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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I was kind of hoping EV would clarify what he was saying. He has said "dollar bills" as well as just "spending'. Either way, neither are the ONLY way to grow GDP as he suggested.

There is no difference between a dollar bill and a pixel on a computer screen representing one dollar. Both are just representations of money that the government creates when it spends or destroys when it taxes. We could get rid of both paper money and electronic money and use beads.


There is no difference between a dollar bill and a pixel on a computer screen representing one dollar. Both are just representations of money that the government creates when it spends or destroys when it taxes. We could get rid of both paper money and electronic money and use beads.

It would certainly solve Louisiana's financial woes.
To be fair, the group he talked to were business owners, and the forum was regarding the economy. That is like saying "Romney talked to women and didn't mention abortion. " blanket generalities don't always make sense.

He went into detail about Education Policy in front of Latinos without even mentioning the DREAM Act. It is not blanket generalities

Also, the story on this awesome photo is out



"I want to know if my hair is just like yours," he told Mr. Obama, so quietly that the president asked him to speak again.
Jacob did, and Mr. Obama replied, "Why don't you touch it and see for yourself?" He brought his head level with Jacob, who hesitated.

"Touch it, dude!" Mr. Obama said.

As Jacob patted the presidential crown, Mr. Souza snapped.

"So, what do you think?" Mr. Obama asked.

"Yes, it does feel the same," Jacob said.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Spoken by President Obama, to a five year-old boy. I expect Drudge, Fox and Politico to be all over this any second now.

NBA Player Eddy Curry uttered the same words to a cabdriver as he was attempting sexual advances.
There is no difference between a dollar bill and a pixel on a computer screen representing one dollar. Both are just representations of money that the government creates when it spends or destroys when it taxes. We could get rid of both paper money and electronic money and use beads.

I suggest we use crocs. 2 crocs for a loaf of bread.


I haven't been paying attention the past 3 weeks. But let me guess... - vouchers?


Romney told members of the Latino Coalition gathered at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that millions of American children were "getting a third-world education," adding: "America's minority children suffer the most. This is the civil rights issue of our era."

The GOP hopeful said low-income and disabled students should be able to choose to attend any public or charter schools in a voucher-like program, with federal aid following them to their chosen schools. The campaign also proposed allowing students to apply those federal funds toward private schools when permitted by state law, or to use funds for a tutor or digital course.

His solution to this civil rights issue our our era is to make poor people drive to "good" schools. Nevermind that they don't have the time or money to drive their kids to schools that are far away. Nevermind the fact that the vouchers will most likely not cover the full expenses on a lot of schools. Nevermind the fact that good schools will fill up and not have room for poor kids (actually they are already full). I wonder how many poor kids could get into Romney's high school on his voucher program. Im sure a lot.


Junior Member

His solution to this civil rights issue our our era is to make poor people drive to "good" schools. Nevermind that they don't have the time or money to drive their kids to schools that are far away. Nevermind the fact that the vouchers will most likely not cover the full expenses on a lot of schools. Nevermind the fact that good schools will fill up and not have room for poor kids (actually they are already full). I wonder how many poor kids could get into Romney's high school on his voucher program. Im sure a lot.

What's worse is that private schools can legally turn away children with disabilities, or learning difficulties.

So if little Timmy is emotionally disturbed, he isn't getting in.


What's worse is that private schools can legally turn away children with disabilities, or learning difficulties.

So if little Timmy is emotionally disturbed, he isn't getting in.

Don't worry they do provide im sorry cards......

Dear Timmy,

Free markets a bitch.

Mike M

Nick N
im sure thatll fix things

Well we can see that tort reform in Texas and California didn't make a scratch in healthcare prices, and buying across state lines will lead to a race to the bottom as we saw in the credit card industry.



It really as nothing to do with Obama. It is more a vetting of the media and that, when it comes to Obama, they don't give two shits about trying to dig up anything about his past. Yet with someone like GWB, they were willing to go so far as present documents they knew were forged (Dan Rather).

Yeah, the media should totally be held to account for not criticizing Obama for looking like a teabagger, before teabaggers even existed!


Nailed it.

Also, I'm eagerly anticipating his "common-sense solution for healthcare"

Figured, they are nothing but predictable in their 'solutions'. Their 'problems' however always surprising.


His solution to this civil rights issue our our era is to make poor people drive to "good" schools. Nevermind that they don't have the time or money to drive their kids to schools that are far away. Nevermind the fact that the vouchers will most likely not cover the full expenses on a lot of schools. Nevermind the fact that good schools will fill up and not have room for poor kids (actually they are already full). I wonder how many poor kids could get into Romney's high school on his voucher program. Im sure a lot.

That's a fun twist. If they want to fix our education, quit letting backwards Texans write our textbooks. :lol

Well we can see that tort reform in Texas and California didn't make a scratch in healthcare prices, and buying across state lines will lead to a race to the bottom as we saw in the credit card industry.


There are actually people that thought this? Hahaha. Seems patently obvious to me that all the cc companies would simply move to the state with the least regulation, and all the states would be in a race to the bottom to least regulation in hopes to get their business. Why are there so many stupid Americans? Ugh.
There's such a distinct difference in the official ads coming from each campaign, its crazy. Romney's come off as smarmy, elitist shittalks, while Obama's are informative, transparant, and hopeful. Good lawd.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Incredulity is not an argument. You're trying to generate outrage about a 14-year old being excited to talk to a celebrity. It's chickenshit. Let it go. It's embarrassing.

Oh, whoops. I didn't notice that you were quoting the other post I made. I mistakenly assumed you were responding to that "boy" comment.



dat shale boom

"The shale gas boom in the U.S. has led to a big drop in carbon emissions, as power generators switch from coal to cheap gas. According to the International Energy Agency, U.S. energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, fell by 450m tons over the past five years – the largest drop among all countries surveyed.

Fatih Birol, IEA chief economist, attributed the fall to improvements in fuel efficiency in the transport sector and a “major shift” from coal to gas in the power sector. “This is a success story based on a combination of policy and technology – policy driving greater efficiency and technology making shale gas production viable,” Mr Birol told the Financial Times.

Link (reg. required)


The one that contributes to our black carbon pollution.

--- /// ---

Offshore Drilling in Alaska

Shortly before Thanksgiving in 2010, the leaders of the commission President Obama had appointed to investigate the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico sat down in the Oval Office to brief him.

After listening to their findings about the BP accident and the safety of deepwater drilling, the president abruptly changed the subject.

“Where are you coming out on the offshore Arctic?” he asked

William K. Reilly, a former chief of the Environmental Protection Agency and a commission co-chairman, was startled, as was Carol M. Browner, the president’s top adviser at the time on energy and climate change. Although a proposal by Shell to drill in the Arctic had been a source of dissension, it was not a major focus of the panel’s work.

“It’s not deep water, right?” the president said, noting that Shell’s proposal involved low-pressure wells in 150 feet of water, nothing like BP’s 5,000-foot high-pressure well that blew out in the gulf.

“What that told me,” Mr. Reilly later recounted, “was that the president had already gotten deeply into this issue and was prepared to go forward

In blessing Shell’s move into the Arctic, Mr. Obama continues his efforts to balance business and environmental interests, seemingly project by project. He pleased environmentalists by delaying the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada and by adopting tough air standards for power plants, yet he has also delighted business concerns by rejecting an ozone standard deemed too costly to the economy.

And now, the president is writing a new chapter in the nation’s unfolding energy transformation, in this case to the benefit of fossil fuel producers.

“We never would have expected a Democratic president — let alone one seeking to be ‘transformative’ — to open up the Arctic Ocean for drilling,” said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club.


Hurray for sanity.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I was waiting all day yesterday to see how the righties would respond to that Marketwatch analysis of Obama's spending, and seems someone finally came up with a rebuttal.

As the chart indicates, Nutting arrives at that 1.4% number by assigning 2009—when spending surged nearly 20%—to George W. Bush: “The 2009 fiscal year, which Republicans count as part of Obama’s legacy, began four months before Obama moved into the White House. The major spending decisions in the 2009 fiscal year were made by George W. Bush and the previous Congress. Like a relief pitcher who comes into the game with the bases loaded, Obama came in with a budget in place that called for spending to increase by hundreds of billions of dollars in response to the worst economic and financial calamity in generations.”

Let me complete the metaphor for Nutting: “Then as those runners scored, Obama kept putting more on base.”

Obama chose not to reverse that elevated level of spending; thus he, along with congressional Democrats, are responsible for it. Only by establishing 2009 as the new baseline, something Republican budget hawks like Paul Ryan feared would happen, does Obama come off looking like a tightwad. Obama has turned a one-off surge in spending due to the Great Recession into his permanent New Normal through 2016 and beyond.

It’s as if one of my teenagers crashed our family minivan, and I had to buy a new one. And then, since I liked that new car smell so much, I decided to buy a new van every year for the rest of my life. I would indeed be a reckless spender.


He's comparing spending to GDP levels, so it seems fairly logical so far. One trick that the Right likes to use is to use the deficit numbers and blame all that on spending (ignoring the revenue portion entirely, thus making it seem like it's all an issue of spending)), but this guy didn't do that. Still, I feel something's off.

Also, even if it wasn't, that last metaphor sounds too fucking stupid to let go.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Hurray for sanity.

Sounds like he is balancing the pros and cons of each situation.

Also, isn't the ozone improving? Imposing new stricter standards seems crazy if what we are already doing is fixing the core problem enough.

Nice to see logic enter the equation for once.

The biggest issue I see, from what I know with Arctic drilling, is a tanker running into something. I'm glad it's been pushed back as long as it has, as tech has dramatically improved since... of course if they cut corners again, it won't matter.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

Did I miss something?

"In the coming decades, we expect a continuing decrease in stratospheric chlorine and continued improvement in ozone levels," said Poole. "Without the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and its follow-on amendments, we would have been going in the other direction."

I should have prefaced my previous comment with, "If the cost is too high".
Edit: The point I was trying to make was, there are more important environmental factors to consider right now, especially if further improvements to the ozone layer come at a high cost.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Did I miss something?

I should have prefaced my previous comment with, "If the cost is too high".
Edit: The point I was trying to make was, there are more important environmental factors to consider right now, especially if further improvements to the ozone layer come at a high cost.

I'm sorry, but nothing's "more important" that making sure our planet remains habitable for us as long as we're stuck on this rock we call Earth.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm sorry, but nothing's "more important" that making sure our planet remains habitable for us as long as we're stuck on this rock we call Earth.

I understand what you are trying to say, but you have to prioritize. The Montreal Protocol worked, we should maintain the standards and monitor the ozone layer as it recovers.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I understand what you are trying to say, but you have to prioritize. The Montreal Protocol worked, we should maintain the standards and monitor the ozone layer as it recovers.

that's the thing though: there's a couple of nations with about 1/3rd of the world's population experiencing rapid growth right now. Do you think emissions from those countries aren't going to rise at an extraordinary rate?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
that's the thing though: there's a couple of nations with about 1/3rd of the world's population experiencing rapid growth right now. Do you think emissions from those countries aren't going to rise at an extraordinary rate?

That is a good point, I don't have the stats on CFC releases in developing countries, it did cross my mind.

That does not mean we need even stricter standards here, especially if the impact would be minor and the cost high. Given that we are seeing the direction of damage reverse.
I would likely be saying the opposite if the situation was different.

Anyway, we have veered wayyy off topic.


NBC/Marist Poll: Obama Leads Romney In Ohio, Virginia And Florida


The latest NBC/Marist surveys polled registered voters in Ohio, Virginia and Florida. Obama enjoys his largest lead over Romney in Ohio, where NBC/Marist found the president favored by voters over the former Massachusetts governor, 48 percent to 42 percent. The president’s leads over Romney in Virginia and Florida are identical: 48 percent to 44 percent.

Not only will the three states figure prominently in the 2012 electoral college map, but they are also home to three elected officials rumored to be on Romney’s veep shortlist. The bad news for Romney: tapping Ohio Sen. Rob Portman (R), Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) or Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R) as a running mate would not improve the Republican ticket’s chances in their respective stomping grounds. The NBC/Marist poll found there is little change in the three swing states when Portman, McDonnell or Rubio are added to the hypothetical matchup, with the Democratic ticket of Obama and Vice President Joe Biden maintaining their leads in all three states.

The electoral math is getting pretty rough for Romney. I can't see him getting to 270 without OH.
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