I had fun in solo queue.
I did too, but the solo queue experience heavily favors QP over comp most due to the rules on leaving - in QP you can leave if you queue with a terrible team, other players leaving will be replaced, you don't have to play maps you're sick of playing. When you play as a group you don't have to worry about leavers or being stuck with terrible teams as much as do in solo queue.
I get that the thrill of the back and forth of competitive is awesome, and I definitely enjoy the set-up of having attack AND defend determine your victory. But there's just so much chaff out there (especially in the lower levels) that I can see why people who don't have a solid group would stay away from comp.
I think Tracer and Genji players probably do the best in solo qs. they can dominate entire teams.
Also this. In a group you can all choose your mains and determine who's best in each role for the situation. Solo, some guy can choose your best character and suck balls with him, and you're stuck playing Lucio because everyone on your team was yelling at you to switch off of Ana because she sucks, except Ana is way better for the current set-up...and so on.
Having to be the support in solo queue is either really fun or an exercise in futility. No inbetween there.