Iva Demilcol
Can someone tell me what type of story this is overall? I basically know nothing about the game. Is it a mystery like Persona 4?
It's basically Inception in High School.
Can someone tell me what type of story this is overall? I basically know nothing about the game. Is it a mystery like Persona 4?
Ugh. Would Atlus finally release a patch after the release?
We can't even get a canon female MC. I don't see any gay or bi options in the series future..blehCatherine 2 will have our backs though
Agreed! Some of the best in the industry right there. Also the fact that Fukuyama Jun is the main character and Sato Rina is Makoto makes this a must in Japanese for me. Would have chosen that anyway, because while the dubs for P3&P4 were pretty fantastic, I always found myself liking the Japanese cast more when watching the related media. I know some people hate the higher pitched voices in anime (Lisa, Kuma and Rise to name a few) but I've been exposed for that stuff for so long it doesn't really bother me at this point haha.
"true voice" lol
Watch them win nothing as RDR2 and Uncharted Lost Legacy sweep up everything else xD
"true voice" lol
"true voice" lol
Localization is a little different I think. Games can be art without operating by the same rules as other art. A game dub by an international branch of the same company that developed the game isn't invalid. And games aren't passive viewing experiences. They are immersive. Language and linguistic nuance is a big part of investment and immersion for many people.It's the true voice. If you truly believe games are art, you'd treat them like every other medium, where it's preferable to watch the movie or work in its original language the way the director intended.
We can't even get a canon female MC.
Not really a mystery. It's more a heist movie: You're assembling a team of thieves to break into people's minds and steal their evil desires.
It's basically Inception in High School.
Throw Bloodborne in there, too. Not one of my tops but I gotta give credit where credit is due. It's captivated a ton of people and is a regular mention in goat conversations nowadays.
Everyone forgets Maya.
It's the true voice. If you truly believe games are art, you'd treat them like every other medium, where it's preferable to watch the movie or work in its original language the way the director intended.
You may LIKE the dub of whatever it is, but it's not the original. For example, this has nothing to do with Japanese voices specifically, to be perfectly honest - if it was a German movie that was dubbed with American voices I know I'd want to hear it in German, not in English.
I don't think I could do Japanese voices as long as I still can't understand the battle lines.
Everyone forgets Maya.
I mean that's more the premise than the story thoughUgh. Ok.
I wanna post this...Again. Great time to be a fan of Japanese games.
Everyone forgets Maya.
I wanna post this...Again. Great time to be a fan of Japanese games.
After all these years ppl still have to preach the whole sub thing. Just say you love it nd move on.
Everyone forgets Maya.
Understanding the battle quote spam makes it worse: "Take this!" "How about that!?" "YES, we won!" "I feel a little stronger!" "OH NO the leader is poisoned, someone do something!" If I could play the game with German or Cantonese voices for the combat, I would.
how am i supposed to respect the art of a director who deigns to compromise his own artistic vision by bowing down to foreigners by including an english dub as opposed to only offering us the true vision of japanese dub + english sub?
how am i supposed to respect the art of a director who deigns to compromise his own artistic vision by bowing down to foreigners by including an english dub as opposed to only offering us the true vision of japanese dub + english sub?
I don't wanna watch the gianb bomb QL, do they talk about doing an endurance run?
also allowing the text to be translated
in the director's vision, it was all in japanese
Watch them win nothing as RDR2 and Uncharted Lost Legacy sweep up everything else xD
Seriously, Reyn's battle quotes still haunt me to these days.
Fuck off.
Everyone forgets Maya.
I wanna post this...Again. Great time to be a fan of Japanese games.
You're phrasing it a little weird. The english dub are for accessibility reasons. Not everyone has watched enough subtitled content to be able to subconsciously absorb the text without actually having to 'read' it, while being simultaneously able to understand and see everything on screen without distraction.
A dub is a compromise, but that's not a bad thing. It's just not the 'optimal' experience for someone that doesn't speak the language, IMO.
Of course, both of these pale to just learning the damn language.
Seriously, Reyn's battle quotes still haunt me to these days.
Fuck off.
I hate that voice with passion. The rest of the cast was okay, even Heropon Rikki
Persona 3 was the first Persona, right?
Yeah, that's the one thing that sucks. Kanji may not have been handled perfectly but I thought for sure him and FeMC would be paving the way for Atlus having further queer characters and female protags. Ah well.
What do Persona, Fallout, Devil May Cry, and Metal Gear have in common? Everyone thinks they start with 3.
This is a game series that lets you date every female character in the game. Not even Witcher 3 lets you do that. That should tell you what kind of demographic this game is aiming for.
the art of a localization and dub should be equally as recognizable as the art of the true writing/voices
I wanna post this...Again. Great time to be a fan of Japanese games.
One of these is not like the others.