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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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BTW, the people bringing up the fact that the Obama eating a dog thing is just like this, but the pundits bringing up Obama eating a dog were doing it in a continuously ribbing way. They weren't saying, "Obama eating a dog is symptomatic of a presidency that is trying to eat the rich. Dogs are like the disabled and poor amongst us and require constant care, just like Obama has failed the sick and poor with OBAMACARE" and so on.

No. They were saying it was yet another example of how he is weird, not a 'normal' American who should be President. Which is a consistent angle of attack from the right- make him seem strange, un-American.


It also creates the impression- true or not- that he doesn't understand why people think it's wrong. Perhaps Rombot needs a new empathy chip.

The sad thing is that he would obviously prefer to be Data, but all of his behavioral chips were designed for Lore. Or maybe it's that he wants to be a Vulcan like Obama, but can't help the fact that he's a Romulan.

..Okay I'll quit while I'm behind.
I just wonder why Romney hasn't just come out forcefully against bullying and the like. Would bury this immediately instead of laughing it off. It's not like bullying has a huge fanbase.

It just seems his reactions are always much worse than his actions.

I wonder if some of the evangelicals, who believe that anti bullying legislation is anti first amendment have Romney's Ear here.


First poll about Obama's gay marriage move:

"Overall, 51% approve of Obama's new position on same-sex marriage, compared with 45% who disapprove. Nearly 13% say his shift in position will make them more likely to vote for him, while 26% say it will make them less likely, suggesting that more supporters of likely GOP nominee Mitt Romney feel more strongly about this issue than do base supporters of Obama."

So it might hurt more than help in terms of the election, but not by that much. Hopefully.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Bristol Palin said:
“I guess we can be glad that Malia and Sasha aren’t younger, or perhaps today’s press conference might have been about appointing Dora the Explorer as Attorney General because of her success in stopping Swiper the Fox.”

This is bullshit. Just insulting.

Swiper is a terrorist. Plus Dora has no judicial experience. Secretary of Homeland Security is a much better fit.

First poll about Obama's gay marriage move:

"Overall, 51% approve of Obama's new position on same-sex marriage, compared with 45% who disapprove. Nearly 13% say his shift in position will make them more likely to vote for him, while 26% say it will make them less likely, suggesting that more supporters of likely GOP nominee Mitt Romney feel more strongly about this issue than do base supporters of Obama."

So it might hurt more than help in terms of the election, but not by that much. Hopefully.
I have to say, I'm shocked it's that high.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
wow, what did speculawyer do?
His post history does not show anything bad...
Few more positive economic indicators, this time from my job agent:

The Labor Department said Tuesday that employers advertised 3.74 million job openings in March, the highest since July 2008, just before the financial crisis erupted.

Tuesday's report also showed another good sign: more people quit their jobs in March. The rising number of people quitting suggests workers are finding more opportunities in the job market.

The unemployment rate has fallen a full percentage point since August to 8.1% in April — lowest level since January 2009. The average worker's hourly pay rose to $23.28.

USCIS reported Monday that 45,700 cab-subject H1B Visa petitions have been filed since April 1, another 4-year high number.


Surprising. The bigoted prognosticators were wrong. And as I noted this before, the extensive review and implementation process was the prudent choice to obviate any potential problems.
Report Shows Success of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal

By Karen Parrish
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, May 10, 2012 – A new report shows the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law is being implemented successfully in the military, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said during a news conference today.

The repeal of the law banning gay and lesbian people from open military service took effect Sept. 20, 2011. The secretary said he received the report on repeal implementation yesterday, and it shows repeal is going “very well” and according to the department’s plans.

“It's not impacting on morale. It's not impacting on unit cohesion. It is not impacting on readiness,” he said.

Panetta said he credits military leaders for effective repeal planning.

“Very frankly, my view is that the military has kind of moved beyond it,” he said. “It's become part and parcel of what they've accepted within the military.”

During the same conference, Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he has not seen “any negative effect on good order and discipline” resulting from the repeal.

In response to a reporter’s question of what the military had been afraid of in allowing open service, the chairman said, “We didn't know.”

“We were given a year to make this assessment, to educate ourselves, to collaborate, to build a sense of trust on this issue,” he added. “And given that time to do it, I think it worked out well.”



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Surprising. The bigoted prognosticators were wrong. And as I noted this before, the extensive review and implementation process was the prudent choice to obviate any potential problems.

Eh, the military just makes any process long.
The nature of any beast as large as large as the military.
I missed it in the Halo thread until last night and forgot to offer my congratulations. Great news!
Thanks dudes.

Also, I can't believe Reid said this on the Senate floor earlier:
If there were ever a time when Tom Udall and Jeff Merkley were prophetic, it’s tonight. These two young, fine senators said it was time to change the rules of the Senate,and we didn’t. And they were right. The rest of us were wrong -- or most of us, anyway. What a shame...

Mr. President, I am finished here, but I just want to say again, for those that are listening here or watching, Senator Udall and Senator Merkley want to do something to change the rules regarding filibuster. If there were anything that ever needed changing in this body, it’s the filibuster rule, because it’s been abused, abused, and abused.

If republicans win the senate they will certainly change filibuster rules. And if Obama wins and dems hold the senate, I fully expect Reid to back down and offer another "gentleman's agreement."



If republicans win the senate they will certainly change filibuster rules. And if Obama wins and dems hold the senate, I fully expect Reid to back down and offer another "gentleman's agreement."

Possible. Maybe even probable. But this is the first time I've seen Reid take his position on the filibuster this far. I think it's clear he's had enough. Ultimately, it will come down to whether there are 50 votes to remove it.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Lol $20 bucks for a onesie, they might outgrow it by election day.

Wow. The Obama campaign really knows how to market. For some reason, despite the fact that I genuinely enjoy hearing his speeches and such, his merchandising seems so scuzzy to me.

It is almost like a toy company who talks with movie makers so that the toy can come out before the movie.

"We are going to announce support for gay marriage."

"Ready the buttons, onesies, hats, trinkets, and t-shirts! Don't let this merchandising goldmine go to waste!"

Next, when Obama finally supports the oil pipeline, it will be, "Oilers for Obama" with an oil rig shooting oil into the sky that spells out the words "Energy for Obama 2012"



Money quote:
Scour Romney’s record for a single example of real political courage -- a single, solitary instance, however small, where Romney placed principle or substance above his own short- term political interests. Let me know if you find one ... His campaign has been an exercise in feeble appeasement. The only thing he appears to be dedicated to is abasing himself to the hard-right wing of the Republican Party. Consider the way he allowed a foreign-policy spokesman to be drummed out of the campaign simply for being gay ... Romney flunks the character test. He seems incapable of making the hard, sometimes unpopular, choices that are part of the job

He's got a point there at least.



Honestly, for how much I think Romney wants to be president, staying a Mormon instead of just converting for political gain like Gingrich did is kind of brave. It's one of the few aspects about him that seems genuine.

I mean, it's not that brave, and doesn't have much of anything to do with being president, but it's one thing. lol


Honestly, for how much I think Romney wants to be president, staying a Mormon instead of just converting for political gain like Gingrich did is kind of brave. It's one of the few aspects about him that seems genuine.

I mean, it's not that brave, but it's one thing. lol

Eh, I don't think you can really convert that late in life without it backfiring completely.
In other news Walker might as well just dig his own ditch at this point.

I'd be shocked if he lost. This latest video will probably revive some dem enthusiasm but they're still down in money and the general advantages incumbency brings. Wisconsin is not some failing state, it has a low UE rate and is doing well overall.


In other news Walker might as well just dig his own ditch at this point.

I wish. That bastard's probably not going anywhere... If he loses it won't be by much. I swear if it came out the guy brutally murdered his own grandma his worshippers would somehow explain how grandmas are horrible thugs that need to be murdered, and they'd hold a parade or something to praise him for what he's done.

I'd be shocked if he lost. This latest video will probably revive some dem enthusiasm but they're still down in money and the general advantages incumbency brings. Wisconsin is not some failing state, it has a low UE rate and is doing well overall.

Any Dem enthusiasm that video brings will bring equal or possibly more enthusiasm with his followers. They probably heard the phrase "right-to-work" and pissed themselves with glee, that is if they were done orgasming after hearing about taking it to the unions.


Passing metallic gas
I wish. That bastard's probably not going anywhere... If he loses it won't be by much. I swear if it came out the guy brutally murdered his own grandma his worshippers would somehow explain how grandmas are horrible thugs that need to be murdered, and they'd hold a parade or something to praise him for what he's done.

Any Dem enthusiasm that video brings will bring equal or possibly more enthusiasm with his followers. They probably heard the phrase "right-to-work" and pissed themselves with glee, that is if they were done orgasming after hearing about taking it to the unions.

Thats a depressing thought. Maybe Wisconsin can pull it together and get that scumbag out of there.


Romney's still arguing that he deserves some credit for saving the auto industry.


Romney Defends Taking Credit For Auto Bailout

Mitt Romney defended having said he deserved some credit for the success of the auto-industry bailout in an interview on Fox News Thursday, explaining that he pushed for the managed bankruptcy process that eventually took place.

Denying that he was against the rescue, Romney pointed to his 2008 New York Times op-ed ”Let Detroit go Bankrupt” as evidence that he was always for a managed bankruptcy process.

“This is back when George Bush was president and I said, ‘don’t write them a check. They need to go through a managed bankruptcy. They have to get rid of the excess costs of the UAW and other excess costs, and then the government can help support. But don’t write them a check.‘“

“The president finally came around and they went through a managed bankruptcy and now they are back on their feet,” he added.

Host Neil Cavuto pointed out that the bankruptcy process would not have worked without government support, and Romney said he was “open” to that from the beginning as well.

At the time, in that op-ed, I said if government support is needed in the bankruptcy, and the government has to provide guarantees, that is something I would be open to. Obviously, we do not want the auto industry to go out of business and I was on Fox and also on the “Meet the Press” talking about this. We would not have the industry go out of business but it needed to go through bankruptcy to get rid of the excessive cost before the government support kicked in and we spent $20 billion before the president finally decided to let the companies go in bankruptcy. That is what he should have done from the beginning.

As TPM has reported, Romney’s position on the auto bailout has been inconsistent. In an op-ed in the Detroit News in February, Romney wrote that “I believe that without [Obama’s] intervention things there would be better.” In June 2011, Romney told CNN’s Piers Morgan that the rescue would have worked with minimum federal help and that the bailouts were a mistake.


Wow. The Obama campaign really knows how to market. For some reason, despite the fact that I genuinely enjoy hearing his speeches and such, his merchandising seems so scuzzy to me.

It is almost like a toy company who talks with movie makers so that the toy can come out before the movie.

"We are going to announce support for gay marriage."

"Ready the buttons, onesies, hats, trinkets, and t-shirts! Don't let this merchandising goldmine go to waste!"

Next, when Obama finally supports the oil pipeline, it will be, "Oilers for Obama" with an oil rig shooting oil into the sky that spells out the words "Energy for Obama 2012"
It used to bother me too.
Until it was pointed out to me that it's every bit as sleazy and wrong as "normal" campaign donations.

It still feels wrong though.
Also, I can't believe Reid said this on the Senate floor earlier:


Obama's merchandising and stuff doesn't feel sleazy at all to me. It's good marketing, and it shows great leadership, organization, and an astoundingly good team that they're able to do these things at break-neck speed. I don't really have a problem with selling promotional things to people that want to support you for what you've done, especially smaller trinkets like that. It feels far, far less sleazy than the multi-million dollar donations that others put in which seem to actually push policy based on what one guy or very few people want.

Then again, I went to school partially for marketing, and I love seeing good marketing in play, so I'm a bit biased.
So Speculawyer is banned? How did that happen?

* pours a drink for a fallen comrade *

Here's hoping its a short vacation.

It used to bother me too.
Until it was pointed out to me that it's every bit as sleazy and wrong as "normal" campaign donations.

It still feels wrong though.
I'm pretty close to biting on that DADT repealed T-shirt.


Romney sat on the sidelines and lobbed spitballs. He doesn't get "credit" for jack shit - he didn't do anything. The entire premise is laughable.



So in Nebraska here Lincoln is trying to propose a LBGT protection ordinance to prevent discrimination for the LBGT. Its meeting a lot of resistance and we have this gem that came out and spoke against it. Warning it is infuriating......



So in Nebraska here Lincoln is trying to propose a LBGT protection ordinance to prevent discrimination for the LBGT. Its meeting a lot of resistance and we have this gem that came out and spoke against it. Warning it is infuriating......

In her defense, she got through a lot of points in a brief amount of time.
This is the worst voting campaign since Vote Or Die


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