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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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I feel the biggest difference between carrying in Overwatch and carrying in other team shooters I have played is that to carry in OW you need to do more than just perform well as an individual player. In fact, that isn't even the main requirement. To truly carry a game, you need to be aware of what your team needs, what it lacks, and accept the limits of your team's skill level, and consider how to best overcome the enemy team using what you have.

You could be the best Genji in the world, you could be a ultimate hitscan hero when it comes to accuracy, you could be death cancer Mei incarnate, but sometimes that doesn't help your team enough to win because they don't understand how to take advantage of it. If the team understands how to take advantage of that, the conversation wouldn't be about clutching. So instead of thinking in terms of "why can't I use my awesome obviously superior skill playing this character to carry my team to victory by sheer force of will alone", why not think in terms of "we may be losing, this team isn't too great, but if I suggested a few changes, changed into a lead tank or support instead, and if they listen, we can turn this whole thing around". Because that in my experience has a higher than 50% chance of succeeding every time. Of course they have to want to listen. If you are stuck with a team of deadbeats who don't care to work together, you're fucked and you can't do anything, but that's not a game design problem, that's a community problem.

I agree, this is a team game and you definitely should put your team's needs over your own desires of greatness. An uncooperative member that doesn't carry the team's needs is a huge detriment to them.


You know that you played too much Overwatch when the "Overtime" theme starts playing in your head when you're short on time.


Man my placement is going to be jacked. I'm getting matched with straight morons. People playing poorly and choosing bad comp non stop.

Carry me Hammon!
I solo queued all my placements, I'm sure you'll do better than me. Individual performance seems to matter much more, I had 6 wins 3 losses and 1 draw and ended at 2764.


placed at 266X on Friday (7-3), Saturday was 5-9-1, at one point I was low 2400's. I'd like to thank the 6 people that decided to leave those matches regardless if we were doing well or not. Thank you for those auto losses, really appreciate seeing my rating tank when it ends up being 2v6 by then end of the match...

Sunday I started to fix my rating, (6-4) 2506.

Tonight matches were pretty decent for the most part minus the match where we had a bastion on KotH that refused to switch, he never made it close to the objective area. Someone left after round one... O and the Hanzo player on Gibralter that picked a good 30 secs after everyone else and then started spamming "Need healing!" Because we didn't have any healers.

The stars aligned tonight though when I was playing as Zarya. On Gibralter with all randoms we drove that payload to victory with 3:59 left on the clock, the opposing team didn't even make it to the first point. I died twice. Then later on Anubis we get steam rolled by the other team. We have 2:41 to cap point A to hopefully manage a tie because the other team has over 5 minutes on their timer. We somehow almost manage to get 4 points but a teammate decided to not move 1 meter to get on the point to keep overtime going as I held the opposing team up with a black hole. Whatever it's 3-2 and now I'm on defense we have to hold for over 5 minutes to win but honestly a tie would be a win in my book in this scenario. Whelp my team decided to sync and we defended that point like the Alamo. After all is said and done 2518... Kinda feel like supports are still getting screwed in Ratings... Went 7-6 today I believe.

Also plz blizzard fix leaver penalties... 3 strikes and you're out of the season, an hour ban on first and 2nd offenses and a 100 point deduction in rating each time. Give the winning team full points, give losing team a freeze on their rating but still count it as a loss, also a forfeit option would be nice in the event of a teammate or teammates leaving.

On Dorado, I'm D.Va, we win, after getting the first checkpoint in OT. Mercy and I are the two cards. Mercy is 8% healing, 1700 or so. I have a damage-blocked card, 7000+ blocked (I had Gold in Elims with 19, Objective Kills, and Objective Time, but no, don't show that). I vote for Mercy because I always remember how it felt to get votes as Mercy when I was just starting out. Rest of our team follows suit, except for one person who votes for me at the last second.

I HATE this. Now it looks like I voted for myself. I don't know why, but I pray for at least 2 votes, or none, since I always vote for the Healer (even when I am the Healer). First-World Overwatch problems, I guess.


Just had a mean game on Volskaya with two gaffers that could of easily gone either way. The game went all five rounds before we won, just by the skin of our teeth. Good game guys!
Had no idea games could even last that long haha

knew we had it because the enemy team couldn't hold a defence longer than us. ;)

i was so stoked the last map was Eichenwalde, and lolzing @ the enemy team pulling out a Bastion. xD

gg, peeps!
Also I find it weird that people can be arrogant enough to think they can and should 1 man carry in overwatch.

I truly blame the long run-back. Trickling mixed with Glory Boy syndrome mixed with impatience leads to idiots running in alone, and then bitching when they get wasted. It's a real issue. I think a more diverse communication wheel, or just everyone listening in on Chat (I get not wanting to talk- my performance goes plummeting when I have to carry on a conversation and play at the same time).


the holder of the trombone
On Dorado, I'm D.Va, we win, after getting the first checkpoint in OT. Mercy and I are the two cards. Mercy is 8% healing, 1700 or so. I have a damage-blocked card, 7000+ blocked (I had Gold in Elims with 19, Objective Kills, and Objective Time, but no, don't show that). I vote for Mercy because I always remember how it felt to get votes as Mercy when I was just starting out. Rest of our team follows suit, except for one person who votes for me at the last second.

I HATE this. Now it looks like I voted for myself. I don't know why, but I pray for at least 2 votes, or none, since I always vote for the Healer (even when I am the Healer). First-World Overwatch problems, I guess.

TBF that's really not a lot of healing unless you're seriously stomping the other group.


Regarding this discussion on clutching and carrying, I'll relate a story of this really weird game on Ilios I had yesterday. I was playing with a friend, and we were with 4 solo queue pubs. Out of the 4, maybe 2 were responsive to communication. I played Lucio, my friend was switching between DPS characters, one of the pubs was a Zenyatta, and another was a Rein. I can't remember what the others played but it wasn't super important to the story.

So, we got totally creamed in the first round. 0% vs 100%. Every time we followed the Rein, we would get stuck in some stupid ass place where they just hold us and wipe us. It happened over and over. This is the sort of game you tend to just resign yourself to a loss because it seems hopeless.

Then in the second round something happened. I noticed the Zenyatta was picking up on Rein's movements and trying to support him, and it seemed weird because the Rein was totally not on point and not moving towards the point. Then I realized the horrifying truth - our Reinhardt was insane. He doesn't seem to have any awareness of who is behind him or where his shield is needed, he doesn't care much for protecting the point, but he knows where the enemies are coming from, and he's trying to block them off as they approach or die trying, which is why we kept dying when we followed him. He would hold his shield up, move to where enemies where, and then charge.

So... I decided to support the Zen in the dumbest strategy ever, we basically acted as pocket healers for Rein, and once he charges at anything, it would be discord + both healers shooting at the target he is charging just to make sure he doesn't end up dead. While this was happening, the rest of the team completely ignored us (as they should) focusing on capturing and holding the point and basically guarding against flankers who weren't in Rein's sights. They did a great job of that, and we basically won the next 3 rounds after turning the game around. The Lucio+Zen+Rein combo was fixed because we had to keep the crazy dude alive, but the DPS players would switch liberally to counter attempts by the enemy team to shake things out.

This was not a good team by any means, and if we played traditionally by trying to force the expected gameplay onto a player who obviously either didn't understand English or doesn't care to read the chat, we would definitely have lost. He wasn't going to switch out of Reinhardt, and if we left him to be it would have been 5v6. So while it's a little annoying to pander to people not working the way you want, isn't it worth it if there's a better chance for victory?


Regarding this discussion on clutching and carrying, I'll relate a story of this really weird game on Ilios I had yesterday. I was playing with a friend, and we were with 4 solo queue pubs. Out of the 4, maybe 2 were responsive to communication. I played Lucio, my friend was switching between DPS characters, one of the pubs was a Zenyatta, and another was a Rein. I can't remember what the others played but it wasn't super important to the story.

So, we got totally creamed in the first round. 0% vs 100%. Every time we followed the Rein, we would get stuck in some stupid ass place where they just hold us and wipe us. It happened over and over. This is the sort of game you tend to just resign yourself to a loss because it seems hopeless.

Then in the second round something happened. I noticed the Zenyatta was picking up on Rein's movements and trying to support him, and it seemed weird because the Rein was totally not on point and not moving towards the point. Then I realized the horrifying truth - our Reinhardt was insane. He doesn't seem to have any awareness of who is behind him or where his shield is needed, he doesn't care much for protecting the point, but he knows where the enemies are coming from, and he's trying to block them off as they approach or die trying, which is why we kept dying when we followed him. He would hold his shield up, move to where enemies where, and then charge.

So... I decided to support the Zen in the dumbest strategy ever, we basically acted as pocket healers for Rein, and once he charges at anything, it would be discord + both healers shooting at the target he is charging just to make sure he doesn't end up dead. While this was happening, the rest of the team completely ignored us (as they should) focusing on capturing and holding the point and basically guarding against flankers who weren't in Rein's sights. They did a great job of that, and we basically won the next 3 rounds after turning the game around. The Lucio+Zen+Rein combo was fixed because we had to keep the crazy dude alive, but the DPS players would switch liberally to counter attempts by the enemy team to shake things out.

This was not a good team by any means, and if we played traditionally by trying to force the expected gameplay onto a player who obviously either didn't understand English or doesn't care to read the chat, we would definitely have lost. He wasn't going to switch out of Reinhardt, and if we left him to be it would have been 5v6. So while it's a little annoying to pander to people not working the way you want, isn't it worth it if there's a better chance for victory?

cool story, bro.

by that same token sometimes when you have a crazy Rein that just wants to stand at the entrance w/ his shield up in defence you just gotta go Junkrat and try to do as much damage to support him as possible! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, on the topic of difficulty talking on mic: I realize my biggest problem is that I can't come up with Hero's names without focusing on it, which I just can't do and play at the same time. Here are the best names I've accidentally called Heroes on open chat:

Jumpy Ninja
Arrow Boy
Laser Drago
Spider Rifle
Reinhardt (sorry, Reinhardt's my guy)
D.Va (See above, switch genders)
Keebler Elf
Floaty Boom
Grape Ape
Robot Turret
Meme (may-may)

Scary thing is, people knew exactly who I meant, and very few people mentioned it.

(Soldier and Zen are just too boring to add to the list)


Just played a comp match; me, another solo, and a group of four. This group of four didn't seem to understand that the payload doesn't move if you're not near it. They spent our entire attack running far ahead of it, while me and a Tracer tried to push (typically getting killed). At the end, I had gotten gold for objective kills as Zenyatta... with four kills.

Our defense was slightly better, once our Bastion finally switched (they were Bastion during all of attack too), and we just barely won. I still got silver for heals, even though I wasn't playing a healer on defense and we then had both a different Zenyatta and a Mercy...

These kind of comp matches are bad for my health 😩
TBF that's really not a lot of healing unless you're seriously stomping the other group.

Nope, one of the weakest Mercy cards I've ever seen, actually. There was a LOT of healing to be done, and she did very little. But she tried, and that's enough for me to vote for her. And I'm all for the team giving her encouragement.


Why does it feel like nobody wants to protect their medic? I can't heal you if you're not taking the Reaper who is tailing my ass. I can only do so much jumping and weak pistol shots before I'm overran.

I guess people don't like being resurrected or damage boosted.

Unsung heroes :(


Why does it feel like nobody wants to protect their medic? I can't heal you if you're not taking the Reaper who is tailing my ass. I can only do so much jumping and weak pistol shots before I'm overran.

I guess people don't like being resurrected or damage boosted.

Unsung heroes :(

It gets even better when they are screaming "I need healing" repeatedly, when you are walking back to the action.


I have no idea who these guys are...

I want to say Zarya but I don't know what a drago is.
No idea what a keebler elf or a Kali is.
Can't think of any spanish heroes!
Also no clue who the meme hero is.

I originally thought that Chorizo was the piggy, but I guess fatty also fits.


It gets even better when they are screaming "I need healing" repeatedly, when you are walking back to the action.

I was so close to tasting diamond tier. Got placed at like 2900. Been on a losing streak since. Just like last season when I placed in the 60s lol.

I've felt I've had the best luck with two healers, two tanks, two attackers/defenders (no not a Hanzo or Widow either).

But when a mercy (me) leading gold in categories other than healing something is going on lol.

I need a break.


I'm gonna keep playing this week until AA6 comes out then I'll take a break for a few days. Hopefully less dumb randos and leavers when I return.
Last night I was in a team with a group of two. One chose Mercy, the other Reinhardt. When they died they swapped characters, so Mercy swapped to Reinhardt and Reinhardt swapped to Mercy. And then back again when they died. All through the game.

Our team was down 2 Ultimates from the very get go.

How can these people not realise how incompetent they're being?


Mobile characters who don't take advantage of hitting the enemy from different angles are terrible like the Reinhardt players who put a shield up and DONT push forward. As a matter fact, they usually back pedal with the shield.


I have a dude in my friends list who has mained Bastion this season and is already at 3400 sr with almost purely playing him.


Solo queued against 3 top 500s in a premade one of which was master. Rest diamond. Everyone on my team is platinum but me.
won and got 29 points... had a really good reaper though.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Nice i got Genji's sitting (meditate) emote.



Regarding this discussion on clutching and carrying, I'll relate a story of this really weird game on Ilios I had yesterday. I was playing with a friend, and we were with 4 solo queue pubs. Out of the 4, maybe 2 were responsive to communication. I played Lucio, my friend was switching between DPS characters, one of the pubs was a Zenyatta, and another was a Rein. I can't remember what the others played but it wasn't super important to the story.

So, we got totally creamed in the first round. 0% vs 100%. Every time we followed the Rein, we would get stuck in some stupid ass place where they just hold us and wipe us. It happened over and over. This is the sort of game you tend to just resign yourself to a loss because it seems hopeless.

Then in the second round something happened. I noticed the Zenyatta was picking up on Rein's movements and trying to support him, and it seemed weird because the Rein was totally not on point and not moving towards the point. Then I realized the horrifying truth - our Reinhardt was insane. He doesn't seem to have any awareness of who is behind him or where his shield is needed, he doesn't care much for protecting the point, but he knows where the enemies are coming from, and he's trying to block them off as they approach or die trying, which is why we kept dying when we followed him. He would hold his shield up, move to where enemies where, and then charge.

So... I decided to support the Zen in the dumbest strategy ever, we basically acted as pocket healers for Rein, and once he charges at anything, it would be discord + both healers shooting at the target he is charging just to make sure he doesn't end up dead. While this was happening, the rest of the team completely ignored us (as they should) focusing on capturing and holding the point and basically guarding against flankers who weren't in Rein's sights. They did a great job of that, and we basically won the next 3 rounds after turning the game around. The Lucio+Zen+Rein combo was fixed because we had to keep the crazy dude alive, but the DPS players would switch liberally to counter attempts by the enemy team to shake things out.

This was not a good team by any means, and if we played traditionally by trying to force the expected gameplay onto a player who obviously either didn't understand English or doesn't care to read the chat, we would definitely have lost. He wasn't going to switch out of Reinhardt, and if we left him to be it would have been 5v6. So while it's a little annoying to pander to people not working the way you want, isn't it worth it if there's a better chance for victory?

Yeah. It's basically adapting to the playstyle of the "weakest" teammate and turn his weakness into something that could work.

This remembers me of my first placement match in S2 on Hanamura. I was solo Qing and played S76 on attack. While I was good at shooting stuff and doing damage, the enemy team was very defensive with Junk, Widow and Hanzo. We did have a Reinhardt but his shield was basically down all the time and with that, the snipers had an easy game so I simply switched to Winston, jumped through the small hole and caused some trouble on the sniper front which allowed for the rest of the team to follow. From there on it was an easy game because the enemy team didn't bother to switch.

Sometimes one simple change can turn around a game.


I need a key to make your character say "No" out loud. Then, when playing Mercy in a team of suicidal headless chickens that insist on spam the "Need healing!" voice line, I would point at them one by one saying "No" and either switch to my blaster for the rest of the game or just sit at the spawn spamming "no, no, no, no, no". Nothing remotely good would be said of me, but it would be the biggest stress relief exercise ever.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Congrats on the drop and you have a sweet skin. :D
I hate you, I wanted that skin so bad. T-T

Thanks, and yeah i got pretty luck because i never bought a single thing, no lootbox or other stuff so far :p


Does anyone notice that Nihon Genji's sword has some kind of glitch in the Warrior Salute highlight? You can also see it in the Unsheathing the Sword one too. It's some wierd after affect that doesn't appear on the other costumes.


Draw mechanic is really bad for point-based ranking. Had 3 wins 2 draws during placements and placed to 2200~ ranking. Now I am having issues to rank up. I finished 56 rank at S1.


So is top 500 basically the first 500 to get 50 wins or do you have to be top 500 in region and 50 wins.
Ie out of all the people who have 50 wins you are top 500 or out of everyone you are top 500


So is top 500 basically the first 500 to get 50 wins or do you have to be top 500 in region and 50 wins.
Ie out of all the people who have 50 wins you are top 500 or out of everyone you are top 500

I don't think it's active yet. They didn't activate it last season until like 3-4 weeks in.


GG Jellie, good win streak. We did some work.
Yup. Duo queue has worked out well for me so far.

Both streaks were from duo with a gaffer.
Though my Zarya was weak today.
I don't think it's active yet. They didn't activate it last season until like 3-4 weeks in.

Yeah I wasn't sure if that was the case or they weren't ready to implement it until a month in last season.

Also meta report
Is there a problem where you can have a decent connection in pubs and then a terrible one in competitive? Threw awayy first placement match just now with some strange shit going down.

EDIT: Oh nah it's happening in my pub games now. It's like super lag then I get disconnected. Was just fine an hour ago. Maybe it's my antivirus...
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