Zenyatta needs only one counter. Widowmaker, who blasts him to bits with a single body shot.
My Hanzo was straight lit from like Tuesday to Friday. Since then it's been complete trash. I can't hit anything.Sigh sometimes I'm just "in the zone" when it comes to sniping in shooters and other times I'm just god awful. I get a few kills in one spot go to a new one and rotate, other times I can't hit worth crap and just switch to another character.
He's interesting for sure, but a combo of no mobility, low hp, but needing to keep line of sight to use his orbs can make him really weak. He dies to sniper body shots and any flanker can gun him down before he can react.
He is definitely the most frustrating for me to play against right now.. constantly murdering the support heroes. Who is the counter?
He's not "USELESS", but he is extremely difficult to keep alive and he occupies a role that is better served by two other heroes. Mercy actually does the same exact things that Zenyatta does (heals teammates and increases damage output) with extra mobility and escape options. You can argue that Zenyatta's offensive options are superior, but they put him in severe danger since he is so slow and has 150 health. Lucio can't boost his team's damage output, but he does a much better job keeping them alive while providing some utility (speed boost, secondary fire). Overall, you're better off just picking Lucio or Mercy if you want to play support. If you want to do damage, just pick an offensive hero.
Is it just me or does Overwatch badly need a clock in the bottom left like Hearthstone has. Every time I play I find I've played way longer than I meant to.
Then I'll use him whenever there's a lack of snipers and fast characters! That happens often, right?
Okay Torbjorn's turrets need an HP nerf. Just faced a team with three of them, even with Widowmaker, she still needs three hits to destroy them at full power.
Any Zenyatta caught by a Widowmaker deserves to die. Only time Zenyatta should be out in the open with a Widowmaker out is during Transcendence all other times he should be under cover tossing heals/discord/firing in angles.
you asked this before. like i said, put a clock right next to your monitor.![]()
Sigh sometimes I'm just "in the zone" when it comes to sniping in shooters and other times I'm just god awful. I get a few kills in one spot go to a new one and rotate, other times I can't hit worth crap and just switch to another character.
Could someone who has the Raptorion skin (the blue mecha one) for Pharah post a screenshot of what it looks like in 1st person? I've been trying to find videos or pictures of the gun model and I haven't been able to find any material whatsoever.
.The Sentry Gun makes a number of beeps every time it reverses its rotation. The number of beeps corresponds to its upgrade level, where a Level 3 turret makes three quick beeps. Additionally, the higher the Sentry Gun's level, the louder it is. A Level 1 Sentry Gun is slightly harder to hear than a Level 3 Sentry Gun; this fact can help attentive players find guarded areas
If I see a Zenyatta on the other team, I pick up Widow to get rid of him.Then I'll use him whenever there's a lack of snipers and fast characters! That happens often, right?
from what I read, Zenyatta is like a sniper support character.
He's not "USELESS", but he is extremely difficult to keep alive and he occupies a role that is better served by two other heroes. Mercy actually does the same exact things that Zenyatta does (heals teammates and increases damage output) with extra mobility and escape options. You can argue that Zenyatta's offensive options are superior, but they put him in severe danger since he is so slow and has 150 health. Lucio can't boost his team's damage output, but he does a much better job keeping them alive while providing some utility (speed boost, secondary fire). Overall, you're better off just picking Lucio or Mercy if you want to play support. If you want to do damage, just pick an offensive hero.
Anyone who thinks Lucio is getting an adjustment first is out of their minds. His advantages are more than balanced by his disadvantages.
Wait does Pharah's concussive blast actually do damage to shields?!
How much?
Anyone who thinks Lucio is getting an adjustment first is out of their minds. His advantages are more than balanced by his disadvantages.
Amazing that the microtransactions thread is still going. Both the ot and that thread are at the top.
What are his disadvantages?
worthless if your team decide it's now deathmatch and spread across the mapWhat are his disadvantages?
Zenyatta is pretty powerful but his learning curve is high. Dude is a glass cannon.
Is it just me or does Overwatch badly need a clock in the bottom left like Hearthstone has. Every time I play I find I've played way longer than I meant to.
What are his disadvantages?
That's a lie and you know it.His music sucks
This is a disadvantage?has to consistently manage support buffs
What are his disadvantages?
If he's behind cover, his orbs disappear after a couple of seconds; he has to go back into the open and risk getting one shot to re-up them. You may as well just pick Mercy and apply her damage boost to high DPS hero instead. His options are redundant and inferior and he has nothing to show for it after his beta nerfs.