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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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If Obama was associated with someone saying shit like Trump there would be a media firestorm.

Actually you would have never heard about it, it would be scrubbed from written text and the internet /kosmo

I like this, actually. It's going to force Romney to get on the record in relation to birtherism, and just might even start a conversation on Romney's long standing campaign of Other-ising Obama. I probably would have preferred for Romney to be asked about this at a town hall so we could see a glimpse of his character (like McCain in 08) or lack thereof, but I'll settle with a reporter asking, Romney giving one answer, then a voter asking in October and Romney giving a different answer
How is the Media not calling out Romney for claiming he created 100k jobs?

The bulk of that is from Staples, roughly 90k jobs from there which were all mostly also created after Bain got out of Staples in 1989. He doesn't count any jobs lost at companies that Bain got out of since then.

How does that become Romney created 100k jobs? Media is just repeating that claim verbatim in articles.


If you want someone to be less stubborn and dogmatic, you shouldn't give him shit when he comes cleans.

We all said stupid and straight out wrong things in this thread, as long as he acknowledge it, I think we should just move on.
How is the Media not calling out Romney for claiming he created 100k jobs?

The bulk of that is from Staples, roughly 90k jobs from there which were all mostly also created after Bain got out of Staples in 1989. He doesn't count any jobs lost at companies that Bain got out of since then.

How does that become Romney created 100k jobs? Media is just repeating that claim verbatim in articles.

It's especially asinine considering Romney's argument that Obama hasn't created a single job, due to the country still being in the hole from the first months of his presidency. If that should be included (and I agree it should be), the same criteria should apply to his own experience.

Angry Fork

I hope this marijuana past really comes to the forefront and makes Obama take a progressive stand on the issue. It would be great if pressure makes him cave in like gay rights and support de-criminalization or legalization.

But then again he could say something stupid like "i was dumb in high school what I did was wrong" etc. kind of stance and brush it off. If he says something like that then he won't do shit even if he gets re-elected for sure.
The fuck? You just said it wouldn't make a difference globally. which it wouldn't. Because the amount of oil america has compared to the rest of the world is insignificant, and you're grossly ignorant if you don't know that.

I'm not calling you an idiot, I'm calling people who think we can significantly contribute to the oil supply (and thus, significantly affect the price) idiots.

Why would the midwestern US not see oil prices go up as a result of supplies within the midwestern US being depleted? That's what I'm asking you to rebuke. But you just went on a tangent about global reserves and acted all upset for no apparent reason.

Are you going to respond to me or continue to dodge?

This is why they don't engage you. Eznark responded to you very reasonably and politely, and then you go on about him "dodging" and being an "idiot."

That's not conducive to conversation.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
This is why they don't engage you. Eznark responded to you very reasonably and politely, and then you go on about him "dodging" and being an "idiot."

That's not conducive to conversation.

Yeah, he was right.

I guess I'm just sick of the typical post-and-run schtick of some of the more prominent conservatives on GAF that I get more irritable when talking to them. But you and he are both right, it's not conductive to conversation at all.

*group hug*


If you want someone to be less stubborn and dogmatic, you shouldn't give him shit when he comes cleans.

We all said stupid and straight out wrong things in this thread, as long as he acknowledge it, I think we should just move on.

Wait, are you talking about Kosmo? From what I've seen he never acknowledges when he says stupid and wrong things. He just disappears for a day then comes back with the next story from Rush/Drudge/Hannity.
This is why Biden is awesome, his speech to families of fallen troops


“It was the first time in my career, in my life, I realized someone could go out – and I probably shouldn’t say this with the press here, but no, but it’s more important, you’re more important. For the first time in my life, I understood how someone could consciously decide to commit suicide,” he said. ”Not because they were deranged, not because they were nuts, because they had been to the top of the mountain, and they just knew in their heart they would never get there again.”

“Folks, it can and will get better,” Biden said. “There will come a day – I promise you, and your parents as well – when the thought of your son or daughter, or your husband or wife, brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. It will happen.”
Yeah, he was right.

I guess I'm just sick of the typical post-and-run schtick of some of the more prominent conservatives on GAF that I get more irritable when talking to them. But you and he are both right, it's not conductive to conversation at all.

*group hug*




Which is why it's goddamn fucking irritating he's been such a little bitch on the subject of marijuana. Stop persecuting medical marijuana dispensers, stop being a hypocrite, legalize this shit. At the very least stop fucking with states that take steps.

This is why Biden is awesome, his speech to families of fallen troops


wow, amazing speech.

They had a memorial day service at the Army Depot and it was quite moving too - they told a story about a soldier during Vietnam who saved his fellow soldiers from a grenade blast, took the brunt of the first grenade blast by himself, then while he was still violently injured from that blast, took his own grenade and ran up to the enemy position and blew himself up and all the enemies, saving his men.

It's always inspiring to me the sacrifice our servicemen and women make
How is the Media not calling out Romney for claiming he created 100k jobs?

The bulk of that is from Staples, roughly 90k jobs from there which were all mostly also created after Bain got out of Staples in 1989. He doesn't count any jobs lost at companies that Bain got out of since then.

How does that become Romney created 100k jobs? Media is just repeating that claim verbatim in articles.

I think media is doing a pretty good job of it. It's all over CNN and MSNBC, with tons of other online/print articles.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
If you want someone to be less stubborn and dogmatic, you shouldn't give him shit when he comes cleans.

We all said stupid and straight out wrong things in this thread, as long as he acknowledge it, I think we should just move on.

How did he come clean? He is insinuating that non-Fox News networks did not cover the whole Rev. Wright thing. It's the whole, Obama has not been vetted crap.

humorless poligaf strikes again ..

It was a genuine question, I cannot tell if he actually believes some of the drivel he spews, or he is just trying to rile people up.


Just following the debate on twitter. It sounds like Walker is a lot more comfortable (supposedly he was awkward in the 2010 debates...I'd buy that) and that Barrett is going nuclear (in a good way for him, in my opinion). Seems like Barrett is really on the offensive. He's also decided on calling him Scott. I seem to remember someone (don't remember who) doing that in a Presidential debate and people going bonkers.

Dan Bice is the guy to follow probably. @DanielBice He's a solid lefty and the JS's "watchdog" but he is also a good reporter.


Which is why it's goddamn fucking irritating he's been such a little bitch on the subject of marijuana. Stop persecuting medical marijuana dispensers, stop being a hypocrite, legalize this shit. At the very least stop fucking with states that take steps.

wow, amazing speech.

They had a memorial day service at the Army Depot and it was quite moving too - they told a story about a soldier during Vietnam who saved his fellow soldiers from a grenade blast, took the brunt of the first grenade blast by himself, then while he was still violently injured from that blast, took his own grenade and ran up to the enemy position and blew himself up and all the enemies, saving his men.

It's always inspiring to me the sacrifice our servicemen and women make

Reminds of my favorite document since starting to work at VA 4 years ago. It was a citation for a Silver Star, basically one step below a Medal of Honor. Vietnam vet got his silver star as a combat medic... but how you say? Well this badass was in the middle of base attack. Mortars and bullets flying everywhere! What does he do, nothing less than going out in the shit and triage-ing 3 fellow soldiers, saving their lives. But, it doesn't end there after saving 3 live this guy grabs a grenade launcher and kills (as estimated in the report) a couple dozen enemy.



*Looks back to 2008 articles for non-Fox News coverage of Rev. Wright....

I got nothing.

For the record, the Times "ignored" the Wright story so often in 2008 that it managed to publish just 200-plus articles and columns that mentioned both Obama and Rev. Wright, according to Nexis. The Times published more than 126 rticles and columns that mentioned Obama and Wright at least three times each, and 33 hefty pieces that mentioned both men at least eight times each.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong.


Apparently Walker called an audible. At the end of the debate they were allowed to ask each other questions. Walker basically said "Barrett has been argumentative enough, I don't think we need to add to that" skips questioning. Response from journos is impressed. Barrett supposedly had a strong closing statement.

I'm a little surprised that Barrett went full pit bull. The theme of his campaign thus far has been "Unity" yet he spends the night angry? Strange strategy.

Narrative tomorrow:

From Liberals: Barrett was excellent, decisive and attacked. Hit on the important issue of John Doe. Tom finally acted like he wants to win and went for the throat. His aggressiveness and anger represents Wisconsin and won the day! Unity! Walker was meek and dodged the questions.

From Conservatives: Walker was cool, calm and collected. He looked and acted like a governor. Barrett was cranky, confrontational and aggressive while claiming he would bring the state unity? Walker's focus on jobs and the budget won the day. Forward!


Kosmo if you don't know something, don't pretend you do, look it up, research and think. Why are you so afraid of facts.

I smell a trend.

There's this guy at work, Gary O'Toole, old vet who just calls everything that doesn't say Obama is Hitler as "liberal propaganda." I once showed him a fact that proved him wrong with SIX DIFFERENT SOURCES, one even from Fox News(!), and he still called it liberal propaganda.

Facts are anathema to conservatives these days. Means having to face the fact that Obama has been more conservative in many ways than many of their highest profile Republicans over the past thirty years. To avoid admitting that, they have to go even FURTHER right and make what were their positions previously seem toxic.
Rasmussen released a poll of Indiana Senate today, showing it a 42-42 tie.

An important caveat would be that it was conducted through the internet - apparently, a third party collected respondents and Ras asked them. That's because of Indiana's law forbidding robocalls (all polls have to be conducted by a live interviewer).

They're still a shit pollster but that has to be comforting for Democrats.


I think it's relevant to discuss in the larger context of the war on drugs, but on its own it's a pretty low on my list of priorities for the country.

That I agree with. But honestly, most people don't really care about the war on drugs and just want pot legalized.
Apparently Walker called an audible. At the end of the debate they were allowed to ask each other questions. Walker basically said "Barrett has been argumentative enough, I don't think we need to add to that" skips questioning. Response from journos is impressed. Barrett supposedly had a strong closing statement.

I'm a little surprised that Barrett went full pit bull. The theme of his campaign thus far has been "Unity" yet he spends the night angry? Strange strategy.

Narrative tomorrow:

From Liberals: Barrett was excellent, decisive and attacked. Hit on the important issue of John Doe. Tom finally acted like he wants to win and went for the throat. His aggressiveness and anger represents Wisconsin and won the day! Unity! Walker was meek and dodged the questions.

From Conservatives: Walker was cool, calm and collected. He looked and acted like a governor. Barrett was cranky, confrontational and aggressive while claiming he would bring the state unity? Walker's focus on jobs and the budget won the day. Forward!

The debate

What's up with the 1970s quality fonts/stage/television quality? Come on Wisconsin you can do better than that yo


I think it's relevant to discuss in the larger context of the war on drugs, but on its own it's pretty low on my concerns for the country.

Very low.

I think the fact that we have the largest prison population on Earth or something like that, and a vast amount of those individuals are imprisoned for crimes related to marijuana, which inevitably turns them into worse criminals, which inevitably costs tax payers billions of dollars a year, which inevitably ends with these people back in jail for even worse crimes, which inevitable costs more tax dollars and repeats the cycle, is a pretty significant issue.

Not to mention the associated baggage and pain that comes with people losing their jobs over something the vast majority of Americans do at one point or another, people having to feel shame when their family catches them doing something so harmless, the social stigma in some circles. It's absurd.

It's certainly not the defining issue of THIS campaign, but it is a massively important issue.

Tim-E said:
most people don't really care about the war on drugs and just want pot legalized.

And what would be wrong with that? The point is for the right thing to be done. Who gives a shit WHY people want the right thing to be done?
Drug war is done. We lost.

If you want any evidence that drugs have won the drug war, you just need to read the scientific studies on legal highs.

If you’re not keeping track of the ‘legal high’ scene it’s important to remember that the first examples, synthetic cannabinoids sold as ‘Spice’ and ‘K2′ incense, were only detected in 2009.

Shortly after amphetamine-a-like stimulant drugs, largely based on variations on pipradrol and the cathinones appeared, and now ketamine-like drugs such as methoxetamine have become widespread.

Since 1997, 150 new psychoactive substances were reported. Almost a third of those appeared in 2010.

Last year, the US government banned several of these drugs although the effect has been minimal as the legal high laboratories have over-run the trenches of the drug warriors.

A new study just published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology tracked the chemical composition of legal highs as the bans were introduced.

A key question was whether the legal high firms would just try and use the same banned chemicals and sell them under a different name.

The research team found that since the ban only 4.9% of the products contained any trace of the recently banned drugs. The remaining 95.1% of products contained drugs not covered by the law.

The chemicals in legal highs have fundamentally changed since the 2011 ban and the labs have outrun the authorities in less than a year.

Another new study has looked at legal highs derived from pipradrol – a drug developed in 1940s for treating obesity, depression, ADHD and narcolepsy.

It was made illegal in many countries during the 70s due to its potential for abuse because it gives an amphetamine-like high.

The study found that legal high labs have just been running through variations of the banned drug using simple modifications of the original molecule to make new unregulated versions.

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