I could see Tracer and Widow maybe, but she's good against Bastion and Pharah. But Tracer struggles when a team has a good McCree or certain setups and Widow's kinda not good in the meta so you won't see her a lot.
Whenever I see a Bastion, I just bubble and soak damage free and melt them. Pharah's pretty susceptible to the primary fire too.
Zarya's really, really good. I could see them nerfing her next. Hopefully it's nothing crazy if they do.
How is she in need of a nerf when she has the same useage as Winston and Reinhardt? She's good to have around on a team, a lot of teams are going to run her because she can allow people to survive in those clutch. Your healer got pinned/stuck/meid/ anything, well a bubble can solve that. She's just incredibly useful as a character design, and works really well with Zenyatta and other heroes who are "in the meta"
Bastions with any kind of competance will eat your shit up. You do not output the DPS to do it unless you catch them off guard, which really shouldn happen because his one job is to basically not be caught off guard. You don't get headshot damage so your DPS is really limited, and he can eat through your shield and kill you super fast.
Yes, you can sneak up on an enemy, but that's basically the case for every single character, and most characters are much more efficient at it then she is. Especially as Zarya lacks an ability to get away.
Pharahs should never be in a position where in a 1 on 1 battle, she is going to be close enough to the beam. Simply put, bait out the bubble by shooting a rocket or two, wait in the air, maybe land on a high house, or another high part, and just keep shooting away. Zarya cannot kill her unless the Pharah makes a mistake in where she lands or where she is on the map. It happens, but Pharah will win that matchup unless you gtet caught off guard. Which once again, let me remind you, is something that allows basically most classes in the game to be able to win those battles.
This reaper nonsense is nonsense. You catch one shotgun blast with reaper and you are at 50 more power. A reaper may be able to outdps you at that stage, but you are most likely going to be close to a healer. You will melt him until he either has to ghost out of there, or until he dies. I have a lot of time on Zarya, Reaper is not the problem.