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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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I could see Tracer and Widow maybe, but she's good against Bastion and Pharah. But Tracer struggles when a team has a good McCree or certain setups and Widow's kinda not good in the meta so you won't see her a lot.

Whenever I see a Bastion, I just bubble and soak damage free and melt them. Pharah's pretty susceptible to the primary fire too.

Zarya's really, really good. I could see them nerfing her next. Hopefully it's nothing crazy if they do.


How is she in need of a nerf when she has the same useage as Winston and Reinhardt? She's good to have around on a team, a lot of teams are going to run her because she can allow people to survive in those clutch. Your healer got pinned/stuck/meid/ anything, well a bubble can solve that. She's just incredibly useful as a character design, and works really well with Zenyatta and other heroes who are "in the meta"

Bastions with any kind of competance will eat your shit up. You do not output the DPS to do it unless you catch them off guard, which really shouldn happen because his one job is to basically not be caught off guard. You don't get headshot damage so your DPS is really limited, and he can eat through your shield and kill you super fast.

Yes, you can sneak up on an enemy, but that's basically the case for every single character, and most characters are much more efficient at it then she is. Especially as Zarya lacks an ability to get away.

Pharahs should never be in a position where in a 1 on 1 battle, she is going to be close enough to the beam. Simply put, bait out the bubble by shooting a rocket or two, wait in the air, maybe land on a high house, or another high part, and just keep shooting away. Zarya cannot kill her unless the Pharah makes a mistake in where she lands or where she is on the map. It happens, but Pharah will win that matchup unless you gtet caught off guard. Which once again, let me remind you, is something that allows basically most classes in the game to be able to win those battles.

This reaper nonsense is nonsense. You catch one shotgun blast with reaper and you are at 50 more power. A reaper may be able to outdps you at that stage, but you are most likely going to be close to a healer. You will melt him until he either has to ghost out of there, or until he dies. I have a lot of time on Zarya, Reaper is not the problem.
Actually a pretty huge improvement... Now to work on the defense heroes.

I kinda understand though why they have Bastion, Torb and Widow where they are now though. It's simply not fun to be killed by these characters as they are either instant kills or cheap turret kills that feel like bullshit rather than a good one on one fight.
There are a few things they could do. The only thing I can see them changing with Bastion would be recon mode, or just a full rework. Torb, they could, maybe, give his turret more health? Or give a buff to his armor? Maybe either allow you to carry more scrap or make it give some other bonus? Widow, they could just buff her grappling hook by giving it a shorter cooldown. I don't know, buffing these characters would be really hard.

Also, even though Junk is in the F tier, I don't think he needs a buff, he's pretty good where he is.
Actually a pretty huge improvement... Now to work on the defense heroes.

I kinda understand though why they have Bastion, Torb and Widow where they are now though. It's simply not fun to be killed by these characters as they are either instant kills or cheap turret kills that feel like bullshit rather than a good one on one fight.

Like I said before, meta assessments just post-patch are basically worthless. Everybody's still trying wacky stuff, give it a couple of weeks for things to settle.

As for fixing those heroes at the bottom, other than Widow and maybe Junkrat, all of 'em are in need of reworks. Small tweaks aren't gonna make Bastion, Torb, or Symm viable without making them overpowered. This is probably going to be a problem since Blizz seems in more or less total denial about at least one of 'em.
Like I said before, meta assessments just post-patch are basically worthless. Everybody's still trying wacky stuff, give it a couple of weeks for things to settle.
I don't think a meta assessment on those 5 heroes are worthless when they've been there for forever. Widow is the only exception, but she tanked as soon as she got nerfed.
Just lost a competitive match in round fucking four because my fucking teammates kept running headlong into a fucking Bastion. For fucks sake. Fuck this shit.

Fuck me. Can I get out of Gold please so I don't have to deal with fucking Bastion all the time? God damn. There's no hero in the game that can solo a Bastion/Reinhardt combo without backup. Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do? I tried to just build up D.VA ultimate to bomb them out of there, but I couldn't make it work.
I don't think a meta assessment on those 5 heroes are worthless when they've been there for forever. Widow is the only exception, but she tanked as soon as she got nerfed.

Yeah, clarified a bit. The fact that those 5 are still at the "never ever" tier says a lot about how utterly nonviable they are in competitive play.


I could see Tracer and Widow maybe, but she's good against Bastion and Pharah. But Tracer struggles when a team has a good McCree or certain setups and Widow's kinda not good in the meta so you won't see her a lot.

Whenever I see a Bastion, I just bubble and soak damage free and melt them. Pharah's pretty susceptible to the primary fire too.

Zarya's really, really good. I could see them nerfing her next. Hopefully it's nothing crazy if they do.

I'd say McCree isnt a good Tracer counter unless he is actively prioritizing her. Even when I killed a Tracer several times with head body shots without flash bang she did not fear me, so I would constantly be harassed by her while trying to do more helping my team in the main battle.
bastion countering zarya....

I've seen it all in this thread my niggas
If the Bastions at a decent distance from Zarya, then yes, he does counter her. Roadhog is probably the only tank that can reliably deal with Bastion because of his hook. Zarya doesn't do enough damage at range to compete with Bastions DPS, Bastion tears apart Reins shield, Dva can only DM and hope someone else kills him, and Winston is one of those #dicksoutforHarambe moments.


Like I said before, meta assessments just post-patch are basically worthless. Everybody's still trying wacky stuff, give it a couple of weeks for things to settle.

As for fixing those heroes at the bottom, other than Widow and maybe Junkrat, all of 'em are in need of reworks. Small tweaks aren't gonna make Bastion, Torb, or Symm viable without making them overpowered. This is probably going to be a problem since Blizz seems in more or less total denial about at least one of 'em.
Really don't think that it's worthless, that picture is pretty much my exact experience and feeling after playing about 40 or so games over the past week.

One thing I could see changing is it turn to a new three tank, three healer meta. So Ana might move up some. Just a guess though.
No, seriously bros.

If you're on a team that refuses to work together to deal with a Bastion/Reinhardt (i.e., they all try to solo it and fail) what are you supposed to do?

Should I have just switched to Pharah and tried to bomb it from long range? Should I have switch to a Bastion myself and hoped to ninja down the Reinhardt shield? I'm serious. I need an answer to this question if I'm going to keep playing solo queue at gold tier.


the holder of the trombone
Hmm, we should expect to see Hanzo rise up correct? Lots of "hype" around him.

For certain maps maybe, but the problem with Hanzo is that he does insane spikes of damage but he's still not as consistant as a hitscan dps like mccree.

I expect him to rise but he won't be the new mccree. Not anywhere near it.


Just lost a competitive match in round fucking four because my fucking teammates kept running headlong into a fucking Bastion. For fucks sake. Fuck this shit.

Fuck me. Can I get out of Gold please so I don't have to deal with fucking Bastion all the time? God damn. There's no hero in the game that can solo a Bastion/Reinhardt combo without backup. Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do? I tried to just build up D.VA ultimate to bomb them out of there, but I couldn't make it work.

As soilder you can kill the bastion when the sheild goes down, the issue is that randos are dumb as hell and do not know how to finish off weakened characters half the time. Also fail to priorotize only when that defeat screen pops up will these goofballs start typing "lol no one killed Mercy!"
Really don't think that it's worthless, that picture is pretty much my exact experience and feeling after playing about 40 or so games over the past week.

One thing I could see changing is it turn to a new three tank, three healer meta. So Ana might move up some. Just a guess though.
Hanzo gonna move up with all that Seagull hype :p

I'm actually really curious if they'll have him run Hanzo all the time, or if they will do the usual stuff and just have him play Reaper. I'm only curious because I like that team a lot and I want them to do well.


i don't really see how reaper isn't good for killing off zarya. sure, if you're a solo reaper running and shooting at a bubbled zarya who's next to a healer, you're going to die. if you're a reaper pushing in during a team fight it's pretty simple to focus her down.


the holder of the trombone
i don't really see how reaper isn't good for killing off zarya. sure, if you're a solo reaper running and shooting at a bubbled zarya who's next to a healer, you're going to die. if you're a reaper pushing in during a team fight it's pretty simple to focus her down.

You should not be a solo reaper though. Reaper works best with a zarya or zen supporting him.


Zarya and Genji are both extremely hard to master, but that doesn't mean its okay for master Genjis and master Zaryas to run rampant and destroy absolutely everyone.

Reduce the range on Genji's ult slightly, fixes him IMO.

Zarya reduction in her HP shields, fixes her IMO.
No, seriously bros.

If you're on a team that refuses to work together to deal with a Bastion/Reinhardt (i.e., they all try to solo it and fail) what are you supposed to do?

Should I have just switched to Pharah and tried to bomb it from long range? Should I have switch to a Bastion myself and hoped to ninja down the Reinhardt shield? I'm serious. I need an answer to this question if I'm going to keep playing solo queue at gold tier.
Actually, yeah, Pharah would work great. Use a concussion bomb to push the Rein forward, then take some shots on the Bastion. Then he will have to retreat and heal(considering you didn't kill him) and this might give your team a chance to push up and keep the Bastion from setting up again.

But this is all assuming your team will do that :p


No, seriously bros.

If you're on a team that refuses to work together to deal with a Bastion/Reinhardt (i.e., they all try to solo it and fail) what are you supposed to do?

Should I have just switched to Pharah and tried to bomb it from long range? Should I have switch to a Bastion myself and hoped to ninja down the Reinhardt shield? I'm serious. I need an answer to this question if I'm going to keep playing solo queue at gold tier.

Are you good at Hanzo, Junkrat, Ana, Widowmaker, Tracer?

Hanzo is a good ult or sneaking in weird spot on rooftops from killing him

Junkrat should have a way to shoot the Reinhardt shield without taking damage

Ana with an opening can make the bastion a sleepy robot

Widowmaker can get to a lot of good spots to headshot the bastion

Tracer ult is easy to build

Lastly, if you can use your team as bait, you can try charging into bastion as Reinhardt
Lots of good Zarya tips over the last few pages, and I agree with most of it. I think one of the big problems people end up having with her isn't that Zarya by herself is an unbeatable monster, but Zarya with a team that works to her strengths on her side is extremely dominant.

As someone who plays her most of the time in solo competitive, there's a fine balance in her teammates that she needs to have to be at her best. A team that's somewhat reckless and willing to stick their faces out into the line of fire is great, because I'm always keeping an eye on my teammates and their health (seriously, if you're playing Zarya and don't have teammate health bars enabled, do it right now) and ready to pop a bubble to keep them alive and build up some charge. But if the team is too reckless and gets themselves killed, more times than not I'll find myself in the middle of a battle, have my personal barrier on cooldown and start backing up, looking for a teammate to jump behind with my projected barrier around them, only to realize that everybody else is already dead, and I soon follow suit.

So a team that's too reckless and dies too much is bad for Zarya. But on the other side, a team that's too damn cautious and not willing to take a risk or two is just as aggravating. One of the curses of not using a headset is standing behind cover at the flankpoint, staring at an ally on the opposite side of me and trying to mentally will them to stop hiding and poke their head out there to take a few shots with my barrier around them. But no, inevitably I'll finally slap my shield on a Soldier as he runs around the corner, and he'll fire one quick burst before running back behind the wall, often with my barrier still around him. Honestly, if I had to have one or the other, I'd rather have a team of idiots who keep charging in to danger, than a team who hover around the side of the chokepoint and refuse to take a risk.

But if you can get that balance of players who are willing to get a little reckless, without being too stupid about it, than Zarya will be at high charge most of the time and absolutely terrifying to deal with.

bastion countering zarya....

I've seen it all in this thread my niggas

If a Bastion has good placement, at long range and on high ground, then he's an absolute bear to deal with as Zarya. Sure, I can poke my head out and get an easy 50 charge, then do the same with a teammate, but after that... if he's at too long range for my beam, I have to try spamming my alt-fire at him and hope I get lucky. And with a Reinhardt shielding him... yeah, that's a tricky one for Zarya.
Zarya and Genji are both extremely hard to master, but that doesn't mean its okay for master Genjis and master Zaryas to run rampant and destroy absolutely everyone.

Reduce the range on Genji's ult slightly, fixes him IMO.

Zarya reduction in her HP shields, fixes her IMO.
You do realize that about 33% of Genji slices don't even connect? You're asking for dragon blade to be worthless at that point. Not only do a lot of slices not connect, but it's even harder in general to hit those slices.

And asking for a nerf to Zaryas shields is like asking to cut her hands off.


It is, really.

Zarya is nearly mandatory for every team comp.
literally untrue

edit: maybe nerf Zarya's ult radius just a tad or make it visually easier to stay away from but that's it. Like your team should be keeping their eye on her ult charge and not clumping together to minimize's effectiveness but it does feel like it pulls you in at a further range than it's graphic indicates. That's about it.


Hanzo gonna move up with all that Seagull hype :p

I'm actually really curious if they'll have him run Hanzo all the time, or if they will do the usual stuff and just have him play Reaper. I'm only curious because I like that team a lot and I want them to do well.
Hanzo is solid, but the lack of hit scan compared to McCree still makes him a slightly less good pick imo. Obviously, Hanzo excels in other areas though.

No denying Seagull being a beast though.


the holder of the trombone
You do realize that about 33% of Genji slices don't even connect? You're asking for dragon blade to be worthless at that point. Not only do a lot of slices not connect, but it's even harder in general to hit those slices.

And asking for a nerf to Zaryas shields is like asking to cut her hands off.

Eh, with the amount of cut off limbs and cybernatic parts in this game you'd imagine that she'll be fine.


Zarya and Genji are both extremely hard to master, but that doesn't mean its okay for master Genjis and master Zaryas to run rampant and destroy absolutely everyone.

Reduce the range on Genji's ult slightly, fixes him IMO.

Zarya reduction in her HP shields, fixes her IMO.

i don't know what reducing the hp of her bubbles would do. they can still absorb more damage than their max hp before they break and changing that would neuter them too much


You do realize that about 33% of Genji slices don't even connect? You're asking for dragon blade to be worthless at that point. Not only do a lot of slices not connect, but it's even harder in general to hit those slices.

And asking for a nerf to Zaryas shields is like asking to cut her hands off.

Not her shield abilities, reduce her health (part of her health bar is shields, just tone her HP down a bit so she can be killed off easier when her shield abilities are on cooldown). And idk what Genji you're playing but I am slicing fools 8 feet away from me with his ult
Gods is probably better on hanzo than gull honestly.
Well, sure, but based on that chart(I know, too soon to say), McCree is the best DPS. So you'd want to have Gods for that? I know McCree ain't necessary but he seems like the best option. How good is Seagulls Reaper? If he's a good Reaper, then Gods could have Hanzo, otherwise it might be best to just give Seagull Hanzo.


the holder of the trombone
Well, sure, but based on that chart(I know, too soon to say), McCree is the best DPS. So you'd want to have Gods for that? I know McCree ain't necessary but he seems like the best option. How good is Seagulls Reaper? If he's a good Reaper, then Gods could have Hanzo, otherwise it might be best to just give Seagull Hanzo.

NRG is pretty weird though. Gods would like alternate between mccree and winston. Like, what.
literally untrue

edit: maybe nerf Zarya's ult radius just a tad or make it visually easier to stay away from but that's it. Like your team should be keeping their eye on her ult charge and not clumping together to minimize's effectiveness but it does feel like it pulls you in at a further range than it's graphic indicates. That's about it.
But Tracer, Reinhardt, Genji, D.Va, Mercy, and more can all get out of it. Rein and D.Va can shield people caught in it, as can other Zaryas. And there are two other ults in the game that effectively nullify its effect.
Not her shield abilities, reduce her health (part of her health bar is shields, just tone her HP down a bit so she can be killed off easier). And idk what Genji you're playing but I am slicing fools 8 feet away from me with his ult
Well in that case you're only asking to cut off one of her hands, because that is almost just as important.

Also, idk what luck you have, but I've heard many other people have problems with Genjis sword connecting, including myself. From watching Seagull play him before the nerf, it happened pretty frequently, even if you he was right next to them.


Well in that case you're only asking to cut off one of her hands, because that is almost just as important.

Also, idk what luck you have, but I've heard many other people have problems with Genjis sword connecting, including myself. From watching Seagull play him before the nerf, it happened pretty frequently, even if you he was right next to them.

Just suggestions, I'm sure if Blizzard thinks shes too strong they'll come up with a better solution. The next obvious choice would be to nerf the ultimate. She probably has the most impactful of all of them in a team setting.


the holder of the trombone
I think she just needs one more counterplay, not changing something directly related to her abilities.

DM eating beam would do just that.
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