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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Haven't bought a FPS since Metroid Prime 3, didn't play the beta, always said console shooters were dumb, preordered this with barely any info on it when I rarely buy games period...

Reinhardt is the Tank's Tank, no question, but Zarya can fill the role; it's just REALLY DAMN HARD. Properly executed, she can make the whole enemy team leery of attacking at all, which at times is nearly as good as having that 2k shield. You do have to be damn near prescient with your shield use to manage to hit that point, though. Lord knows I'm not there.


Someone donated and this overlay appeared on the left half of the screen. I hate when streamers do this.

I was going to say that Streamers need to eat, so I'm cool with their encouragement of subscribers...

But then Seagull started using that "Floating Turret" strat on Volskaya and all of my compassion disappeared...


Hate him. I think I call bullshit on the chain more than anything else in the game, including Hanzo's arrows and McCree's stuns. Sometimes the distance just seems so improbable, or you get pulled through a wall. Or both.

The thing I love about him is how fast he builds my ultimate, though, especially if he keeps healing himself. Just a big, fat, ult-building fiend.

I get that the game wants to favor Roadhog when he hooks you but holy shit the amount of fuckery in what you can be pulled through is insane
Reinhardt is the Tank's Tank, no question, but Zarya can fill the role; it's just REALLY DAMN HARD. Properly executed, she can make the whole enemy team leery of attacking at all, which at times is nearly as good as having that 2k shield. You do have to be damn near prescient with your shield use to manage to hit that point, though. Lord knows I'm not there.

Yeah, people fear hitting you since you can alt fire them to death really easily when charged up.


Hate him. I think I call bullshit on the chain more than anything else in the game, including Hanzo's arrows and McCree's stuns. Sometimes the distance just seems so improbable, or you get pulled through a wall. Or both.

The thing I love about him is how fast he builds my ultimate, though, especially if he keeps healing himself. Just a big, fat, ult-building fiend.

I will admit the chain seemed wonky as fuck when I played the beta. I think the length is fine (gotta hook them bastions) but the pulling enemies through walls ans through yourself shit needs to go.
Don't rush in and try to solo the enemy team.
Stick with your team.
If your team lacks support or healing, it would be a good idea to play one of those classes.
Quote the OP to see the Google Doc of GAF usernames for all platforms, sort by tab. Add us and enjoy teamwork!

Thanks. Yeah whenever I play multiplayer FPS games I do enjoy playing the support classes anyways and I'm way more objective oriented than just trying to get a pretty k/d ratio.

I'll be adding some folks once I get. Few practice rounds under my belt. I'm on PS4
Thanks. Yeah whenever I play multiplayer FPS games I do enjoy playing the support classes anyways and I'm way more objective oriented than just trying to get a pretty k/d ratio.

I'll be adding some folks once I get. Few practice rounds under my belt. I'm on PS4

What region? I'll play with whoever, though I am in NA West Coast.

PSN: hi-fi_famicom
I will admit the chain seemed wonky as fuck when I played the beta. I think the length is fine (gotta hook them bastions) but the pulling enemies through walls ans through yourself shit needs to go.

Its a super weird weapon, IIRC its got a half second of animation that plays and then it becomes hitscan, which lets you basically hook people that have left your visible range... super wonky. I understand it would be nearly impossible to use if it was just a projectile, but I'd feel less cheated that way :p


I'm about to start the download for this game. Any beginner tips I should before flailing about on the battlefield?

1) Retreat and find health packs. Being out of the fight for 5secs to get some health or run to your healer is infinitely better than dying and running from the spawn point. Seriously, it sounds dumb and obvious but having an extra body for 5secs because you didn't die can swing a match in your favor. Also in a fire fight (1v1), stand on the health if possible so you take it when you get damaged. 'Wasting' it to heal a little is better than letting your opponent heal.

2) The overtime timer counts down when no one is contesting the point from the team about to lose. If you're a sniper, get your ass in there to reset it. Here it's OK to die.

3) In King of the Hill matches, the % increases while a team controls regardless if it's contested. Don't run in solo (or duo) just to contest for a few seconds thinking it'll slow down their gains. Wait for your team and push together.

4) I think 3 is the max number of people to push a cart, so if your team has 3, no need to stick around unless there's a strategy to stay grouped up. edit: the cart heals you as well. And can be used as pretty good cover.

5) I would take the time to run through most of the characters in the training range to at least know what their basic abilities and limitations are.

There's probably a ton more, but a lot is character/map/matchup specific.


3 goddamn randoms insisted on playing soldier... I mean I'm also new into the game, but even as a noob you have to realize this is stupid


Reinhardt is the Tank's Tank, no question, but Zarya can fill the role; it's just REALLY DAMN HARD. Properly executed, she can make the whole enemy team leery of attacking at all, which at times is nearly as good as having that 2k shield. You do have to be damn near prescient with your shield use to manage to hit that point, though. Lord knows I'm not there.

I still feel like Zarya works best with another tank. Like say, Zarya + Winston, with Zarya having her shield on the ready for when Winston's bubble gets broken or when he leaps in to cause chaos. It'd be a more proactive tanking team than something like Reinhardt + Mercy, which unfortunately means I can't see it working in pubs.

I love Zarya so I really wish that I was better with her and that she worked better in pubs, but sometimes I just feel like I'm never contributing a whole lot because I can't properly coordinate when to shield allies and I can't predict when to shield myself. When I get lucky and get a huge charge though, man it feels so fucking good to lob those orbs at people.
McCree is hilariously broken right now, and he's so easy to play so it's not even like a Gengi or something where the skilled players are going to destroy with him, he's so low skill that anyone can flash and fan. Hope they nerf him so much that people don't even want to play him.
Yeah, great, let's take another character and render him nigh-on useless like Zenyatta.

That'll be great for the game.

What an awesome suggestion.

You should work in game design.


OK. I really enjoy playing as D.Va and Junkrat. At this point I'd honestly say I am good with both of them, but I want to take it to that next level.

D.Va and Junkrat players any tips on how to be more / most awesome with either char?
two things:

1. is there a way to add multiple IDs to your Battle.net friends list at once?
2. is there really no in-game group mechanic so i can easily join with other GAFfers?


So the data loss indicator (flashing orange lightning symbol on the top left) seems to appear for me quite frequently, even though my ping hovers around 60-70 constantly. After watching a few replays on twitch and youtube, seems like lots of people get those flashing constantly. So...anyone know if this is "normal"? I am on WiFi, so that could be it, but I do have around 100 Mbps down and 60 to 70 ping.
McCree needs to be nerfed for sure. I think Blizzard said they don't want his main method of racking up kills to be Fan the Hammer.

I've never seen a McCree get the majority of his kills with High Noon/left clicks. On the medals screen its always

McCree - 27 eliminations, 19 Fan the Hammer kills
Is it really? Toblerone spam is brutal. Bruuuuuuutal.
Toblerone spam only works with a decent Reinhardt or something backing them up.

Conversely, I've nearly lost to a six-man Soldier-spam team. They steamrolled the payload all the way up until almost the last point because their abilities just synergize over each other.


So the data loss indicator (flashing orange lightning symbol on the top left) seems to appear for me quite frequently, even though my ping hovers around 60-70 constantly. After watching a few replays on twitch and youtube, seems like lots of people get those flashing constantly. So...anyone know if this is "normal"? I am on WiFi, so that could be it, but I do have around 100 Mbps down and 60 to 70 ping.

I get it from time to time hardwired with a 1 gigabit connection.


Soldier spam is actually the strongest spam in the game. Better than your team all going Hanzo or Toblerone.

Yea, depending on how good the soldiers are more than one of him can actually be pretty decent. Solid damage if you can aim, good burst from rockets, not reliant on a healer, decent movement speed. I could see a pub team not being able to figure out how to deal with it.


So I just found a Porn video with D.VA where someone mashed up various SFM clips and overlaid it with Girls Generation music. Lmao of course someone did this.


I still feel like Zarya works best with another tank. Like say, Zarya + Winston, with Zarya having her shield on the ready for when Winston's bubble gets broken or when he leaps in to cause chaos. It'd be a more proactive tanking team than something like Reinhardt + Mercy, which unfortunately means I can't see it working in pubs.

I love Zarya so I really wish that I was better with her and that she worked better in pubs, but sometimes I just feel like I'm never contributing a whole lot because I can't properly coordinate when to shield allies and I can't predict when to shield myself. When I get lucky and get a huge charge though, man it feels so fucking good to lob those orbs at people.

You really need to consider the opportunity cost of the Reinhardt shield or Winston. Like everything in this game, a lot is map/match/comp/skill dependent, but I played a cart match as Reinhardt and our team simply didn't have the damage to break through their Reinhardt and Mercy heals/rez's. They held us on a corner for like 7mins. We could disrupt them here and there, but once we killed someone it seemed like Mercy was ready with a rez nearly every time. Eventually, I swapped to Zarya, but we burned too much time by then.


I think my perspective on this is different enough to warrant some impressions...

I came to this more or less directly from playing almost nothing but Quake Live at a fairly high level for the past few years. I'm pretty good at what I suppose you might call the conventional FPS skills, like aiming, dodging, and being aware of my surroundings. However, I'm away from home and am forced to play this game on a laptop that can barely run it; because of this, my experience with Overwatch is defined by the fact that I'm playing at sub-30 FPS on the lowest possible resolution with a considerable amount of input lag.

...With that in mind, I am essentially forced to roll Mercy (or Reinhardt) basically every game since I can still contribute pretty positively this way. I win more than half of my games despite being completely defenceless and being forced to solo queue, since everyone I know is in North America while I'm in Asia. And despite the overwhelming jankiness of playing on something that was clearly never designed for such work, I'm still having a pretty good time with it. It's an interesting take on a subgenre that I have previously felt no interest in playing whatsoever.

But there is one thing that will always get me about playing these kind of objective-based games, and it's the omnipresence of the kind of players who simply have no idea how to play a first person shooter. I sympathize with those who get really mad about team composition -- I just played a king of the hill where four of our team members were tanks -- but the thing that really grinds my gears is the people who make it easy for the other team to gank by perpetually playing out of position and having no awareness of the status of their team. This game even gives you far more tools than necessary to determine this information, like a direct uplink to the condition of the person that's healing you, but yet time and again I helplessly watch as my team mates are flanked again and again because they never take so much as a second to analyze how the situation is developing around them.

I have to say, however, that I think this is a natural consequence of people pushing for FPSes that don't really require you to be good at the technical aspects of an FPS to enjoy. The natural consequence of this is, I suppose, players who aren't good at the technical aspects of FPSes.

In short: I can't wait for ranked and to be able to play this game on a computer that can handle it. My damage record as Mercy is in the low triple digits.

Lack of awareness is a good way to put it. As a Mercy player I'm sure you've felt a Tracer or Winston single you out while the rest of your team fails to react to them in any way. It can be really frustrating especially if you are playing the support class out of necessity. People tend to just run around looking for kills in the majority of cases.


I don't understand how that thread got so many replies

basically people who played the game vs people who didn't. people who don't play the game don't even understand the loot box stuff. conversations also have been going into micotransactions in general and about RNG loot you buy blind.
Damn, I'm part of the "problem" now. Bought 5 loot boxes and got Mercy's Valkyrie in the first one. The rest weren't anything to write home about. But Mercy's Valkyrie skin was one of my most wanted. Dodged a bullet there. I think I'll be able to hold of from buying anymore for a while.


semen stains the mountaintops
I finally got a good box but it's for characters I don't play.



Soldier is basically the "I don't care about the character mechanics in this game, just want to shoot things and not really have a negative impact on the team for this attitude" character.


Why's Zenyatta useless? He(it?) seems interesting to me.

He's interesting for sure, but a combo of no mobility, low hp, but needing to keep line of sight to use his orbs can make him really weak. He dies to sniper body shots and any flanker can gun him down before he can react.


Zenyatta needs only one counter. Widowmaker, who blasts him to bits with a single body shot.

He's interesting for sure, but a combo of no mobility, low hp, but needing to keep line of sight to use his orbs can make him really weak. He dies to sniper body shots and any flanker can gun him down before he can react.

Then I'll use him whenever there's a lack of snipers and fast characters! That happens often, right?


Neo Member
Why's Zenyatta useless? He(it?) seems interesting to me.

He's not "USELESS", but he is extremely difficult to keep alive and he occupies a role that is better served by two other heroes. Mercy actually does the same exact things that Zenyatta does (heals teammates and increases damage output) with extra mobility and escape options. You can argue that Zenyatta's offensive options are superior, but they put him in severe danger since he is so slow and has 150 health. Lucio can't boost his team's damage output, but he does a much better job keeping them alive while providing some utility (speed boost, secondary fire). Overall, you're better off just picking Lucio or Mercy if you want to play support. If you want to do damage, just pick an offensive hero.
Okay Torbjorn's turrets need an HP nerf. Just faced a team with three of them, even with Widowmaker, she still needs three hits to destroy them at full power.
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