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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Romney's only hope for not imploding in a fiery fashion. Rubio is probably just as bad as Palin, with less exposure, though. We shall see...

Nah. You can watch him in interviews and he's a smart-ish, well spoken guy (as in, not a moron like Palin). Only way he'd be bad is if he had a lot of skeletons in his closet, and lying to voters about your background isn't going to matter much.

Mike M

Nick N
I don't know why people don't consider self-deportation as another one of Romney's out of touch Romneyisms. Really. He expects illegal immigrants to buy an international airline ticket and deport themselves and their entire families if they are illegals too. Pretty sure couple of $1000s is the change that falls out of Romney's pockets when he's frisking his pockets, but that is a great huge sum of money for poor people. Yeah. And how do they buy the tickets? Use Credit Cards? This guy is so out of touch. Not only him, but the entire GOP establishment (Newt endorsed this idea too) and the media establishment in general. No one has any damn idea of value of money to people living in America.

"Self deportation" is short hand for "Mexicans go home," so they're likely more thinking they'll just drive across the border.


I don't know why people don't consider self-deportation as another one of Romney's out of touch Romneyisms. Really. He expects illegal immigrants to buy an international airline ticket and deport themselves and their entire families if they are illegals too. Pretty sure couple of $1000s is the change that falls out of Romney's pockets when he's frisking his pockets, but that is a great huge sum of money for poor people. Yeah. And how do they buy the tickets? Use Credit Cards? This guy is so out of touch. Not only him, but the entire GOP establishment (Newt endorsed this idea too) and the media establishment in general. No one has any damn idea of value of money to people living in America.

He's out of touch with being an ordinary, middle class or poor American. He's not out of touch with Republican immigration policy. He knew exactly what he was saying, and I hope it haunts him in the general election.


Rubio has to know Romney is a sinking ship, he would be better to just wait and try to get the Presidency himself

Plus Rubio on the ticket will only possibly deliver FL, not CO/NM/AZ/IA/NC where hispanics have increased

And it's no plus in OH or PA

Also I cannot see a situation where Obama win and the Democrats lose out on adds in Congress


He's out of touch with being an ordinary, middle class or poor American. He's not out of touch with Republican immigration policy. He knew exactly what he was saying, and I hope it haunts him in the general election.

I agree. Even though we laugh at "self deportation" as a foolish notion what Republicans are really saying when they use that term is using legislation to create an environment so hostile to illegal immigrants that it drives them out of the country. Never mind the kind of place that this would make the US for the rest of us brown skinned folks. He knows exactly what he was saying.

Not that I think that kind of legislation would ever have a chance of making it on the national stage because it goes against the secret needs of big industry but I don't think it's a gaffe on his part. The only laugh worthy part of 'self-deportation' is how ridiculously bad the phrase itself is -- from the normally finely tuned spin machine.


Very good ad.

And the Romney camp response:

“It’s no surprise President Obama is spending his soon-to-be $1 billion war chest to attack Mitt Romney and deflect blame for his failure to control gas prices. His own Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, said in 2008 that we have to find a way to get the price of gas up to the level in Europe. It looks like he’s succeeding, and, unfortunately, the American people are worse off for it.”


And the Romney camp response:

So that means Romney is going to promise $2 gas like Gingrinch and Bachmann soon lol

I agree. Even though we laugh at "self deportation" as a foolish notion what Republicans are really saying when they use that term is using legislation to create an environment so hostile to illegal immigrants that it drives them out of the country. Never mind the kind of place that this would make the US for the rest of us brown skinned folks. He knows exactly what he was saying.

Not that I think that kind of legislation would ever have a chance of making it on the national stage because it goes against the secret needs of big industry but I don't think it's a gaffe on his part. The only laugh worthy part of 'self-deportation' is how ridiculously bad the phrase itself is -- from the normally finely tuned spin machine.

Only problem for him is that the stupid brown people (what essentially the party thinks of Hispanics) understands what he is saying too, which just pushes them to Obama. Its a stupid stance to take and is going to bite his ass in the GE much like his plans to end Planned Parenthood and numerous other extreme right appeasing statements.

I wonder sometimes if Romney realizes to beat Santorum he pretty much conceded the Presidency outside a hail mary economic plummet.


And the Romney camp response:
LOL, they're gonna play that Chu quote a lot, aren't they?
It's important to remember than he said it before the election, when he was running the Berkeley Lab.
And it's also important to remember that the steps he suggested (increasing taxation on gas) were never implemented, so this is all hogwash.

Not that I think it will matter anyway, aligning yourself with oil companies is not going to win you a lot of point with the public, and Romney fucked himself on this point by supporting the tax breaks.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Interesting tweet in today's wonkbook:

But technically wouldn't that not be a mandate? From what I understand, the Republican plan would allow a person to use money that would gone to SS to something else. But they don't have to buy it if they don't want. They could spend it on whatever.
Local news played a clip of a Paul supporter asking a question to Romney about some absurd things about Mormonism in particular a passage comparing something to "blackness". Romney didn't answer of course and the mic was taken away. Romney then said, "Do you have a question?" Uh, that was his question!

Can't wait for the serious media to start talking about Romney's faith. Dude will tank hard. I'm reminded of an interview with an Iowan Gingrich supporter who I think was a priest/pastor/whatever back in December where he said if Romney is the nominee he won't vote...I believe Mormonism was the reason why.

Mike M

Nick N
But technically wouldn't that not be a mandate? From what I understand, the Republican plan would allow a person to use money that would gone to SS to something else. But they don't have to buy it if they don't want. They could spend it on whatever.

If I recall correctly, the plan Dubya proposed would have limited what you could redirect that SS money into to a selection of different investment portfolios.


Interesting tweet in today's wonkbook:

That was pretty much Justice Ginsburgs entire argument, is you say Health Care is unconstitutional then what about the other things like SS

Basically if SS is OK then the answer is just for the government to order Health Care for everyone without discussion. Because we are forced to pay into SS now and at least with Health Care we would have it accessible to us immediately.

The thing is, I'll bet most of the people who are only half-watching their TV are going to take away that she's talking about Obama...Romney's only on there for two seconds.

Yeah except Obama just needs to take that commercial and remove himself from it and run it as his own, the GOP is killing Romney themselves lol



Not sure if this was already posted, but if it wasn't I just posted it. The article is about Chris Christie talking foreign policy with Benjamin Netanyahu.

I really hope Obama gets another four years. I also hope that one of Obama's first actions in his second term will be to tell 'Bibi' to stuff it where the sun don't shine.
Why would anyone listen to Netanyahu about the budget?
The dude just got GWB's old advisers, ran the exact same supply side policies with the exact same results.
But hey, maybe 4th time's a charm, maybe we just all have to really really believe in fairies.

Oh, and the OECD just found out that Netanyahu's most touted achievement, keeping unemployment low, was done by cooking the books.
So think it's safe to say we'll hear about attack in Iran in the near future.
Interesting tweet in today's wonkbook:
It should, but considering the way Roberts court treat precedents, I wouldn't jump to conclusions.
And the Romney camp response:
“It’s no surprise President Obama is spending his soon-to-be $1 billion war chest to attack Mitt Romney and deflect blame for his failure to control gas prices. His own Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, said in 2008 that we have to find a way to get the price of gas up to the level in Europe. It looks like he’s succeeding, and, unfortunately, the American people are worse off for it.”
Poor Dr. Chu can never live that quote down. It never came from Energy Secretary Chu, it came from private citizen Chu in 2008. After joining the administration he has toed the line of keeping gas prices down.

But apparently people like Obama and Dr. Chu are so amazingly powerful that they only have to have said something about high gas prices 4 years ago, then do everything to try to stop it, and when gas prices are high it is because that powerful magical quote.
Poor Dr. Chu can never live that quote down. It never came from Energy Secretary Chu, it came from private citizen Chu in 2008. After joining the administration he has toed the line of keeping gas prices down.

But apparently people like Obama and Dr. Chu are so amazingly powerful that they only have to have said something about high gas prices 4 years ago, then do everything to try to stop it, and when gas prices are high it is because that powerful magical quote.

I'm sure you'd apply that private citizen distinction with all manner of quotes on a number of topics just as fairly as you have here with politicians on all sides of the aisle.



I'm sure you'd apply that private citizen distinction with all manner of quotes on a number of topics just as fairly as you have here with politicians on all sides of the aisle.

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't blame gas prices on a quote like that.

And honestly, stupidity like that should always be ridiculed, why do you turn it into an us v. them partisan silliness?

I promise to have your back if you see liberal engaging in similar tactics (which I'm sure some do).
I wish someone would ask these GOP operatives/candidates the obvious question: what does Obama gain by forcing gas prices up in an election year? If it's true all he cares about is getting re-elected, wouldn't it make sense to do as much as possible to lower them?
I'm sure you'd apply that private citizen distinction with all manner of quotes on a number of topics just as fairly as you have here with politicians on all sides of the aisle.


Any particular reason for this snide dickishness? Or are you just really bitter these days?


I wish someone would ask these GOP operatives/candidates the obvious question: what does Obama gain by forcing gas prices up in an election year? If it's true all he cares about is getting re-elected, wouldn't it make sense to do as much as possible to lower them?

I would love to see someone ask Romney that, of course I bet it would be regarded as a "gotcha" question and not be answered


Also, I could've swore I saw a quote from Romney himself in the government days talking about the benefits of higher-costing gas.
Also, I could've swore I saw a quote from Romney himself in the government days talking about the benefits of higher-costing gas.
He did raise the gas tax in MA. And that is very good government policy but it rarely happens in the USA because it is viewed as electoral suicide.

Unlike Mitt Romney, the Obama administration has not raised gas taxes at all (even though I think they should).
Rasmussen, those silly bastards. They have 52% of Wisconsin wanting to recall Walker and 47% against.

Not that their polls aren't generally jank. In fact they're probably going to turn around in a week or so and post another one in Walker's favor so they can call it a comeback or some shit.
Weird race/religion moment . . .

"Your Mormon faith might not be a concern in the election but I think it might be as well as I found these verses in the Mormon book," said 28-year-old Bret Hatch, as the microphone turned on.

As Hatch trialed off, Romney interjected: "Why don't you give me a question?"

"Ok, well, in the Mormon book it says there were a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan that they were despised," Hatch continued.

"I'm sorry we're just not going to have a discussion about religion in my view, but if you have a question, I'll be happy to answer your question," Romney said.

"I guess my question is do you believe it's a sin for a white man to marry and procreate with a black?" asked Hatch.

"No," Romney responded sternly, before turning to face the other side of the room.

"Next question," said Romney.


Hatch later told reporters that he is a Ron Paul supporter and had come to the Romney event to find out if the candidate believed in the Book of Mormon. "Either he believes the Book of Mormon, or he doesn't," he said. "That's what it comes down to. So either he believes it, and he believes what these things say right here, or he doesn't. And from what I understand he just denounced his faith up there."

"I think that's an important issue," said Hatch. "He's going up against a black guy! He's going against Obama. This is a racial issue."

It really brings up how crazy fucked up religion can be and how it really should not be in politics.


"There is nothing wrong with asking the president of the United States for his birth certificate. I am tired of being called a racist."
— Missouri state Rep. Wanda Brown, defending bill which would require birth certificates to appear on the ballot for presidential and vice-presidential candidates.


Speaking of Ron Paul, he's still running, right? He's completely non-existent now. Hell, even his supporters online seems to have quieted down.


Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I heard about that incident on NPR on the way home. I'm not shocked to now learn he's Ron Paul supporter.

It seems like every time a Ron Paul supporter "campaigns" for him, it's some crazy hail mary play at grabbing attention while pissing everybody off. From trying to get Romney to say something racist to spray-painting highway overpasses.

When I walked through the lab building today, I saw a Ron Paul sticker on one of the windows in the stairwell like 20 feet above the staircase. That means that a guy had to bring a ladder up the stairs to put up a goddamn sticker where nobody could reach it.
Speaking of Ron Paul, he's still running, right? He's completely non-existent now. Hell, even his supporters online seems to have quieted down.
The whole primary campaign is dead. Illinois was the non Romney's last chance. It is over.
Black Mamba said:
lol. Santorum is so blatant with his lying (or ignorance, whichever floats your boat).
Which is it though? I really want to understand. I've got to go with delusional and ignorance. I don't think his dogmatic religious views would allow him to blatantly lie that much.

But can he really be that ignorant? How could he have got all those degrees if he is so detached from reality. Hardcore right-wing . . . how does it work?

Chichikov said:
It's must scary living in his world.
Indeed. If you were to really believe the crazy things he believes, it is a scary world. But his world is filled with crazy paranoid delusions. It is not reality.
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