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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Damn looks like this High Speed Rail issue in CA will hurt Obama big time over the summer. How in the hell did they screw it up so bad? After this situation, Americans will never trust high speed rail.

And it makes the GOP governors look good in comparison turning it down.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, taxes on the rich are too high, they can't create jobs! *bunch of rich assholes throws away hundreds of millions of dollars like it's nothing*

To be fair they are injecting that money into the economy.

Most of it is going to ad buys on media corporations also owned by the super rich, but still.


GOP groups plan record $1 billion blitz
Republican super PACs and other outside groups shaped by a loose network of prominent conservatives – including Karl Rove, the Koch brothers and Tom Donohue of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – plan to spend roughly $1 billion on November’s elections for the White House and control of Congress, according to officials familiar with the groups’ internal operations.

That total includes previously undisclosed plans for newly aggressive spending by the Koch brothers, who are steering funding to build sophisticated, county-by-county operations in key states. POLITICO has learned that Koch-related organizations plan to spend about $400 million ahead of the 2012 elections - twice what they had been expected to commit.

Just the spending linked to the Koch network is more than the $370 million that John McCain raised for his entire presidential campaign four years ago. And the $1 billion total surpasses the $750 million that Barack Obama, one of the most prolific fundraisers ever, collected for his 2008 campaign.


The $1 billion in outside money is in addition to the traditional party apparatus – the Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee – which together intend to raise at least $800 million.

Doom. No, seriously.


They're only going to expose themselves even further with a bag of money that big.

Free tweets can kill big budget projects (Looking at you GAP logo).


Professional Schmuck
VP Speculation --

So the other day on Maddow, she was explaining in her opening monologue about how Cheney rose to power, became CEO of Halliburton, then was asked to help vet potential veeps for GWB, nominated himself, then through the VP's office was a bad bad man. We all know most of that story.

But then she noted a recent video in which Romney describes his ideal VP candidate as someone "exactly like Dick Cheney." Humor aside, I pondered.

Later, I asked my wife if she could think of anyone like Cheney. "Let's see ... evil. Bush Minion. White male, older. Impossible to like, with negative charisma. Truly reprehensible fuckhat that isn't really needed to carry a state. Probably in intelligence, maybe the military? ... How about John Ashcroft?"

You heard it here first: Romney/Ashcroft 2012.
VP Speculation --

So the other day on Maddow, she was explaining in her opening monologue about how Cheney rose to power, became CEO of Halliburton, then was asked to help vet potential veeps for GWB, nominated himself, then through the VP's office was a bad bad man. We all know most of that story.

But then she noted a recent video in which Romney describes his ideal VP candidate as someone "exactly like Dick Cheney." Humor aside, I pondered.

Later, I asked my wife if she could think of anyone like Cheney. "Let's see ... evil. Bush Minion. White male, older. Impossible to like, with negative charisma. Truly reprehensible fuckhat that isn't really needed to carry a state. Probably in intelligence, maybe the military? How about John Ashcroft?"

You heard it here first: Romney/Ashcroft 2012.


Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Chris Christie
Paul Ryan
Bob McDonnell
John Thune
Kelly Ayotte

Will be one of them.

Poll: Walker Ahead By 7 Points In Wisconsin Recall

The new Marquette Law School poll of the Wisconsin recall has Republican Gov. Scott Walker ahead of Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett by 7 points.

Walker has 52 percent support, to Barrett’s 45 percent. The survey of 600 likely voters was conducted from May 23-26, and has a 4.1 percent margin of error.

In the previous Marquette poll, conducted two weeks earlier, Walker led 50 percent to 44 percent.

The TPM Poll Average currently has Walker ahead 49.4 percent to 48.6 percent.

I guess it'll come down to turnout, but Walker should win by 2-4 points


Consequences of not taxing away the money of high income earners.

The way i look at it, you should be happy. That money is flowing right back into the pockets of places that accept advertising and employing a lot of middle class families.

Why do you hate the rich spending their money?

Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Chris Christie
Paul Ryan
Bob McDonnell
John Thune
Kelly Ayotte

Will be one of them.

Rubio: Would overshadow Romney
Portman: Possible, but nobody would care
Christie: See Rubio
Ryan: Small possibility, but his budget could create issues
McDonnell: I believe he would want no part of it. He's got national aspirations and would prefer to form his own narrative.
Thune: See Portman
Ayotte: Just being a woman, she would overshadow Romney

The VP is going to be a boring white guy, I'd be totally shocked if it wasn't



WTF? How is Obama going to compete with this?

Talk about being put at a severe disadvantage... this is JUST SuperPAC and related money, don't forget about everything else. Shit.

Money isn't supposed to be everything but it is. In 2008 Obama raised, what, 780 mil whereas McCain came up quite short with less than 350 mil? I tried to keep telling myself recently that the CU decision won't be as bad as everyone thinks, but this seems to confirm that it really is. This is just the beginning. Ugh.

It was bad enough in 2008. We don't need more money being pumped into elections. Citizens United is one of the worst SCOTUS decisions in the history of the United States.
WTF? How is Obama going to compete with this?

Talk about being put at a severe disadvantage... this is JUST SuperPAC and related money, don't forget about everything else. Shit.

Money isn't supposed to be everything but it is. In 2008 Obama raised, what, 780 mil whereas McCain came up quite short with less than 350 mil? I tried to keep telling myself recently that the CU decision won't be as bad as everyone thinks, but this seems to confirm that it really is. This is just the beginning. Ugh.

It was bad enough in 2008. We don't need more money being pumped into elections. Citizens United is one of the worst SCOTUS decisions in the history of the United States.

This along with the media (e.g. How they are blaming Obama for going negative on Romney, not questioning Romney's dubious claims), anybody who says the election is in the bag for Obama is kidding themselves.

E.g. Romney campaign today is saying that for his term as MA governor all that matters is what jobs he added, not net job gains or loss. Guess what he is saying for Obama?
VP Speculation --

So the other day on Maddow, she was explaining in her opening monologue about how Cheney rose to power, became CEO of Halliburton, then was asked to help vet potential veeps for GWB, nominated himself, then through the VP's office was a bad bad man. We all know most of that story.

But then she noted a recent video in which Romney describes his ideal VP candidate as someone "exactly like Dick Cheney." Humor aside, I pondered.

Later, I asked my wife if she could think of anyone like Cheney. "Let's see ... evil. Bush Minion. White male, older. Impossible to like, with negative charisma. Truly reprehensible fuckhat that isn't really needed to carry a state. Probably in intelligence, maybe the military? ... How about John Ashcroft?"

You heard it here first: Romney/Ashcroft 2012.
"Read enough political coverage, and you will find someone willing to advance almost any kind of position, despite (or perhaps because of) its being counterintuitive." -Nate Silver

The way i look at it, you should be happy. That money is flowing right back into the pockets of places that accept advertising and employing a lot of middle class families.

Why do you hate the rich spending their money?
They're spending their money in ways that are bad for the democratic process. Many of them have that money because advantages they've gained by corrupting the democratic process. I would think by now you would know better than to post such risibly stupid arguments.


Money isn't supposed to be everything but it is. In 2008 Obama raised, what, 780 mil whereas McCain came up quite short with less than 350 mil? I tried to keep telling myself recently that the CU decision won't be as bad as everyone thinks, but this seems to confirm that it really is. This is just the beginning. Ugh.

Obama was the first candidate to opt-out of the public financing system since it was established in 1971. If anyone was the first to say there wasn't enough money in the Presidential election, it was Obama.
Obama was the first candidate to opt-out of the public financing system since it was established in 1971. If anyone was the first to say there wasn't enough money in the Presidential election, it was Obama.

There is a big difference between ads from the official campaign and Super PACs. Like we have seen, Super PACs are able to have ads filled with complete lies, fabrications and there is no blow back as the candidate can just say he doesn't control it.

Official campaign ads are "approved" by the candidate so any false claims in them get much more scrutiny.

Obama leads Romney by 1


The PPP survey shows Obama edging Romney among Missouri voters by the narrowest of margins, 45 percent to 44 percent. And while Obama’s approval rating is in negative territory — 44-52 percent — Romney’s favorability rating is even lower in the Show-Me State, with 38 percent viewing the former Massachusetts governor favorably compared to 50 percent who view him unfavorably.

Just like I don't believe WI will go red, MO isn't going to go blue.

It is interesting though that Obama is leading with all the other polls tightening.
It's going to be completely overturned next month. All this liberal intimidation of Roberts over "legacy" is lol worthy. This will be the culmination of 30+ years of stacking courts with far right judges. That is Roberts' legacy, not some idealistic nonsense.

Exacto. It's quite sad and is the exact same thinking that had said liberals saying, "that Roberts guy seems incredibly intelligent and even keeled, he will not be as conservative as his record indicates once he's on the Court."
WTF? How is Obama going to compete with this?

Talk about being put at a severe disadvantage... this is JUST SuperPAC and related money, don't forget about everything else. Shit.

Money isn't supposed to be everything but it is. In 2008 Obama raised, what, 780 mil whereas McCain came up quite short with less than 350 mil? I tried to keep telling myself recently that the CU decision won't be as bad as everyone thinks, but this seems to confirm that it really is. This is just the beginning. Ugh.

It was bad enough in 2008. We don't need more money being pumped into elections. Citizens United is one of the worst SCOTUS decisions in the history of the United States.

For every one of their ads, the Obama campaign is going to counter and make them look stupid. It's going to be fun to watch.

The SC will look a bit different by the end of his next term. It's going to get better.
The way i look at it, you should be happy. That money is flowing right back into the pockets of places that accept advertising and employing a lot of middle class families.

The public and non-rich individuals can do that just as effectively. There is nothing special about rich people spending money on advertising. It isn't economically necessary.

Why do you hate the rich spending their money?

I hate the rich spending their excess money promoting oligarchy and influencing elections in their favor. I'd rather the money be destroyed. The public can always recreate it by spending it out in ways more beneficial to society than promoting oligarchy.


Aren't the liberal justices the ones most likely to step down?

Scalia, Kennedy, Ginsburg, and Breyer are all over 70. Ginsburg is the most likely to step down (she might not be able to avoid it even if Romney were elected), and Breyer has given some indication he might as well (I think he could hold on if Romney were to be elected). Kennedy has a decent chance of stepping down sometime soon regardless of who is elected, which could significantly (though not decisively) change the balance of the Court. If Romney is elected, Scalia could step down to get someone 20 years younger in his spot.

If McCain had been elected in '08 and been given the chance to appoint two justices, the Court would have been irredeemable for the conceivable future. Obama beating Romney in '12 represents the potential of strengthening the Court's moderate liberal plank for many years to come, with the small wildcard chance of actually winning back the Court.


‘Fox and Friends’ airs 4-minute anti-Obama video that looks like a political attack ad


"Fox & Friends" aired a nearly-four-minute video about President Barack Obama on Wednesday, drawing the ire of critics who say it looked, felt and sounded like a political attack ad.

The video, produced by Fox News associate producer Chris White, attacks Obama's record on job creation and the unemployment rate--and includes a dramatic, "Star Wars"-esque soundtrack. It aired twice on Wednesday's show.

"The package that aired on 'Fox & Friends' was created by an associate producer and was not authorized at the senior executive level of the network," Bill Shine, executive vice president of programming at Fox News, said in a statement to Yahoo News. "This has been addressed with the show's producers."

According to the progressive watchdog group Media Matters, the segment is the equivalent of $96,000 of free advertising for the Republican party and Mitt Romney, who clinched the 2012 GOP nomination on Tuesday.
I really don't see the point in attacking Romney's jobs record in Massachusetts. Their unemployment rate was around 4.2-4.5% throughout Romney's term, why is it surprising the state wasn't adding jobs with such a low UE rate?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I really don't see the point in attacking Romney's jobs record in Massachusetts. Their unemployment rate was around 4.2-4.5% throughout Romney's term, why is it surprising the state wasn't adding jobs with such a low UE rate?

The UE rate was also pretty low because people were dropping out of the work force.


WTF? How is Obama going to compete with this?

Talk about being put at a severe disadvantage... this is JUST SuperPAC and related money, don't forget about everything else. Shit.

Doesnt matter.

All that money isn't going to make Latino voters magically start voting for Romney.
I really don't see the point in attacking Romney's jobs record in Massachusetts. Their unemployment rate was around 4.2-4.5% throughout Romney's term, why is it surprising the state wasn't adding jobs with such a low UE rate?

The point is to show that Bain experience didn't help Romney do anything in MA and it won't help him with being the President.

They should also point out that Romney was able to reduce MA deficit by the increase of the Capital Gains tax. Something he now opposes doing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The point is to show that Bain experience didn't help Romney do anything in MA and it won't help him with being the President.

They should also point out that Romney was able to reduce MA deficit by the increase of the Capital Gains tax. Something he now opposes doing.

Wait, he increased the CG tax?
Wait, he increased the CG tax?

Increased before he was elected, but it brought him 500 million dollars to bridge the deficit. He also closed business tax loopholes. Increased local commercial property taxes.

Actually, his MA record is not THAT bad. Obama campaign definitely risks showing Romney's moderate MA actions.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Mittens says all potential presidential candidates should have at least 3 years experience studying business:


My favorite part:

If Romney's serious about this, it's worth appreciating what we know about history -- plenty of well-regarded modern presidents (Clinton, Reagan, JFK, Eisenhower, and both Roosevelts) were not businessmen before taking office. George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were successful in business, but far less so in office.

Similarly, U.S. News noted that the three men "widely considered by historians to be the worst presidents of the modern era [are] Warren G. Harding, Herbert Hoover, and George W. Bush." All three "were successful businessmen."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Increased before he was elected, but it brought him 500 million dollars to bridge the deficit. He also closed business tax loopholes. Increased local commercial property taxes.

Actually, his MA record is not THAT bad. Obama campaign definitely risks showing Romney's moderate MA actions.

Huh, very interesting. I know he fucked over the education sector pretty badly by raising the shit out of fees and tuition and such.


lol @ Wisconsin being a dead heat. Quick, someone pretend to release a poll so that the Marquette Poll showing Walker cracking 50% is muddled!

Also, I was in meetings all day, did I miss the left apologizing to Walker for saying his jobs numbers (verified by the BLS today) were lies?
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