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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The video of Santorum

What the fuck? He's raging mad. And gotta love the "make you in his image" dog whistle - hell that's not even a whistle, it's getting a bullhorn and saying the president is not only blasphemous, he might as well be the anti-Christ.

At this point Obama should come out in support of a complete reversal of Roe v Wade, just so republicans can become pro-choice.
I'm not talking about speeches. He's not very good at retail politics, and has said many odd things off the cuff. I'm not saying he's Romney status, I just don't see him as a W Bush or Clinton style president who people feel they can hang out with.
Well, he isn't exactly W or Clinton style. More like Teddy Roosevelt. Dunno if you've talked to any Obama supporters lately but he's practically a superhero to many of them.


Also can we get off the "Obama can only speak from a teleprompter" meme? It's complete bullshit and you should know better.
You do realize that Romney would've said the same thing if that's what people wanted to hear. Only difference is that Santorum really believes the crap he says.

No. Romney doesn't cross the dumbfuck line. Santorum does that habitually. Romney panders to hell, but he doesn't go full retard.


No. Romney doesn't cross the dumbfuck line. Santorum does that habitually. Romney panders to hell, but he doesn't go full retard.

I would have agreed with you a while ago, but as he's had more trouble to clinch the nom he's gone full retard. Not that long ago he said Obama is waging a war against religion. That's way past pandering and straight into retardville.
The video of Santorum

What the fuck? He's raging mad. And gotta love the "make you in his image" dog whistle - hell that's not even a whistle, it's getting a bullhorn and saying the president is not only blasphemous, he might as well be the anti-Christ.

At this point Obama should come out in support of a complete reversal of Roe v Wade, just so republicans can become pro-choice.

That definitely pissed me off. I'm bothered by his use of the phrase "So people can remake their children into their image, not his." While parents definitely influence their children more than anything else in their life, that phrase has an uncomfortable biblical view of "Children are the property and the slaves of the parents."
The video of Santorum

What the fuck? He's raging mad. And gotta love the "make you in his image" dog whistle - hell that's not even a whistle, it's getting a bullhorn and saying the president is not only blasphemous, he might as well be the anti-Christ.

At this point Obama should come out in support of a complete reversal of Roe v Wade, just so republicans can become pro-choice.
Oh, look, a room full of old white people.

I would have so loved to see this shit in the general.
I would have agreed with you a while ago, but as he's had more trouble to clinch the nom he's gone full retard. Not that long ago he said Obama is waging a war against religion. That's way past pandering and straight into retardville.

This . . . Romney has been going hardcore and actually trying to portray himself as more anti-birth control and anti-abortion than Santorum.

A crowd in Lansing heard Romney accuse Santorum of caving to party leaders on issues he opposed, including financing Planned Parenthood.

"This is not time for lifelong pols who explain why they voted for this or that based on what they were asked to do by their fellow colleagues," Romney told about 300 activists gathered for breakfast at a country club. "I will be a president of principle."
Later in Flint, he declared himself a Washington, D.C., outsider and implied Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, is an insider: "I don't have any political payoffs I have to make."

Romney tried to undermine Santorum's profile as an abortion opponent by noting Santorum's backing in 1996 of fellow Pennsylvanian Arlen Specter in the GOP presidential race. "He supported the pro-choice candidate," Romney told more than 2,000 at a forum in Troy put on by a tea party umbrella group. Santorum spoke to the group, Americans for Prosperity, earlier Saturday.


I would have agreed with you a while ago, but as he's had more trouble to clinch the nom he's gone full retard. Not that long ago he said Obama is waging a war against religion. That's way past pandering and straight into retardville.


At one time I may have thought Romney was just doing pathetic pandering but he has gone WAY beyond that line now. He is easily in full moron mode with the rest of them. All you had to do was listen to the last debate where he was arguing that hes more conservative than the rest of them and he won't compromise on his values like Santorum.............. yea.


The video of Santorum

What the fuck? He's raging mad. And gotta love the "make you in his image" dog whistle - hell that's not even a whistle, it's getting a bullhorn and saying the president is not only blasphemous, he might as well be the anti-Christ.

At this point Obama should come out in support of a complete reversal of Roe v Wade, just so republicans can become pro-choice.

Santorum's railing against college education is such BS. Someone needs to point out to him that he went to college. If he was so against their liberal indoctrination why the hell did he go there. And it's not like he went to a religious private college, either. I suppose he's so crazy and to the right of everyone that it makes sense that in his mind he's probably the only one in the country to survive the liberal indoctrination.


Lol santorum is on meet the press trying to defend this college shit. Hes digging his own grave.

Santorum's railing against college education is such BS. Someone needs to point out to him that he went to college. If he was so against their liberal indoctrination why the hell did he go there. And it's not like he went to a religious private college, either. I suppose he's so crazy and to the right of everyone that it makes sense that in his mind he's probably the only one in the country to survive the liberal indoctrination.
When he got asked on meet the press he was trying to spin it as Obama is FORCING people into a 4 year college........... yea. He was forced to admit he pushed his kids to go to college as well. One of those dam LIBERAL INDOCTRINATION COLLEGES. So his kids can go to college but nobody elses.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It would have been interesting to see Santorum in the general election. Most candidates tend to swing back toward the center at that point--I just don't think he would.

He'd get absolutely destroyed in the general election.

As for the primaries, Romney looks like he has Arizona in the bag (huge lead) and looks like he's taking Michigan as well as he's rebounded quite nicely there.

Will be interesting to see what effect that has on Super Tuesday, as Santorum has a fairly large lead in Ohio right now.


Romney isn't any part Mexican.

His grandfather was an American Mormon polygamist and ran to Mexico to avoid going to jail for his many (likely underage) wives. Romney's father was born to one of the many wives in Mexico, moved back to the US and had only 1 wife, and gave birth to Romney in the US.

There is no hispanic blood in him, just a polygamist fugitive grandfather.
That definitely pissed me off. I'm bothered by his use of the phrase "So people can remake their children into their image, not his." While parents definitely influence their children more than anything else in their life, that phrase has an uncomfortable biblical view of "Children are the property and the slaves of the parents."

that is an old school Fascist technique of controlling people; dumb them down, demonize the educated intellectuals, trump up the church the get church to back you
Romney isn't any part Mexican.

His grandfather was an American Mormon polygamist and ran to Mexico to avoid going to jail for his many (likely underage) wives. Romney's father was born to one of the many wives in Mexico, moved back to the US and had only 1 wife, and gave birth to Romney in the US.

There is no hispanic blood in him, just a polygamist fugitive grandfather.

So if President Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Socialist because of his relatives past, what does that make Romney?
It would have been interesting to see Santorum in the general election. Most candidates tend to swing back toward the center at that point--I just don't think he would.

He'd get absolutely destroyed in the general election.

As for the primaries, Romney looks like he has Arizona in the bag (huge lead) and looks like he's taking Michigan as well as he's rebounded quite nicely there.

Will be interesting to see what effect that has on Super Tuesday, as Santorum has a fairly large lead in Ohio right now.

Romney has AZ locked but Michigan is still close. Santorum was leading by a wide margin last week but then he went into his full retard act with anti-birth control, anti-college education, conspiracy theory garbage about euthanasia in Holland, etc. Seriously crazy shit. Romney hasn't looked all that great with those trees of the right height. But he didn't need to do anything but shut his mouth and let Santorum destroy himself.

Poor Michigan . . . they have to choose between the crazy guy and the guy who said "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt". I think they'll choose Obama.


Romney has AZ locked but Michigan is still close. Santorum was leading by a wide margin last week but then he went into his full retard act with anti-birth control, anti-college education, conspiracy theory garbage about euthanasia in Holland, etc. Seriously crazy shit. Romney hasn't looked all that great with those trees of the right height. But he didn't need to do anything but shut his mouth and let Santorum destroy himself.

Poor Michigan . . . they have to choose between the crazy guy and the guy who said "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt". I think they'll choose Obama.

c'mon now, as soon as this primary is over, Romney will solidify the support of all voters pulling in just over 70% of the vote, and the only people who will vote for Obama will be black people who are voting for a black person and confused irish americans. Its inevitable.

Trying to do my best PD
Romney has AZ locked but Michigan is still close. Santorum was leading by a wide margin last week but then he went into his full retard act with anti-birth control, anti-college education, conspiracy theory garbage about euthanasia in Holland, etc. Seriously crazy shit. Romney hasn't looked all that great with those trees of the right height. But he didn't need to do anything but shut his mouth and let Santorum destroy himself.

Poor Michigan . . . they have to choose between the crazy guy and the guy who said "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt". I think they'll choose Obama.

I think "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" is the new "The fundamentals of the economy are strong" for the campaign year
And now Romney has gone from opposing the bailout in terms of free-market, fiscal policy to accusing Obama of corruption

Romney also accused Obama of corruption, suggesting that the government assistance provided to General Motors and Chrysler was motivated by political patronage rather than economic substance.

"We spent several billion dollars at a time we didn't need to," Romney said, claiming that Obama "gave a huge portion of the company to the UAW [United Auto Workers]. That's not how bankruptcy usually works ... He was paying off the people that supported him, and by the way, are trying to get him reelected."



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Just curious--what do you guys think the odds are of a brokered convention this year? It's really looking like Romney is going to struggle to pick up the delegates needed.


Is there anything Romney wont do?

Nope, he only knows how to pander and I am going to love to see what happens when the Super PAC's take everything he has said to the right wing core and plays it in the general while he is saying the exact opposite as a "moderate"

Just curious--what do you guys think the odds are of a brokered convention this year? It's really looking like Romney is going to struggle to pick up the delegates needed.

It depends on how long the other two stay in, they won't really win but something tells me Newt and Rick are just going to keep being a pain in the ass solely to piss off Romney. The longer he and Santorum stay in the worse Romney looks and when he fails in November they can say "told you he stunk" and thus sell more books/appearances
Just curious--what do you guys think the odds are of a brokered convention this year? It's really looking like Romney is going to struggle to pick up the delegates needed.
Given his upswing in the Michigan polling, I'm not sure why you'd say that? Santorum is doing a very effective job of making himself unpalatable
You know what he means. Quit being silly.
"Crony capitalist" or "corrupt" is a distinction without a difference, I think.
I doubt Romney will spend equally in multiple Super Tuesday states, giving Santorum and Gingrich the opportunity to win some. Especially the southern states, and places like Oklahoma and Alaska.

I'd imagine Romney will put a lot of focus on Ohio though, so we'll see if Santorum can hang on there.
I doubt Romney will spend equally in multiple Super Tuesday states, giving Santorum and Gingrich the opportunity to win some. Especially the southern states, and places like Oklahoma and Alaska.

I'd imagine Romney will put a lot of focus on Ohio though, so we'll see if Santorum can hang on there.

Has Palin officially endorsed anyone? I thought her pro-Gingrich comments were more in the spirit of "let 'em play, ref" than any real endorsement.

What will be interesting to see is if Southern conservatives consolidate behind Santorum since Gingrich seems more or less done for. I think if Santorum and Gingrich split the South, it's over.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Given his upswing in the Michigan polling, I'm not sure why you'd say that? Santorum is doing a very effective job of making himself unpalatable
"Crony capitalist" or "corrupt" is a distinction without a difference, I think.

Well, it's still not over with and now he's only polling about a 2-point lead. I still can't believe Michigan is going to pick him after that op-ed.
Has Palin officially endorsed anyone? I thought her pro-Gingrich comments were more in the spirit of "let 'em play, ref" than any real endorsement.
No official endorsement but she seems to be giving a 'vote for the not Romney' message. I'm not sure why. Perhaps so it gives her more opportunity to yap about the contest. Perhaps she has a secret dream of swooping in during a brokered convention. Perhaps she just wants to cynically endorse the winner.

But mainly . . . who the fuck cares what she thinks/does/says?


I think Christie will wait until 2016.
Well, if Mitt Romney becomes President he'd have to wait until at least 2020. So, it would benefit him to have at least four years in the WH as VP. If Romney loses he can always go back to his job as NJ Governor, and run in 2016 as you said. He doesn't have much to lose.
And now Romney has gone from opposing the bailout in terms of free-market, fiscal policy to accusing Obama of corruption


The "Obama helped his union thugs" meme has been around for a while. Well, GM was pushed through bankruptcy court and the bankruptcy court judge got to make the decisions. I have no idea how much different it was handled than other bankruptcies.

Perhaps since the government was providing much of the back-end financing, they had some power to give more preference to the union pension claims than the bond-holder claims? So basically, it ends up as whining that Wall Street & banks didn't get more bail-outs than workers getting a bail-out? Really conservatives? Is that your complaint . . . that Wall Street & banks should have got even more bail-outs? Yeah . . . you run on that. Obama is a bad man because he didn't bail out the 1% more. Good plan. Be sure to put that your commercials.

I certainly haven't looked at the bail-outs in detail but if there were huge problems with it, they various parties should have raised the issue during the bankruptcy proceedings. Whining about it now is just that . . . whining.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I know its besides the point, but saying, "From the people who brought you Universal Healthcare" is disingenuous and a slap in the face to real UHC
Has Palin officially endorsed anyone? I thought her pro-Gingrich comments were more in the spirit of "let 'em play, ref" than any real endorsement.

What will be interesting to see is if Southern conservatives consolidate behind Santorum since Gingrich seems more or less done for. I think if Santorum and Gingrich split the South, it's over.

I don't think Palin will endorse anyone

Looking at the states:
(Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia)

Romney will obviously win MA, and most likely Vermont. Might as well give him Virginia too considering he's the only candidate on the ballot. Everything else could be a contest

Let's say Gingrich wins Georgia. Santorum is currently up big in Tennessee and Oklahoma, plus he's leading in Ohio for now. Romney won Alaska's caucus in 2008 and I haven't seen any recent polling there. There's no polling for South Dakoda either, but McCain won it with 70% in 2008 (Romney got 3%).

So it seems like Ohio will be the big state; whoever wins it "wins" the day. I don't see how Romney can claim victory if his wins are only in his home state, a neighbor state, and a state where he's the only candidate on the ballot.
A good post by Bill Mitchell analyzing the CBO's recent report on the success of the stimulus and Larry Summers's memo to Obama that excluded a larger stimulus option that had been proposed in an earlier memo by Christina Romer. Mitchell also shows that, based on the CBO analysis, the US would still be in recession but for the stimulus. Chart showing GDP with stimulus and without stimulus (using CBO numbers):


The US's recovery (albeit weak) through stimulus is contrasted with Europe's continued recession through austerity.


Original Romer memo: http://www.noamscheiber.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Dec16memodraft4.pdf
Summers memo here: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2012/01/the-summers-memo.html
PDF comparison of the first Romer draft of the memo with the final Summers-edited draft: http://www.tnr.com/sites/default/files/WhiteHouseMemo.pdf
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