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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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I wanna give 76 a go. Never played him in real games since I feel like he is bland, but his abilities are really balanced and seem useful in a lot of different setups. What do Soldier players concentrate on? He seems equally useful for pushing or defending, so I am curious about how he is used by players who have him in their rotation frequently.

Soldier 76 is very useful and requires a lot of tracking skill. Against tanks, landing those headshots significantly increases damage output. And you can even 1v1 a sniper if you land your helix rocket and a couple head/body shots, provided they don't just headshot you.

Then soldier 76 is also good against a lot characters at midrange, including the ever popular mccree. Mccree's shots deal 70, so with healing 15 hp off biotic field (heals 40 per second), mccree has to land 4 shots of damage. And you have helix which hits for over half his hp on a direct hit.

Helix is perhaps his most important tool in fights. It lets him get significant peek damage and it's knock back throws people's aim off (like roadhog just chained someone, you hit them with a helix rocket before he shoots and he is likely to miss the kill). In that sense, helix is quite good utility as well. If you're ever having trouble in a particular match up, just think of ways to get helix to turn it. And never discount the headshot damage + fire rate of his weapon. It can really win fights going in the worst ways for you.

Even vs tracer, soldier 76 has a decent to good match up because 120 damage is 2 bodyshots away from finishing a tracer off.


Soldier 76 is very useful and requires a lot of tracking skill. Against tanks, landing those headshots significantly increases damage output. And you can even 1v1 a sniper if you land your helix rocket and a couple head/body shots, provided they don't just headshot you.

Then soldier 76 is also good against a lot characters at midrange, including the ever popular mccree. Mccree's shots deal 70, so with healing 15 hp off biotic field (heals 40 per second), mccree has to land 4 shots of damage. And you have helix which hits for over half his hp on a direct hit.

Helix is perhaps his most important tool in fights. It lets him get significant peek damage and it's knock back throws people's aim off (like roadhog just chained someone, you hit them with a helix rocket before he shoots and he is likely to miss the kill). In that sense, helix is quite good utility as well. If you're ever having trouble in a particular match up, just think of ways to get helix to turn it.

Even vs tracer, soldier 76 has a decent to good match up because 120 damage is 2 bodyshots away from finishing a tracer off.
I play Soldier 76 when I want to get serious on defense. His toolset is perfect for dealing significant damage, getting to a point quickly, and staying alive.


First legendary was symmettra in that crappy medical costume. Not only is symettra the greatest design but I also hate her playstyle and tried a full 2 games just to get mileage out of that costume but nope, still hate symettra.

Her design is still flawless.

Second one was D.va yellow legendary FUCK YES. MY FAVORITE ONE. Got my fave skin early on. Now I feel good.


I'm feeling like Genji is a bad choice on the final point when they have a Torbjorn. Same problem as Scout in TF2. You can't go behind them, and Torbjorn will instantly build a new turret even if you destroy it. Severely hampers Genji's mobility so there's no point to sticking with him.

This is my problem with Tracer as well.

Genji can reflect the turret to kill it and Tracer can use her ult on it, neither are bad options.


Genji can reflect the turret to kill it and Tracer can use her ult on it, neither are bad options.

Genji reflect helps but the turret rpm is so slow it'll only be like half health after full duration so meh. When turrets are up you just kinda play like tracer and frustrate the dwarf as much as he does you while your team gains ground and then you can jump in when shits ripe.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Genji can reflect the turret to kill it.

Honestly, the reflect doesn't help that much. Even though the turret is stupid and will shoot your deflect, its dps is not that high and a full reflect usually isn't enough to kill the turret, doubly so when Torb is repairing it, and triply so when there are multiple targets so the turret ignores you sometimes. It's just a very different animal from Bastion even if they function similarly.

I agree that Genji is not very good at closing out a point UNLESS Torb is cleared AND the enemy team is too busy with your team to notice you setting up a RYUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE.
I play Soldier 76 when I want to get serious on defense. His toolset is perfect for dealing significant damage, getting to a point quickly, and staying alive.

One of listed strengths should always include his ability to hold ground, since he can provide damage at any range and heal himself so he doesn't have to retreat to a healer or health pack, so yeah I definitely agree he is pretty good on defense. Not that he is necessarily better than other picks, but he is definitely very solid.

Honestly, the reflect doesn't help that much. Even though the turret is stupid and will shoot your deflect, its dps is not that high and a full reflect usually isn't enough to kill the turret, even more so when Torb is repairing it, and more than that when there are multiple targets so the turret ignores you sometimes.

It's true, Genji is not very good at closing out a point UNLESS Torb is cleared and the enemy team is too busy with your team to notice you setting up a RYUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE

I wonder how good deflect is vs a molten core'd turret. I don't play him enough admittedly.


I do this all the time but even if I keep someone like a Widow occupied for a period of time, it does not feel like it is helping my team much.

You have to move around and target all of them to make everyone think twice about what they're doing. Your job is to kill the healer or distract people enough to scatter them or get them to turn around to chase you so your teammates can jump on them after.


My co-worker played on PC then downloaded beta on his XB1 and said the game feels slower paced on console due to turn speed, aim speed, and such. He preferred playing characters like Tracer and Soldier on console who had some mobility options to feel a bit faster lol

The game does have sensitivity settings on console. I feel like that's easily overlooked. I just got around to changing mine last night.


I don't get how so many people have the world traveler trophy.. I have 40+ wins and not sure how many maps i haven't won in. Even if it's one left the chances of me getting the map I need is 1/12 and then the chances of winning are around 1/2.. Seems hard to pull off.
It's stupid as fuck, you are welcome to disagree, but it's stupid as fuck.

It's not. Overtime only occurs if someone is already on the objective, and drains faster when everyone is off the point. It's a little too forgiving in this game compared to TF2, especially with the faster respawn times, but it should definitely not be removed.


Is something up with the matcmaking? It keeps saying estimated times of like 6-7 seconds, but it's taking upwards of 50 to find a match every time on PC.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
They're pretty offensive when they yell slurs in all-chat.
On console if more than 2 people leave after the match is over it completely fucks with matchmaking and the game has to send you back to the main menu and wait 1-5 minutes for another match. It's ridiculous.
Toblerone's pistole does way too much damage.

That's not a pistol, but a molten cannon in pistol form that can double as shotgun.

Toblerone doesn't mess around on the battlefield.
On console if anyone leaves after the match is over it completely fucks with matchmaking and the game has to send you back to the main menu and wait 1-5 minutes for another match. It's ridiculous.

Wow that sucks.

On PC, the worst thing I've encountered is joining matches that end seconds later, moving to a "Waiting for Players..." phase in the next match that ends with disbandment, and then being requeued. Doesn't happen often, but when it does it's super annoying.
Everyone wants to be a Offense hero

yet nobody is actually good at the actual offense part

Very true. The other thing is that the best compositions have more than 1 tank and 1 support very often. I won't say always. I kinda feel like soldier + roadhog kinda is like having a second support because they both heal (for example). But typically people go... oh you picked tank and you picked support, that means I can snipe or another damage dealer, while the team could really use a second support or tank and lose while they can't push the point after 1 person dies.

The best compositions are 2:2:2 imo. 2 tanks, 2 supports, 2 anything else.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Every team needs a MT, an OT, a MH and OH.

Just like in muh raid groups.


Overtime is necessary, it would suck much more if the game ended 5 meters from a check point when the pushing team is still pushing, or if the game ended even though there's people actively capping the point when time runs out.

With overtime you always have a chance to win, without overtime you could end up where it's literally impossible to win because there's not enough time even though there's still time left on the clock.

Also ive found genji reflect usefull to kill turrets but you gotta hit it with shurikens first. Like shurikens until your almost dead and then reflect to finish the turret off and live.


Genji can reflect the turret to kill it and Tracer can use her ult on it, neither are bad options.

Why do people act like Tracer's ult is a good response to turrets? 95% of the time, wasting an ult on a turret that's coming back up in 10 seconds is a total waste. Unless that turret going down is for sure helping you take that point, you may as well throw your mine off a cliff.


the holder of the trombone
Why do people act like Tracer's ult is a good response to turrets? 95% of the time, wasting an ult on a turret that's coming back up in 10 seconds is a total waste. Unless that turret going down is for sure helping you take that point, you may as well throw your mine off a cliff.

Well you hunt down that dwarf also.
Why do people act like Tracer's ult is a good response to turrets? 95% of the time, wasting an ult on a turret that's coming back up in 10 seconds is a total waste. Unless that turret going down is for sure helping you take that point, you may as well throw your mine off a cliff.

In a lot of cases Torbjorn is nearby and you can harass him enough so he can't set up another turret.


Why do people act like Tracer's ult is a good response to turrets? 95% of the time, wasting an ult on a turret that's coming back up in 10 seconds is a total waste. Unless that turret going down is for sure helping you take that point, you may as well throw your mine off a cliff.

Because using your ult to kill the turret lets you kill Torbjorn before he can upgrade another? Gives your team time to get there too?


I don't get how so many people have the world traveler trophy.. I have 40+ wins and not sure how many maps i haven't won in. Even if it's one left the chances of me getting the map I need is 1/12 and then the chances of winning are around 1/2.. Seems hard to pull off.

A bit lucky to get it earlier on but eventually becomes something that is bound to happen eventually. I think it pinged on Lijang Tower for me. Some maps you just don't get to play on for long stretches.


I wish there was a way to play quick or competitive on a specific map, I'd really like to get the world traveler trophy. I think I'm missing one of the control ones.


This game produces more SALT per post than any other in recent memory hahaha.

Mercy is my new addiction, once you figure out her secrets you can literally carry a team.

PS: Why does Hanzo's ULT get to travel through walls? Cheap.


This game produces more SALT per post than any other in recent memory hahaha.

Mercy is my new addiction, once you figure out her secrets you can literally carry a team.

PS: Why does Hanzo's ULT get to travel through walls? Cheap.

Not even remotely true. If your team can't protect you no amount of Guardian Angel'ing around is going to keep you alive.


This game produces more SALT per post than any other in recent memory hahaha.

Mercy is my new addiction, once you figure out her secrets you can literally carry a team.

PS: Why does Hanzo's ULT get to travel through walls? Cheap.

I've started to play Mercy more after being so fucking frustrated when the other team just brings back everyone after we get a strong push. I don't like playing her and much prefer Lucio but if they have a Mercy I'll go Mercy.

And Hanzo's ult goes through walls because he screams "EVERYONE STAY AWAY IM SHOOTING THESE GLOWING DRAGON THINGS" to everyone on the map.
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