Am I the only one thinking the toxic Overwatch community gets worse every day? Quick play is so relaxed to play and as soon you go competitive all those ego gamers melt down.
First game of the second season: Ilinos, I play tracer because she and Genji are the heroes I am definitely most effective with and have nearly 100 hours with them combined. People think they know what's best for the team by telling you, not asking, you should switch (to tank or healer or whatever). But it's even worse when they think to know what hero you're best with. When I have three gold medals for objective kills and time, eliminations and silver for damage I think I've done pretty good job. Especially when I'm the only one nuking three guys at the objective and waiting for my mates there.
We lost after five rounds and two people blamed me for not switching.
I'm not flawless but I know when I'm "in the game" and when not and I always try to be self-reflected. An ability many players seem to have not. Maybe the medals give me a false awareness of how well I'm doing in the round but that's the only meter I have. When I see I don't do any good due to constantly dying, not killing or no medals, I start switching heroes. But people, instead of changing to the hero they think suits the team best, they tell people. Why? First option is they think THEIR hero is absolutely mandatory. And I almost tend to think there is no such mandatory in Overwatch since latest balance patches. Second option is they may think they aren't good enough with the required hero. But assume you are.
I don't know what to do guys. Seriously. I reckon I'll just deactivate team chat right from the start. This may seem a bit harsh at first, but given how many times there actually is constructive discussion and teamplay in chat and how many times just ranting and foul language I guess the team won't lose much if you don't read the chat at all.
I don't say there aren't any good matches and friendly people, though. I always try to influence even a silence team positively with motivational words in chat, tell my team what pleasure it was to play with them or who's done a great job, sharing appreciation. I don't seal myself from positive experience to emphasize on bad ones. I'm totally aware of good matches and cool guys in my team. Just the other day one of the enemy team's guys happen to get in my team, remembered me and said how annoying I was as tracer and that he's glad he's on my side, yet. I really appreciate such compliments although it's not what I'm after. But rotten team players are definitely more in numbers, leaving aside the silent ones who don't chat at all.
What is you guys opinion on the Overwatch community? Do you agree, do I exaggerate, do you think it gets better or worse?