2/2/2 doesn't even seem that good anymore. I have no idea why but Lucio seems like a worse healer now even though his healing didn't change at all. He's not fun, and I don't even like seeing one on my team that much.
Mercy is easily the best healer but she's getting annihilated by this new aim assist, goes down instantly. In fact, all the supports kind of do. McCree picks them off or the new godly Tracer is in the back field. No idea which or how many supports is the right team comp.
Zarya is insane now, and one of the few that is a great counter to McCree, the range buff is insane. And yet tanks in general just seem to be less effective because the game has become long range kills and flanking.
I honestly think the best team comp on console right now is something like:
Not much healing but Tracer recalls and can get health, Roadhog heals, Zarya regenerates, 76 has decent healing. I suppose you could go Mercy for Zen, Mei for Roadhog, Hanzo for Solider depending on your preference. Just overwhelm the other team with DPS rather than wait four the ult push. I'm just constantly in the backfield killing supports as Tracer these days, they have become much less vital.
Game feels way more long range and slow now, and I definitely like it less.
BUT please please please don't straight nerf Zarya, McCree, and Tracer three of my favorites, and it's not neccessary. Just tweak the auto aim, I'm glad they fixed the vertical aim crap, but they went to far in that direction, just dial it back a bit.
Wonder how much Blizzard cares about the console. Because the game really doesn't feel that great anymore.