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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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I think the expectation is that you get it while jumping? I haven't actually tried this in Overwatch and I don't have access to my PC right now, but in CSGO there's one sniper that's perfectly accurate at the apex of a jump, and I'm thinking they expect something like that.

So you'd find some cover that you can jump just enough to see over, scope in, and then jump up and take a shot right at the moment you stop going up and before you start falling back down. Doing it while falling would be impossible to aim. To make this easier you'd want to find someone stationary (probably some Torb standing around building a turret, aim so that your crosshair will be on his head when you reach the top the of the jump, and then go for it.

I guess I'll have to try it that way. If only jumping wouldn't cancel the scope. It'd be doable that way at least.
Sweet titty fucking christ, I almost forgot this game had trophies. I just looked them up...yeah that is a, "never gonna happen" platinum for me. I only have 3 so far. I can't think of another game where I played it all weekend and had only 3 trophies. Oh well, not going to stop me playing this game like a fiend.


Punch their squishies, preferably off a cliff. Don't forget it heals you to full when you use it.

Fuck shit up and flick tables.

Also it's your panic button when you're about to die.
This is kinda what i'm using it for?
I get the impression it's meant to be used to start a big push, and not to actually do that much damage on it's own. So you'd jump in and be a huge distraction, maybe take out a turret, and meanwhile your teammates are coming in and cleaning up.

Or maybe I just suck.
Yeah, I'm getting that feeling as well, but the damage does really suck on it. Like, super bad. I've gotten people cornered in a room and hit them like 3 times and not gotten a kill. If the damage is so low, like, what's the point? Also, it's hard to hit people off ledges if they aren't anywhere near one, or if the level doesn't have them to begin with. I feel like it really needs a slight damage boost.


I guess I'll have to try it that way. If only jumping wouldn't cancel the scope. It'd be doable that way at least.

Wait, does jumping cancel the scope? Then I guess what I'm thinking is completely wrong. People have mentioned using the grapple hook, so that's the way to go I guess.


Which skins change sounds, effects etc? Only ones I know are,
- Hanzo wolf skins add the howling sound to the ultimate
- Mercy's valkyrie skins change her revive sound clip to "Till Valhalla"

Any others?
mercy imp ones are "heros never die... for a price"


Does anyone else actually kinda try not to kill a D.Va that's out of their mech? It seems like killing them will just let them get their mech back. They can ult to get it back, but then they've wasted an ult.
Tracer with the map awareness of Christopher Columbus

Reaper who feeds the enemy team more first bloods than a middle school bathroom sees

Widowmaker who has no RMB

Hanzo standing outside the point in overtime picking at enemies

D.Va more like worth.less


This is why everyone should be playing as a group. :>


Jeez i've been sucking as everyone but winston today. He's such a nice clutch character tho. Especially because i've been dealing with so many tracers and genji today and he put them in their place while giving some great protection and taking the attention away from the squishies

Does anyone else actually kinda try not to kill a D.Va that's out of their mech? It seems like killing them will just let them get their mech back. They can ult to get it back, but then they've wasted an ult.

D.vas without their mech can still be a pain and actually inflict quite some damage on single target if left to their business.
Does anyone else actually kinda try not to kill a D.Va that's out of their mech? It seems like killing them will just let them get their mech back. They can ult to get it back, but then they've wasted an ult.


D.VA out of the mech does a fair amount of damage, and she has a separate ultimate bar from mech D.VA, so it doesn't affect her ult charge.

Tracer IRL

Totes adorbs. Reminds me of my mother in law's new Chihuahua. He is only a couple of months old and runs and jumps around like crazy.


Does anyone else actually kinda try not to kill a D.Va that's out of their mech? It seems like killing them will just let them get their mech back. They can ult to get it back, but then they've wasted an ult.

Those blaster headshots add up. Plus, an out of mech D.Va can still contest the point.



D.VA out of the mech does a fair amount of damage, and she has a separate ultimate bar from mech D.VA, so it doesn't affect her ult charge.

The more you know.

I've never really gotten the impression that she does a fair amount of damage, but I suppose that might just be my level of play.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
The more you know.

I've never really gotten the impression that she does a fair amount of damage, but I suppose that might just be my level of play.

That little pee shooter takes people out. Especially with some head shots.
I was practicing Widowmaker because she's the only character I'm not good with yet and a guy on the other team made fun of my aim so I switched to Zarya and completely eviscerated them by maintaining 90+ charge for the rest of the match. Don't be rude.


Which skins change sounds, effects etc? Only ones I know are,
- Hanzo wolf skins add the howling sound to the ultimate
- Mercy's valkyrie skins change her revive sound clip to "Till Valhalla"

Any others?

Reaper's Nevermore and Plague Doctor skin change the sound cue on his Teleport that the enemies hear into Crows.

Mercy actually says "Heroes never die...for a price" while in her devil skin

Roadhog's shark skin turns his hook into an anchor.

Mercy in Valkyrie says "Till Valhall(a)"

Mcree's legendary gambler skin will say "I'm all in" instead of "It's high noon"

Pharah's Thunderbird skin(s) change her rockets into arrows.

Added my scrub self to the User Name list
Does anyone else actually kinda try not to kill a D.Va that's out of their mech? It seems like killing them will just let them get their mech back. They can ult to get it back, but then they've wasted an ult.
D.Va out of her mech can still rack up kills. Her pistol does a decent amount of damage.


You know it's going to be a fun and balanced game when you have a gold medal in healing as Roadhog with a Mercy on the team.
Plus all the other gold medals.

At least I got a loot box out of it! Oh, 3 greys and a blue with 2 duplicates? Wow, exactly like the last two boxes I got!

Set me on fire.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Last few payload games as Attack have been so fucking infuriating, I stopped playing yesterday to calm myself down

I have no idea why you would leave the payload and chase enemies

I seriously was the only one pushing our payload, the others were TDM mode
Even after I died, the payload was at the last place I left it, no one moved it forward
Some of these players...


Does anyone else actually kinda try not to kill a D.Va that's out of their mech? It seems like killing them will just let them get their mech back. They can ult to get it back, but then they've wasted an ult.

If DVa is playing proactively she can get her mech back faster than it would take for her to respawn and run back into the fight. If she's hiding and being a coward then yeah I wouldn't pay any attention to her. Out of the mech she passively charges her ult quickly, but if she's not doing any damage then it'll still take her some time to get it.


Yeah, Pharah started out as one of my mains and I've learned the hard way that it's vitally important to pick your spot, flank before popping your ult., and to know which characters to look out for (mostly Soldier: 76, Widowmaker, and the dreaded Bastion) before hitting it. That said, there's nothing more satisfying than going up against a team loaded with McCrees, Meis, and Winstons, who just have no counter to justice raining from above.

Which is ironic, as the game has a "tip" that specifically tells you not to cherry pick when to use Pharah's ult, but I do the same. Use it in the wrong place and it won't go over well at all.


This thread made me buy overwatch.

However, my order is in queued for half an hour now, what the hell Blizzard?

How long does this take?

It was pretty instant for me, I used PayPal to buy the PC version.

Usually I'd say try again but in this situation I'd be afraid of getting double charged. If you haven't put in any payment info maybe try again?


I get the impression it's meant to be used to start a big push, and not to actually do that much damage on it's own. So you'd jump in and be a huge distraction, maybe take out a turret, and meanwhile your teammates are coming in and cleaning up.

Or maybe I just suck.

Since using it heals you it's better if you push without it then use it right before you're about to die giving you a much larger hp pool to disrupt with


Yeah, Pharah started out as one of my mains and I've learned the hard way that it's vitally important to pick your spot, flank before popping your ult., and to know which characters to look out for (mostly Soldier: 76, Widowmaker, and the dreaded Bastion) before hitting it. That said, there's nothing more satisfying than going up against a team loaded with McCrees, Meis, and Winstons, who just have no counter to justice raining from above.

McCree can just shoot her or stun her if she's close enough, Mei can wall/Iceblink, Winston can leap away, or even up to her to try and kill her. Really any char can deal with her ult pretty well of they see it coming, she literally just hangs in the air. Dropping down on a team facing the other way is key. Or partner up with a zarya/Mei to follow up on their ult for the kills.

Had a good match where we were pushing point B on Anubis and Zarya totally whiffed her ult when trying to grab the Reinhardt bastion mercy set up in the corner but Pharah just came up over the wall behind them while they were staring at the Zarya ult going off and killed them all, was pretty funny.


So how exactly can I be an effective D. Va guys? I just got the Lying Around highlight intro for D. Va from the loot box and I HAVE to make use of it. :>

The game calls her a tank, but you can't play her like one. She has a massive headshot hitbox right at center mass so she melts pretty fast under sustained fire. What you really want to be doing is jetting around to get behind the enemy and kill off their snipers and supports. She's almost like Tracer but instead of rewinding to stay alive you have 500 health.

She's an awesome distraction. Get behind the enemy, kill a guy or cause some chaos, then pop your defense field and jets to get away from trouble. When you've got your ult, toss it on to the objective. You'll either get some kills or you'll scare everyone off and let the rest of your team push.


On attack, Hanamura. I message the team, "We don't need two snipers." No response. I try again, but this time in Chinese (one of them has a name written in Chinese). No response. They spend the match shooting arrows and sniper bullets through the gate while I look for an electrical socket to put my dick in.


Mcree can be fun to play when you do well with him. But He's such a shit hero to play against. "poof you're dead"

I got his legendary skin the other day so I decided to start playing him. He was one of the heroes I usually avoided.

It was a rough start at first, his recoil is real and he feels like a glass cannon compared to my main Roadog. However, day 3 now of playing him on and off, im getting way more used to using his stun and doing the 6 shot attack, roll, 6 shot attack combo.

But yeah, once you get it down, he melts people.
Anyone knows what to do when Overwatch makes your GPU sound like its running Crysis or AC in 4k?

It seems because its multi-threaded it uses everything your GPU/CPU has to offer. Reading on the battle.net forums some support guy say to turn on Vsync (in an online MP game) and restrict the FPS. I did that, but my 980ti still sounds like I am running a high-end game.
Does anyone know off the top of their head who has hitscan weapons? I was listening to a podcast this morning where someone said Mercy's pistol is hitscan....?


I got his legendary skin the other day so I decided to start playing him. He was one of the heroes I usually avoided.

It was a rough start at first, his recoil is real and he feels like a glass cannon compared to my main Roadog. However, day 3 now of playing him on and off, im getting way more used to using his stun and doing the 6 shot attack, roll, 6 shot attack combo.

But yeah, once you get it down, he melts people.

Ok then I am not the only one who has the adjustment curve.


Anyone knows what to do when Overwatch makes your GPU sound like its running Crysis or AC in 4k?

It seems because its multi-threaded it uses everything your GPU/CPU has to offer. Reading on the battle.net forums some support guy say to turn on Vsync (in an online MP game) and restrict the FPS. I did that, but my 980ti still sounds like I am running a high-end game.

Whats the temps under load? A basic fan curve would make it less of a problem. Plus its almost summer.
Too bad it's currently near impossible to get POTG on him outside of a Pharah shutdown combined with a lot of Transcendence healing, so I'd never drop 250 on an intro.

His Ra/Sunyatta skins are great but I'm cool with the Djinyatta I got.

Fist bump emote and ball balance win pose are god tier for sure.
Funny you say that, the first and only Zenyatta potg I've ever seen was exactly that; Transcendence that ended just in time to discord and shut down a Pharah super.


Anyone knows what to do when Overwatch makes your GPU sound like its running Crysis or AC in 4k?

It seems because its multi-threaded it uses everything your GPU/CPU has to offer. Reading on the battle.net forums some support guy say to turn on Vsync (in an online MP game) and restrict the FPS. I did that, but my 980ti still sounds like I am running a high-end game.

Overwatch is pretty well optimized to maximize GPU usage. Sounds like it's just sweating out your GPU to get the best performance.

I'd get something like EVGA PrecisionX and tinker with the fan curve if your thermals allow it.


On attack, Hanamura. I message the team, "We don't need two snipers." No response. I try again, but this time in Chinese (one of them has a name written in Chinese). No response. They spend the match shooting arrows and sniper bullets through the gate while I look for an electrical socket to put my dick in.

Can't you leave the match before it begins with no penalty?


On attack, Hanamura. I message the team, "We don't need two snipers." No response. I try again, but this time in Chinese (one of them has a name written in Chinese). No response. They spend the match shooting arrows and sniper bullets through the gate while I look for an electrical socket to put my dick in.

randoms? if you tell them what to do, they will do the opposite just to spite you.


Be a flanker. Use her thrusters to fly over the enemy's front lines to harass/kill snipers and healers. Be a general nuisance. She's best an on offtank type role, not really meant to be a Reinhardt or Roadhog.
The game calls her a tank, but you can't play her like one. She has a massive headshot hitbox right at center mass so she melts pretty fast under sustained fire. What you really want to be doing is jetting around to get behind the enemy and kill off their snipers and supports. She's almost like Tracer but instead of rewinding to stay alive you have 500 health.

She's an awesome distraction. Get behind the enemy, kill a guy or cause some chaos, then pop your defense field and jets to get away from trouble. When you've got your ult, toss it on to the objective. You'll either get some kills or you'll scare everyone off and let the rest of your team push.

Aight. I love to flank so that's gonna be fine. At which point can you best make use of D.Va? Attack/defense on King of the Hill or the maps where you need to push the payload and stuff?


Eh, I don't really see why it would take half an hour, or why there'd even be a queue of some sort. Do they have humans in some step of the process?

Around launch I remember seeing a screen of the store page having a queue. Someone was saying that the queue is there as a counter measure to DDoS or just the page being overwhelmed in general.
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