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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The artist forgot the part about the massive gap between the rich and the poor.

It angers me that people see the country this way in such a black-and-white manner.

Also rich people don't ever get handouts from the government.


Passing metallic gas

"Politically conservative, artistically brilliant cartoons that speak to mainstream America. Available in more than 100 newspapers across the country."


I really would love a plane ticket to whatever universe this is from. I bet the trees are all the right height!
On some level I enjoy Romney. Or at least the effect he has on people. Here is a guy who is completely comfortable being a rich guy. Which is a complete anathema to most liberals who feel like you should live in constant shame or embarrasment over whatever wealth you may have.
Bullshit on both counts. Romney would not be playing so desperately to everyman trope if he was comfortable with his money.

And the idea that liberals think you have to ashamed of being wealthy is just remarkably specious. Where do you think disdain on the part of the dynastically wealthy for the nouveau riche emerges from? There is a tasteful way to be wealthy, and then there are other ways--the idea that distaste for the ostentatious and obnoxiously wealthy is exclusively a liberal phenomenon... bullshit.

Since we are on the subject of liberals and their views on wealth:

One liberal in a thread about "rich people tend to be assholes" clearly is representative of all liberals. That is some weak tea.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
He is plenty comfortable with his money, but he knows that he is supposed to appear empathetic. The problem is, and this has been his problem since his campaign began, is that you can tell when he is spouting something he doesn't believe. Gingrich and Santorum pull some insanity out and look pretty comfortable saying anything.



"Politically conservative, artistically brilliant cartoons that speak to mainstream America. Available in more than 100 newspapers across the country."


I think the pile of money is on the wrong side of the table.

On the other hand, that welfare queen probably has a refrigerator! The audacity!
On some level I enjoy Romney. Or at least the effect he has on people. Here is a guy who is completely comfortable being a rich guy. Which is a complete anathema to most liberals who feel like you should live in constant shame or embarrasment over whatever wealth you may have.

Stop mindlessly parroting GOP talking point, makes you sound like a fucking idiot.

This new manufactured OH NOES WE'RE BEING FORCED TO LIVE IN SHAME BECAUSE WE'RE RICH bullshit is just that- bullshit. Having the viewpoint that being rich doesn't give you carte blanch to fuck people over with no consequences is not the equivalent of what you're spewing, which in my experience has little to no basis in reality apart from being the GOP talking point of the season.'Most liberals'? Do you have fucking statistics for this? Don't you feel shame simply parroting shit and for pulling stuff out of your ass which contributes nothing to the debate? I certainly would. You do that in almost every single one of your posts, and if I was a mod I'd ban you for constant shit like that.
Stop mindlessly parroting GOP talking point, makes you sound like a fucking idiot.

This new manufactured OH NOES WE'RE BEING FORCED TO LIVE IN SHAME BECAUSE WE'RE RICH bullshit is just that- bullshit. Having the viewpoint that being rich doesn't give you carte blanch to fuck people over with no consequences is not the equivalent of what you're spewing, which in my experience has little to no basis in reality apart from being the GOP talking point of the season.'Most liberals'? Do you have fucking statistics for this? Don't you feel shame simply parroting shit and for pulling stuff out of your ass which contributes nothing to the debate? I certainly would. You do that in almost every single one of your posts.
TA is lvl 99 Master Troll. You gotta read his stuff with that in mind, so I try to avoid bothering a reply when he says stuff like that.
Calm down there, fella. TA doesn't parrot talking points. He's just giving his opinion

Which is a complete anathema to most liberals who feel like you should live in constant shame or embarrasment over whatever wealth you may have.

How the fuck is that an opinion? He's stating it as a fact, and more specifically, a statistic ('most'). That doesn't qualify as an opinion. And it just happens to coincide with an extremely overused GOP talking point. The statement was a childish, mindless, insulting troll without a shred of basis in reality. But nice to see you're on his defence force.
I can't believe after all the craziness Santorum has been spouting that people are actually increasing support for him... insane!

Yeah, between 2008 Satan speech, Dutch euthanasia lies, Kennedy speech that makes him throw up, birth control, anti-women in armed forces, etc. . . . one would think his numbers would plummet. But he still is doing pretty well. That is amazing. Probably gonna lose though. :-/


How the fuck is that an opinion? He's stating it as a fact, and more specifically, a statistic ('most'). That doesn't qualify as an opinion. And it just happens to coincide with an extremely overused GOP talking point. The statement was a childish, mindless, insulting troll without a shred of basis in reality. But nice to see you're on his defence force.

I admit that part is silly, but it's really not any worse than what most of us say/generalize about conservatives on a common basis and no one freaks out and calls those trolls.

"Politically conservative, artistically brilliant cartoons that speak to mainstream America. Available in more than 100 newspapers across the country."


Poverty Rate by Age, states (2009-2010), U.S. (2010)

United States Percent 0% - 100%
Children 18 and under 28%
Adults 19-64 19%
Elderly 65+ 14%

Yeah, that cartoon is a bit crazy. Old people have social security and medicare. Children have the highest rate of poverty . . . twice as high as the elderly. The money pile should be on other side.
Yeah, between 2008 Satan speech, Dutch euthanasia lies, Kennedy speech that makes him throw up, birth control, anti-women in armed forces, etc. . . . one would think his numbers would plummet. But he still is doing pretty well. That is amazing. Probably gonna lose though. :-/
I think it tells you more about the state of republican voting electorate than himself.
Poverty Rate by Age, states (2009-2010), U.S. (2010)

United States Percent 0% - 100%
Children 18 and under 28%
Adults 19-64 19%
Elderly 65+ 14%

Yeah, that cartoon is a bit crazy. Old people have social security and medicare. Children have the highest rate of poverty . . . twice as high as the elderly. The money pile should be on other side.
Don't forget the GI Bill.


I don't understand why this is still a big deal... The Mormon Church plans on baptizing EVERYONE...EVER.

GASP!! They baptized Gandhi! What's next, MLK Jr? How dare they!?!

Not a huge deal to most rational people, I think but it's just another one of those weird quirks that could cause trouble for Romney. It's easy to spin it into something inflammatory.

For example:

If you think about it, it's also kind of a posthumous list of who the LDS thinks deserves to go to Heaven.
I admit that part is silly, but it's really not any worse than what most of us say/generalize about conservatives on a common basis and no one freaks out and calls those trolls.

Oh, really? I've been following poligaf for a while, and don't remember the last time I read a 'Most conservatives <insert insulting bullshit here>' post. I find most people here can converse much more intelligently than that and dont throw out just blanket garbage. So you're wrong. Why are you so desperate to to downplay everything he says and pretend it's not trolling? Do you own stock or something? It was clearly an extremely Fox news-ish TP, and I called him out on it. Yes, people should be called out for spouting stupidity. And apparently people like you feel the need to defend it for no reason at all, even when you know exactly what it is.
I tried to find the post earlier in the thread but couldn't. Someone said something about Romney being proud of being a rich guy (think it was toxic_adam) because of all the awesomely detached comments he makes. Today I heard another one:

When asked if he was a fan of Nascar, he responded, "Not as much as the most ardent fans, but I do have some friends who own a few Nascar teams."


These quotes HAVE to become memes.


Oh, really? I've been following poligaf for a while, and don't remember the last time I read a 'Most conservatives *insert insulting bullshit here*' post. I find most people here can converse much more intelligently than that and dont throw out just blanket garbage. So you're wrong. Why are you so desperate to to downplay everything he says and pretend it's not trolling? DO you own stock or something? It was clearly an extremely Fox news-ish TP, and I called him out on it. Yes, people should be called out for spouting stupidity. And apparently people like you fel the need to defend it for no reason at all, even when you know exactly what it is.

Agree to disagree. I've been following these threads (and this board) for years and generalizations about conservatives are thrown out all the time and no one bats an eye. Hell, I'm plenty guilty of it. Then when a conservative does the same thing, it's a huge pile on of outrage.

The reason I'm defending it is because I'd rather not see more conservatives chased away (and often times outright banned) from discussion for doing the same things we do.

edit: Also, the way you reacted to his comment annoyed me. If someone says something silly and incorrect, then tell them why it's silly and incorrect. Don't go "you idiot talking point parroting troll."
Agree to disagree. I've been following these threads (and this board) for years and generalizations about conservatives are thrown out all the time and no one bats an eye. Hell, I'm plenty guilty of it. Then when a conservative does the same thing, it's a huge pile on of outrage.

The reason I'm defending it is because I'd rather not see more conservatives chased away (and often times outright banned) from discussion for doing the same things we do.

Again, bullshit. So you're saying we should tolerate purposeful stupidity so it doesn't 'chase people away'? How does that work? Do you not think people should justify and defend their comments? Everyone can spout any type of crap and noone can question that? TA has been here a long time, obviously hes not going to get chased away. How does 'most liberals hate the wealthy' encourage any of discussion or debate? He says alot of stupid shit and I ignore 99% of it, but this one time I decided to call him out. And you feel the need to keep riding my ass about it.

And you're basically insulting conservatives by saying they should be treated with pet gloves if they say asinine comments. Conservatism isn't being attacked, it's stupid statements. I consider myself conservative. It has nothing to do with anything. I argue on merits based on the issue, and not partisan talking point garbage that means nothing. I couldn't care less how someone defines themselves, I just care that the things they say make a shred of sense and they have the guts to defend their points. Stop defending the indefensible out of some misplaced intention for 'equality' or other such garbage. It's whats wrong with this country in the first place.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Not a huge deal to most rational people, I think but it's just another one of those weird quirks that could cause trouble for Romney. It's easy to spin it into something inflammatory.

For example:

If you think about it, it's also kind of a posthumous list of who the LDS thinks deserves to go to Heaven.

That is the point, the church believes everyone should be baptized. Everyone. I am sure someone has been baptized for Pol Pot or will be at some point...


The reason I'm defending it is because I'd rather not see more conservatives chased away (and often times outright banned) from discussion for doing the same things we do.

There are conservatives chased away and banned??

Last I knew the only ones who get banned were either A)Trolling or B)had an epic meltdown that no real Conservative (or Liberal for that matter) would have.


Again, bullshit. So you're saying we should tolerate purposeful stupidity so it doesn't 'chase people away'? How does that work? Do you not think people should justify and defend their comments? Everyone can spout any type of crap and noone can question that? TA has been here a long time, obviously hes not going to get chased away. How does 'most liberals hate the wealthy' encourage any of discussion or debate? He says alot of stupid shit and I ignore 99% of it, but this one time I decided to call him out. And you feel the need to keep riding my ass about it.

And you're basically insulting conservatives by saying they should be treated with pet gloves if they say asinine comments. Conservatism isn't being attacked, it's stupid statements. I consider myself conservative. It has nothing to do with anything. I argue on merits based on the issue, and not partisan talking point garbage that means nothing. I couldn't care less how someone defines themselves, I just care that the things they say make a shred of sense and they have the guts to defend their points. Stop defending the indefensible out of some misplaced intention for 'equality' or other such garbage. It's whats wrong with this country in the first place.

Dear lord, you are dense. Here, I'll put Invisible_Insane's post next to yours and see if you can notice any difference. If not, then nevermind. It's really not worth the effort of talking to you.

Bullshit on both counts. Romney would not be playing so desperately to everyman trope if he was comfortable with his money.

And the idea that liberals think you have to ashamed of being wealthy is just remarkably specious. Where do you think disdain on the part of the dynastically wealthy for the nouveau riche emerges from? There is a tasteful way to be wealthy, and then there are other ways--the idea that distaste for the ostentatious and obnoxiously wealthy is exclusively a liberal phenomenon... bullshit.

One liberal in a thread about "rich people tend to be assholes" clearly is representative of all liberals. That is some weak tea.

Stop mindlessly parroting GOP talking point, makes you sound like a fucking idiot.

This new manufactured OH NOES WE'RE BEING FORCED TO LIVE IN SHAME BECAUSE WE'RE RICH bullshit is just that- bullshit. Having the viewpoint that being rich doesn't give you carte blanch to fuck people over with no consequences is not the equivalent of what you're spewing, which in my experience has little to no basis in reality apart from being the GOP talking point of the season.'Most liberals'? Do you have fucking statistics for this? Don't you feel shame simply parroting shit and for pulling stuff out of your ass which contributes nothing to the debate? I certainly would. You do that in almost every single one of your posts, and if I was a mod I'd ban you for constant shit like that.

Invisible simply refutes TA's points. He calls him on the bullshit. There's no "kiddie gloves." Not only do you throw insults, not only do you say almost every post of TA's contributes nothing, but you also say you'd ban him if you had the power.

There are conservatives chased away and banned??

Last I knew the only ones who get banned were either A)Trolling or B)had an epic meltdown that no real Conservative (or Liberal for that matter) would have.

That's my point. What we label "trolling" from conservatives we are guilty of as well and no one cares. I could find plenty of examples in this thread, but I've already wasted far too much time and effort talking about/explaining this dumb bullshit.


That is the point, the church believes everyone should be baptized. Everyone. I am sure someone has been baptized for Pol Pot or will be at some point...

True, but most of the stories that have come out are about famous good people being baptized (although there are a few about Hitler being baptized and some Nazi's). And while the Church doctrine is that eventually everybody will need to be baptized they chose to go ahead with famous people first -- and you can't really tell me that they decided out of all the famous people they would choose Anne Frank and Ghandi randomly. There's a reason for that, and I think the most rational reason is that somebody (who placed their name in the list) decided these people deserve to go to heaven quickly.

It's a non story, but it's very easy to pick apart what they are doing and ascribe motive to it and to find fault with that motivation. I think that's why the media loves these stories.


PublicPolicyPolling &#8207; @ppppolls
Started today's Michigan calls at 4 and so far seeing encouraging things for Santorum. Tomorrow may be a long night
PublicPolicyPolling &#8207; @ppppolls
Pretty sure Santorum will win election day voters tomorrow in MI, just a question of whether he can make up Romney's absentee lead

hmm, will the Santorum resurgence be enough?
Probably not.
I don't understand this sentiment of Romney having a lead based on the early votes cast. When did early voting in Michigan start? Santorum has been ahead in Michigan for most of the time since his wins in CO, MN, and MO. Why would a majority of the votes cast be for someone else?


Where is it known that Romney has an early voting advantage? Is it just assumed because he had more money and better organization?

Mike M

Nick N
Saw a Gingrich sign on the freeway off ramp on the way home, and a whole crop of Santorum signs like weeds along the sides of the road on my way out from work.

These are the first non-Ron Paul GOP primary campaign signs I've ever seen in WA. I've thought of maybe going to the caucus this weekend, but I'd probably horrified.


I don't understand this sentiment of Romney having a lead based on the early votes cast. When did early voting in Michigan start? Santorum has been ahead in Michigan for most of the time since his wins in CO, MN, and MO. Why would a majority of the votes cast be for someone else?

I'm curious about that myself. I think it was PPP that showed Romeny ahead with early voters, but given that Santorum has been ahead in the polls until the past few days, I don't see how that squares.

hmm, will the Santorum resurgence be enough?
Probably not.

We can only hope. A Romney loss (in vote % terms) would be so hilarious.


Romney better pray he wins Michigan, otherwise when he loses Ohio this thing will keep going solely because there is an entire middle section of America that rejected him

He is going to conceed a lot of the South to Gingrinch or Santorum and a lot of the West and East he wins will most likely go Blue in the general so the states he is loosing is very important ground come November


I'm curious about that myself. I think it was PPP that showed Romeny ahead with early voters, but given that Santorum has been ahead in the polls until the past few days, I don't see how that squares.

Nate Silver makes it sound like it's mainly (perhaps only?) 60+ year old voters, a group that Romney does very well with.

In the Public Policy Polling survey, Mr. Romney led by 33 points among those who have already cast early or absentee ballots. Although these voters represent only 17 percent of the projected turnout in the survey and although some of this is because Michigan’s rules allow voters 60 and older to cast absentee ballots for any reason (a group with whom Mr. Romney performs strongly anyway), it’s always nice to have a few votes in the bag.


more money than God
I really have to stop punishing myself and stop watching MSNBC. Holy shit, is this channel infuriating. I know I complain about them a lot, but I just saw Chris Matthews use Santorum's dumb rant as an excuse to dick ride JFK again and push his book. Then, he tried to spin the Qu'ran burning killings as some kind of statement on us being in Afghanistan, and he had random guests on to talk about it. You have to wonder, who are these people? What makes them qualified, besides just having an outlet, to discuss these matters with a sense of authority?

Clearly, we shouldn't be in Afghanistan, but the reason these people are going crazy in this particular statement isn't because "they're angry that we're in Afghanistan", it's because a Qu'ran was burned, that's it. A guy in Denmark drew a picture of Mohammed, and the Mid East blew up in murderous anger. And please, stop covering Santorum! There is so much going on all over the world, cover some of it! Sorry for the rant, back to BBC News and RT :)p).
That's my point. What we label "trolling" from conservatives we are guilty of as well and no one cares. I could find plenty of examples in this thread, but I've already wasted far too much time and effort talking about/explaining this dumb bullshit.

Who exactly are you referring to when you say 'we'? There you go creating 'sides' again when its utterly irrelevant. I'm not on your 'side'. You call me dense, yet you can't seem to understand the fact that I don't give a shit how someone leans, or how most people on this board lean, I just call out idiotic statements. You admit his statement was such, but chastise me for saying anything because I might 'scare him off'. You have yet to provide me with what you call numerous examples of 'trolling' against conservatives, but thats fine, every statement you make seems to be wishy washy without actually saying anything. And yes, you have wasted effort. Instead of acting as a defence force for something that should not be defended or condones, you should have let him respond to me, instead of injecting yourself into it needlessly and then throwing your arms up as if I dragged you into a debate.

I have no clue what your argument is, the closest I can gather is 'if you're not going to call out every single perceived incident of trolling on this board, then you have no right to call out a single troll', and everyone should have an infinite tolearnce for stupidity and let everything go unchallenged. Yeah, sure thing buddy.


Michigan robocall asking for democrats to vote for Rick Santorun

Robocalls are the most worthless tactic for campaigning. They even fail to justify their inexpensive costs. And I love our nation's quaint obsession with potentially mischievous crossover voting. It rarely transpires, yet everyone talks about it. And when it actually transpires, it's inconsequential. It's perhaps amusing to entertain, but it will not happen.
Nate Silver makes it sound like it's mainly (perhaps only?) 60+ year old voters, a group that Romney does very well with.
Yeah. I think PPP estimated a fairly substantial lead among early voters. Additionally, early voters are disproportionately seniors. And that is a cohort favorably disposed towards Romney.
Where is it known that Romney has an early voting advantage? Is it just assumed because he had more money and better organization?

PPP says Romney has around 60% of the early voting. So Santorum would have to win tomorrow's voting by around 5-8% to barely squeak out a win. Not gonna happen
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