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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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the holder of the trombone
But the dictionary definition for grizzled is "having gray hair"

unless there is something I'm missing?

Oh I thought you were more referring to his personality, because personality-wise they are nothing alike.

I'm definitely using grizzled wrongly though.


Soldier is very interesting to me as a member of the Overwatch cast precisely because Overwatch has such an over the top superhero cast. He is a contrast. The normal CoD dude who lived way too long and survived to see the world become one filled with heroes, robots, talking apes, and time travellers. When I play with a Soldier on my team, I feel that he's the guy who gives me a funny look but still does his job. When I play as Soldier, it feels like Contra where I'm a dude who got thrown into a crazy scifi world.
76 feels like a parallel to Captain America to me. I mean he was basically in the Overwatch universe's version of the Super Soldier program.
S76 is like the opposite of Captain America, with one the ultimate embodiment of lawful order, and the other of vigilante justice.
Speaking of pre-match dialogue. Did you know that Tracer dupes on a team actually talk to each other sometimes? It's super weird!


Looks like I'm playing Tracer tonight.

Although what I want most is Bastion banter. I don't think anyone ever talks to that poor ol' guy. Even Ganymede is ignored... which seems impossible, become someone other than Bastion must've named both of them, right?
If anyone is "Boring" it's hands down Pharah, she's the stereotypical military career woman with mommy issues.

The only bummer about Pharah is her awful totemic legendary. She'd be better off with Reaper's crow Legendary.

Y'know, I don't want it, but it's all I have for her... so I use it.
Hanzo's backstory is interesting, and probably the most morally complex character as his troubled past is one he specifically caused himself and his pre-battle dialogue reflects that in how he is reminiscent of his old life while still saddened by where it lead. .

Hanzo's backstory might be interesting, and I do agree with you there, but the character himself, and how he is presented, is not. You can have a morally complex character with a troubled past without making him an angsty warrior who travels to find himself and can't feel anything but seriousness and a bit of remorse.
There's other characters who are on the surface quite serious and still are presented in a humourous way in other instances. Look at Symmetra. I'd argue she's one of the most serious stuck up characters and personalities in the game. Heck, she too is morally complex and has a troubled backstory. Yet you have a highlight intro of her fixing the camera angle. You have an emote where she summons a chair and sits on it. You have a victory pose that embrace her Indian heritage by having her stand in some sort of Yoga pose, etc.

Why can't Hanzo have something like that? Give him a highlight intro where he goes Wilhelm Tell and shoots an apple off of the head of a training dummy. Give him an emote where he dances like the guys from the stupid song "Yatta!". Just something to lighten him up for God's sake.

It baffles me how you can call Hanzo boring while praising Soldier. He's not even all that exaggerated from what I can tell. I don't see what makes him exaggerated. He's just straight up vanilla "Old Grizzled Soldier" with nothing that makes him even remotely interesting.

How is Soldier: 76 not exaggerated? He's wearing the colours of the American flag, he's yelling at the others for not calling him Sir, his ult is a literal aimbot, he even references Apocalypse Now. I remember you having hated on 76 in the past, but cut the dude some slack.


Heh, I do actually like Soldier. Hanzo is pretty cold though. There's very little to him that's charming.

Edit: Great minds, Ramyeon! Hadn't seen your post.

Soldier is very interesting to me as a member of the Overwatch cast precisely because Overwatch has such an over the top superhero cast. He is a contrast. The normal CoD dude who lived way too long and survived to see the world become one filled with heroes, robots, talking apes, and time travellers. When I play with a Soldier on my team, I feel that he's the guy who gives me a funny look but still does his job. When I play as Soldier, it feels like Contra where I'm a dude who got thrown into a crazy scifi world.

That's a great read. He's definitely the closest we have to a Steve Rogers. In general the Avengers parallels in Overwatch are strong.
S76 is like the opposite of Captain America, with one the ultimate embodiment of lawful order, and the other of vigilante justice.


Looks like I'm playing Tracer tonight.

Although what I want most is Bastion banter. I don't think anyone ever talks to that poor ol' guy. Even Ganymede is ignored... which seems impossible, become someone other than Bastion must've named both of them, right?

The only bummer about Pharah is her awful totemic legendary. She'd be better off with Reaper's crow Legendary.

Y'know, I don't want it, but it's all I have for her... so I use it.
Well, Bastion gets his name because when his kind of robot was manufactured, they were called "Bastions" so that's how he got his name. Can't say much about the bird though. But there are people that talk to Bastion. Pretty sure Lucio has a line with him.
Although what I want most is Bastion banter. I don't think anyone ever talks to that poor ol' guy. Even Ganymede is ignored... which seems impossible, become someone other than Bastion must've named both of them, right?

There's plenty of banter with Bastion, actually.

Lucio goes "Hey Bastion, beep boop beep boop", and Bastion beepboops in response to it. Zarya tells him that she has killed many of his kind during the war, at which Bastion produces a sad boop. Mei and Zenyatta also have interactions with him, but I forgot what they were... Mei was mentioning something about him helping her with her research, and Zenyatta was like tell me how you feel.

I believe Symmetra and Roadhog have the least interaction with other heroes. Roadhog only interacts with Junkrat, and Symmetra only with Lucio and Torbjörn.


Hanzo's backstory is interesting, and probably the most morally complex character as his troubled past is one he specifically caused himself and his pre-battle dialogue reflects that in how he is reminiscent of his old life while still saddened by where it lead. .

It baffles me how you can call Hanzo boring while praising Soldier. He's not even all that exaggerated from what I can tell. I don't see what makes him exaggerated. He's just straight up vanilla "Old Grizzled Soldier" with nothing that makes him even remotely interesting.

Yup. Hanzo is like fine wine. Heathens do not know.


Beside character interactions, let's not forget the voice interactions they have with stages. There's some pretty cool stuff sometimes.


btw, Roadhog is probably the gay hero. Hes a bear, hangs around a skinny hairless guy with an accent and he can totally dance
Beside character interactions, let's not forget the voice interactions they have with stages. There's some pretty cool stuff sometimes.

The fact Mei does not have a stage interaction with Lijiang Tower always was a soft confirmation for me that Lijiang is not supposed to be "her" stage, although both are Chinese.
This is one of the points I'd touch on if I ever do get around to making that speculation video about Liao...


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Soldier is very interesting to me as a member of the Overwatch cast precisely because Overwatch has such an over the top superhero cast. He is a contrast. The normal CoD dude who lived way too long and survived to see the world become one filled with heroes, robots, talking apes, and time travellers. When I play with a Soldier on my team, I feel that he's the guy who gives me a funny look but still does his job. When I play as Soldier, it feels like Contra where I'm a dude who got thrown into a crazy scifi world.
When I play Soldier I just try to look out for everyone on the team. My crowning moments aren't when I push the payload, because in my day we would've had it there already or when I have the enemy in my sights or when I get Q of the game. It's when I force Mei into her icebox before she can kill our healer, it's when I pepper shots at Genji and then finish him off with a Helix rocket, it's when a tank shouts I need healing and no Support is around, but I've got a biotic field to spare. God bless god and god bless Soldier 76


The fact Mei does not have a stage interaction with Lijiang Tower always was a soft confirmation for me that Lijiang is not supposed to be "her" stage, although both are Chinese.
This is one of the points I'd touch on if I ever do get around to making that speculation video about Liao...
I seem to remember her saying something like "it's good to be back home".
I seem to remember her saying something like "it's good to be back home".

So she does, huh.

Well, I still don't think it's supposed to be "her" stage, for various reasons, like it having been built by a space exploration company (she's a climatologist), and very likely after she went into cryostasis. And she also doesn't have any other interactions other than what you mentioned. If she had worked in Lijiang Tower or lived in the city it is located in, I'm sure she'd mention it.


Hanzo's backstory might be interesting, and I do agree with you there, but the character himself, and how he is presented, is not. You can have a morally complex character with a troubled past without making him an angsty warrior who travels to find himself and can't feel anything but seriousness and a bit of remorse.
There's other characters who are on the surface quite serious and still are presented in a humourous way in other instances. Look at Symmetra. I'd argue she's one of the most serious stuck up characters and personalities in the game. Heck, she too is morally complex and has a troubled backstory. Yet you have a highlight intro of her fixing the camera angle. You have an emote where she summons a chair and sits on it. You have a victory pose that embrace her Indian heritage by having her stand in some sort of Yoga pose, etc.

Why can't Hanzo have something like that? Give him a highlight intro where he goes Wilhelm Tell and shoots an apple off of the head of a training dummy. Give him an emote where he dances like the guys from the stupid song "Yatta!". Just something to lighten him up for God's sake.

Symmetra isn't "serious" in the way your describing. Her comic hinted that she's autistic, and things being out of order legitimately bothers her. She's not joking when she corrects the camera or sits down, assuming the austistic interpretation is real. She just doesn't have the social cues necessary to realize the slight ridiculousness of it, or else if she does, it doesn't appeal to her particular sense of humor. You can laugh at it, but it's not her being funny from her as a character the way Soldier's "Get off my lawn" line might be, with awareness that he's an old grizzled bastard.

Anyway, I don't particularly mind a character that doesn't indulge in nonsense when the rest of the series is filled with such humor. Like duckroll suggested an argument for Soldier being the 'normal guy' of the cast of wacky characters. I don't think this series needs a normal guy, but his argument that contrast highlights things is a good one, and having Hanzo be someone who just doesn't indulge humor isn't bad or shows him as boring. Besides, he DOES have a silly line. A pokemon reference of all things. "I choose you, Spirit Dragon." Or when he asks where Junkrat hid this treasure, noting his lack of clothing.

I do agree that his emotes suck though. But Soldier's aren't any better. Hanzo's highlights aren't especially great either, but I'd take any of them over any of Soldier's. Basically, I'd totally agree that Hanzo is one of the blander (or atleast the less outlandish) if the direct character you were comparing him to wasn't Soldier.

How is Soldier: 76 not exaggerated? He's wearing the colours of the American flag, he's yelling at the others for not calling him Sir, his ult is a literal aimbot, he even references Apocalypse Now. I remember you having hated on 76 in the past, but cut the dude some slack.

Idk, that's pretty typical COD to me. His coat has red white and blue, but it's plausibly designed (Unlike AmeriCree, who is literally draped head to toe in Murica). Everything else you mentioned seems typical to me. But yeah, I am not a big fan of soldier. I tried playing him a few times in this weeks brawl, and all I can think is how I wish I was playing anyone else.


Now that I think about it, does Pharah have any voice lines on Anubis? Anubis is such a weird stage because it doesn't seem to have any purpose. What are they even doing there?

Volskya = Tech Espionage
Hanamura = Shimada Stronghold
Hollywood = VIP Escort
King's Row = Omnic Genocide
Numbani = Museum Delivery
Route 66 = Bomb Clearance
Gibralter = Satellite Launch
Dorado = Power Plant Sabotage
Nepal = Zenyatta Homeland

Anubis = ???
Lijiang = ?????
Illios = ????????

So she does, huh.

Well, I still don't think it's supposed to be "her" stage, for various reasons, like it having been built by a space exploration company (she's a climatologist), and very likely after she went into cryostasis. And she also doesn't have any other interactions other than what you mentioned. If she had worked in Lijiang Tower or lived in the city it is located in, I'm sure she'd mention it.

She just means it's good to be back in China after travelling around the world.
Not responding to the rest of the post there because I think we'll just have to agree to disagree in this case.

Symmetra isn't "serious" in the way your describing. Her comic hinted that she's autistic, and things being out of order legitimately bothers her. She's not joking when she corrects the camera or sits down, assuming the austistic interpretation is real. She just doesn't have the social cues necessary to realize the slight ridiculousness of it, or else if she does, it doesn't appeal to her particular sense of humor. You can laugh at it, but it's not her being funny from her as a character the way Soldier's "Get off my lawn" line might be, with awareness that he's an old grizzled bastard.

It's not really hinted at, it's an insanely mild implication that is heavily left to the reader's interpretation.
She says that she never really felt that she belonged, and always wondered where she was on the spectrum. This might or might not indicate the autistic spectrum, as some people have interpreted. The writer might've meant something entirely different when saying this, or specifically chose that wording to let people speculate about what exactly she means.

Given the fact that we don't know whether Symmetra really is an autist or not, it also is impossible to infer that her sitting down on a chair or being annoyed with a crooked camera angle is supposed to be a representation of her lack of interpreting social cues (especially since in regards to the chair emote, all the other characters are getting a sitting emote as well - her just has the added exaggeration of creating a chair out of thin air to sit on), or her being unaware of how it might be perceived by others. In fact, I'd argue that you're flat out wrong with that particular interpretation simply because if she really did have problems with social interaction, then her employer company Vishkar would not send her to represent the company and strike a deal that is mentioned numerous times to be quite important to Vishkar (to the point of them committing industrial espionage and sabotage to acquire that deal), but rather send somebody else who is more capable of handling business talks, especially ones that require negotiating skills and social finesse.

Order, perfection and harmony are among Symmetra's core beliefs and values. Yes, it is not a laughing matter to her that the camera in her highlight intro is crooked, but it is still presented in an amusing way. If we weren't supposed to find it amusing, then Blizzard wouldn't have included it.
Now even iddqd is saying Lucio will be used less. Is it truly that bad? It can't seriously be that bad.

Mercy being buffed and more importantly the nerfs to discord and speed Amp are bigger than most of us think.

Honestly most Pro players I've seen stream feel happy about the meta shift, so many of them called the Zen era "The Cancer Meta" which ran rampant in beta in days long past until recently.

Defense will actually stand a chance and not just get rolled up now by Amp'd Speedboosting strats and Zen's discord being pretty much a death sentence for anyone with it on.

I think Symmetra has dialogue with Luico which was cool.

Yea they're also pretty much on the complete opposites of one another too. Love the contrast there.


Now that I think about it, does Pharah have any voice lines on Anubis? Anubis is such a weird stage because it doesn't seem to have any purpose. What are they even doing there?

Volskya = Tech Espionage
Hanamura = Shimada Stronghold
Hollywood = VIP Escort
King's Row = Omnic Genocide
Numbani = Museum Delivery
Route 66 = Bomb Clearance
Gibralter = Satellite Launch
Dorado = Power Plant Sabotage
Nepal = Zenyatta Homeland

Anubis = ???
Lijiang = ?????
Illios = ????????
Pharah says: "I lost many great soldiers here" and "We're on my home turf now" on Anubis. The map itself is in reference to her comic.

I am surprised at the fact we don't have a map that set in constant motion like a train map or a flying fortress type thing, or even on top of a giant onmic mecha.
Now that I think about it, does Pharah have any voice lines on Anubis? Anubis is such a weird stage because it doesn't seem to have any purpose. What are they even doing there?

Volskya = Tech Espionage
Hanamura = Shimada Stronghold
Hollywood = VIP Escort
King's Row = Omnic Genocide
Numbani = Museum Delivery
Route 66 = Bomb Clearance
Gibralter = Satellite Launch
Dorado = Power Plant Sabotage
Nepal = Zenyatta Homeland

Anubis = ???
Lijiang = ?????
Illios = ????????

Temple of Anubis is where the God AI Anubis is or was located in Pharah's comic. It's implied that the attacker is trying to acquire either Anubis or its information, and the defender stopping that from happening. (Alternatively the attacker is there to disrupt the defender's attack on the location... but that's getting a bit meta)

Illios is interesting because in one of the dropships, Athena mentions that there has been increased Talon activity because of some artifacts that have recently been found there, which is also why one of the map rounds takes place at the dig site in the ruins. The implication is that both sides are trying to secure whatever artifacts Talon are after.

Lijiang is the headquarters of the space exploration company Lucheng Interstellar. I would assume that the goal in this map is to acquire intelligence on Lucheng's current technology or space programs, but I'm not sure if there is any actual lore about it.

Nepal is actually the one I find the most puzzling. Is the goal to secure and protect the Shambali order after the attack on Mondatta in King's Row? To keep the peace in Nepal between the humans living there and the Shambali order?


Oh, that's a cool detail about Illios I didn't pick up on. For Lijiang though, if we eventually get Liao as a character, I suspect that might play into the lore. We don't really know much about China's role in the OW world right now.

For Nepal I just imagine that it's a filler episode where the drop ship takes a detour because Zenyatta forgot his favorite pair of pants. :p


It's not really hinted at, it's an insanely mild implication that is heavily left to the reader's interpretation.
She says that she never really felt that she belonged, and always wondered where she was on the spectrum. This might or might not indicate the autistic spectrum, as some people have interpreted. The writer might've meant something entirely different when saying this, or specifically chose that wording to let people speculate about what exactly she means.

Given the fact that we don't know whether Symmetra really is an autist or not, it also is impossible to infer that her sitting down on a chair or being annoyed with a crooked camera angle is supposed to be a representation of her lack of interpreting social cues (especially since in regards to the chair emote, all the other characters are getting a sitting emote as well - her just has the added exaggeration of creating a chair out of thin air to sit on), or her being unaware of how it might be perceived by others. In fact, I'd argue that you're flat out wrong with that particular interpretation simply because if she really did have problems with social interaction, then her employer company Vishkar would not send her to represent the company and strike a deal that is mentioned numerous times to be quite important to Vishkar (to the point of them committing industrial espionage and sabotage to acquire that deal), but rather send somebody else who is more capable of handling business talks, especially ones that require negotiating skills and social finesse.

Well, yeah, I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I certainly don't think we need an outright confirmation of autism itself (though I don't really know what other spectrum she could be referring to) to interpret actions as being a result of inferred autism. In fact, if there's one thing we do know, it's that things being out of place drives her insane. In the comic, when giving the briefing, she notices that one of the portraits is askew and she can't see how the others can tolerate that. That reeks of heavy implication to me. But either way, you don't need to be 100% sure of something to be able to able to interpret a gesture as meaningfully indicating that thing.

And about her being incapable of negociating, that's simply wrong. Social skills aren't just a monolithic set of skills that if you have in one circumstance, you have them in all things. To negotiate a business deal, especially in the formal environment of an office as opposed to a resturant or bar as some business people go to, you don't need a keen awareness of humor, which I might remind you is what we were originally discussing. You need to be able to work out the best deal, possibly the best compromise, know when to press on an issue, know when to fall back, etc. Like you pointed out, she doesn't know where on the spectrum she falls, which means she could easily be highly competent in formal settings while absolutely clueless in informal ones. A lot of people who have social difficulties are able to compensate or learn them in other ways. Hell, one example is that even though the askewed portrait bothers the shit out of her, she knows it would be inappropriate to draw attention to it. So your arrgument that her autism immediately invalidates her ability to navigate social situations simply isn't correct.

Order, perfection and harmony are among Symmetra's core beliefs and values. Yes, it is not a laughing matter to her that the camera in her highlight intro is crooked, but it is still presented in an amusing way. If we weren't supposed to find it amusing, then Blizzard wouldn't have included it.

Oh, I don't disagree that it was meant to amuse, but my point was that that was not her being funny as an expression of her own sense of humor. She's still "Serious", she was just put in a funny situation. Which, again, can be the same thing with Hanzo's pokemon line.
Oh, that's a cool detail about Illios I didn't pick up on. For Lijiang though, if we eventually get Liao as a character, I suspect that might play into the lore. We don't really know much about China's role in the OW world right now.

Yeah, I have been thinking that Lijiang Tower is most likely Liao's "stage" for a while now. I've been writing a script about my ideas of what Liao's role in Overwatch was and why they have not appeared in any of the pictures showing the original 6 members either.
Lijiang Tower heavily plays into it.

For Nepal I just imagine that it's a filler episode where the drop ship takes a detour because Zenyatta forgot his favorite pair of pants. :p

I like that. It is officially part of my headcanon now. :p


I like that. It is officially part of my headcanon now. :p

The best part is that you can even explain why there are 3 different areas.

"Hey Genji, did I leave it in your room? Let's check the village first..."

"Not there... maybe it's at the shrine, that's just around the corner there."

"Nope... oh, I must have left it to dry in the sanctum! Wait, what's Talon doing here? T_T"
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