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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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even though I am only voting for Obama purely for supreme court purposes this time around, I really want to win even more than I did last time around for the simple fact that the Republicans at my job - which make up 99.9% of the entire workforce in my Army Depot - are so obnoxious about how bad Obama is going to lose. It's going to be HILARIOUS to watch the day after meltdowns if Obama wins. They really think everyone in the country hates him and can't wait for the chance to kick him out.
At this point Rasmussen really needs to stop trolling. Nobody but crazy Paulites actually believe that an Obama/Paul match-up is a fucking tie. Why are they even polling for Paul/Obama?


Kadima just jumped in.
"Unity government" bullshit.
Mofaz knew he would get crushed in the election.
It's all political crap.

It was obvious, Mofaz is still a Likud man in pretty much every way. Kadima is a joke of a party.
I think canceling the early elections is for the best though - It'll give the protests in the summer more headlines in the news and this might change public opinion just enough that by the time the election rolls over Bibi will be given the swift kick in the ass he deserves.

And I don't see how this decrease the chance of Israel air striking in Iran (which is almost non-existent as it is), if anything this slightly increases it.


even though I am only voting for Obama purely for supreme court purposes this time around, I really want to win even more than I did last time around for the simple fact that the Republicans at my job - which make up 99.9% of the entire workforce in my Army Depot - are so obnoxious about how bad Obama is going to lose. It's going to be HILARIOUS to watch the day after meltdowns if Obama wins. They really think everyone in the country hates him and can't wait for the chance to kick him out.

I can't even imagine the right wing freak outs after Obama wins again. It will be awe-inspiring.
even though I am only voting for Obama purely for supreme court purposes this time around, I really want to win even more than I did last time around for the simple fact that the Republicans at my job - which make up 99.9% of the entire workforce in my Army Depot - are so obnoxious about how bad Obama is going to lose. It's going to be HILARIOUS to watch the day after meltdowns if Obama wins. They really think everyone in the country hates him and can't wait for the chance to kick him out.

dat bubble

Someone is going to capitalize on that with conspiracy theories of voter fraud, and I fully expect it to be on Drudge/Fox News rather quickly. And you just know elected officials will chime in. It'll be disgusting and amusing

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
This is absolutely the greatest avatar and post combination I've ever seen.

Also, I find it funny that the only offending thing that you point to seems to be the color of the clothes. Do you realize that for a long time colors and clothing were used interchangeably on children, and that for at least a little while people viewed pink as the boys color (due to its relation to red, the more fiery color), and blue was the softer, girly color? Social norms expectations, especially with clothing change.

Yes pink being "girly" is a pretty new thing. I've been curious how this relatively recent trend correlates with the women's liberation movements of the last century.

Like for women, since wearing pink is not taboo at all they could choose any color to wear but you do see an incredibly disproportionate representation of the color pink in women's products. Perhaps there is a secret here? Something about it that makes them able to break through all these glass ceilings. That it either inspired them or just got the men in power to get their guard down.

Nowadays, men are being passed in education. Soon we may even be passed in wages. We are losing because we are afraid of the color pink when we should really be embracing it. This woman on the bus wasn't willing to hold her son back. A man wearing pink is masculine if anything.
It's funny seeing the fiercest Obama fans from 08 come to my side. Hillary looks better every day


She voted for the war. You haven't blocked that out or anything, right?

She claims she didn't believe that the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002" was an authorization for the use of military force. You know who did understand that and got it right?
It's funny seeing the fiercest Obama fans from 08 come to my side. Hillary looks better every day

I'm not at all convinced that a Hillary presidency would have produced any significantly different results than Obama's. Republicans still would have stonewalled her domestic agenda into oblivion and the economy would still be struggling.

For as high as her approvals are now, she's also in an office that's pretty removed from the usual political bullshit. The right-wing noise machine would have destroyed her.

That being said, I think she'd still beat Romney.


It's funny seeing the fiercest Obama fans from 08 come to my side. Hillary looks better every day


Right. No liberal here is hesitant to vote for Obama because "he maybe possibly could have been more forceful with congress and get a better healthcare bill." It's because of the wars, drone strikes, civil liberties, coziness to corporations, etc. And I've never seen a single person argue that Hillary would have been better on these issues.

Why does Mitt think this is a good strategy? His statements and stance are all out there. It's extremely easy to rip this to shreds. For fuck sake, he wrote an article advocating for the auto industry to fail. All this does is highlight that Obama's actions did save the American auto industry. How does that help you if your main attack is economic in nature?

Because cable news won't call him out on it.
The Politico story on 'Rush Babes'... holy shit, the comments. Conservative commenters were creepy before, but now that they actually link their facebook to the comments makes it an entirely new experience.
even though I am only voting for Obama purely for supreme court purposes this time around, I really want to win even more than I did last time around for the simple fact that the Republicans at my job - which make up 99.9% of the entire workforce in my Army Depot - are so obnoxious about how bad Obama is going to lose. It's going to be HILARIOUS to watch the day after meltdowns if Obama wins. They really think everyone in the country hates him and can't wait for the chance to kick him out.

Groupthink. That is a bad thing. You gotta keep challenging yourself with outside information and different views.

We are all guilty of it to a degree but you really do need to try to avoid it. And at least try to view things differently.


People here are wondering about today's primary ballot in Wisconsin. Specifically they're wondering why all the fake democrats (Republicans running as democrats just to fudge the system) are listed first. At the same time Walker is listed first on his side, above the challenger. See here. Weird.

And, in three out of the four Democratic primaries for state Senate seats, the Republican-sponsored fake candidate appears in the top line. In all, five of the six Democratic primary races in Wisconsin today feature the fake candidates in the first ballot line.

And in surprising news the Republicans blocked the Senate version of the student loan interest bill


I can already sense Obama working up a good zinger about Romney wanting credit for the Bin Laden kill, credit for the auto bailout, but for some reason no credit for what he actually helped enact.


Because cable news won't call him out on it.

Yeah, I was just about to edit something like that in. Is media so weak that candidates can spew such blatant lies--that are extremely easy to disprove--and not be immediately torn to shreds the moment it leaves their mouth? Sadly, apparently so.



Why does Mitt think this is a good strategy? His statements and stance are all out there. It's extremely easy to rip this to shreds. For fuck sake, he wrote an article advocating for the auto industry to fail. All this does is highlight that Obama's actions did save the American auto industry. How does that help you if your main attack is economic in nature?

This answers the question... "How does Mitt Romney fuck up a sub par employment report"
I can already sense Obama working up a good zinger about Romney wanting credit for the Bin Laden kill, credit for the auto bailout, but for some reason no credit for what he actually helped enact.
Oooh. Not bad. Catty as hell, but not bad at all.
even though I am only voting for Obama purely for supreme court purposes this time around, I really want to win even more than I did last time around for the simple fact that the Republicans at my job - which make up 99.9% of the entire workforce in my Army Depot - are so obnoxious about how bad Obama is going to lose. It's going to be HILARIOUS to watch the day after meltdowns if Obama wins. They really think everyone in the country hates him and can't wait for the chance to kick him out.

My favorite part last election was when they kept repeating "He only won because he was black! It was an election on race!"


BLS has their monthly JOLTS report, showing a breakdown of churn in the labor force, for March (one month lag with the monthly jobs report).


Job openings are up significantly month over month, and at a much higher level than last year. Quits (voluntary separations) are up as well, a sign of some healing in the jobs market. The rise in job openings typically signals an increase in net jobs a couple months out. Implies much better job growth over the next few months compared to the same period last year (when it was at a standstill).
I wonder if Obama will call Lugar after he loses tonight. They seemed to develop a legitimate friendship, and Obama followed through on the issue they worked together on in the senate (loose nuclear materials) once he became president.
These people running a primary against Lugar are delusional. Apparently he has a long, liberal record on healthcare, taxes, spending, etc.


relative newcomer to Indiana politics, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock. A conservative favorite elected in 2006 to his current post, he previously had a long career in the energy sector, founding an environmental consulting business.
What could that have possibly been? A how-to-avoid-environmental-regulations consulting firm? What environmental concern does a Tea-partier possibly have?


I wonder if Obama will call Lugar after he loses tonight. They seemed to develop a legitimate friendship, and Obama followed through on the issue they worked together on in the senate (loose nuclear materials) once he became president.

I suspect he will. They've continued to work together on the issue; Lugar was Obama's primary GOP ally for New Start in the Senate.

It's early yet, but Lugar is getting crushed.
I suspect he will. They've continued to work together on the issue; Lugar was Obama's primary GOP ally for New Start in the Senate.

It's early yet, but Lugar is getting crushed.

And what a shame that the Tea Party is playing politics on that issue. Granted if Lugar was a blue dog type democrat who voted alongside President McCain on domestic issues, I wouldn't be happy and neither would the rest of us. But the START treaty is something you'd think would not be purely political. Same with the general idea of securing loose nuclear material.

But as many have said, the far right base truly believes Obama hates America, and by proxy working with him to achieve anything=helping him destroy America. No wonder they're trying to discredit is involvement in the death of OBL. An America hating fraud would not order such an attack in the first place


And what a shame that the Tea Party is playing politics on that issue. Granted if Lugar was a blue dog type democrat who voted alongside President McCain on domestic issues, I wouldn't be happy and neither would the rest of us. But the START treaty is something you'd think would not be purely political. Same with the general idea of securing loose nuclear material.

But as many have said, the far right base truly believes Obama hates America, and by proxy working with him to achieve anything=helping him destroy America. No wonder they're trying to discredit is involvement in the death of OBL. An America hating fraud would not order such an attack in the first place

I'm honestly completely baffled on your actual political leanings...what are they?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hilary would have been the worst president of the last 50 years and probably run us into a war and another recession.
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