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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Thanks dudes.

Also, I can't believe Reid said this on the Senate floor earlier:
I've a bit of sympathy for Reid as the Senate Majority Leader is fairly weak institutionally. Still, obstruction has been a problem for three years. If they are genuinely interested in reform, I'd have loved some action by now. Nevertheless, I think reform is forthcoming.
Eh, the military just makes any process long.
The nature of any beast as large as large as the military.
Which is why they adopted an extended process. With an institution as large as the military, an accelerated process would have been hasty.


Does the Republican party just have a collective memory problem?

“It was a year and a half ago, so I don’t remember the particulars of that discussion,” he responded. “I think it was very clear about standing up and saying somebody needs to stand up on behalf of the hard-working taxpayers.”

Really Scott? You don't remember? Well, good thing we have a video...

And I'm sure you're standing up on behalf of the hard-working tax payers... as long as those taxpayers don't work for the government in any way shape or form. And soon you might only stand up for them as long as they're not union thugs!

Rommey about to speak at Liberty University commencement, while a bi-plane does flyer ad with "GOP = HIGHER SCHOOL DEBT" written on it. Amazing.


Without Indianapolis, Indiana is just Kansas. Boringggg. I've passed through i-65 and i-70 across Indiana dozens of times.

Seriously. I hate Indiana with a passion. I have a few college friends from there, and my wife's from there, so I've had to pass through a few times and hate it. We went across to Fort Wayne for one friend's wedding and good lord there is nothing on that road. And Fort Wayne itself can eat a dick. Its roads are complete nonsense. When going down through Indiana when we went on our honeymoon, too, I saw some interesting places. When I say interesting I mean it looked like stuff out of Fallout 3. The other weird thing I observed is that everyone seems to have a brand new car, and there are car dealerships in every single little podunk town. No matter how shitty your house is, though: brand new car. Such a weird state... I've been assured by my friend that lives in Indianapolis that I'd love that city, though. We'll see.
Seriously. I hate Indiana with a passion. I have a few college friends from there, and my wife's from there, so I've had to pass through a few times and hate it. We went across to Fort Wayne for one friend's wedding and good lord there is nothing on that road. And Fort Wayne itself can eat a dick. Its roads are complete nonsense. When going down through Indiana when we went on our honeymoon, too, I saw some interesting places. When I say interesting I mean it looked like stuff out of Fallout 3. The other weird thing I observed is that everyone seems to have a brand new car, and there are car dealerships in every single little podunk town. No matter how shitty your house is, though: brand new car. Such a weird state... I've been assured by my friend that lives in Indianapolis that I'd love that city, though. We'll see.

Yep I passed through Ft Wayne too. If you're heading north to Chicago, at least you will pass through the giant windmill farm. Only redeeming part of Indiana.


Without Indianapolis, Indiana is just Kansas. Boringggg. I've passed through i-65 and i-70 across Indiana dozens of times.

But it's a great place if you don't want anyone bothering you and it has easy ballot access!

I was in Boston for four years (the Romneycare!) before moving here. Talk about a shitty place to live.
But it's a great place if you don't want anyone bothering you and it has easy ballot access!

I was in Boston for four years (the Romneycare!) before moving here. Talk about a shitty place to live.

Indiana is terrible, full stop. Indianapolis is a terrible excuse for a big city. The state has no redeeming qualities and is the most boring state in the Union this side of Delaware.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You have good taste in ski resorts.
But have you been to Big Sky?

I have not, and I have heard good things, but only times I have been through Montana were to get a state park or to get to Alberta.

Only thing I remember is a lot of nothing, slot machines in gas stations, and alkali puddles on the side of the road.


I have not, and I have heard good things, but only times I have been through Montana were to get a state park or to get to Alberta.

Only thing I remember is a lot of nothing, slot machines in gas stations, and alkali puddles on the side of the road.
You should really check it out.
It's a huge resort, the biggest in the US, and it has no lines (I think it has a third of Vale's average attendance).
If you like big challenging mountains and you're okay with a very underwhelming night life, big sky is the place to be.

But I derailed the thread enough.

So back on topis(ish) -
Lovely, Rand Paul. Lovely.
Yes Mr. Paul, it can get quite gayer than that.
Maybe I should introduce you to some gay people.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You should really check it out.
It's a huge resort, the biggest in the US, and it has no lines (I think it has a third of Vale's average attendance).
If you like big challenging mountains and you're okay with a very underwhelming night life, big sky is the place to be.

But I derailed the thread enough.

So back on topis(ish) -

Yes Mr. Paul, it can get quite gayer than that.
Maybe I should introduce you to some gay people.

One more addition onto the derail train:

Night life is wholly unimportant (Mormon)
I love not having lines (I like skiing at Deer Valley for that reason sometimes, absolutely NO lines EVER, even if most runs are groomed (ick!))

I used to ski Beaver Creek back in the day and remember how imposing Vale was. Funny that now there are so many other resorts the make it pale in comparison for skiing. Might have to check it out some day :)


Lol if you don't like Montana then we appreciate very different things. The only thing I miss about the city is restaurants, but they didn't let me butcher my own meat so I can stand the trade off.

Bush was bad, but at least he was upfront about being who he was.

Mittens is a true scumbag. He's bullied kids, abused animals, blatantly lied about Obama, flip-flops on every issue he can to pander to voters, tries to take credit for things he had NO part in at all, lies about his own record and when he's confronted about all of this just continues to lie and tell others they're full of crap.

Bush was an idiot and we didn't agree with him on much .. but at least at the end of the day he had the balls to stand up for what HE believed in, even if he was wrong. Romney is the personification of a stereotypical corrupt politician.


Rand Paul: I Didn’t Think Obama’s Views On Marriage ‘Could Get Any Gayer’

At the Iowa Faith & Freedom event, Paul mocked President Obama’s remark that his view on marriage was evolving. “Call me cynical, but I didn’t think his views on marriage could get any gayer,” he said.

Bush was bad, but at least he was upfront about being who he was.

Mittens is a true scumbag. He's bullied kids, abused animals, blatantly lied about Obama, flip-flops on every issue he can to pander to voters, tries to take credit for things he had NO part in at all, lies about his own record and when he's confronted about all of this just continues to lie and tell others they're full of crap.

Bush was an idiot and we didn't agree with him on much .. but at least at the end of the day he had the balls to stand up for what HE believed in, even if he was wrong. Romney is the personification of a stereotypical corrupt politician.

The Media environment helps Romney lots too with his play

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
You are thinking of Paul Ryan, not Rand Paul.

I'm horrible with remembering names. Still, it's awfully hypocritical for a supposed libertarian to make use of gay bashing as a political tool.

I thought I hlread some speculation in this thread that Ron Paul wasn't that aggressive in the debates because he wanted his son to get to be Romney vice president?


What does Paul add to a ticket though?

He will pursue a restoration of our civil liberties.

By which I mean privatizing the agencies that infringe upon them. "My grandma being felt up by airport security? Well, as long as someone's making a profit I guess it's okay!"

Jon Stewart has a half hour comedy show on Comedy Central. Rand Paul is a United States senator speaking at a political event.

Not to mention that Jon Stewart wouldn't be doing it to a crowd that thinks gay = bad.


Ehh? Why?

Because he and I have many similar opinions?

What does Paul add to a ticket though?

Not a thing.

Jon Stewart has a half hour comedy show on Comedy Central. Rand Paul is a United States senator speaking at a political event.

A joke is a joke.

I'm horrible with remembering names. Still, it's awfully hypocritical for a supposed libertarian to make use of gay bashing as a political tool.
That's gay bashing?


Really? He's insinuating gay=bad, stupid, wrong

How is that not at least subtly insulting gays.

He was at the Iowa Faith & Freedom. He was speaking to a bunch of homophobes and bigots.

Obama's stance on marriage did, in fact, become gayer by including homosexuality in the concept.

I thought it was clever.
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