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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Professional Schmuck
Wish I could see that Biden speech on video. Great stuff. He really gets it, and I stand by my earlier comments in this thread suggesting he's the most genuine and empathetic politician alive.
Am I the only one who can't even pretend to care about the legalization of pot?

No, you aren't. People know the shit's illegal. If they want to buy/smoke it anyway because they feel like it shouldn't be, that's their own fucking choice and their own fucking problem. I don't care about helping people smoke pot without fear of reprisal. Not one bit.


No, you aren't. People know the shit's illegal. If they want to buy/smoke it anyway because they feel like it shouldn't be, that's their own fucking choice and their own fucking problem. I don't care about helping people smoke pot without fear of reprisal. Not one bit.

It's technically everyone's problem, by actual fact, since we all pay part of the billions in tax dollars going to incarcerate these harmless pot smokers whilst simultaneously turning them into far more dangerous criminals.

But you probably haven't thought your position through past the indignant phase. Just a guess.

As a side note, don't know if this was posted yet, but this John Edwards trial just gets more hilarious by the second:

Here's a riddle: What comes in group of four and is the color of French's Mustard?

After a week of deliberations, the four alternate jurors have become the prime distraction for the assembled press corps and spectators in the courtroom.

On Thursday the alternates - three women and one man - caused something of a stir when they showed up in matching bright yellow shirts, hardly bothering to suppress their snickering as the judge addressed the main panel of jurors.

For nearly four weeks, 16 jurors heard all the evidence in Edwards' case. After the closing arguments, Judge Catherine Eagles made the unorthodox decision to extend the service of the four alternate jurors, while the primary panel of 12 deliberated the six felony charges. So for the last five days of deliberations, the gang of four alternates has been required to show up at court each day, sent to a holding room with instructions to avoid talking about the case.

Anytime the jurors are in the courtroom, the judge calls the alternates down to keep them apprised of the status of deliberations. And the alternates are also sent to lunch every afternoon with the rest of the jurors.[/n]

Since the alternates were identified last Thursday, it has been impossible to ignore the dynamic between Edwards and one of the female alternates, an attractive young woman with jet-black hair, who seems to have been flirting with Edwards for days.

The juror clearly instigated the exchanges. She smiles at him. He smiles at her. She giggles. He blushes.

The flirtation has become so obvious that even Edwards' attorneys have to work to suppress their laughter at the absurdity of it all.

The jury returns today to resume deliberations for a sixth day. Edwards is accused of using nearly $1 million in campaign donations to hide his affair with his mistress Rielle Hunter. If convicted, he could be sentenced to as much as 30 years in prison and fined as much as $1.5 million.

It's technically everyone's problem, by actual fact, since we all pay part of the billions in tax dollars going to incarcerate these harmless pot smokers whilst simultaneously turning them into far more dangerous criminals.

But you probably haven't thought your position through past the indignant phase. Just a guess.

Nope. Don't give a fuck.


Professional Schmuck

Bill Maher makes a great case for why Obama has been a terrible socialist. Not as funny as it's true, and if he's trying to get me excited for another four years, it's not working. I'm beginning to hope there actually IS a super-secret socialist liberal plot to cut defense, rescue the trees, legalize pot, and provide medicare to all when he gets reelected.

But we're probably looking at four more years of marginal (but effective) push-backs on conservative ideology, no gun control, more Wall Street melt downs, slightly decreased defense spending while pulling out of Afghanistan, and at least one major, unexpected international event for which we'll be glad Obama was President and not Romney.

Amazing how "not terrible" could be such a positive result for our country after Bush and with the possibility of Romney running the show.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Meh, it is nothing anybody is going to use. Romney can't take direct credit for creating the jobs, just like Obama can't as President.

So does that mean he shouldn't get the blame for the current unemployment rate too? Surely the GOP has some different thoughts on that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

Bill Maher makes a great case for why Obama has been a terrible socialist. Not as funny as it's true, and if he's trying to get me excited for another four years, it's not working. I'm beginning to hope there actually IS a super-secret socialist liberal plot to cut defense, rescue the trees, legalize pot, and provide medicare to all when he gets reelected.

But we're probably looking at four more years of marginal (but effective) push-backs on conservative ideology, no gun control, more Wall Street melt downs, slightly decreased defense spending while pulling out of Afghanistan, and at least one major, unexpected international event for which we'll be glad Obama was President and not Romney.

Amazing how "not terrible" could be such a positive result for our country after Bush and with the possibility of Romney running the show.

Not terrible is always what you will get. That's the way things have always gone in this country. The Senate was specifically designed for this.

The only time we get big change is when the country overwhelmingly demands it. EV talks about this all the time in this thread.
Just had this delightful conversation over Facebook:


The sign of an idiot who knows he's wrong:

Person in that convo: (makes dumbass argument)
You: (points out flaws in argument)

It wouldn't surprise me if he was a jock in high school. A lot of them are still trapped in that mentality.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
I'm getting so sick of Walker ads. I work in downtown Milwaukee and our break room TV, no matter what channel, has like 3 of his ads in a half-hour period (and I keep telling Hulu the ads aren't relevant to me). The one that pisses me off the most is the "100 million dollar trolley" one. So damn disingenuous, considering that the money for that came from the federal government and they are required to spend that. Walker distributed the 30-something million the county was required to spend toward freeway flyer buses.

It's something Barrett couldn't easily counter in the 30-second ad format, and rural Wisconsinites still wouldn't think highly of such a project. Of course, I'm biased, because I want to get rid of my car and strictly walk/bike/transit around town. Expansion of the initial streetcar line could be great for commuters and tourists alike.


Junior Member
Saw this graph on Real Time. It really surprised me;


Lends credence to the notion that Republicans want to reduce spending only when they're not in power.
Update on above image:

Her: Well im happy for you, med-bio/pharmacy.

Other guy: UHHHHHHHH what a brain ya got on you ******!!! You soooo smahtttt [referring to her]

Me: Medical. And you say that making conclusions based on evidence and actual facts makes me an idiot. God help your patients, because I doubt you will.

I know, I succumbed to the low road, but that felt just so satisfying.


KANSAS CITY, Kansas (Reuters) - Republican Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed a bill aimed at keeping state courts and agencies from using Islamic or other non-U.S. laws when making decisions, his office said on Friday, drawing criticism from a national Muslim group.

The law has been dubbed the "sharia bill" because critics say it targets the Islamic legal code. Sharia, or Islamic law, covers all aspects of Muslim life, including religious obligations and financial dealings. Opponents of state bans say they could nullify wills or legal contracts between Muslims.

I thought die hard conservatives were all about religious freedom and not this oppressive government infringement on our rights. Glad were bringing back the McCarthyism style fear mongering.

I thought die hard conservatives were all about religious freedom and not this oppressive government infringement on our rights. Glad were bringing back the McCarthyism style fear mongering.
Lol. Republicans are biggest hypocritical shits in the world. No government! Except in your vagina. Religious freedom! Except if you're muslims. Nothing but a party of racist old white assholes. Get with the program.


has calmed down a bit.
Update on above image:

Her: Well im happy for you, med-bio/pharmacy.

Other guy: UHHHHHHHH what a brain ya got on you ******!!! You soooo smahtttt [referring to her]

Me: Medical. And you say that making conclusions based on evidence and actual facts makes me an idiot. God help your patients, because I doubt you will.

I know, I succumbed to the low road, but that felt just so satisfying.

I could barely understand what the first part of the debate was about, but this last part here was just dumb and petty on your part. There is no way you accomplished anything other than alienate yourself further from this group (which may be a good thing for you, idk). It's probably better if you unfriend all of them anyway, if they haven't already done that to you, that is.
I could barely understand what the first part of the debate was about, but this last part here was just dumb and petty on your part. There is no way you accomplished anything other than alienate yourself further from this group (which may be a good thing for you, idk). It's probably better if you unfriend all of them anyway, if they haven't already done that to you, that is.

I'm aware of that, but I haven't actually spoken to any of these people since High School, so I don't particularly care if they all think I'm the liberal Antichrist or something. And, to be honest, after the flurry of insults I received, I really don't care if I came off as petty there.

I've actually had several fun, interesting, and stimulating discussions with conservative friends over Facebook, which is why I engaged in that discussion in the first place. I've never seen such a hostile, Junior-High type reaction from college seniors, especially over such a trivial issue.

(It also triggered another HS acquaintance to go off on a rant about how ridiculous some people are acting like bullies years after graduation, which warmed my heart a little bit)

EDIT: Oh good, somebody took the bait and provided me with an excuse to unleash a flood of studies showing how beneficial food stamps are to the economies of low-income areas. *cackle*


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Huh, would you look at that? Seems Romney is a Kenyan..er Keynesian, afterall:

Chris Hayes caught this first, and he was chatting it up with kindly Doc Maddow last night, but, as near as I can tell, it has otherwise dropped down the holiday news well, never to be seen again. During Mark Halperin's extended Tiger Beat session with Willard Romney, the following exchange took place:

Halperin: Why not in the first year, if you're elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you'd like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%. That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I'm not going to do that, of course.

Now, as it readily admits, the blog's knowledge of economics is limited to the blog's first law of economics — Fk The Deficit. People Got No Jobs. People Got No Money — and it also believes that most professional economists arrive at their conclusions by reading the entrails of doves and cutting up goats on a rock, so it may be wrong here, but didn't Romney, in saying that, pretty much blow up the entire rationale for over 30 years of Republican economics right there? Cutting government spending will throw us into a recession or depression? No Christmas cards from the Ryan household this year, Willard.



Huh, would you look at that? Seems Romney is a Kenyan..er Keynesian, afterall:

Halperin: Why not in the first year, if you're elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you'd like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%. That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I'm not going to do that, of course.


Wow, that'd be a pretty big deal if we had a sane, functioning media.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I actually wouldn't care about that line too much if it wasn't for the fact that in addition to conceding Keynesian principles, he also admitted that he'd STILL be running $1 trillion+ deficits for at least the first few years.


I'm pretty sure the Ryan plan cuts spending over a decades time.

Yeah, no (serious) GOP pols outside of marginalized folks are advocating immediate and drastic cuts. And the idea that his statement contradicts or kills 30 years of republican economics is laughable. The idea has always been to starve the beast (kill it over time slowly) not execute it on inauguration day.

And that is why I'm not a republican.
Yeah, no (serious) GOP pols outside of marginalized folks are advocating immediate and drastic cuts. And the idea that his statement contradicts or kills 30 years of republican economics is laughable. The idea has always been to starve the beast (kill it over time slowly) not execute it on inauguration day.

And that is why I'm not a republican.

This. That article is rather poorly argued. The republicans advocating trillion dollar cuts on day one aren't running anything.


This. That article is rather poorly argued. The republicans advocating trillion dollar cuts on day one aren't running anything.

Skimming through that site, I doubt it's the first poorly argued post that guy has made. It's a trainwreck. Also, I remember getting yelled at for calling Obama Barry. You guys should be furious the author is using Willard.

Scott Walker ‏@ScottKWalker
Interesting review of the debate - http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs...consin-recall-debate-scott-walker_645923.html

Walker is Kosmo! Kosmo is Walker!


Yeah, no (serious) GOP pols outside of marginalized folks are advocating immediate and drastic cuts. And the idea that his statement contradicts or kills 30 years of republican economics is laughable. The idea has always been to starve the beast (kill it over time slowly) not execute it on inauguration day.

And that is why I'm not a republican.

I've definitely heard Tea Party Republicans advocating drastic steps like that though. Without them the Republicans wouldn't control the House. A balanced budget amendment, for instance, would either lead to legislative crisis or a trillion+ in cuts.


You said only marginalized Republicans advocate trillions in cuts. The Tea Party is, unfortunately, not marginalized in the House.

Sure they are. They've been able to stop things but by no means has any sort of tea party agenda been championed by the GOP proper. They are loud but generally ineffective.
You said only marginalized Republicans advocate trillions in cuts. The Tea Party is, unfortunately, not marginalized in the House.

But they are. They can't do anything without Boehner signing on, for the most part. And Boehner would certainly not sign on for a massive trillion cut to domestic spending.

The Tea Party gets thrown a few bones in terms of passing things that are irrelevant (ie won't make it to the Senate floor), but when it comes to actually meaningful shit daddy Boehner and the GOP establishment are in the driving seat.


But they are. They can't do anything without Boehner signing on, for the most part. And Boehner would certainly not sign on for a massive trillion cut to domestic spending.

The Tea Party gets thrown a few bones in terms of passing things that are irrelevant (ie won't make it to the Senate floor), but when it comes to actually meaningful shit daddy Boehner and the GOP establishment are in the driving seat.

Yeah, I remember Boehner wearing the daddy pants during the debt ceiling.
Boehner has no control over his caucus.

And yet that caucus passes Boehner's agenda, funny huh

If Obama had refused to back down and dared the House to not raise the debt ceiling, it would have been raised - you can bet money on that; there's no way the republican party would have thrown the economy off a cliff, even Boehner and McConnell never said the US would default.
And yet that caucus passes Boehner's agenda, funny huh

If Obama had refused to back down and dared the House to not raise the debt ceiling, it would have been raised - you can bet money on that; there's no way the republican party would have thrown the economy off a cliff, even Boehner and McConnell never said the US would default.

For some reason, I highly doubt this. The GOP is controlled by a bunch of old white men who've clearly lost their sanity a LONG time ago. I wouldn't put ANYTHING past them at this point.


Aren't pretty much all republicans for the "balanced budget amendment"? Wouldn't that by definition cause trillion dollar cuts day one? Or is the amendment they propose supposed to take effect in 10 years?
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