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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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His assertion was that states were not spending money on the poor since TANF was enacted. But clearly they still are, as spending on medicaid and education has exploded since that time.

The rise in population over a decade cannot account for that much of a rise in spending.
No as much money as they can be because they use most of the money to plug up state holes, but then again you're ignoring my original point. Le sigh.

Edit: I remember some time ago that the Senate Democrats put forth a budge of some kind, pretty progressive, with about 50% in tax hikes or something. What was it?


.....a whole lot of stuff about the web

I did not want to quote your entire post, it was a good read and I remember reading that Obama's team spent almost a year working on the details and the fact that it HAD to work in iPhones, Android, iPad and multiple types of displays. So the fact you picked up on the design of the site is probably what they were hoping for.

And LOL at Romney's war on women. So Obama hates women and keeps them from jobs but nominated 2 female Supreme Court Judges, has a female Homeland Security Advisor, and a female Secretary of State.

And to top it off he is not waging a war on their bodies like the GOP, I am sure most women would suffer shit employment over government control of their bodies and decisions. One is a business side effect and the other is purely political.
God how stupid does Hilary Rosen got to be to not understand one of the first rules of politics: never attack a spouse unless the spouse does something really stupid. Ann Romney seems like a nice enough person.

Sometimes I wonder about people in the political arena making elementary school mistakes like this.

My two paragraphs or hers? Everything Ann Coulter says usually rounds about and ends up contradicting herself. Now she's trying to convince the world that Romney is a conservative and has always been an ultra conservative, and that anyone thinking otherwise is a silly ridiculous liberal media poopoo head who is blind to all facts but her.

She's such an amazing troll.

The thing is so clearly now about "how much do you hate Obama?" more than "how much do you love Romney?"

I mean, every conservative I talk to - there is pretty much nothing but conservatives at the Army Depot I work at - says they distrust Mitt Romney and everything he stands for, but goddamn if they'll let that blankity blank (usually some racist shit, 75% of the time I'm talking to these people) become president again.

And whenever I ask why they hate him, they'll usually list a litany of issues that were supported by Republicans no more than five or six years ago, or even directly supported by Romney now. These people have no shame. When I talked to this one guy Gary O'Toole about how The Individual Mandate was originally the Republican alternative to 'government takeover' of health care, the only response I get is that I'm either making it up or that obviously Obama's is missing some essential provision that thus makes it true government take over.

None of it's logical. It's all team colors and Rush Limbaugh's talking points and buzz words cobbled together by certain clever partisans who realize how easy it is to manipulate the masses who are already inclined to believe negatives about someone they dislike and are equally willing to spread those negatives without regard for sourcing or factual accuracy of any kind.

And knowing the Republicans, somehow any big SuperPac donator that donates to Obama will become a huge issue and Obama will magically support all his positions, but any Republican donator who puts $1,000,000 or more into the pot has "no influence of any kind" and "I can't be arsed to control the opinions of my surrogates, why blame me for that racist shit he said?"

That was a dumb comment. I cringed when I heard it. Anne Romney seems like a nice person but even if she wasn't it was a dumb thing to do.


awesome post

Great post. It's really starting to hit me that we're full-on into GE mode. The Obama campaign is back to releasing response ads to things happening just hours before the ad goes up and it's sent out to his 25 million followers on Facebook, 14 million Twitter followers, and who know how many million e-mail addresses. A significant chunk of those people will share the videos with their follows and it just snowballs. The Republicans will not be able to come close to competing in this regard.

I did not want to quote your entire post, it was a good read and I remember reading that Obama's team spent almost a year working on the details and the fact that it HAD to work in iPhones, Android, iPad and multiple types of displays. So the fact you picked up on the design of the site is probably what they were hoping for.

And LOL at Romney's war on women. So Obama hates women and keeps them from jobs but nominated 2 female Supreme Court Judges, has a female Homeland Security Advisor, and a female Secretary of State.

And to top it off he is not waging a war on their bodies like the GOP, I am sure most women would suffer shit employment over government control of their bodies and decisions. One is a business side effect and the other is purely political.

Weren't some people calling Obama sexist when he was beating Hillary in the primary in 08? Hillaryis44 is a campaign advisor to Romney!
This is a little OT. I'm using Chrome and since about a week ago every time I refresh a page it jumps back to the top of the page so I keep losing my place. Does anyone else have this issue with google chrome?


Great post. It's really starting to hit me that we're full-on into GE mode. The Obama campaign is back to releasing response ads to things happening just hours before the ad goes up and it's sent out to his 25 million followers on Facebook, 14 million Twitter followers, and who know how many million e-mail addresses. A significant chunk of those people will share the videos with their follows and it just snowballs. The Republicans will not be able to come close to competing in this regard.

Yeah, it's really kind of amazing how quickly they flipped the switch. They're really on-top of things thus far.
well atleast the Romney campaign found something to stick too, rather than just saying we dont hate women etc

and that Ann Romney comment is blowing up all over twitter now, shes on fox news today. And expect the "war on housewives" gop ads anytime now, lol well done Rosen.

I doubt a lot of lower-income or middle-class people will share Ann Romney's outrage. They just sound so fake doing it. But hey, if they want to keep bringing up the War on Women meme, keep going....it's just going to help Democrats.


Rovian tactics are in full effect:

Obama is waging a war on women (despite being light years ahead of the Republicans on issues of equality and women's health)

Obama's broken promises (Despite the fact that his only REAL broken promises were to his liberal base, and by breaking those promises, actually voted for more Republican friendly positions)

Obama's failed economic policies (Despite the fact that there has been job growth every month for the last 2 + years)

Obama's tax record (despite the fact that he's lowered taxes further through credits, exclusions, and incentives than even Bush by extending the Bush tax cuts on top of his own tax reductions)


I doubt a lot of lower-income or middle-class people will share Ann Romney's outrage. They just sound so fake doing it. But hey, if they want to keep bringing up the War on Women meme, keep going....it's just going to help Democrats.

Yep, as long as this "war on women" is coming up, democrats will keep bringing up the republican's anti-contraceptive, anti-abortion, and anti-Planned Parenthood stances that Romney commited to in the primaries. I think yesterday was proof that Obama's team isn't going to let this stuff slide.
At this point, Ann Romney is pretty much a campaign surrogate and now needs to be asked if she supports the Blunt Ammendment, supports denying birth control as a part of insurance, supports women's right to choose, supports life at conception ammendment.


i mean you don't need to tell me that twice, I already knew... I just was stopped in my tracks by how brazenly retarded that specific comment was.
The entire article was brazen nonsense. Hell, the entirety of Ann Coulter's career is brazen nonsense. From the same article "Liberal Republicans always lose. Because he is not a liberal, Romney stands a good chance of beating Obama this fall." That's beautifully cogent and logical. Only, earlier in the article she qualified Nixon and Bush 41 as moderates who bested their conservative rivals, yet they won. But for my own welfare, I'll stop fulminating about Ann Coulter and ignore her.
Looks like dems blew the lead they gained earlier today with Romney's Ledbetter nonsense
How mindlessly counterproductive. The onus is on the GOP to refute their misogyny; let's not abet them. Still, the salience of gender politics can only benefit Democrats.
I too like Ann Romney, and Rosen definitely should not have said what she said how she said it, but she's right. Staying home to raise kids is a luxury. My mother raised 4 kids and worked full time. Romney should realize that luxury and be reaching to women who aren't married to wealthy men to get a better idea of what they're going through.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
2012 US federal budget:

Total revenue $2.627 trillion (requested)
$2.469 trillion (enacted)

Total expenditures $3.729 trillion (requested)
$3.796 trillion (enacted)

Deficit $1.101 trillion (requested)
$1.327 trillion (enacted)

Thanks, GOP, for trying to minimize the deficit.

Oh wait...

User 406

Is it just me, or does anyone else immediately think of toothpaste when they see Romney's R graphic?

Dammit Clevinger, I was perfectly happy as a lurker but when you posted that I felt an irresistible compulsion:


Sorry it's so tiny, the only blank toothpaste tube image I could find was that one. Someone with art skills should make a version that's actually good. :p
I too like Ann Romney, and Rosen definitely should not have said what she said how she said it, but she's right. Staying home to raise kids is a luxury. My mother raised 4 kids and worked full time. Romney should realize that luxury and be reaching to women who aren't married to wealthy men to get a better idea of what they're going through.

ehhhh... you're saying it wrong too. It's a luxury to be able to do it. It's not a luxury doing it. It's a full time job and hard work if you're doing it right. Don't take that away from stay at home mothers. It's not easy. It's 24-7 for at least 5 years and almost that for at least another 13.

Someone was raising you when your mom was working a 9-5 (and if not true in your case, it is true in most cases) and they considered that their job, right? So, why is it different if the mother is doing it? No pay?


ehhhh... you're saying it wrong too. It's a luxury to be able to do it. It's not a luxury doing it. It's a full time job and hard work if you're doing it right. Don't take that away from stay at home mothers. It's not easy. It's 24-7 for at least 5 years and almost that for at least another 13.

Someone was raising you when your mom was working a 9-5 (and if not true in your case, it is true in most cases) and they considered that their job, right? So, why is it different if the mother is doing it? No pay?

Yeah, this is correct. You definitely shouldn't phrase things in such a way that detracts from the job of stay at home mothers. They work their asses off.

But, did the Romneys have any sort of maids or nannies? Kudos to them if they didn't, but I kind of find it hard to believe they wouldn't with the kind of money they had.

Edit: Oh, the Romneys apparently did have some maids, but things don't really seem to add up.

The campaigns themselves should absolutely not get into this, but I doubt Ann had even so much as a quarter the amount of hard time that my mother had raising me and my sister (she worked full time at a salon connected to our house, and had us home with her), or most mothers around the country had, simply because they had the money and security.


Raising children is a full time job but that isn't what Mitt Romney was referring when he talks about women and nor was it what Rosen was talking about either. This is why the outrage by Ann Romney is fake. It should be clear what was being spoken about.

I thought jobless claim numbers increasing was good because it shows more are looking for work and haven't given up? Well at least good if job creation numbers are still in the positive.


I too like Ann Romney, and Rosen definitely should not have said what she said how she said it, but she's right. Staying home to raise kids is a luxury. My mother raised 4 kids and worked full time. Romney should realize that luxury and be reaching to women who aren't married to wealthy men to get a better idea of what they're going through.
It shouldn't be a luxury.


My mom raised 4 kids and hasn't worked a day in the past 20 years.

So I can personally understand the situation of stay at home moms... and she was a great mom. That being said, there's something to be said for women who can juggle a career and manage their family successfully. I think it discredits women who've been able to juggle both, as Rosen has, if you simply say "Raising a family is work too"...it implies there's equal work and stress, and I'm sure most working moms would disagree there.

At the very least, people should understand why women who juggle both may feel the way they feel about women who don't.

Rosen isn't backing off, because I'm sure she's insulted that Ann Romney gets credit for being a "mom" whereas Rosen doesn't get credit for doing both. All in all, it was a dumb thing to say on her part and a tactical mistake for the DNC!


Professional Schmuck
Why not take the up-is-down Rovian tactics to Romney?

1. Romney would be bad for the wealthy and hurt job creators

2. Romney's lifestyle is weird, un-Christian, and un-American

3. Romney putting his money in Swiss Bank Accounts and in the Cayman Islands -- in the midst of two foreign wars and a massive deficit -- is unpatriotic and un-American.

4. The military wouldn't trust a cost-cutting off-shore artist like Romney. What's he going to do, off-shore our bomb production?

5. Deficits would rise under Romney as he cuts jobs and reduces revenue!

6. Does Romney believe in Jesus?

7. Romney's rich guy attitude is incompatible with good-ol' southern pride. You gonna take some yank tellin' you what to do?

8. Romney doesn't hate immigrants! Sure, he says he doesn't want them here, but that's because he's giving our jobs to them right in their own home country!

I can go on


My mom raised 4 kids and hasn't worked a day in the past 20 years.

So I can personally understand the situation of stay at home moms... and she was a great mom. That being said, there's something to be said for women who can juggle a career and manage their family successfully. I think it discredits women who've been able to juggle both, as Rosen has, if you simply say "Raising a family is work too"...it implies there's equal work and stress, and I'm sure most working moms would disagree there.

At the very least, people should understand why women who juggle both may feel the way they feel about women who don't.

Rosen isn't backing off, because I'm sure she's insulted that Ann Romney gets credit for being a "mom" whereas Rosen doesn't get credit for doing both. All in all, it was a dumb thing to say on her part and a tactical mistake for the DNC!
Where I disagree with Rosen is the locus of her polemic. Ann Romney is not unable to empathize with the plight of the average woman because she was a homemaker. I'm sure a homemaker from a middle-class/working family would understand the struggle to provide for their family. Rather, Ann Romney's unqualified to offer her insight because the Romney's are exceptionally wealthy. As a family, they have no conception of financial adversity. Instead of focusing on Ann Romney's experience as a homemaker, she should have focused on their detachment from the experience of the average American. Now, instead of attacking the misogynistic policies recently propagated by the GOP as we had been, we're talking about career women and homemakers.
This Ann Romney thing is gonna blow past, it's April and I guess everyone is bored. The general election doesn't start until the conventions.

I'd like to see Romney continue to put an emphasis on women's issues. It's a stance he cannot win.
Is it just me, or does anyone else immediately think of toothpaste when they see Romney's R graphic?
Yeah, but I don't know why...

So that's why it looked so familiar...
Ah that explains it.

So who wants to make guess on Ron or Newt dropping out? One is bonkers and the other the ultimate troll/asshole, so it's kind of hard to pick. That said with Newt's Utah check bouncing incident I suspect he's bleeding funds badly. Paul I suspect has more reserves (and worse to worse he or his supporters can always do Cash for Gold), but Newt is a massive tool with unlimited trolling skills? It's honestly a hard toss up. Personally I think Ron will drop after Newt does due to lack of funds. I suspect Ron may want to one up Newt...not that it matters.
This Ann Romney thing is gonna blow past, it's April and I guess everyone is bored. The general election doesn't start until the conventions.

I'd like to see Romney continue to put an emphasis on women's issues. It's a stance he cannot win.

The only way he wins it is if the economy gets worse or stagnates. Which is why Obama's camp should be focusing on other issues - no point in being dragged into false equivalency land on an issue you're winning by 15 points. That's no to say this particular gaffe is a false equivalency: saying a house wife "has never worked a day in her life" is insulting, period. And while others argue the point should be that Ann Romney lived a privileged life therefore cannot relate to regular women, attacking a spouse never looks good. Save that argument for Mitt Romney.

This will have more traction that Romney's Ledbetter slight gaffe because the far right is a lot better at extending this stuff and they have an entire network to play the Outrage Card; and of course the rest of the networks will gladly wring their hands alongside Fox, wondering what happened to civility and why hasn't Obama personally called Ann Romney to apologize.

Obama is up by around 15 points with women, that number has nowhere to go but down. Given the economy, the last thing democrats need to do is give republicans openings like this - however slight because as I said, the outrage machine is potent.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Informative! Thanks.
No problem! So glad others were able to get something out of it.

Thanks for the excellent post, Hawkian, it was really interesting. (I don't have much to add here, I just felt it warranted compliments)
I really appreciate it. :)
I did not want to quote your entire post, it was a good read and I remember reading that Obama's team spent almost a year working on the details and the fact that it HAD to work in iPhones, Android, iPad and multiple types of displays. So the fact you picked up on the design of the site is probably what they were hoping for.
Absolutely true. HTML5/css/jQuery ensures it'll look good on just about any browser/device. And at lower resolutions it holds up wonderfully in comparison to Romney's site. All the usability problems with mittromney.com are present on my screen at 1080p... they just get worse at lower resolutions.

It's just a really great site. It'll be used as the template for successful campaign websites in future elections, make no mistake.

Great post. It's really starting to hit me that we're full-on into GE mode. The Obama campaign is back to releasing response ads to things happening just hours before the ad goes up and it's sent out to his 25 million followers on Facebook, 14 million Twitter followers, and who know how many million e-mail addresses. A significant chunk of those people will share the videos with their follows and it just snowballs. The Republicans will not be able to come close to competing in this regard.
Thank you, and it just really hit me while I was processing all the info for that post about the General Election campaign too. The whole operation is just a juggernaut, and with a decent head start, too.

Yeah, it's really kind of amazing how quickly they flipped the switch. They're really on-top of things thus far.
Yep... seriously, they must have had a ton of content ready to modify and publish the instant the nominee was decided.

Dammit Clevinger, I was perfectly happy as a lurker but when you posted that I felt an irresistible compulsion:


Sorry it's so tiny, the only blank toothpaste tube image I could find was that one. Someone with art skills should make a version that's actually good. :p
Hah, it's kind of a potent metaphor as well... after every last nominee was squeezed out, Romney's the last remaining little bit left in the tube. Frustrating, hard to get, and generally unsatisfying, but it's all that's left.
Obama is up by around 15 points with women, that number has nowhere to go but down. Given the economy, the last thing democrats need to do is give republicans openings like this - however slight because as I said, the outrage machine is potent.

Why do you say that? It can go up some more, once the general campaign starts. We still need soundbytes of Romney wanting to shutdown Planned Parenthood and other personhood crap he wants. They're sure to pop up, if not in ads then in GE debates.
Now, instead of attacking the misogynistic policies recently propagated by the GOP as we had been, we're talking about career women and homemakers.
The upside is that we have working moms as well. Ann simply can't hide behind raising 5 kids. Lot of women did that and ran the household as well.
Why do you say that? It can go up some more, once the general campaign starts. We still need soundbytes of Romney wanting to shutdown Planned Parenthood and other personhood crap he wants. They're sure to pop up, if not in ads then in GE debates.

I'm sorry, but it's highly unlikely that Obama wins women by 15 points in November. Most women are not going to be focused on Planned Parenthood - this economy will be about the economy. And as Romney's numbers improve post convention/VP, women women will move back to the right.
The upside is that we have working moms as well. Ann simply can't hide behind raising 5 kids. Lot of women did that and ran the household as well.

Not all of them wanted to do that though, but had no choice. You have to look and ask what they would have done if they had the choice. Now for those that did and still did full time work, you have a point, but how many is that versus the original number.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm sorry, but it's highly unlikely that Obama wins women by 15 points in November. Most women are not going to be focused on Planned Parenthood - this economy will be about the economy. And as Romney's numbers improve post convention/VP, women women will move back to the right.
I know you find this logically obvious, but do you have any historical examples of things going this way...? About a month before the conventions, Obama led with women by around 10 points over McCain. Polls showed the lead jump to 15% following that; he won the election with 13% more of the female vote.

Still jumps back to the top of the page every time. Quite annoying.
You should get this badass new extension for Chrome.
I'm sorry, but it's highly unlikely that Obama wins women by 15 points in November. Most women are not going to be focused on Planned Parenthood - this economy will be about the economy. And as Romney's numbers improve post convention/VP, women women will move back to the right.
Yeah right. Women will not move back to the right. As if they will go from "Screw GOP they want to take away our reproductive rights" to "Hey GOP wants to take away our reproductive rights but that's OK because Romney had a convention last night"
If you think the Hilary Rosen thing is create a serious problem for Democrats, here's a handy tweet from Catholic League to even the score:

CatholicLeague said:
Lesbian Dem Hilary Rosen tells Ann Romney she never worked a day in her life. Unlike Rosen, who had to adopt kids, Ann raised 5 of her own.
She adopted kids! That monster!

And calling her a lesbian? That just reminds me of right-wingers posting photoshopped pictures of hairy Rosie O'Donnell on Facebook to represent the average liberal woman.
I know you find this logically obvious, but do you have any historical examples of things going this way...? About a month before the conventions, Obama led with women by around 10 points over McCain. Polls showed the lead jump to 15% following that; he won the election with 13% more of the female vote.

I don't think 2008 is a good example because Obama was not an incumbent that year. With the economy and everything else on his shoulders, he's held accountable for the state of the country. As such he has less potential/breathing room, like all incumbents and I would expect that his numbers decrease among nearly every voting group (except blacks and young voters).

I think people underestimate the problems with the economy, and overestimate the importance of things like Romney's Planned Parenthood comments

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
If you think the Hilary Rosen thing is create a serious problem for Democrats, here's a handy tweet from Catholic League to even the score:

She adopted kids! That monster!

And calling her a lesbian? That just reminds me of right-wingers posting photoshopped pictures of hairy Rosie O'Donnell on Facebook to represent the average liberal woman.

I really don't like this fight. Ann Romney doesn't deserve to be ridiculed about this unless she makes it a point of Romney's campaign. Family members should really be left out of this. At least it's not like the vicious attacks Michelle gets, though. Lysol wipe!! Grrrrrr, so angry!
Yeah right. Women will not move back to the right. As if they will go from "Screw GOP they want to take away our reproductive rights" to "Hey GOP wants to take away our reproductive rights but that's OK because Romney had a convention last night"

I suspect most won't care due to it having minimal impact for most women in their daily life (in terms of access or need), not being a single issue voter, age gap and voting numbers on who it matters too, or little belief that Romney will push the issue much beyond campaigning issues.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I suspect most won't care due to it having minimal impact for most women in their daily life (in terms of access or need), not being a single issue voter, age gap and voting numbers on who it matters too, or little belief that Romney will push the issue much beyond campaigning issues.

A lot of the stuff that Republicans, and Romney are against, actually do affect the daily lives of women. For instance equal pay bills, also the HCR bill has provisions that don't allow insurance companies to jack up the price of insurance for women. It's not just about reproductive rights. I feel like this won't just blow over so easily.
A lot of the stuff that Republicans, and Romney are against, actually do affect the daily lives of women. For instance equal pay bills, also the HCR bill has provisions that don't allow insurance companies to jack up the price of insurance for women. It's not just about reproductive rights. I feel like this won't just blow over so easily.

Romney supports equal pay. And considering most people want the health care bill repealed, I don't see that as a major hurdle for him either


Romney supports equal pay. And considering most people want the health care bill repealed, I don't see that as a major hurdle for him either

Regardless, he's behind by 15 points with women right now, which is in line with Obama's actual peformance in 2008. If the economy sinks, Obama's numbers will drop across the board. But without that, I don't see Romney outperforming McCain with women.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Regardless, he's behind by 15 points with women right now, which is in line with Obama's actual peformance in 2008. If the economy sinks, Obama's numbers will drop across the board. But without that, I don't see Romney outperforming McCain with women.

That was the point I was trying to make.

Phoenix, his numbers in all groups may dip, but I don't think the fact that Obama's running as an incumbent now with have more of an impact on demographic (such as women) than the contrast with the candidate himself.


A lot of the stuff that Republicans, and Romney are against, actually do affect the daily lives of women. For instance equal pay bills, also the HCR bill has provisions that don't allow insurance companies to jack up the price of insurance for women. It's not just about reproductive rights. I feel like this won't just blow over so easily.

Uh oh: Obama White House Pays Women Less Than Men

You won't hear the Obama campaign mention this any more and it definitely won't be brought up in a debate when Romney will simply say "Mr. President, you're the one paying women less than men, not me."
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