should entice me to give it a try.

You should see the nicknames he's been getting. :p
Mains are fine as long as they're a hero that will generally always be useful and/or you're willing to play someone that the team needs. I'd much rather have a Reinhardt or a Mercy main instead of a Widow or Edgelord main, for example.

Mercy should be getting gold for killing anyone. I killed 4 guys with her and didn't get a POTG.

A lot of people underestimate her, and I've countersniped decent-bad Widows with her before. If I see that I have gold for elimns and we're struggling to push, though, I'm probably going to consider switching.

It might just be Hanamura, though. Randoms really don't like pushing past the first gate for some stupid reason.


These guys picking their """mains""" are the worst, every single match they pick the same character and contribute nothing because they're too busy getting their asses kicked, then complain in chat and I'm just like

It's always D.Va too, something about her just makes people refuse to switch no matter how terrible they're doing.

Forever and always. For me, it's always a fucking sniper. If you refuse to ever play anything but sniper and you're not hitting nothing but headshots, you are an awful person (to the extent that actively trying to ruin a game for five other people can make you can awful person).


Finally gotten the hang of Winston and yeah...

Gotta jetpack in throw down your shield and use your gun to harass the front lines of the enemy then jump back to safety as soon as you can heal and repeat. Winston can get kills on lower health heroes but his TTK is a bit higher than a majority of the heroes so if his shield isn't up most attackers can out dps you.

He excels in point control and disruption. If you have a good team they will be cleaning up the distracted enemies while you harass them.

He's a lot like this. Once I realized he's more for disruption than anything I've been wrecking face witb him and having so much fun. He's one of thosd characters that the team really feels the effects of if playing right.

I do think his shield should last a tinsey bit longer tho.


To me, the most amazing thing with this game is that I never imagined I would ever see a video game character with the same name as me (Torbjörn).

That alone should entice me to give it a try.

Man... I feel guilty about posting that gif now...
What kind of attacks can't Zarya's barrier block? It doesn't seem to block Genji or Hanzo's ults.

It blocks both of those actually, it's just that it only lasts 2 seconds (or 200 points of damage, sorta), so unless you're pretty precise with the timing you're kind of asking for trouble.

It might be permeable to Tracer's ult, but I'm not totally clear on that; it looked like my shield was still up when it went off, but it might have failed just the instant before.
What kind of attacks can't Zarya's barrier block? It doesn't seem to block Genji or Hanzo's ults.

It blocks anything for 200 damage or more if it was from a single source. For example, Junkrat's ult does more than 200 but because it's from a single source the extra damage isn't carried over so it effectively eats the whole ult, but Hanzo's multihits so it'll tank it's 200 then drop and you'll take damage from the rest of the ult

Edit: my b, only 200... But it should be 400, or at least last a smidge longer than 2 seconds


It's started to get to the point where I feel completely useless if I can't choose Junkrat. A lot of the heroes can really only be played one way, defense or attack, rarely both but Junkrat allows me to aggressively switch between both instantly and it suits my over-aggressive playstyle. It's heartbreaking being forced into a tank or support role and watching everyone around you crumble under pressure because they're unable to deal with the enemy press or keep allowing mobile heroes behind our defenses.

Exactly the same. Junkrat is fantastically versatile and I hate not being able to play as him because I have to be healer or tank for a team of dumbasses.


Mains are fine as long as they're a hero that will generally always be useful and/or you're willing to play someone that the team needs. I'd much rather have a Reinhardt or a Mercy main instead of a Widow or Edgelord main, for example.

A lot of people underestimate her, and I've countersniped decent-bad Widows with her before. If I see that I have gold for elimns and we're struggling to push, though, I'm probably going to consider switching.

It might just be Hanamura, though. Randoms really don't like pushing past the first gate for some stupid reason.

Hanamura is where I can tell if people know what they're doing. If they're not pushing then they're wasting time. I was in that map last night and captured B all by myself cuz I saw everyone just going around for kills. It was fucking hilarious cuz we won because of that. Another Gaffer who was a sniper saw me to do it too. I saved the clip for posterity.


It's started to get to the point where I feel completely useless if I can't choose Junkrat. A lot of the heroes can really only be played one way, defense or attack, rarely both but Junkrat allows me to aggressively switch between both instantly and it suits my over-aggressive playstyle. It's heartbreaking being forced into a tank or support role and watching everyone around you crumble under pressure because they're unable to deal with the enemy press or keep allowing mobile heroes behind our defenses.

I've tried other heroes and I'm either never going to be good at them (eg Hanzo - aiming) or sub-average on others but unable to find situations where I can play them often enough to get good at them. I suppose I could try playing against AI.

This was me tonight

I saw we needed a support

I was sick of being lumped into support bc nobody did it

I played Junkrat anyway

I had a good time and then we got wiped after two checkpoints

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