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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The Cryptarch's Bane
He did raise the gas tax in MA. And that is very good government policy but it rarely happens in the USA because it is viewed as electoral suicide.

Unlike Mitt Romney, the Obama administration has not raised gas taxes at all (even though I think they should).
Real talk. Amazing the disparity between sound fiscal and environmental policy and electability...

"There is nothing wrong with asking the president of the United States for his birth certificate. I am tired of being called a racist."
— Missouri state Rep. Wanda Brown, defending bill which would require birth certificates to appear on the ballot for presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
Like, printed on the ballot?
Real talk. Amazing the disparity between sound fiscal and environmental policy and electability...

Like, printed on the ballot?
I think they mean birth certificates are required in order for candidates to appear on the ballot.
Do these people not have copyeditors?!

That would be hilarious, though.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I think they mean birth certificates are required in order for candidates to appear on the ballot.
Do these people not have copyeditors?!

That would be hilarious, though.
I got this fantastic mental image of a butterfly ballot that's 12 pages long after you hit the vote for a presidential candidate section (one for each original long form, of course).
Wait, you guys have been telling me more buying power would drive down costs.


Yes, but we are not too pleased with monopolies in general. If there has to be one (healthcare) I'd rather be able to vote out senior management.

Edit: Also, in this case it's pharma trying to make a profit off of people by making a product as expensive as a market supports, where with Government Single Payer it is the insurer (government) trying to procure the most care for a price thus driving down costs.


Wait, you guys have been telling me more buying power would drive down costs.


I suspect you might be being sarcastic, but it's honestly hard to tell. The incentives for large corporations and for governments are a little different.


US auto sales were very good in March.

Other companies are trickling in.

Nissan March U.S. sales rise by record 12%

Volkswagen has best March sales since 1973


Unconfirmed Member
There's no reason to believe Romney is racist.
Other candidates are not asked to justify the dogmas of their own religion.
Poor form, and Romney handled that as well as he could.

Totally agree.

Also, rich question coming from a Ron Paul supporter.
There's no reason to believe Romney is racist.
Other candidates are not asked to justify the dogmas of their own religion.
Poor form, and Romney handled that as well as he could.

He's heaped praise on a religious leader who, as part of his religious teachings, preached that if a white person tried to have sex with a black person he'd instantly die.


He's heaped praise on a religious leader who, as part of his religious teachings, preached that if a white person tried to have sex with a black person he'd instantly die.
Do I really need to pull out my copies of Deuteronomy and great book of crazy Catholic dogmas?
He's heaped praise on a religious leader who, as part of his religious teachings, preached that if a white person tried to have sex with a black person he'd instantly die.
Look at it like the Jerry Wright problem run the other way.

Granted, I think all candidates should be held to greater scrutiny about their choice to adhere to a given religion and what it says about them and their intellect, but the adult thing to do about it is to acknowledge that we are by and large a nation of people who live their lives by the prescriptions of varying fairy tales, and insofar as it's possible, those fairy tales should be ignored.


Unconfirmed Member
He's heaped praise on a religious leader who, as part of his religious teachings, preached that if a white person tried to have sex with a black person he'd instantly die.

*something something Jeremiah Wright*

I only worry about a candidates dogma when it appears to be exerting oversized influence on their policy directions.

That does not appear to be the case with Romney or Obama. Edit: Rick Santourm on the other hand...
Go for it. I criticize non-Mormon Christians for their religious texts, which are racist, sexist, advocate genocide ect. ect., all the time.
You're missing the point. All of the candidates are avowed believers. None of them is going to want to have a discussion about whose beliefs are more ridiculous.


*something something Jeremiah Wright*

I only worry about a candidates dogma when it appears to be exerting oversized influence on their policy directions.

That does not appear to be the case with Romney or Obama. Edit: Rick Santourm on the other hand...
I would point to Romney's vow to repeal DADT and his opposition to gay marriage as an example.
I would point to Romney's vow to repeal DADT and his opposition to gay marriage as an example.
I would point to some glass houses on that latter point. As for DADT, the belief that allowing openly gay members to serve will compromise combat readiness is factually nonsense, but on its face not religious.

Don't take me for an apologist for Romney's bullshit here; I think Mormonism is in many ways a completely risible belief system. I just don't see the point in going after him on it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Wait, you guys have been telling me more buying power would drive down costs.


are- are you kidding me with this here? we're talking about a corporate monopoly on prescription drugs making it harder for people that need medicine to get it even regardless of cost, and aren't your ilk the ones who claim that the answer to this all is eternal free market competi-

The bridge whence you came misses you immensely, and you should return to it.
Oh, right, okay. I am going to calm down now.


are- are you kidding me with this here? we're talking about a corporate monopoly on prescription drugs making it harder for people that need medicine to get it even regardless of cost, and aren't your ilk the ones who claim that the answer to this all is eternal free market competi-

I'm actually against this merger - and my company works very closely with ESI and Medco.


I'm kind of surprised that people are so quick to hand VA and NC over to Romney. If McCain couldn't win them in 08, there's no way Romney is winning them in '12.

The South is pretty lukewarm to Romney overall. I'm sure in the end, the Southern White vote will fall in line, but it is going to be a hard sell for the GOP given Romney's religious background, and his wishy-washy history.

This is how the map is likely going to look, with 3 swing states that could go either way.


This is all the map has to look like to win, and those blue states are all pretty much assured states at this point.



Fork 'em, Sparky!
Which states do you see there him not winning there? The only one that's likely going to be 3% or less is going to be FL.

Viriginia will probably swing back to red. Florida, Iowa, Montana and Colorado are all swing states that you have Obama winning with no questions asked? Most of these have been red 8 out of 10 times. You are automatically assuming these go blue without realizing that many things could change between now and then.


Viriginia will probably swing back to red. Florida, Iowa, Montana and Colorado are all swing states that you have Obama winning with no questions asked? Most of these have been red 8 out of 10 times. You are automatically assuming these go blue without realizing that many things could change between now and then.

Iowa and Colorado will go Blue, Florida and Montana I can see shifting red


Viriginia will probably swing back to red. Florida, Iowa, Montana and Colorado are all swing states that you have Obama winning with no questions asked? Most of these have been red 8 out of 10 times. You are automatically assuming these go blue without realizing that many things could change between now and then.

Democrats always overestimate their chances/mandate. Hell, many of them thought after 2008 that Republican majorities were over for good in either house of Congress..
Lot of chatter on Hillary 2016. If Obama gets his second term, Hillary (if she decides to run) is guaranteed in 2016. I wont be surprised if she runs mostly unopposed too. Now that self-righteous goofballs like Kucinich are off the map, that seems more than likely.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Lot of chatter on Hillary 2016. If Obama gets his second term, Hillary (if she decides to run) is guaranteed in 2016. I wont be surprised if she runs mostly unopposed too. Now that self-righteous goofballs like Kucinich are off the map, that seems more than likely.

What about John Edwards...oh yeah...right.

With Hillary being almost 70 in 2016, I can see a lot of other people stepping up and looking a lot "fresher" as the core Dem voters love young, hip, and forward thinking.


I would point to some glass houses on that latter point. As for DADT, the belief that allowing openly gay members to serve will compromise combat readiness is factually nonsense, but on its face not religious.

Don't take me for an apologist for Romney's bullshit here; I think Mormonism is in many ways a completely risible belief system. I just don't see the point in going after him on it.

My point was that the Mormon church is one of the most socially conservative, and most aggressive in combating the expansion of gay rights (Prop 8, for instance). Romeny's pledge to repeal DADT is consistant with his theology.

And Obama's refusal to push for gay marriage is just cowardice, then.

I do not fully disagree, though I think there is an element of political strategy at play (which I understand but don't fully endorse). Regardless, my preference is for Obama to fully endorse gay marriage; he's 90% of the way there already.
What about John Edwards...oh yeah...right.

With Hillary being almost 70 in 2016, I can see a lot of other people stepping up and looking a lot "fresher" as the core Dem voters love young, hip, and forward thinking.
She'll have Obama's endorsement :p

At this point, it's almost like she is the crown-princess. I mean, Prince Charles has been waiting for what, 100 years to become the King of England?


Viriginia will probably swing back to red. Florida, Iowa, Montana and Colorado are all swing states that you have Obama winning with no questions asked? Most of these have been red 8 out of 10 times. You are automatically assuming these go blue without realizing that many things could change between now and then.

You need to stop viewing Virginia as a southern state. The demographics in VA have greatly shifted over the last few elections.

Same thing with CO now, which has a very high Latino population. CO is fast becoming one of the most progressive states in the country.

I had Montana as red state, unless I clicked it wrong.

Obama will win VA by about 4-6%. Iowa by about 7-9% and CO by 10%+


What about John Edwards...oh yeah...right.

With Hillary being almost 70 in 2016, I can see a lot of other people stepping up and looking a lot "fresher" as the core Dem voters love young, hip, and forward thinking.

Gender > Age, the 1st woman President would scream hip over any younger man

And the US is not ready for a Latino President in 2016, probably 2020


You need to stop viewing Virginia as a southern state. The demographics in VA have greatly shifted over the last few elections.

Same thing with CO now, which has a very high Latino population. CO is fast becoming one of the most progressive states in the country.

I had Montana as red state, unless I clicked it wrong.

Obama will win VA by about 4-6%. Iowa by about 7-9% and CO by 10%+

Yup, people love to ignore the Latino population increase. We have some counties in Iowa that have grown 130% since the last election. And each one of those is scared to death of the rhetoric coming out of the GOP in regards to immigration.

The party as a whole shit away the advantage George W Bush handed them, and just like with the Black vote they won't get it back because jobs/security > faith in the minds of Latino voters.


Yup, people love to ignore the Latino population increase. We have some counties in Iowa that have grown 130% since the last election. And each one of those is scared to death of the rhetoric coming out of the GOP in regards to immigration.

The party as a whole shit away the advantage George W Bush handed them, and just like with the Black vote they won't get it back because jobs/security > faith in the minds of Latino voters.

Yeah, Iowa has many hispanic communities; they were growing rapidly when I moved from Iowa and that was in 2003. I've heard they've continued to grow though I haven't read the latest numbers.


Yup, people love to ignore the Latino population increase. We have some counties in Iowa that have grown 130% since the last election. And each one of those is scared to death of the rhetoric coming out of the GOP in regards to immigration.

The party as a whole shit away the advantage George W Bush handed them, and just like with the Black vote they won't get it back because jobs/security > faith in the minds of Latino voters.

They could get it back, if they didn't have so many public officials who tow the line spewed by racists and bigots. The democratic party has plenty of nut jobs within their ranks, but you don't see too many officials within it giving them the time of day much less actual encouragement from their party officials. But judging on how the right has been reacting thus far to their primary and the world in general, I don't see anyone standing up to them and saying enough is enough any time soon. I honestly hope I'm wrong, I want worthwhile competitive atmosphere where policy is up for debate not a circus of opportunistic stupidity; I just don't see it happening anytime soon, probably not till we get a legitimate third party or someone in that damn party and its voting block has an epiphany.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Yup, people love to ignore the Latino population increase. We have some counties in Iowa that have grown 130% since the last election. And each one of those is scared to death of the rhetoric coming out of the GOP in regards to immigration.

The party as a whole shit away the advantage George W Bush handed them, and just like with the Black vote they won't get it back because jobs/security > faith in the minds of Latino voters.

I don't think the large mobile populations of Latino populace are in large part voters. If the Dems can keep focusing on voter drives, maybe, but I just don't see the transient population you are talking about going to make sure they are registered in their county, have directions on where their polling booth is, and what reason they have for making the effort. Especially when polls are all in English. I would love to see a percentage participation rate amongst transient latino groups.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I just don't see it happening anytime soon, probably not till we get a legitimate third party or someone in that damn party and its voting block has an epiphany.

Hope there are more people like me: for legalized marijuana, higher taxes across the board, true universal healthcare (not Obamacare), investment in infrastructure, reducing military presence where none is needed, etc.

We do exist, and hopefully once the fires of stupidity have cleansed the Republican party, we will rise again.
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