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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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His opponent torpedoed himself by suggesting that we eliminate birth control because of out-of-wedlock kids and an old speech about how academia and protestant churches are controlled by Satan.

Oh, and Santorum recently spewed several complete lies about euthanasia in the Netherlands that basically were chain email level bullshit.
Here is a video

Washington Post fact checker:

Maddow covered it Friday night better but you can't make a direct link to the video.

How the fuck do we have a leading candidate that is so fucking detached from reality that he'll spew such COMPLETE LIES?!?! That is so embarrassing for the country.

This angered me so much. I'm not Dutch or anything. But it's just the blatant lack of accountability that really bothers me. He is just literally saying ANYTHING right now.

And beyond that, even if that WAS happening in Holland, it has literally NOTHING to do with any of the healthcare reform that's going on in the country. He basically just claimed Obama was going to euthanize old people who went to the hospital. I mean how much more cretinous can you get?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Any candidate can say anything at any time because there is ZERO accountability. If there were, no candidate would ever get elected. Apparently, the American public has the memory of a gnat and the ability to overlook anything up to and including manslaughter.


Any candidate can say anything at any time because there is ZERO accountability. If there were, no candidate would ever get elected. Apparently, the American public has the memory of a gnat and the ability to overlook anything up to and including manslaughter.

I smell a Clinton reference:p


Any candidate can say anything at any time because there is ZERO accountability. If there were, no candidate would ever get elected. Apparently, the American public has the memory of a gnat and the ability to overlook anything up to and including manslaughter.
It's not that they forget, it's that they value winning over pretty much anything else.
And that's generally true for both liberals and conservatives.

I smell a Clinton reference:p
Oh, no, that's me, I'm planking a salmon.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It's not that they forget, it's that they value winning over pretty much anything else.
And that's generally true for both liberals and conservatives.

Oh, no, that's me, I'm planking a salmon.

Of course. Its an unfortunate reflection on how people balance their support for their ideals and couple that with the ability to use cognitive dissonance to forget how terribly egotistical and scummy these people are.
Brewer endorsing tomorrow

I bet she'll endorse Romney. It's hilarious watching these tea party mouth breathers endorse based on political expedience
I want to be contrarian and say she'll endorse Gingrich, but for as unpleasant as she is, I don't think she's that stupid.

So we are out of not-romneys now right?
Ron Paul hasn't been the front-runner yet.

Not everyone has a thesaurus on hand, Jackson.
This. shit. needs. to. stop.
LOL. Someone needs his pants back...


Mitt Romney's inability to interact with humans has gotten so bad that even his wife is now joking about it.

"Maybe I should just do all the talking and let him just stand here and watch me," she told a crowd on Saturday. "I've also decided: No more debates. If we're going to do another debate, he's going to sit in the audience and watch me. And that'll be it."
LOL and more people are going to notice in the general because Obama is very people friendly
Seriously. I love when people try to say Romney will beat Obama in the debates because Obama is inexperienced. It's like, have you seen this wacko?

I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up making an awkward pass at Michelle Obama at some point.
Obama is people friendly? Eh, he's almost as awkward as Romney.
Does your programming need an update? The reason Obama's going to lose is because he's waging war on religion and Catholics will leave in droves. No one questions his charisma anymore. I thought that was made clear at the last meeting to determine the Conventional Wisdom(TM).
PD is either trying to comfort himself in the unlikely event of obama losing, so he can tell "i told you so" or he's a bitter hillaryis44 troll. When diablos questions you with lol wut, you have no excuse


PD's just trolling to take his mind of the fact that I'm going to be picking out his 2013 avatar come November 6th.

Sounds more like he was just listening to the Diane Rehm show on NPR on Friday and is spouting the line that Eleanor Clift (I believe it was her) said about how both Mitt and Obama are pretty standard politicians that don't have much charisma to engage people. I was laughing out loud in the car at that one, anyone that thinks Obama has nearly the problems Romney does in relating to "normal" people doesn't have their head on straight.
Oh come on, you're reaching the level of absurdity. Obama was called a celebrity during his initial campaign for a reason. I.e. his opponents were insinuating that he was all charm, no substance.

I'm not talking about speeches. He's not very good at retail politics, and has said many odd things off the cuff. I'm not saying he's Romney status, I just don't see him as a W Bush or Clinton style president who people feel they can hang out with.
I'm not talking about speeches. He's not very good at retail politics, and has said many odd things off the cuff. I'm not saying he's Romney status, I just don't see him as a W Bush or Clinton style president who people feel they can hang out with.

you realize "W bush" had difficulty articulating basic sentences, much less speaking "off the cuff" right?


I'm not talking about speeches. He's not very good at retail politics, and has said many odd things off the cuff. I'm not saying he's Romney status, I just don't see him as a W Bush or Clinton style president who people feel they can hang out with.

I am guessing you have never met him in person? I met him twice in 2008 when he came to the University I worked at, the experience was 100% opposite of what you are implying

I took this pic before I got to meet him, he was really comfortable talking to you and I just have never seen Romney even come close to that


Never got the chance to meet W but I met Bill Clinton twice when I worked at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland during his 92 and 96 campaigns. Obama and him are very similar in person even if they don't give a shit about you lol

I can't even..



President Obama once said he wants everyone in America to go to college. What a snob . There are good decent men and women who go out and work hard every day and put their skills to test that aren't taught by some liberal college professor, and try to indoctrinate them . Oh I understand why he wants to you to go to college. He wants to remake you in his image. I want to create jobs so people can remake their children into their image, not his.



I can't even..


Sadly I hear that a lot from people who never got to go to college or believe all you learn is evil "liberal" agenda. I hear it more at my current job in a Community College then I did at the University I worked at from 2006-2010

It never occurs to them that many "blue collar" jobs they are so proud of having do have partnerships and some require them to go through at least an Associates Degree level of training in that "evil" education system known as college

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I'm not talking about speeches. He's not very good at retail politics, and has said many odd things off the cuff. I'm not saying he's Romney status, I just don't see him as a W Bush or Clinton style president who people feel they can hang out with.

Huh? He may have said a few gaffes here and there, every politician has, but he is extremely personable when talking at town halls or with the public in general.


I'm not talking about speeches. He's not very good at retail politics, and has said many odd things off the cuff. I'm not saying he's Romney status, I just don't see him as a W Bush or Clinton style president who people feel they can hang out with.

Hahahahahaahhaa, oh god.

Part of a big reason why people don't see him as relatable to that dumb fuck Dubya is quite simple - race.
Am I mistaken, or does Santorum have a couple high-level degrees?

- Undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University
- M.B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh
- law degree degree from the Dickinson School of Law.

But just cause he got an education it doesn't mean anyone else should. Also, it's clear the liberal/socialism/communism indoctrination didn't quite work on him.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Romney slammed him pretty good at the last debates for being a hypocrite, so I'm assuming this will come up in ads as well.

I just can't believe how crazy these guys think they have to be to win the nomination, and then in the end it destroys their chances in the general election because of how insane they sounded in the primary. The GOP really needs to take a step back and realize what is happening here before they push themselves into irrelevance.
Romney slammed him pretty good at the last debates for being a hypocrite, so I'm assuming this will come up in ads as well.

I just can't believe how crazy these guys think they have to be to win the nomination, and then in the end it destroys their chances in the general election because of how insane they sounded in the primary. The GOP really needs to take a step back and realize what is happening here before they push themselves into irrelevance.

well most of them were still high off the huge 2010 wins, some of them of humble now, bit too late though

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Romney slammed him pretty good at the last debates for being a hypocrite, so I'm assuming this will come up in ads as well.

I just can't believe how crazy these guys think they have to be to win the nomination, and then in the end it destroys their chances in the general election because of how insane they sounded in the primary. The GOP really needs to take a step back and realize what is happening here before they push themselves into irrelevance.

No, no they do not. The best thing they can do is keep running the crazy train. When it derails, they can only blame themselves.
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