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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Wait, newpaper advertising is still a $20billion dollar industry?!?

A lot of people love having a simple piece of paper that tells you all the major news of the day. Online news is very useful when you want to read about specific types of news stories or look at how various agencies report on the same story. It's not as much of a leisure activity though.


I just realized the entire week was spent talking about contraception again, with little to no debate over Obama's corporate tax plan. Didn't come up at the debate, I didn't hear Santorum or Romney talking about it, etc

Presumably because it's more or less what the GOP has been calling for for a year or two, so it's not useful for stirring up the base in primary season.


How is this possible? There's video of Romney saying he supports "a woman's right to choose," and while people are saying Santorum used to be pro-choice when he met his wife, I'm fairly certain he's never voted for abortion rights.



How about Obama get off the teleprompter, instead.



Holy shit; Santorum is dumber than ever. Given all his antics while he was a Senator here in PA, I didn't think he could get much worse. Unlike Newt, he really did have a shot. He completely crashed and burned. It's mind numbing how badly he fucked up. He seriously could not stop fapping over his hardcore social conservative credentials. It's the ideological equivalent of someone jerking off in front of a mirror when no one wants to watch except a small group of idiots, and everyone else who had to sit through it leaves regretting ever liking the guy in the first place.

Has Mittens' image with moderates bounced back any? Hopefully not.

The not-Romney flavor of the whatever saga is coming to a close. He's got this. Enough is enough; I want to see if Obama is truly prepared to deal with Romney in the face of a slower than anticipated recovery, soaring gas prices, middle east drama, and general election year Republican bullshit with a touch of SuperPACs.
I was watching an intelligence squared debate on Palestine and one of the participants mentioned that it wouldn't be wise for Palestinians to force Obama to take a position on this, because it would hurt his re-election chances. While it's a bit of a non argument seeing how the administration wouldn't be in favor of Palestinian UN statehood, I suppose it's still better for the Palestinians to confront this issue after his re-election.

I hate that the economy has basically ruined any chances for significant progress in regards to Iran and Palestine. Obama seemed like the perfect candidate to tackle the subjects in a more productive way, but the economy is just such a big topic right now that everything has taken a back seat. Really hoping that after his re-election we see some new developments in regards to diplomacy with Iran and the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
Holy shit; Santorum is dumber than ever. Given all his antics while he was a Senator here in PA, I didn't think he could get much worse. Unlike Newt, he really did have a shot. He completely crashed and burned. It's mind numbing how badly he fucked up. He seriously could not stop fapping over his hardcore social conservative credentials. It's the ideological equivalent of someone jerking off in front of a mirror when no one wants to watch except a small group of idiots, and everyone else who had to sit through it leaves regretting ever liking the guy in the first place.

Has Mittens' image with moderates bounced back any? Hopefully not.

The not-Romney flavor of the whatever saga is coming to a close. He's got this. Enough is enough; I want to see if Obama is truly prepared to deal with Romney in the face of a slower than anticipated recovery, soaring gas prices, middle east drama, and general election year Republican bullshit with a touch of SuperPACs.
I really don't understand how you see Romney as anything other than a pitifully weak candidate. He's had to dump tons of money virtually every state in which he wishes to be competitive, and he doesn't, he loses to candidates whose risible marginality has largely apparent since the beginning. All of the factors you've cited are definitely reasons for Obama to be concerned, but I think it's at least 60-40 Obama after having accounted for all of that, and I think it the odds would be much improved in Obama's favor if you subtracted any one of them.


Michigan could play a huge role in determining which way Ohio goes:

A new Quinnipiac poll in Ohio shows Rick Santorum leading the GOP presidential field with 36% of likely Republican primary voters, followed by Mitt Romney at 29%, Newt Gingrich at 17% and Ron Paul at 11%.

Said pollster Peter Brown: "A week out, Sen. Rick Santorum remains seven points ahead among Ohio's likely Republican primary voters. While almost half the voters say they might change their mind, Santorum supporters seem a little surer of their vote. What happens in Michigan tomorrow night might have an impact on voters in Ohio's Republican primary."
Could you guys imagine if Romney was in congress or a senator? the amount the flip flops on votes he'd taken woulda killed him before he got to the primary,heh
Wow, who would have thought the president of Ireland would be so badass:


Michael Graham's easy to humiliate though. The guy was dumb enough to freak out a few years ago over a school not showing miracle on 34th street and then proceeded to ask his listeners to send him essays on why they believe in santa. When a caller asked him why he doesn't spend his holiday actually HELPING people he got all offended and then compared miracle on 34th street to the diary of anne frank because apparently anne frank is just as religious a play.


Romney has beaten back the Santorum Surge with buckets of money. I don't think we've seen the last of the surge.
Yeah I know.

Though this whole period of Santorum in the lead shows how weak Mitt is. Honestly, his donors must be pretty upset with seeing him blow through so much cash just beat this guy in Michigan.


Junior Member
Jonathan Chait has a great piece up: 2012 or never.

That really was a great article.

Pretty much coincides with what I've believed to be the case for awhile now; If the Republicans lose big in 2012, or if Obama wins re-election, the party is going to have to completely reinvent itself to ever win national office again.

Honestly, given their hard right turn in the last 3 years, I don't see how that is possible. I just don't see how the party can reverse all the crap they've been spewing since Obama's been elected in time for the 2016 elections.
I believe that the Jeb Bush camp are waiting for a return to moderation in 2016 weeding out the crazies now the groom him in 4 years as a more ''level'' headed guy weather you like him or not


Junior Member

look at the right side, if trends continue: Santorum will end up taking the South instead of Newt (except for Georgia, Newt keeps that one)

Wow, I knew Mitt was weak in the south, but holy crap at those polls!

I believe that the Jeb Bush camp are waiting for a return to moderation in 2016 weeding out the crazies now the groom him in 4 years as a more ''level'' headed guy weather you like him or not

Its going to be interesting to see how the GOP positions themselves in a post-Obama America. Especially if Obama leaves office with a strong domestic economy, and the world relatively at peace.


Pretty much coincides with what I've believed to be the case for awhile now; If the Republicans lose big in 2012, or if Obama wins re-election, the party is going to have to completely reinvent itself to ever win national office again.

I dunno, if Mitt wins and loses to Obama, they can still frame it as 'not their guy' blowing it. Then wait until next cycle for their 'politically pure' superhero to save the day.

This can continue on for a few decades until these people finally decide to break off or they die out.

With all this polling and demographic information out there, I am surprised no one like Pew has done a study on what the next generation of Republicans (ages 20-40) think about things. It would be very interesting. i would imagine much of it would just be parroting what the party line is, but I bet there are some interesting divergences.
<3 Ezra Klein

Mitt Romney's Budget explained in 150 easy to understand words.

Let&#8217;s try to make this as simple as possible. Money comes into the federal government through taxes and bonds. The vast majority of it is then spent on old-people programs, poor-people programs, and defense.

Mitt Romney is promising that taxes will go down, defense spending will go up, and old-people programs won&#8217;t change for this generation of retirees. So three of his four options for deficit reduction &#8212; taxes, old-people programs, and defense &#8212; are now either contributing to the deficit or are off-limits for the next decade.

Romney is also promising that he will pay for his tax cuts, pay for his defense spending, and reduce total federal spending by more than $6 trillion over the next 10 years. But the only big pot of money left to him is poor-people programs. So, by simple process of elimination, poor-people programs will have to be cut dramatically. There&#8217;s no other way to make those numbers work.

Do we even spend 6 trillion dollars over 10 years on poor people programs?

I dunno, if Mitt wins and loses to Obama, they can still frame it as 'not their guy' blowing it. Then wait until next cycle for their 'politically pure' superhero to save the day.

This can continue on for a few decades until these people finally decide to break off or they die out.

With all this polling and demographic information out there, I am surprised no one like Pew has done a study on what the next generation of Republicans (ages 20-40) think about things. It would be very interesting. i would imagine much of it would just be parroting what the party line is, but I bet there are some interesting divergences.

Agreed, if Mitt loses it will be blamed on ideological impurity. The resulting tea party backlash will be lounder, more insane. There will be new conspiracies of ACORN and NBPP and Obama as a Socialist, Obama as a communist, Obama stealing elections, Obama as X and what not.


Professional Schmuck
I dunno, if Mitt wins and loses to Obama, they can still frame it as 'not their guy' blowing it. Then wait until next cycle for their 'politically pure' superhero to save the day.

This can continue on for a few decades until these people finally decide to break off or they die out.

With all this polling and demographic information out there, I am surprised no one like Pew has done a study on what the next generation of Republicans (ages 20-40) think about things. It would be very interesting. i would imagine much of it would just be parroting what the party line is, but I bet there are some interesting divergences.

I'm betting young republicans are softer on gay marriage and pollution controls. Abortion will still be their call to arms, as well as some of the accidentally racist stuff.


Junior Member
I dunno, if Mitt wins and loses to Obama, they can still frame it as 'not their guy' blowing it. Then wait until next cycle for their 'politically pure' superhero to save the day.

This can continue on for a few decades until these people finally decide to break off or they die out.

Yeah, but can the GOP ever win a national election with an ulra-conservative on the ticket? I don't believe they can. Its only going to get worse as the south starts turning purple over the next 20 years.

With all this polling and demographic information out there, I am surprised no one like Pew has done a study on what the next generation of Republicans (ages 20-40) think about things. It would be very interesting. i would imagine much of it would just be parroting what the party line is, but I bet there are some interesting divergences.

I'm willing to bet that the majority of next generation Republicans are in the Ron Paul camp.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
One would expect the marine to be the big guy and his significant other being the one jumping into his arms. His partner must be a REAL hard ass.

I'm seeing some reports across the tubes that Santorum is picking up momentum in Michigan.

Edit: From general Twitter chatter. Some polls, etc.

which polls?
Romney has beaten back the Santorum Surge with buckets of money. I don't think we've seen the last of the surge.
Do we have any estimates or real numbers on the super-PACs and how much money has been spent to date? I remember seeing articles on the amount everyone's PAC had, but I'd love to know how much they already spent of it.

edit: 14 million for one of the Romney PACs in January. Interesting.


Very interesting. Probably too little, too late. Early polling shows a big majority for Romney.

The same thing was thought of Iowa and Colorado

Romney "should" win these but I think you and me and most every other reasonable person can say Mitt does not have anything in a big majority when it comes to swing states

ToxicAdam said:
With all this polling and demographic information out there, I am surprised no one like Pew has done a study on what the next generation of Republicans (ages 20-40) think about things. It would be very interesting. i would imagine much of it would just be parroting what the party line is, but I bet there are some interesting divergences.

They would be softer on social issues but harder on fiscal issues I think, of course finding a group of Republicans 20-30 would be your hardest part. 18-35 tend to be Democratic or Independent.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

A new POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll reveals the prolonged nominating battle is taking a toll on the GOP candidates and finds the president’s standing significantly improved from late last year.

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is 53 percent, up 9 percentage points in four months. Matched up against his Republican opponents, he leads Mitt Romney by 10 points (53-43) and Rick Santorum by 11 (53-42). Even against a generic, unnamed Republican untarnished by attacks, Obama is up 5 percentage points. In November, he was tied.

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