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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Most people don't even like the law, I doubt they'll be particularly upset if it is overruled. In terms of running against the SC and pointing out how awesome the law was...eh. Good luck with that.

If the law was popular I think it would be more likely for the SC to uphold it.
The mandate might not be popular, but the individual parts of the ACA are pretty popular, no? If the SC decides to strike down the mandate and thereby also striking down the whole bill, that would kill all of the popular elements too. People would not be happy and Democrats could run on the SC and conservatives killing these ''good'' parts.
People hated pre-existing conditions. We all kinda forgot about that, but if it comes back, it will haunt the GOP in the fall, you'll just see an endless march of medical misery, and no one want to campaign against the cancer patient.
Not sure, but ''Hollywood'' is pretty much trying to kill Netflix, no? And given that net neutrality is in their best interest, I think they can't afford to support SOPA or similar ventures.
Well that's totally what they did in 2010.
Two very different situations. Dem majority and Dems not communicating that something might go wrong, versus basically a republican majority/control and dems pointing at all the things they killed/stalled etc.
Maybe she is hoping you'd reciprocate because she is worried about what you guys possibly uncovered? :/ I dunno. Odd.

that's what i was thinking. the night before, a local judge texted our treasurer (which was forwarded to me) saying he had a thick book of oppo against our opponent and he was willing to part with it. for some background, our opponent is a lawyer and the judges in the courthouse really dislike her because of her efforts in 2010 to unseat an incumbent judge.

we passed on the book for now (we already have our own and have a good idea what is in it) and instead told the judge to relay the information to our 3rd opponent, who has no scruples about unloading the information. in a 3 person primary, going negative early is a double-suicide.
The GOP really went all in on the notion that nothing the government can't do anything right.
Also, you can't go against St. Reagan, he was right about everything.

It's a dogma at this point.

But they do all the time. He raised taxes when the evidence showed they were too low. He supported gay teachers. He did an amnesty program. He negotiated with terrorists.

They have just created a Reagan myth to replace the real Reagan.


But they do all the time. He raised taxes when the evidence showed they were too low. He supported gay teachers. He did an amnesty program. He negotiated with terrorists.

They have just created a Reagan myth to replace the real Reagan.

Wasn't there a CBS interview where Cantor was adamant that Reagan never raised taxes?


But they do all the time. He raised taxes when the evidence showed they were too low. He supported gay teachers. He did an amnesty program. He negotiated with terrorists.

They have just created a Reagan myth to replace the real Reagan.
Indeed, and that's the point.
A real person is never as dogmatic and ideologically pure as the historic image we create.
If you listen to the soundclip it's pretty clear they're both aware of the sexual inuendo. If I recall correctly she first laughs for a bit and then says the unzip line. Then they laugh some more. They were both very much aware of and steering it into the sexual joke territory.


If you listen to the soundclip it's pretty clear they're both aware of the sexual inuendo. If I recall correctly she first laughs for a bit and then says the unzip line. Then they laugh some more. They were both very much aware of and steering it into the sexual joke territory.
I don't know.
Even godless liberal women don't make "my husband is a limp dick" jokes all that often.

Tapper asked Warren if he considers Mormons to be Christians. Warren did not give a yes or no answer, but he did acknowledge some issues he and many Christians have with the Mormon church.

I saw that this morning, he was let off the hook--a better interviewer would followed up with, "Yes or no, are Mormons Christians?"

By the way, Warren also said he can't accept gays because the Bible doesn't. Asked if dogs get into heaven, he said he can't imagine God not letting them in. Asked if cats get into heaven, he said, "Sure, why not?"

So...gays don't get into heaven, but dogs and cats do. Softball interview all the way.

John Stewart had that on his show last week and got a good chuckle out of it.
Looks like Romney and Bibi are all buddy-buddy


In a telling exchange during a debate in December, Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Gingrich for making a disparaging remark about Palestinians, declaring: “Before I made a statement of that nature, I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say: ‘Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?’ “

Martin S. Indyk, a United States ambassador to Israel in the Clinton administration, said that whether intentional or not, Mr. Romney’s statement implied that he would “subcontract Middle East policy to Israel.”

Just fucking great
Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Gingrich for making a disparaging remark about Palestinians, declaring: “Before I made a statement of that nature, I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say: ‘Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?’ “
What kind of subservient lapdog shit is that? Amazing.
Poligaf, I have had a question on my mind about economics

Does demand create supply or does supply create demand?

Supply can't create demand if there isn't any demand, and vice versa, but I'm sure no matter what the economy is like, there will always be demand and a need for supply for something.


Poligaf, I have had a question on my mind about economics

Does demand create supply or does supply create demand?

Short answer: it depends.

For some things, like food, there will always be a demand. Demand creates supply.

For other things, like iPads, people don't even know they want something like that until someone invents it. Then they see how cool it is and want one. Supply creates demand.

But in the latter case, the supply will stop if demand isn't there, and if demand is there, it will create more supply.

Thus we can generally say that demand creates supply, and that demand-side economics are the way to go.
To what end? You think Obama wants to relive his "I have to deal with him more often than you" comment? It's not a winner for the Obama campaign to bring up.
The idea that Romney is cozy with the leader of Iran is an unsettling one, not just to me but probably to a lot of people. Obama doesn't have to mention this, the third party ads can.
Only thing worth taking from the Romney/Bibi stuff is that Romney seems perfectly fine with allowing Israel to do whatever they want, which certainly appeals to their government. I'd imagine they would certainly want Romney as president instead of Obama, and they just might meddle with the election (IE attack Iran) to get what they want
Only thing worth taking from the Romney/Bibi stuff is that Romney seems perfectly fine with allowing Israel to do whatever they want, which certainly appeals to their government. I'd imagine they would certainly want Romney as president instead of Obama, and they just might meddle with the election (IE attack Iran) to get what they want
If they attack Iran then Obama could back them and become Mr. War president hero guy and win the election. Of course, it would all end in tears eventually but he'd probably win the election.

I think I'd much rather go with the guy who calls Bibi a pain-in-the-ass (which he is) rather than the softy guy who will ask him for permission.


Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Gingrich for making a disparaging remark about Palestinians, declaring: “Before I made a statement of that nature, I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say: ‘Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?’

The funny thing about that quote is how the first line goes, "Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Gingrich for making a disparaging remark about Palestinians." I was like, oh hey, Romney's being a half decent human being. Then the next line is like, nope, he's just being the ultimate pandering sleazebag we all know and love.
Only thing worth taking from the Romney/Bibi stuff is that Romney seems perfectly fine with allowing Israel to do whatever they want, which certainly appeals to their government. I'd imagine they would certainly want Romney as president instead of Obama, and they just might meddle with the election (IE attack Iran) to get what they want

It's worse than that. Allowing Israel to do whatever they want would just mean, we don't care what they do anymore. Romney (and most of current GOP party leaders) would allow Israel to dictate completely US foreign policy when it comes to that region.

US already has an issue with everything it does seen through the prism of Israel, Romney with that statement is basically surrendering US middle east foreign policy to Israel.

Now, of course, that would not happen in reality if Romney became President. But just the fact that the GOP nominee is saying that should frighten Americans (but it won't)


Junior Member
Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Gingrich for making a disparaging remark about Palestinians, declaring: “Before I made a statement of that nature, I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say: ‘Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?’

Wow, that takes butt kissing to a whole new level.


I find it hilarious how much that Romney statement is exactly the kind of shit they hound Obama for.

That's the very definition of bending over to the rest of the world; or just Israel in this case.


I find it hilarious how much that Romney statement is exactly the kind of shit they hound Obama for.

That's the very definition of bending over to the rest of the world; or just Israel in this case.

For some reason bending over and taking it from Israel is the exception.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member


Iran's nuclear talks are coming up this week. Long story short:
*Iran insists on no preconditions.
*Iran is apparently proposing that nrichment will continue at 20% until a sufficient amount is stockpiled for medical/research uses. Then enrichment will be winded down back to 3.5%.
*The US wants them to also shut down the underground facilities at Qom.

I personally expected a compromise to be reached before the summer so now I guess we'll see if that engine turns over.

For Obama, he just needs to find a compromise that can't be used against him in debates. I don't think you can effectively mud sling on something as complicated as middle east policy in a campaign ad but a debate is a good place for Romney to have false bravado about how he would have handled the situation.
Romney's subservience doesn't surprise me in the least given that general sort of thinking runs amok through the GOP especially----he was perhaps just the first guy to articulate loudly what most of them are thinking anyways.

Of course, that such a person who WOULD say this loudly and proudly is this close to the running for presidency of the United States is but another incredibly depressing reason to heap on the pile.
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