It's been wtf hell all day for me too. Yesterday must have been a fluke. Went 7-3 solo platinum, today I think I've had 7 losses just from teammates leaving before the first round is even over... Total BS I get punished for teammates leaving...Went 6-4 on placements and was just Platinum. Played 4 more competitive matches since and encountered the people that haven't got a clue what the payload is. Lost 3 and won 1 that has put me down to gold.
Got to stop the random torture.
Went 6-4 on placements and was just Platinum. Played 4 more competitive matches since and encountered the people that haven't got a clue what the payload is. Lost 3 and won 1 that has put me down to gold.
Got to stop the random torture.
Soloing, 4-6, 2388. Kept soloing, around 2200 now, yay c:
And I'm seeing so many Junkrats. I rarely saw one on QP/brawls, no idea were these guys were. And most of them weren't exactly good (played with a beastly one last match though). Oh well.
With Zarya on the scene Junkrat is possibly one of the dumbest picks especially in serious games. He can't control his moves well so spams are free charge for her.
I thought your tier couldn't go down? Or do you just mean that your number itself went down to the equivalent of gold?Went 6-4 on placements and was just Platinum. Played 4 more competitive matches since and encountered the people that haven't got a clue what the payload is. Lost 3 and won 1 that has put me down to gold.
Got to stop the random torture.
7/3 win/loss. 2675. What does this score mean?
I didn't see any gold tier or otherwise.
If I went 40-10 with Tracer, I'd be pretty ecstatic lol. But I'm not as good of a tracer as you, so....I'm at 40 kills a game with Tracer this season. lol
But 10 deaths, WAY to much.
Apparently "Blizzard removed win rates from Quickplay". Maybe they think that will stop people from leaving at the end of a losing game?
Also, this wasn't PotG because that went to D.Va booping off 2 guys in front of the Volskaya spawn, butH A N Z O B O Y S
Not sure, that's what Overbuff says.Is the removal of winrate thing an explicit change or is it some temporary maintenance thing? Seems like stats were the last thing keeping people from going buck wild in quickplay because they didn't want to bork their stats page, but I did see some incidents where people would snoop on other people's profiles and roast their goose if they were sub 50 on some characters.
Yea I mean 4/1 is good but it just doesn't feel like it. Seems like lots of 28-13 games. And then you get the 60-5 KOTH to offset it. Feels pretty inconsistent and the deaths always feel like 'you dumbass' type deaths. I know I could be playing better. I think Overbuff agrees because I'm only 92nd percentile with those stats.If I went 40-10 with Tracer, I'd be pretty ecstatic lol. But I'm not as good of a tracer as you, so....
Oh I know that feel. Majority of my Tracer deaths seem to be a "da fuq did I do that for?" Or "why did I blink there?" Kind of moments lol.Yea I mean 4/1 is good but it just doesn't feel like it. Seems like lots of 28-13 games. And then you get the 60-5 KOTH to offset it. Feels pretty inconsistent and the deaths always feel like 'you dumbass' type deaths. I know I could be playing better. I think Overbuff agrees because I'm only 92nd percentile with those stats.
Not saying it's not good, I just think my 'carry' could be a little more consistent.
Losses don't count aka it's worthless as shit.What the FUCK happened to Overbuff
I went from top 1000 D.Va's a week ago to top 19%? What the fuck?!
Yea I'm also having to adjust to the sharpshooter McCree and lumberjack Hanzo. Not fully grasping this new meta yet.
And I've been stuck in the 2800's since placement getting like 20 per win and losing 30 per loss. It's agravating. If I could just put together a win streak i'd be in Diamond forever. Maybe a Gaf train could help me out.
Losses don't count aka it's worthless as shit.
Muh stats =(
hey, you never lost. we're all winners now.
Just got off :/
Be back in a couple hours.
NoCan Mei's ice wall and self freeze not be near instant with the startup time on it?
Can Mei's ice wall and self freeze not be near instant with the startup time on it?
Diamond is no different. You'll still see torbjorn on attack. Ana's who've nvr used her trying her out for the first time....etc.
Any PS4 players up for some matches tonight? My PSN is SgtWiggles
Am currently 2931 so looking for people close to that range. Mostly play Zarya and Zenyetta, but I can play most of the cast well
Yeah...I was grouped with you and Ramirez last night and some of the stuff I saw the diamond players do was mind boggling. Still love the Dva that ulted her mech into the ocean. :|
It's fucking infuriating how people still pick Torb on console. I haven't won a single game since I got out of placements. I can't seem to get out of these shitty teams.
Bought a Tracer and McCree for my room. It's hard to find Overwatch art I like and I'm a fan of this.
Any PS4 players up for some matches tonight? My PSN is SgtWiggles
Am currently 2931 so looking for people close to that range. Mostly play Zarya and Zenyetta, but I can play most of the cast well