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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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It strikes me as a moot point considering a 1.8t stimulus bill was never going to get passed

I'm not posting this because of its scandal value, more for the economic insights that Mitchell provides about the value of stimulus and deficit spending. That said, I don't think it's moot that the president be given accurate economic information by his advisers. It's a breach of a fiduciary duty. If I were president, I wouldn't want somebody as an adviser who was going to effectively make policy decisions on my behalf by omission.

(I'm also not in the camp that believes a much larger stimulus was politically impossible.)


So it seems like Ohio will be the big state; whoever wins it "wins" the day. I don't see how Romney can claim victory if his wins are only in his home state, a neighbor state, and a state where he's the only candidate on the ballot.

Santorum is killing himself but Romney has a severe Midwest problem.

And for some strange reason the Midwest likes that batshit insane religiousness

Diablos said:
Anyone thinking Romney would pick Christie as his VP?

He would be better off picking Marco Rubio, who would help deliver some of the Hispanic vote

Though to see Romney overshadowed by Christie would be fun to watch, (sarcasm on) Romney would probably love nothing more to hear people talking about how Christie should have been running for the top job lol

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Question for the pros...

Has austerity ever worked during a recession when deficits were involved? I keep hearing that massive cuts will boost confidence therefore the economy will boom. When has this happened before?

Early 80s maybe? But Reagan ran up the deficit so where does theory come from.


Question for the pros...

Has austerity ever worked during a recession when deficits were involved? I keep hearing that massive cuts will boost confidence therefore the economy will boom. When has this happened before?

Early 80s maybe? But Reagan ran up the deficit so where does theory come from.

I don't think there really is a good case of austerity working, however since it is built on the idea that economics is too complex to use the scientific method on to determine what may and may not work, it is exempt from any sort of examined criticism.
Question for the pros...

Has austerity ever worked during a recession when deficits were involved? I keep hearing that massive cuts will boost confidence therefore the economy will boom. When has this happened before?

Early 80s maybe? But Reagan ran up the deficit so where does theory come from.

Well, it is hard to say it has NEVER worked. But when talking about recessions, you can have slip blips or you can have a really bad one like the one we are going through.

When Reagan took office unemployment was at 7.5%

He proceeded with a tax cut and budget cuts. That actually caused the recession to worsen with unemployment reaching 10.8% The peak GDP Decline was 2.7%, while in current recession it has been 5.1%.

The recovery out of that recession was lead with a 100 billion dollar tax increase on corporations coupled with deficit spending. The recovery from this recession is actually a good case study of why austerity doesn't work to overturn recession.

But conservatives (and the media and American people) have got this world view that Reagan never raised taxes and with one single swoop he cut personal income taxes to all time low and behold everything was good again.

Also, important to note, the Reagan recession was caused by government monetary policy. In fact, most US recessions have been caused due to the Fed's actions to control inflation. You can also say that external factors - Iranian Revolution of 1979 and Oil Embargo of 1973 contributed a big amount to this as it led to very high oil prices.

The latest recession was NOT caused by this policy. They were caused by market factors namely the subprime crisis.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
This is pretty annoying. Democrats hated it when Rush and others tried to do that stupid shit in the Democratic primaries, and now they want to try it.

I just kinda skimmed it, but is it really being pushed by democrats, or is this a preemptive excuse Romney's team is giving just in case he loses?


When Reagan took office unemployment was at 7.5%

He proceeded with a tax cut and budget cuts.


He (and the Democrat Congress) expanded government spending by 19 percent in his first two years.

That actually caused the recession to worsen with unemployment reaching 10.8%

But then ...
Also, important to note, the Reagan recession was caused by government monetary policy.

He (and the Democrat Congress) expanded government spending by 19 percent in his first two years.

But then ...
By today's metric of what constitutes a budget cut for either democrats or republicans, it's very possible that that graph does in fact show "budget cuts" of that type...you know, the: "we're cutting military spending - rather than increase by 15% we'll be increasing by 10%"

He (and the Democrat Congress) expanded government spending by 19 percent in his first two years.

But then ...

He initially went with a tax cut and budget cuts. His 1981 budget had cuts in non-defense spending and tax cuts. The budget cuts were scheduled to go into effect 1982. After unemployment reached 10.8% he went to tax increase on corporations combined with additional spending.


The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 included steep increases in military spending, steep cuts in non-defense expenditures, and a large tax cut (legislated through ERTA 1981). Although the Reagan administration predicted that the combination of spending and tax cuts would reduce the federal deficit, the deficit exploded under Reagan.

The recession was caused by government monetary policy, namely as I said in my post the Fed actions to control inflation. That was the ORIGINAL cause of the recession not market factors. There is a difference between the causes for a recession (which begin before Reagan took office) and it worsening.
I just realized the entire week was spent talking about contraception again, with little to no debate over Obama's corporate tax plan. Didn't come up at the debate, I didn't hear Santorum or Romney talking about it, etc


The recession was caused by government monetary policy, namely as I said in my post the Fed actions to control inflation. That was the ORIGINAL cause of the recession not market factors. There is a difference between the causes for a recession (which begin before Reagan took office) and it worsening.

A recession can't be 'worsened' by one budget. A series of budgets over consecutive years can have a dramatic effect, but this 'X happened in January because Y happened in November" is far too simplistic to assign to something as complex as the American economy.
A recession can't be 'worsened' by one budget. A series of budgets over consecutive years can have a dramatic effect, but this 'X happened in January because Y happened in November" is far too simplistic to assign to something as complex as the American economy.

Of course not, but just as the recession can be improved by government actions so can it be worsened.



Romney was at Daytona last year and said he also has been to the track in New Hampshire. Does he follow the sport?
"Not as closely as some of the most ardent fans," he said. "But I have some friends who are NASCAR team owners."
Some new PPP stats on MI :

Our new Michigan poll: Romney 39, Santorum 37, Paul 13, Gingrich 9

Romney up 40-29 in MI union households, more evidence bailout stance not a problem for primary

Romney's key base of support in Michigan is seniors. Up 50-34 overall with them and many already voted

2 weeks ago Santorum was up 30 with Evangelicals/Tea Party in Michigan. Now up only 7 with them
Romney goes into MI election day with a big lead. Among 16% who have already voted, he's up 62-29



Romney just can't help sounding insanely rich and out of touch with the middle class, because he really is insanely rich and out of touch with the middle class.

Kinda like that time he made the bad joke about how he knows what it's like to be unemployed because he's currently unemployed.

Mike M

Nick N

Predictable result of the one-two punch of Romney SuperPAC money and Santorum withering away under any scrutiny as voters actually familiarize themselves with Santorum's... Santorumness.

I maintain that without the fat buckets of cash raining on the state, he still wouldn't win. Romney is a bubble boy.

I seriously wonder if the CU ruling fallout is producing a measurable amount of the ongoing recovery.
Last PPP poll on AZ

Our final Arizona poll: Romney 43, Santorum 26, Gingrich 18, Paul 11

Romney's pretty much already won AZ. Up 48-25 on Santorum with early voters, nearly half of electorate

68% of AZ voters most concerned with economic issues, only 11% with social ones. Mitt up 48-24 w/ former

Santorum's image down in AZ, but Romney's is up too. Now at +31 (62/31) in AZ. Was just +24 week ago

51% of AZ voters watched debate. Santorum in 3rd with them at 21% to 43% for Mitt and 23% for Newt

Romney's winning Evangelicals, Tea Party, 'very conservative' in AZ...headed for a very thorough victory

Clear message in both our AZ and MI polls that social issues secondary this year to GOP voters. Could be hurting Santorum
Romney will win both states. I wonder how that will impact some of the Super Tuesday states generally thought to lean to Santorum (or Gingrich). Do republicans decide to fall in line now?
Romney will win both states. I wonder how that will impact some of the Super Tuesday states generally thought to lean to Santorum (or Gingrich). Do republicans decide to fall in line now?
It seems like Republicans are falling into line with Romney after he dumps a ton of money in their states, so I suppose it will depend on how much money he spends ahead of "super" Tuesday.
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