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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I love how Republican moderates are being tossed out yet who do they send out as presidential candidate? Romney! fucking hilarious lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Hilary would have been the worst president of the last 50 years and probably run us into a war and another recession.

You mean worst Democratic president, right? Cause it would be a tall order to overcome the top spot from The Decider.


Junior Member
I love how Republican moderates are being tossed out yet who do they send out as presidential candidate? Romney! fucking hilarious lol

Yeah, because they think Romney has the best shot to beat Obama. If they were true to their core values, Ron Paul would be the nominee, but he lost to NEWT GINGRICH!
Yeah, because they think Romney has the best shot to beat Obama. If they were true to their core values, Ron Paul would be the nominee, but he lost to NEWT GINGRICH!

Ron Paul would be disastrous as a Republican candidate, not only because he's batshit insane but well, because he is.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I've gone back and forth thinking whether or not Hilldawg would be better than the Chairman. It's quite possible that she wouldn't pre-emptively cave on things like HCR, but she would probably be more of a hawk on foreign policy. Not to mention the fact that she, like her husband seemed to bend over backwards to try and appeal to "the center". I'd think overall, I may give the edge to Obama on this one.


I'm still hoping for a defeat of Amendment 1 in NC and it is looking quite grim.
I take some solace in knowing that Wake County, my college home, has voted overwhelmingly against this 57-43.

So, the majority of the smart people in NC have spoken. Good job RTP residents, Wolfpack, Devils, and Tarheels!
Hilary would have been the worst president of the last 50 years and probably run us into a war and another recession.

You're wrong, she would have been a truly great president. Someone to be proud of and take a stand for.

Oh Pffft. She would have pretty much been exactly the same as Obama. I think she probably would not have got healthcare through though because she's a bit polarizing.


I love how Republican moderates are being tossed out yet who do they send out as presidential candidate? Romney! fucking hilarious lol


Also, Lugar getting destroyed is good news for Mourdock. He'll win going away against Donnelly as well.

Thankfully Travis Hankins lost yet another primary.


I'm still hoping for a defeat of Amendment 1 in NC and it is looking quite grim.
I take some solace in knowing that Wake County, my college home, has voted overwhelmingly against this 57-43.

So, the majority of the smart people in NC have spoken. Good job RTP residents, Wolfpack, Devils, and Tarheels!

Aww man... I just saw that and that's just friggin depressing. :(
North Carolina OKs constitutional same-sex marriage ban

North Carolina voters Tuesday approved a proposed amendment to the state’s constitution which would limit marriage to traditional one man-one woman marriages.
The amendment says: “Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State.” In effect, it would bar the state from giving legal recognition to civil unions between same-sex couples.

West Virginia primary night. My county apparently thinks a guy who is currently in prison is a better choice for President than Obama.

# of precincts reporting (out of 38): 25
1660 votes for KEITH JUDD/D
1208 votes for BARACK OBAMA/D

Is that racism, an open primary, both, or a well-organized practical joke?

Keith Russell Judd:

I'd have to see his credentials and policy positions. Just because he's in prison doesn't make it racist

Racist? Well . . .

And just what does candidate Judd plan to do if elected (besides keeping an eye out for shivs in the showers)? He's calling for "accountability" at the Federal Reserve and the Justice and Treasury departments, as well as a complete overhaul of public schools. Overall, he's running for a noble cause: "To make the world a better place."

He does sound like Ron Paul. ;-)


Is that racism, an open primary, both, or a well-organized practical joke?

Keith Russell Judd:


Closed primary and this county literally votes democrat in every other race. They really hate the EPA here, so that's part of it, but racism is absolutely a factor.
Yeah, because they think Romney has the best shot to beat Obama. If they were true to their core values, Ron Paul would be the nominee, but he lost to NEWT GINGRICH!
But Ron Paul's a joke candidate! Who would ever take him seriously?

So when do you guys think Christine O'Donnell is going to run?

dat Obama record
In just a few months, he'll already be better than more than half of the Republican presidents.
Closed primary and this county literally votes democrat in every other race. They really hate the EPA here, so that's part of it, but racism is absolutely a factor.

Yeah, that can explain it. Coal is not a good business to be in these days. Of course their real enemy is natural gas fracking, not the EPA. For the first time in decades, coal-generated electricity actually dropped below 40% because power companies favored natural gas at the amazingly low $2 price level.

Actually, they would be wise to cheer for the EPA these days since anything that slowed down shale gas fracking would probably help them. But that is a bit too nuanced of an argument.


Dane and Milwaukee Counties in. With no real challenger Walker is at 423k. Barrett + Falk at 400k.

68% of total is in, that lead is likely to widen (Dane and Milwaukee are the dem strongholds).

I assume Waukesha is waiting to see if extra votes are needed.
Dane and Milwaukee Counties in. With no real challenger Walker is at 423k. Barrett + Falk at 400k.

68% of total is in, that lead is likely to widen (Dane and Milwaukee are the dem strongholds).

I assume Waukesha is waiting to see if extra votes are needed.

Thoughts, Dax/Aaron Strife/etc?
Thoughts, Dax/Aaron Strife/etc?
It seems disingenuous to compare Walker's vote total to only Barrett and Falk's, considering there are three other Democrats running in the primary. And yes, if you're wondering, the total amount of Dem votes outnumbers Walker's, but not by much, admittedly.

Those are my thoughts. I'd love to hear yours!


Over 65,000+ votes went to Keith Judd in the primary here in WV, around 40% of the vote. You only need 15% of the vote to be entitled to at least one pledged delegate at the convention.

I would complain about the fact that this is going to get a bunch of press making fun of the state tomorrow, but in all honesty it's completely deserved.


Thoughts, Dax/Aaron Strife/etc?

I'm in Wisconsin, too.

My thoughts are still about the same. Most likely Walker's going to win again (though probably by very very little). It'll be an absolute nail biter I think. Last I saw he's got about 7 times the amount of money that Barrett and Falk have combined. It's crazy. It's barely a fight on that level. Aside from that the polling still puts them pretty dead even. The crucial thing is keeping enthusiasm up on the Democrat side. The republicans are enthusiastic as hell still. There's really no letting up on that side. Walker's a fucking god to them. I'm not even kidding, they worship the ground he walks on. If there was a new Reagan for Republicans in this state it would be him. Barrett, on the other hand doesn't really garner a lot of enthusiasm by himself. The enthusiasm is in getting Walker out. It's kind of like Obama v Romney on a state level and reversed.

I'm just worried after this, if he wins, Walker hard-lines even further right because he feels like he's got some sort of double mandate for his shitty practices. Either way, this state's pretty fucked. We're completely and utterly polarized beyond belief...


^ I still think the Dems take the Senate so he can't do a whole heck of a lot. Plus, he passed his entire agenda by last summer.

It seems disingenuous to compare Walker's vote total to only Barrett and Falk's, considering there are three other Democrats running in the primary. And yes, if you're wondering, the total amount of Dem votes outnumbers Walker's, but not by much, admittedly.

Those are my thoughts. I'd love to hear yours!

It passed him at 70% (when I put that up there Walker was still ahead even with LaFollette so I just c/p'd the tweet after making sure). Not sure where it is at now.

That said, the democrats actually had a reason to vote. Republicans did not (except to try and spoiler the Dem Lt Gov race). This is a serious blow to the Unions.

Speaking of the unions, two words that Barrett did not say in his victory speech: "collective" and "bargaining"

Just in case I know of some people who are starting to lay the framework for a Barrett recall.

For a guy who freaking loves election politics, Wisconsin is going to be non-stop entertainment for a long ass time!
Closed primary and this county literally votes democrat in every other race. They really hate the EPA here, so that's part of it, but racism is absolutely a factor.

I live in Berkeley and the split was 2838 Obama/1117 Judd. Apparently this guy is doing well across the state. The EPA hate is true because there's a lot of farmers where I live, but his numbers are too good for there not to be any racism involved.
I'm in Wisconsin, too.

My thoughts are still about the same. Most likely Walker's going to win again (though probably by very very little). It'll be an absolute nail biter I think. Last I saw he's got about 7 times the amount of money that Barrett and Falk have combined. It's crazy. It's barely a fight on that level. Aside from that the polling still puts them pretty dead even. The crucial thing is keeping enthusiasm up on the Democrat side. The republicans are enthusiastic as hell still. There's really no letting up on that side. Walker's a fucking god to them. I'm not even kidding, they worship the ground he walks on. If there was a new Reagan for Republicans in this state it would be him. Barrett, on the other hand doesn't really garner a lot of enthusiasm by himself. The enthusiasm is in getting Walker out. It's kind of like Obama v Romney on a state level and reversed.

I'm just worried after this, if he wins, Walker hard-lines even further right because he feels like he's got some sort of double mandate for his shitty practices. Either way, this state's pretty fucked. We're completely and utterly polarized beyond belief...

Wisconsin is turning into two sides. One normal and one this:


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeah, Wisconsin politics have just been utterly toxic since Walker started pulling his shit. I want to say I first started feeling it back during the teacher's union protests.


I live in Berkeley and the split was 2838 Obama/1117 Judd. Apparently this guy is doing well across the state. The EPA hate is true because there's a lot of farmers where I live, but his numbers are too good for there not to be any racism involved.

I'm down south in Logan, one of the counties he won. :(


Yeah, Wisconsin politics have just been utterly toxic since Walker started pulling his shit. I want to say I first started feeling it back during the teacher's union protests.

Wisconsin politics have been toxic since Thompson left for the Bush cabinet leaving a huge power vacuum.
Just read some of these quotes regarding Lugar:

“Some of our best allies had showed up,” remembers Max Pappas, the executive director of FreedomWorks PAC. “And then, we saw guys like Orrin Hatch and Lugar. They thought that coming by for a handshake might fix some of their problems. Yeah. As if we care to shake hands with politicians.”

“Lugar is an honest and decent man, but he's voted wrong too many times,” says Jim Bopp, a lawyer who’s worked on dozens of lawsuits to break up the campaign finance regime. “His approach is just wrong now. When Reagan was president, we could afford someone who approaches these issues in a moderate, bipartisan way. But now we have an administration out to destroy us, and we need a fighter. Here’s another way to say it. We’re in a march to socialism. Obama’s getting us there at 100 mph. If you endorse bipartisanship, you get us there at 50 mph.”

“I’ve read New START, and it doesn’t address North Korea or Iran,” says Greg Fettig, who co-chairs Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate. “Why would we want to limit our arsenal and hope that Russia does when we’re not even addressing other nations? I've been to Lugar’s office in D.C. It's wallpapered with pictures of him climbing in nuclear silos in Russia. I guess that's the legacy he sees himself leaving, but it's an outdated legacy. He not only refuses to leave the beltway, he refuses to leave the 1980s.”

That, says Fettig, is a real shame. “Do we like the fact that the nation is polarized? No. But the fact of the matter is, it is. From the media’s perspective, it’s OK to be bipartisan if you're a Republican. But Democrats never reach across the aisle. Their idea of compromise is complete surrender. Well, we want a guy who doesn’t give in. Yes, politics is polarized. Until one side or the other wins, that's the way it needs to be.”


New START doesn't address North Korea or Iran? Who do you think these Russian generals and scientists would sale their secrets too, if we didn't pay them to dismantle? The other side of the isle has become so short sighted.
^ I still think the Dems take the Senate so he can't do a whole heck of a lot. Plus, he passed his entire agenda by last summer.

It passed him at 70% (when I put that up there Walker was still ahead even with LaFollette so I just c/p'd the tweet after making sure). Not sure where it is at now.

That said, the democrats actually had a reason to vote. Republicans did not (except to try and spoiler the Dem Lt Gov race). This is a serious blow to the Unions.

Speaking of the unions, two words that Barrett did not say in his victory speech: "collective" and "bargaining"

Just in case I know of some people who are starting to lay the framework for a Barrett recall.

For a guy who freaking loves election politics, Wisconsin is going to be non-stop entertainment for a long ass time!

I know that Barrett will not be getting any money beyond a pittance from at least one of the big national Unions.
That's fair.
But there had to be some rallies during or after Loving v. Virginia, right?
I think that will serve your (very valid) point better.
I think its more about the composition in the shot, and how little some things can change over time. At its core its still about fear and anger at the world changing.
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