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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Really? I voted enthusiastically for Obama, but since he's been in office he has been a disappointment in many significant ways. He's continued Bush's abuses of power with the patriot act/FISA warrantless wiretapping shit. In many ways he's even more cagey and less transparent than even Bush was, with the media and otherwise.

He's UPPED his attacks in the bullshit "war on drugs", even going after legal medical marijuana dispensaries in states like California. Despite his stance on the subject prior to the election, he's been even more embarrassing than Bush on the subject.

Same with Immigration. He's been ridiculously harsh, deporting an alarmingly high number of people. He's refused to take a leaders stand on the subject.

Up until today, I was going to say he was taking a pussies stance on gay marriage - when even your vice president seemed more presidential on the subject, that's saying something.

And then there's the whole embarrassing way he allowed the Republicans to steer the health care debate conversation for an entire summer before attempting to genuinely step in.

I mean, there's a lot I still am happy about, but if it weren't for the supreme court issue, the privacy issues alone would cause me not to vote for him. But because the Supreme Court is literally on the line, and because if a Republican was able to steer the court in even one more conservative direction it'd be a disaster for the court for a generation, I have to vote for him.

Surely you can't really be surprised? You say "really" as if I should be astonished at the way he's performed as president.

I can't even imagine the right wing freak outs after Obama wins again. It will be awe-inspiring.

I'll be giggling to myself and rubbing it in the faces of at least two hardcore racist republicans at my job, I know that.

dat bubble

Someone is going to capitalize on that with conspiracy theories of voter fraud, and I fully expect it to be on Drudge/Fox News rather quickly. And you just know elected officials will chime in. It'll be disgusting and amusing

It is what it is.

My favorite part last election was when they kept repeating "He only won because he was black! It was an election on race!"

I had to hear the "it's the white house, not the black house" joke like thirty times. People were so overtly racist after he won that the Army Depot made us Supervisors have meetings with our employees to go over race sensitivity and shit. It made me slightly embarrassed.


Yes but you are ignoring the huge increase in Hispanics to the US since 2008



not to mention African Americans are not going to not vote for a black president (his approval rating with that subgroup is near 90% or higher)

But my contention was that they will choose NOT to vote. Especially if Obama is a constant 4-5 point favorite. A statistically significant amount of them that could be read or interpreted as having problems with his support of gay marriage.


Romney just now said, about his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman: "That's the belief I've had since - well, since I started running for office."

I am not making this up. I had Fox News on and he was taking questions from reporters.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Romney just now said, about his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman: "That's the belief I've had since - well, since I started running for office."

I am not making this up. I had Fox News on and he was taking questions from reporters.

Romney just now said, about his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman: "That's the belief I've had since - well, since I started running for office."

I am not making this up. I had Fox News on and he was taking questions from reporters.

This fucking election.
It will be a good day when same-sex marriage is finally done on the legal front, the supposed social conservatives can pick up their ball/dry their tears at home, and we move that much closer to deal with real problems instead of wasting time on something that should've been fully legal ages ago.

Assuming people are not just doing this for election fluff and take it all the way to the proper votes and such, of course.

Is it really so hard to not willfully place oneself on the wrong side of history? Simple stuff here.


Romney just now said, about his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman: "That's the belief I've had since - well, since I started running for office."

I am not making this up. I had Fox News on and he was taking questions from reporters.

Romney just keeps on delivering.


It was after delivering a speech wherever he is today. During Q&A time, reporters asked him if he thought this constituted a flip flop for Obama. He said it did, and then stated his shitty view, and then stammered that out. I have to imagine somebody will upload the clip sometime soon, it was gold.


Romney just now said, about his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman: "That's the belief I've had since - well, since I started running for office."

I am not making this up. I had Fox News on and he was taking questions from reporters.

I feel like the final map's going to wind up being Aaron Strife's map + one of NC or FL barring a sudden boost in economic growth (which puts AZ/IN/MO within reach & secures both NC and FL) or one of the various 2012 doomsday scenarios involving economic collapse or another Middle Eastern war (which fucks with Obama's chances in OH, NV, IA, NH and VA)


Passing metallic gas
Romney just now said, about his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman: "That's the belief I've had since - well, since I started running for office."

I am not making this up. I had Fox News on and he was taking questions from reporters.

He should just not speak. Ever. For any reason.


Found it, although the hesitation doesn't come across in the text: http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entries/romney-marriage-is-relationship-between-man-woman

“I have the same view on marriage that I had when I was Governor,” Romney said. “I believe that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman. I know other people have differing views. This a very tender and sensitive topic as are many social issues, but I have the same views I’ve had since running for office.”

Can't wait for the video.


Romney is absolutely the best responder ever.

I can only imagine how good the debates will be if they deviate off-script at all.


Why is everyone laughing at the "same views" line? How was what he said today different from what he said in the past?

When he was running for office in the 90s he supported full equality, or at least said he did.

Mitt Romney v1994 said:
To the Members of the Log Cabin Club of Massachusetts:

I am writing to thank the Log Cabin Club of Massachusetts for the advice and support you have given me during my campaign for the US Senate and to seek the Club's formal endorsement of my election. The Log Cabin Club has played a vital role in reinvigorating the Republican Party in Massachusetts and your endorsement is important to me because it will provide further confirmation that my campaign and approach to government is consistent with the values and vision of government we share.

I am pleased to have had an opportunity to talk with you and to meet many of you personally during your September meeting. I learned a great deal from those discussions and many thoughtful questions you posed. As a result of our discussions and other interactions with gay and lesbian voters across the state, I am more convinced than ever before that as we seek to establish full equality for America's gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent.

I am not unaware of my opponents considerable record in the area of civil rights, or the commitment of Massachusetts voters to the principle of equality for all Americans. For some voters it might be enough for me to simply match my opponent's record in this area. But I believe we can and must do better. If we are to achieve the goals we share, we must make equality for gays and lesbians a mainstream concern. My opponent cannot do this. I can and will.

We have discussed a number of important issues such as the Federal Employee Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), which I have agreed to co-sponsor, and if possible broaden to include housing and credit, and the bill to create a federal panel to find ways to reduce gay and lesbian youth suicide, which I also support. One issue I want to clarify concerns President Clinton's "don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue" military policy. I believe that the Clinton compromise was a step in the right direction. I am also convinced that it is the first of a number of steps that will ultimately lead to gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestly in our nation's military. That goal will only be reached when preventing discrimination against gays and lesbians is a mainstream concern, which is a goal we share.

As we begin the final phase of this campaign, I need your support more than ever. By working together, we will achieve the goals we share for Massachusetts and our nation.


W. Mitt Romney

And an official flier from 2002:


Why is everyone laughing at the "same views" line? How was what he said today different from what he said in the past?

It's the phrasing.

He's already got a reputation for "I'm running for office, for Pete's sake" so why would he label what is supposedly a deeply moral belief as "since running for office"?
don't forget the 2 Nebraska splitters to the Dem
He could win one like last time, but I think it might be out-of-reach this year.

eBay Huckster said:
I feel like the final map's going to wind up being Aaron Strife's map + one of NC or FL barring a sudden boost in economic growth (which puts AZ/IN/MO within reach & secures both NC and FL) or one of the various 2012 doomsday scenarios involving economic collapse or another Middle Eastern war (which fucks with Obama's chances in OH, NV, IA, NH and VA)
I'd say Obama would win NC before FL, just going off polls. PPP seems to always have him leading, while he's never that far ahead of Romney in Florida.

NC might be one state where this would actually make a difference for the worse.

Remember when I had Indiana as Lean R? Here's someone more optimistic than I:

The Hill said:
Lugar would have been all but unbeatable in a general election, while a match-up between Mourdock and Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.), two little-known candidates, is less predictable. While the state remains heavily Republican-leaning, Donnelly has some centrist credentials and held onto his House district in the 2010 Republican wave year. Plus, Mourdock has taken enough hard-right positions that he’s vulnerable to Democratic attacks. The Hill moves this race to a “toss-up.”
They also peg ND and WI as toss-ups, but it confirms the general trend. It's looking to be a blue year, or at least a neutral one.

Mourdock has the built-in advantage of running in a red state, but it doesn't sound like he's toning down his rhetoric from the primary at all.


Why is everyone laughing at the "same views" line? How was what he said today different from what he said in the past?

It's not the "same views" part that is important, it's the "since I've been running for office" part. Let me give you two sentences that are vaguely synomous.

"I have believed in interracial marriage for a very long time."
"I have believed in interracial marriage since I started running for office."

One of those has a particularly bad connotation, and would be especially tinny if I happened to have a reputation as a political opportunist.


Sidhe / PikPok
It was after delivering a speech wherever he is today. During Q&A time, reporters asked him if he thought this constituted a flip flop for Obama. He said it did, and then stated his shitty view, and then stammered that out. I have to imagine somebody will upload the clip sometime soon, it was gold.

I have always found it strange that "changing your mind" on something seems to almost always be viewed negatively in American politics. In this case, it isn't really even that much of a shift, not enough to be labeled a "flip flop", and certainly nothing compared to Romney and Gingrich's "who am I addressing today so I know what my position is" behaviour over the course of the primaries.
It's the phrasing.

He's already got a reputation for "I'm running for office, for Pete's sake" so why would he label what is supposedly a deeply moral belief as "since running for office"?

It's never wise to outright dismiss election results like that. Voter participation will be higher this year, but that doesn't mean 2010's election results mean nothing.

That makes sense. Thanks, all.


Conservative independents will vote based on the economy, if social issues mattered to them they would not be independents ;)

Thing is, a lot of conservatives were lukewarm about Romney and might have stayed home. The LGBT lobby has forced Obama into giving them a reason to be enthusiastic for Romney. By the time the right gets done with this, Obama will be legalizing gay marriage via executive order the day after the election
An executive order declaring same sex marriage equal/legal? Oh man, Gaborn is in rare form today. Move them goal posts. Notice, most libertarians wouldn't even support such a position on executive orders


Junior Member
I wonder what history books will say about Obama when this is all said and done.

Will he be remembered as one of the great presidents, or one of the worst? I'm really starting to think it will be the former. If he wins strongly in 2012, its going to be a permanent turning point in American politics.
Mitt finally found an issue that he has not flip-flopped on . .
"I have the same view on marriage that I had when I was governor. I believe marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman," Romney said. "I have the same view I've had since, well, running for office."

But, as Shep Smith warns, it is on the wrong side of history. Shep said "The President of the United States, now in the 21st century," Smith said. "What I'm most curious about, in this time of rising debts and medical issues and all the rest, if Republicans would go out on a limb and try to make this a campaign issue while sitting very firmly, without much question, on the wrong side of history."
But, as Shep Smith warns, it is on the wrong side of history. Shep said "The President of the United States, now in the 21st century," Smith said. "What I'm most curious about, in this time of rising debts and medical issues and all the rest, if Republicans would go out on a limb and try to make this a campaign issue while sitting very firmly, without much question, on the wrong side of history."
I love the Shep. Any future films depicting the media environment of our time will need to have at least show some of the Shep or I'll be sad.

A succinct example here.


I wonder what history books will say about Obama when this is all said and done.

Will he be remembered as one of the great presidents, or one of the worst? I'm really starting to think it will be the former. If he wins strongly in 2012, its going to be a permanent turning point in American politics.

Mediocre, I think. But maybe his second term will change that, if he gets it.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Shep really is a great guy and anchor, its a shame he doesn't get more air time on Fox News. If it were Shep News, it would be a great network. :)

On his comment, it is obvious that gay marriage will eventually be legalized everywhere. Will it make people more gay? Nope. Will it take away rights from those in the majority? nope.

You have to separate your religious beliefs and your participation in this free nation. You have to grant the same rights to all people. visitation rights, death benefits, custody, inheritance, medical, etc.

People are free to believe that homosexuality is a sin, and that granting them marital rights is going to destroy traditional marriage more than it already has been (mostly by those same people). You can believe interracial marriage is a sin, that Jews control the media and the banking world, that Obama is a muslim, and all sorts of other crazy stuff, but you are not free to use those beliefs to restrain the benefits of society on any group just because of your feelings.
Shep really is a great guy and anchor, its a shame he doesn't get more air time on Fox News. If it were Shep News, it would be a great network. :)

On his comment, it is obvious that gay marriage will eventually be legalized everywhere. Will it make people more gay? Nope. Will it take away rights from those in the majority? nope.

You have to separate your religious beliefs and your participation in this free nation. You have to grant the same rights to all people. visitation rights, death benefits, custody, inheritance, medical, etc.

People are free to believe that homosexuality is a sin, and that granting them marital rights is going to destroy traditional marriage more than it already has been (mostly by those same people). You can believe interracial marriage is a sin, that Jews control the media and the banking world, that Obama is a muslim, and all sorts of other crazy stuff, but you are not free to use those beliefs to restrain the benefits of society on any group just because of your feelings.
That is what freedom is. It is freedom for everyone, not just you and your views.
I wonder what history books will say about Obama when this is all said and done.

Will he be remembered as one of the great presidents, or one of the worst? I'm really starting to think it will be the former. If he wins strongly in 2012, its going to be a permanent turning point in American politics.

Most likely a one term president who's greatest achievement was overturned by the Supreme Court


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Profile in courage?

More like profile in dumbness.

Look, I was among the people who said that Obama should stand up for his beliefs, and show that he's a real progressive. But this is one instance where I feel borked things up big time.


more surprised this came given some of the local (senate) elections coming. also kinda surprised by the lack political cynicism online regarding this being used as a tool.

given who hes running against, its not a bad outcome or move though


People are free to believe that homosexuality is a sin, and that granting them marital rights is going to destroy traditional marriage more than it already has been (mostly by those same people). You can believe interracial marriage is a sin, that Jews control the media and the banking world, that Obama is a muslim, and all sorts of other crazy stuff, but you are not free to use those beliefs to restrain the benefits of society on any group just because of your feelings.
As I keep mentioning to all of my religious friends - we do not criminalize sin (and this is what separate us from DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNN Sharia law).

For fuck's sake, you can break 7 of the 10 commandments without breaking any laws.

It should be noted that the only thing that is even called in the bible is sex between men.
The idea that allowing people to marry will somehow increase the amount of sex is quite hilarious.
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