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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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And perhaps more importantly, I get to troll Gaborn nonstop now



I hope the LBGT community is satisfied when Obama loses. It's the right thing to do but its too risky right now IMO

why push conservative independents to the GOP over an issue when you KNOW he's on your side? Idiotic


Just seeing my friends and myself move on this issue rapidly. I disagree.

I was in the civil unions camp. But once youre there the marrage wall breaks down fast. Its a fast process to really realize that stupid ideas were holding you back.

I think this is gonna jump the process forward. Its gonna put it own the table. And when people have different ideas (instead of two guys who don't support it) and one who is gonna explain the pro-equality view I think things will shift. I can see in one or two years equality having something like a 60 to 70 percent approval. What this does is really take off national civil unions. We've got one people that want nothing and one that want marriage. I really cant see people voting on one issue (especially this one) if your not already on the republican's "everything obama sucks camp."
I certainly hope that you're right. After Prop. 8 passed here in California, I told my brother (who is gay) that I wouldn't get married until he could in this state. And it's not an excuse for not proposing to my girlfriend, I swear!


Liberals are returning to their campaign to legalize pedophilia

It looks like the liberals are returning to their favorite sexual past time...
It's amazing how Ron Paul supporters almost actually make Ron Paul look sane by comparison. Perhaps that's been their strategy the whole time.
I hope the LBGT community is satisfied when Obama loses. It's the right thing to do but its too risky right now IMO

why push conservative independents to the GOP over an issue when you KNOW he's on your side? Idiotic
This kind of rhetoric overstates the issue.

Anyone who would seriously make gay marriage their make-or-break issue is in Romney's camp anyway.
I hope the LBGT community is satisfied when Obama loses. It's the right thing to do but its too risky right now IMO

why push conservative independents to the GOP over an issue when you KNOW he's on your side? Idiotic

Independents are going to be voting based on the economy though. They may not support gay marriage overall (although to be fair, a good amount of independents do support it), but as I said earlier they know Obama can't wave a magic wand and make gay marriage legal. We're still years away from that, and they know it.

If Obama loses, please don't blame gay people...


My gut reaction is that an already close GE just got closer. I'm going to be very curious to see how the polls look next month after the SCOTUS strikes down Obamacare.


In regard to people being uncertain about how this will effect Obama against Romney, I'll re-post what I just said in the OT thread; if Romney isn't talking about the economy, he's losing.
Liberals are returning to their campaign to legalize pedophilia


As you can see, new liberal rulings have made viewing child porn legal.

It looks like the liberals are returning to their favorite sexual past time...
WTF? . . . And . . . Boom goes the dynamite.

(Today, 12:20 PM)

If you are a liberal and are into this thing, then I think it is abhorrent. It is only a matter of time until I would get banned for speaking out against pedophilia.
You didn't get banned for speaking out against pedophilia, you got banned for saying that other people endorse it when they clearly do not.

And perhaps more importantly, I get to troll Gaborn nonstop now

I'm laughing so hard right now.

Well, I can't believe Obama did it. He's a bigger man than I am, I guess that is why he got to where he is. What a ballsy move. I guess he is framing the election as 21stcentury versus 19th century.


Independents are going to be voting based on the economy though. They may not support gay marriage overall (although to be fair, a good amount of independents do support it), but as I said earlier they know Obama can't wave a magic wand and make gay marriage legal. We're still years away from that, and they know it.

If Obama loses, please don't blame gay people...

Freaking California voted against gay marriage! I can't wrap my head around why but it's a BIG issue for a lot of people (and potential Obama voters). You do not wanna alienate anyone in such a close election and for some religious people, this is way too "radical"

I won't blame LBGT folks but I will blame their selfish advocates if he loses


Liberals are returning to their campaign to legalize pedophilia


As you can see, new liberal rulings have made viewing child porn legal.

It looks like the liberals are returning to their favorite sexual past time...

If you are a liberal and are into this thing, then I think it is abhorrent. It is only a matter of time until I would get banned for speaking out against pedophilia.

But even if you are a liberal, and don't feel empathy for children, then at least watch this video... of the crimes liberals did to this person's childhood.


For the love of God you have to post your paper. I envy your professor, in a way. That must have been the most hilarious thing he's ever read. I don't envy his life now, though, because I'm sure comedy for him will never reach that peak again.
If Obama loses, it's because the 18-29 cohort and minorities overwhelmingly stayed home, not because the tiny amount of anti-gay-marriage, pro-Obama indies switched to Romney.


Do note, Romney will be addressing the Liberty University commencement this Saturday.
The late Jerry Falwell's Liberty University is the hardest of the religious hardliners regarding homosexuality and marriage equality.

Romney is going to jump headlong into the crazy-side of the pool the same week the Sunday shows will be talking about the President's historic statement. Good juxtaposition.


I hope the LBGT community is satisfied when Obama loses. It's the right thing to do but its too risky right now IMO

why push conservative independents to the GOP over an issue when you KNOW he's on your side? Idiotic

Conservative independents will vote based on the economy, if social issues mattered to them they would not be independents ;)
Well as Michelle Obama would say, today is the first day I feel proud to be an American in my adult life. I didn't think he had the balls, or was a strong enough leader to take this stand in such a close election. Good to see he finally realized the people must butthurt about gay marriage aren't voting for him anyway, and democrats who don't support it (like black people) will vote for him regardless, and will certainly know that Obama can't wave a magic wand and institute gay marriage.

And perhaps more importantly, I get to troll Gaborn nonstop now
It was forced upon him. He had no choice. He hasn't been a strong leader on it. But good for him.


Freaking California voted against gay marriage! I can't wrap my head around why but it's a BIG issue for a lot of people (and potential Obama voters). You do not wanna alienate anyone in such a close election and for some religious people, this is way too "radical"

I won't blame LBGT but I will blame their selfish advocates

Yes they voted against a gay marriage law but also voted overwhelmingly for Obama

Those who actually matter (not the core GOP or core Democrats) comprehend that he can't magically make gay marriage appear

I restate if gay marriage is an issue for a voter they are not truly independent, they are already firmly in one camp or the other.


Romney's campaign has yet to issue a statement. They don't know how to handle this announcement. Actually, it's been pretty silent on the Republican side as a whole. Hm.

They'll be hitting the flip flop angle hard. It would actually be a legitimate criticism too if it wasn't coming from Romney.
First response (and as expected, it's weak as hell):

“While President Obama has played politics on this issue, the Republican Party and our presumptive nominee Mitt Romney have been clear. We support maintaining marriage between one man and one woman and would oppose any attempts to change that,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.
It begins. RNC Chair: Obama "played politics" because...just because.
“While President Obama has played politics on this issue, the Republican Party and our presumptive nominee Mitt Romney have been clear. We support maintaining marriage between one man and one woman and would oppose any attempts to change that,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.

Edit: I'll bite your head off, ebay, as soon as I'm through with this stick.


Junior Member
There's going to be a lot of Blacks and Hispanics not voting for Obama over this.

I really think he should have waited until after the election.

Oh well. Guess its time for President Romney....
So Romney comes out complaining about Energy . . . . right as oil prices drop for like the 5th day in a row:

He whines how Obama can't take credit because the oil is produced from private land not public land.

Uh . . . that's because that is where the tight oil plays are right now. Do you want oil companies to drill dry holes on public lands? Duh.
Gas is 3.49 here in MN. Gas prices were probably the biggest non-issue of this entire election cycle.

Tim-E said:
I can totally see this being the final outcome.
I think the way this election will play out is that Obama will reap the benefits of slow-but-steady growth in the economy by winning comfortably (but not really landslide territory), while Republicans in Congress hang themselves on dumb social issues, allowing Democrats to maintain control of the Senate and regain a small majority in the House.

First thing that passes is the American Jobs Act (sweetened for the Senate to attract the likes of Collins), then a big deficit-fixing budget bill (passed through reconciliation), and finally some modified version of the DREAM Act and an education reform bill.

ENDA will come up and probably pass easily (likely along the same lines that DADT repeal did), and there will be a push from Obama to pass Respect for Marriage Amendment but it won't go anywhere. This issue will be resolved in the courts.

Measley said:
There's going to be a lot of Blacks and Hispanics not voting for Obama over this.
Right? As if Obama wasn't going to lose enough of them when Herman Cain is added to the ticket. Everyone knows minorities are easily swayed, one-issue voters.


There's going to be a lot of Blacks and Hispanics not voting for Obama over this.

I really think he should have waited until after the election.

Oh well. Guess its time for President Romney....

Hispanics would vote down an amendment (as would blacks) for gay marriage, that does not trump their views on immigration (Hispanics) or the economy (both)

You guys are seriously confusing the way minority voting works, if Obama's re-election was tied to a gay marriage amendment then yes he would be in trouble


There's going to be a lot of Blacks and Hispanics not voting for Obama over this.

I really think he should have waited until after the election.

Oh well. Guess its time for President Romney....

Yep, because that's the only thing minorities care about; gays not being able to get married.


There's going to be a lot of Blacks and Hispanics not voting for Obama over this.

I really think he should have waited until after the election.

Oh well. Guess its time for President Romney....

Switching PD and Measley's username/avatar has been EviLore's best prank yet.
Hopefully this has significant pull on black voters when gay marriage goes to the polls.

Maine will have a vote to legalize gay marriage, undoing the 2009 referendum that banned it.

Minnesota will be voting to amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage.

And pending bullshit, Maryland and Washington will have referendums on the gay marriage bills that have already been passed.

Just need to get the ball rolling in some other states, like Illinois, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Oregon.
Freaking California voted against gay marriage! I can't wrap my head around why but it's a BIG issue for a lot of people (and potential Obama voters). You do not wanna alienate anyone in such a close election and for some religious people, this is way too "radical"

I won't blame LBGT folks but I will blame their selfish advocates if he loses
Prop 8 backers had a huge targeted campaign to Hispanics (who are mostly Catholic) and to African Americans.


Well, I think there is going to be a drop off in support for Obama from the hispanic/black community that could be read as such. There was an incredible storyline in 2008 of being 'a part of history' by voting for Obama that drove a lot of newcomers to the polls. It seems only natural that a dip is going to happen.


About 131 million people reported voting in the 2008 U.S. presidential election, an increase of 5 million from 2004, according to a new table package released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. The increase included about 2 million more black voters, 2 million more Hispanic voters and about 600,000 more Asian voters, while the number of non-Hispanic white voters remained statistically unchanged.


So, it seems like a statistically impossible thing to determine. Unless a polling outfit could round up 1000 minorities that don't vote (in 2012) and ask them pointed questions. Even then .. I would doubt the sincerity of that result.


Well, I think there is going to be a drop off in support for Obama from the hispanic/black community that could be read as such. There was an incredible storyline in 2008 of being 'a part of history' by voting for Obama that drove a lot of newcomers to the polls. It seems only natural that a dip is going to happen.



Yes but you are ignoring the huge increase in Hispanics to the US since 2008, not to mention African Americans are not going to not vote for a black president (his approval rating with that subgroup is near 90% or higher)

Nobody should be using the 2010 voting participation for any kind of metric whatsoever
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