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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'd be shocked if he lost. This latest video will probably revive some dem enthusiasm but they're still down in money and the general advantages incumbency brings. Wisconsin is not some failing state, it has a low UE rate and is doing well overall.

Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong, but the Walker recall will be the closest thing to a litmus test for Dem enthusiasm and Republican fatigue that we have 'til November.


Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong, but the Walker recall will be the closest thing to a litmus test for Dem enthusiasm and Republican fatigue that we have 'til November.

At this point in Wisconsin it's the other way around. Democrats have been demonstrating against Walker for 16 months, this is the first chance his supporters have had to voice their enthusiasm for him. It appears that the Democrats are starting to fatigue (400,000 fewer primary votes than recall signings) while the WI GOP is revved up. Obviously that could change, but it's only three weeks away at this point. It'll be interesting if the ammo dump the dems are engaging in will work.

Latest poll has Walker up 5 and hitting that 50% mark.

Perhaps more interestingly, the same poll has Tommy Thompson slaughtering Tammy Baldwin for the Herb Kohl senate seat. It'd be nuts if both WI seats flip in back to back elections.


Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong, but the Walker recall will be the closest thing to a litmus test for Dem enthusiasm and Republican fatigue that we have 'til November.

Fatigue? There is absolutely no fatigue in the Republican party here, especially not when voting for Walker. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The conservatives here worship this guy. Their love gets stronger with every leaked video and every statement made. They would kiss the ground he walks on. He's their new political Jesus. If there were a Ronald Reagan 2.0 for this state, it'd be him. If he killed his grandma most of his followers would justify it and try and say grandmas are thugs. They are all deluded and prideful with how much they love this guy. You can barely go anywhere in rural Wisconsin without feeling like you're sailing through a sea of Stand with Walker signs. Hell, a ton of people think those puny political signs are pathetic, and they've erected their own ungodly huge shrines to his holiness. My dad is one of them. There is no fatigue. This guy isn't Mitt Romney. There's no comparison at all.


Fatigue? There is absolutely no fatigue in the Republican party here, especially not when voting for Walker. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The conservatives here worship this guy. Their love gets stronger with every leaked video and every statement made. They would kiss the ground he walks on. He's their new political Jesus. If there were a Ronald Reagan 2.0 for this state, it'd be him. If he killed his grandma most of his followers would justify it and try and say grandmas are thugs. They are all deluded and prideful with how much they love this guy. You can barely go anywhere in rural Wisconsin without feeling like you're sailing through a sea of Stand with Walker signs. Hell, a ton of people think those puny political signs are pathetic, and they've erected their own ungodly huge shrines to his holiness. My dad is one of them. There is no fatigue. This guy isn't Mitt Romney. There's no comparison at all.

Walker gonna pay my mortgage?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So Speculawyer is banned? How did that happen?

* pours a drink for a fallen comrade *

Here's hoping its a short vacation.

Nobody poured a drink for ME when I got banned! :mad:

And it was for a whole month! :(

But then again, maybe it's cause I got banned for political correctness. Damn libruls.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Grover Norquist has said "Regan" about ten times in his first 15 minutes on Real Time. Give it a rest already

That dimwit's back on Real Time? Awesome. Maher tore him a new one last time he was on.

Which is why he's even more of a nimrod than I assumed if he thought bringing up Reagan would be a good idea after what happened before.


This is the worst voting campaign since Vote Or Die



I want to be young, attractive and sexy, too! I wanna do it.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Fatigue? There is absolutely no fatigue in the Republican party here, especially not when voting for Walker. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The conservatives here worship this guy. Their love gets stronger with every leaked video and every statement made. They would kiss the ground he walks on. He's their new political Jesus. If there were a Ronald Reagan 2.0 for this state, it'd be him. If he killed his grandma most of his followers would justify it and try and say grandmas are thugs. They are all deluded and prideful with how much they love this guy. You can barely go anywhere in rural Wisconsin without feeling like you're sailing through a sea of Stand with Walker signs. Hell, a ton of people think those puny political signs are pathetic, and they've erected their own ungodly huge shrines to his holiness. My dad is one of them. There is no fatigue. This guy isn't Mitt Romney. There's no comparison at all.

You're talking passion. I am talking numbers. However, I am absolutely ready to believe you're right about both. But the litmus test will happen at the polls.


You're talking passion. I am talking numbers. However, I am absolutely ready to believe you're right about both. But the litmus test will happen at the polls.

If you looked at the primary numbers there is no way you would be talking about Walker fatigue.
If you looked at the primary numbers there is no way you would be talking about Walker fatigue.

I want to say it's shocking that he's still polling so well but it seems like the steam ran out of the recall effort after they got the signatures. The election itself almost seems like something they weren't well-prepared for. And really, a rematch with the guy that lost last time? Is there nobody else qualified in Wisconsin?


I want to say it's shocking that he's still polling so well but it seems like the steam ran out of the recall effort after they got the signatures. The election itself almost seems like something they weren't well-prepared for. And really, a rematch with the guy that lost last time? Is there nobody else qualified in Wisconsin?

Feingold, but he was afraid of losing and killing his career. That's about it. Neither party has a deep bench, but the GOP is probably slightly deeper. Kathleen Falk has been seen as a sort of nascent potential power for a bit but she got absolutely clowned (didn't even win her own precinct in her own county) so that pretty much ends her statewide career. Herb Kohl is done with serious politics (but he'll build an amazing legacy with infrastructure projects I imagine) and all Milwaukee politicians are old goofs with no shot at bigger offices. The state GOP has a lot of pull nationally with Preibus and Ryan plus Walker was willing to step into the fire and test out the new strategy for states. That said, even the GOP bench is pretty weak. Thompson is now considered a RINO and the rest running for Kohl's seat are multi-time losers.

If Walker survives this he's basically untouchable until he decides to join a presidential ticket.


I want to say it's shocking that he's still polling so well but it seems like the steam ran out of the recall effort after they got the signatures. The election itself almost seems like something they weren't well-prepared for. And really, a rematch with the guy that lost last time? Is there nobody else qualified in Wisconsin?

I think it's mostly that the election is so ungodly long after all the protesting and shit happened. How in the world are you supposed to keep that enthusiasm up for that long? If it could have happened back when a few of the other recalls were happening there may have been a good way to push enthusiasm, but now? Nah. Walker just had to start ramping up his enthusiasm not too long ago (and pump tons of money into ads and stuff). It's like a marathon where his guys get to start on the last mile.

The other thing is that independents and stuff that are sick of politics in general are also angry at the democrats for bringing this whole thing up and starting the fiasco. Walker is easily turning political fatigue in general and annoyance with all of it to a gain for him. It really seems like you're only going to vote against him if you really hate the guy. I don't see many casual votes against him.
If Walker survives this he's basically untouchable until he decides to join a presidential ticket.

That's what I'm guessing the recall effort didn't think through clearly. They've neutered the senate and took away his power which made him pretty much lame and possibly open to defeat during a normal election cycle with national candidates. This quick summer election seems like setting yourself up for failure but then I'm not a polisci major. No question he'll be seen as a national messiah for republicans along with Christie going into 2016.


That's what I'm guessing the recall effort didn't think through clearly. They've neutered the senate and took away his power which made him pretty much lame and possibly open to defeat during a normal election cycle with national candidates. This quick summer election seems like setting yourself up for failure but then I'm not a polisci major. No question he'll be seen as a national messiah for republicans along with Christie going into 2016.

It's worth a shot though. I would be pretty surprised if all close victors in Wisconsin don't face a recall from now on. It's relatively easy to do, as this past year has shown. Why not take two cracks at it?
I want to be young, attractive and sexy, too! I wanna do it.

"We're doing it" in large, bold font is amazing. Do the youngsters still refer to sex as "it"?

As an aside, I appreciated your acknowledgement of bullying as a child. It makes sense, based on your posting style, which is not to say at all that your style of posting is bullying, just especially snarky. I wasn't bullied, nor was I a bully, but I only developed snark as an adult. Not sure if that's better or worse, as mitigation.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Goddamn it. Turns out my semi-hot, blasian co-worker is in fact, a Paultard. I wanted to tell her that aside from weed and the wars, dude's totally batshit, but that would just end terribly. :/
At this point in Wisconsin it's the other way around. Democrats have been demonstrating against Walker for 16 months, this is the first chance his supporters have had to voice their enthusiasm for him. It appears that the Democrats are starting to fatigue (400,000 fewer primary votes than recall signings) while the WI GOP is revved up. Obviously that could change, but it's only three weeks away at this point. It'll be interesting if the ammo dump the dems are engaging in will work.

Latest poll has Walker up 5 and hitting that 50% mark.

Perhaps more interestingly, the same poll has Tommy Thompson slaughtering Tammy Baldwin for the Herb Kohl senate seat. It'd be nuts if both WI seats flip in back to back elections.
that same poll is rasmussen

i'm just saying.


50% mark? Does this mean that WI uses the same dumb system Cali does, where the guy being recalled needs 50%+ to stay in office, while whoever replaces him only needs a plurality?

No, but in a two person race polling above 50% is a big deal. And yes, Rasmussen lol and all that. If I recall he was close on every Wisconsin race in 2010. Either way, it's all there is.

Tomorrow is the WI GOP convention thingy where the party will vote on endorsements.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Wow. The Obama campaign really knows how to market. For some reason, despite the fact that I genuinely enjoy hearing his speeches and such, his merchandising seems so scuzzy to me.

Well tbf the merchandise are basically campaign donations that you can show off. The onesie is cute at least. I just can't imagine a lot of people buying it since it only applies to gay male couples with a newborn, and of course kids outgrow their clothes within months at that age.

Changing your religion to better your electoral chances is probably one flip-flop too many for most people.

That would never happen, not unless Romney came from a not-so-public Mormon family and if his wife was a very strict protestant/catholic and therefore required that he converts in order to marry her.

A man changing his religion just by his own choice would be seen as a heretic/untrustworthy by most people from ANY religious background.

Now it is true that Mitt at least seems to be observe all the Mormon stuff pretty well. Not drinking or smoking or anything. I have no idea how he falls on the spectrum of charity/tithes but I don't think you can say his faith is weak.
No, but in a two person race polling above 50% is a big deal. And yes, Rasmussen lol and all that. If I recall he was close on every Wisconsin race in 2010. Either way, it's all there is.
I dunno much about his Wisconsin record, but he did a poll in Hawaii of the Senate race where Inouye was up by 13 points. He won by 53 points. That's a 40 point discrepancy.

PPP said they were polling it this past weekend. The mainstream media doesn't like to trust them for reason-of-the-day, but they've never been shy about giving bad news for Democrats and they've certainly proven themselves. I'm waiting on them.

Thompson up double digits on Baldwin is fucking hysterical, by the way. Please, I know Baldwin's not the most electable candidate, but if you really want to believe Obama's leading by 4 and Thompson's leading by 12, have I got a bridge to sell you.


Thompson up double digits on Baldwin is fucking hysterical, by the way.

You really think that's not true? The only way Thompson loses is if the base stays home out of spite. He would fucking destroy Tammy Baldwin. Have you never actually been to Wisconsin? The only people who dislike Tommy Thompson are the tea partiers.
You really think that's not true? The only way Thompson loses is if the base stays home out of spite. He would fucking destroy Tammy Baldwin. Have you never actually been to Wisconsin? The only people who dislike Tommy Thompson are the tea partiers.
Fuck no, dude. It's a toss-up. Ras is literally the only outfit suggesting otherwise.

Judging by the fact he's barely holding onto the lead in a primary with 3 teabaggers suggests to me he doesn't have much support from the "base," either.


Fuck no, dude. It's a toss-up. Ras is literally the only outfit suggesting otherwise.

I initially typed a bunch of lol's but you deserve better than that. If Thompson gets nominated, he will win going away. Without question. His only difficulty will be getting the nomination, but with Fitzgerald, Newman and Hovde splitting the die hards, that shouldn't be difficult.

It's a Dick Lugar situation except that Thompson is actually charismatic as hell and is beloved in the state.
I initially typed a bunch of lol's but you deserve better than that.
gee thanks

If Thompson gets nominated, he will win going away. Without question. His only difficulty will be getting the nomination, but with Fitzgerald, Newman and Hovde splitting the die hards, that shouldn't be difficult.

It's a Dick Lugar situation except that Thompson is actually charismatic as hell and is beloved in the state.
Last time PPP was in the state Thompson's favorables were actually underwater.

Yeah, I know as governor he was pretty well-liked, but that was also 12 years ago. His record is about as relevant to Wisconsin now as Bob Kerrey's in Nebraska.


gee thanks

Last time PPP was in the state Thompson's favorables were actually underwater.

Yeah, I know as governor he was pretty well-liked, but that was also 12 years ago. His record is about as relevant to Wisconsin now as Bob Kerrey's in Nebraska.

Look, we all know how this ends. I get it right and you feel bad for a little bit.
Look, we all know how this ends. I get it right and you feel bad for a little bit.
Well, I can always take comfort in living in the superior state.

Hey, while we're predicting outcomes based on Rasmussen, I just want to apologize to PD. Romney's got it in the bag, his 7 point lead over Obama is truly something to marvel at.
I've come to find Minnesota far more awesome then I expected when I moved here three years ago, when I basically knew literally nothing about it.
I find this is a pretty common phenomenon for people who move here. I've got a buddy from Michigan, came here about a year ago, he now considers MN his home.

I wouldn't mind living somewhere warm for a while (probably Texas), but yeah, Minnesota rocks. Its liberal bent is just icing on the cake.
If you don't like Gophers hockey you're barely a Minnesotan.

That's a good thing, by the way.
Yeah, hockey in general never really clicked with me. Baseball and football are about all I keep up with.

And hey, we do have one championship team!


That's right, the WNBA, source of all my cheap middle school field trip memories.
Well, okay. I like the Twins.

I'm sorry.

Also back on track here: does anyone else think that the summer lull before the conventions will mean the hardcore on either side of the political spectrum (that is, the far right and far left) will start muckracking like mad? I, for one, don't look forward to hearing that because Obama ties his left shoe before his right one, he's a communist.
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